Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, June 2011

I have been saying ever since the green shoots statements that there is not going to be any real recovery under this administration. The last economic news is pretty bleak. Official unemployment from the government is back up to 9.1 percent and real unemployment is double what they report. I read where the average production non supervisory wages are less than $9 an hour in this country. Try supporting your family on that and those are the people who are working. Food prices are way up and both Costco and Wal-Mart have said higher prices are going to have to be passed on. I am sure you have seen the prices of meat. How are working class families supposed to pay for it? Even bacon is now $5 a lb and fatty hamburger is $3 lb. Maybe I should raise my own meat, but government is intending to make that impossible through regulations as well.

The government says there is no inflation but there is plenty of inflation for those who have to buy the basics to live. Those on fixed incomes are certainly already in a depression. Health insurance is way up thanks to Obamacare. Oil prices are way up thanks to Democrat drilling policy and the EPA, and the Obama administration support for these Middle East “democracy movements” that are not even possible, in these Arab nations. It is pure fantasy to think that people controlled by Islam, hate, tribal warlords and military force can have democracy. Even if they elected someone by popular vote in Muslim nations, it would instantly become a tyranny of the majority.

Housing prices are now below the lowest point since the downturn started over four years ago so we are in an official double dip in the housing crash. There are about 4 million homes that will go into foreclosure in the next two years, that will keep prices falling. There are  probably 10 millions homes that people wish to sell but will remain in the shadow inventory until people get decent jobs to buy them. The prices of housing might bottom out next year if the economy actually picks up and interest rates stay low, but one or both of these possibilities will simply not happen. The average value of homes has now already fallen more than it did in the great depression.  Other than the homeowners losing their homes and their equity in their homes the Federal Reserve and some banks holding these notes will also lose. They are holding trillions of dollars in notes on home loans that they will have to sell for 50 cents on the dollar to get rid of them. And as long as they keep these notes they won’t be collecting premiums from the millions of people that are living in these homes but are paying them nothing. It now takes two years to foreclose on a house, meanwhile taxes and insurance must be paid by someone. Don’t be surprised when the taxpayer is stuck with more bailouts.

Now that the trillions in government stimulus and quantitative easing are running out, that in itself will slow down the economy. If Republicans force cuts on top of that they will have to make most of the cuts in the distant future or the economy will contract. Yet, if the government does not make drastic unpopular cuts in the welfare state and entitlements, interest rates will rise and the economy will also then contract into a great depression. The only alternative is continued quantitative easing which would continue to weaken the dollar more and bring hyperinflation. Quantitative easing (just making more money) might kick the can down the road until after the next election but the inevitable crash it will bring will be even worse.

Also keep in mind that parts of Europe are also an economic basket case and Japan is going to default at some point, they just don’t know it yet. Even the emerging world is overbuilt and now has a problem with inflation. That all makes for a very unstable decade and it’s really hard to know who will win the race to the bottom. So, if there is no QE 3 we might even see the dollar improve but that is not going to help stop our own contraction. It is very likely that most of the world will be going into a depression and a period of loan defaults which will wipe out much of the middle class. I also expect food and labor riots to spread all over the world. Of course, a world war with Islam could change things. Things do change when government owns everyone in the name of national defense.

I really think we need to work and vote to get as much government out of our lives as possible. We are paying government workers good wages to make things worse for the vast majority of Americans. That is what they do best.


The Rapture happened on May 21st just like Harold Camping predicated. Unfortunately it was nothing that could be observed and we all missed it. Now according to Camping all of us can look forward to the end of the world on October 21st. Camping recently said that on October 21st the bodies of those that are unsaved will come out of the graves and lay on the ground like manure? It’s amazing how many people will believe the teaching of total loons. But, if  you consider that almost everyone in the world believes in some loony religion, or thinks that government will save them, it all makes sense. The explanation is that most of the people who walk the earth are obviously quite insane, it’s not just the Camping loons that are nuts. When Jesus said, “forgive them Father because they do not know what they are doing”, He was not kidding. After the fall, man without God literally went quite insane and those that do not find the only way to God through Jesus Christ will remain in their insanity and be quite deceived while living in this evil world. So is it any wonder that the people of the world continually live up to the expectation that they are nuts?


The Middle East continues to unstablize, it now looks like this freedom movement will not end before the Muslims try to get rid of Israel. They now are under the delusion that they can just cross the borders and take over Israel. Fat chance of that happening; so I cannot see how another major war can be avoided.

Iran probably already has nukes or even if they do not yet, time will run out shortly. Iran also has missiles and the warheads to deliver the nukes thousand of miles, so unless there is reform in Iran, I do not see how we can get through another year without a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities and Revolutionary Guard. Of course, a strike any time between now and next summer should get Obama reelected, and don’t you think he knows that? The key is the timing, he would not want to peak too early or too late. If he can make it look like Iran forced him to take military action to defend Israel he will be unbeatable.


Socialist tyrants and drug runners continue to take over Central and South America. Chavez is now using his oil money to buy leaders of other nations. Chavez is now buying the military leaders in Honduras and the President of Honduras has already kissed his ring according to the report that I read. It also looks like Peru is about to fall to a Chavez supporter and that is just what is new this month. At the same time, Chavez is building Iranian missile bases that can hit the United States and is pushing socialism in the America’s. I should say, that our government had better wake up and do something about Chavez, but this present administration is cut out of the same cloth as Chavez. One has to wonder just how many times it has to be proven in this world that socialism does not work? It kills motivation for people to try to better themselves and it makes them government dependents. Central big government allows human predators with the biggest egos to rise to the top of the system and they become dictators.


It is still anyone’s guess who is going to run or move into the top rungs of the 2012 debate for a Republican Presidential candidate. So far most of the announced leaders have given no real answers for our long-term national problems. I have read a lot of evidence on Obama and his “birth certificate”. I think it is a clear forgery. It could be the smoking gun. However, nobody really want to bring this up because nobody wants to face the liberal press and the race riots and nobody wants to run against Hillary in 2012. So it remains to be seen, if someone like Trump will even force the issue.

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12 thoughts on “Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, June 2011

  1. I think the following statement could be the statement of the decade…

    ***We are paying government workers good wages to make things worse for the vast majority of Americans. That is what they do best.***

    I saw a report that said that the Muslim ‘Naksa’ day had been cancelled as far as the march into Israel next week…we’ll see.

    Your tax dollars at work…

    C’mon, things are not that bad in this country, after all, Obama and House Speaker Boehner are to discuss spending, the national deficit and the debt ceiling, while playing a round of golf June 18th. Obama has played nearly 70 rounds of golf as Commander and Chief…so, nothing to worry about, all is in good hands.

  2. David, where did you see the report about the march into Israel being cancelled? I’m not doubting it. I was just surprised as Debkafile is usually a good source and they have not reported it – I may have missed it.

  3. “Man without God went literally insane.” That about covers the whole of world affairs. BUT GOD….I am so thankful He is in total control despite mankind’s free will to make self destructive decisions. He won’t leave us alone to walk through difficult days. Keep looking up, Saints of the Lord, it can’t be much longer before the trumpet sounds.

  4. Bob From Texas,

    Here is a link to ynetnews (A Jewish site I frequent daily) that has the info about the supposed cancellation of the ‘Naksa’ march for the ‘religion of peace’.


    And Bob, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for that video of John MacArthur/Islam 7 year trib. Not only was that video incredibly enlightening but I’ve also become a fan of MacArthur.


    “Man without God went literally insane.”
    I know I’d be among the insane if not for my dependence on the Lord God. Every day is a great day for those that wake up with the Lord in their heart.

  5. To Don Fritts,

    Thank you so much for the links.

    I am studying some of Chuck Misslers commentaries currently and am loving it…I don’t know anything about the others, I’ll check them out.

    Thanks again,


  6. Don, I just want to touch on one point,namely Harold Camping. If someone else already addressed this, forgive me for bringing it up, but it seems to me that this poor deluded but seemingly sincere old man is really being used by the Lord to fufill a big part of prophecy. Every talking head, talk show host, or any other “expert” is still having a field day portraying what absolute morons anyone who believes in the Rapture is. A whole lotta Christian talking heads are ready to jump on the bandwagon as well. This brings me to my point. We know he was wrong in his assertations and guarantees of a “lights out” for everybody but a few Family Radio people. but what really is the message being broadcast? If most of the “Christian” spokesmen still believe the Rapture is still going to happen, why isn’t this being articulated any better than it hasn’t? Just because this guy caused a circus side-show, does that mean that now NOONE believes in a Pre_trib Rapture It seems to me that a HUGE number of christians are capitulating to the pressure, embarassment, or God only knows what else, but now its almost like any talk of the Rapture is taboo. It also seems that theres less faith in the Rapture now than ever before. Correct me if I’m wrong, because I am not too proud to be corrected, but isn’t this a huge sign of the onset of the Rapture? That the mere fact that virtually no one is anticipating it? In a really wierd sort of way, the Lord may be using this guy far more than anyone realizes. I mean, the Lord even used a mule to convey a point, if you recall. Why not Harold?

  7. Yeah Michael, I talked about all that elsewhere. I knew this would happen and have a negative effect on premillennial theology. And yes this had to happen and it is one of the signs. A real solid sign that must come before the end is the fulfillment of 2Pet 3:4. I would be looking for those that are redefining Christianity to take the next step from downplaying Bible prophecy to actually start mocking those that believe in a premillenial Rapture. That would directly fulfill 2Pe 3:4 and I can see the New Apostolic Reformation mouths (Hard Dominion theology) and the postmodern emergent types and the Jesuits with the liberal Protestants and full Preterists that they created and are still emerging, singing that song shortly after the 2011 and 2012 end of the world hype plays out. Jesus said he would come at a time when people think not. I think they will not know the time because premillennial theology will continue on the decline. The letters to the church types in Revelation also makes that clear to me.

  8. To Michael Angelo and Don:

    Ya’know…I think there are a lot of Christians in “name only” that cave into mainstream thinking because they don’t like the way God does business.

    I am reading about Jeremiah, the true prophet of God. The false prophets of his time gave the feel good, “nothing bad is going to happen” lies to the sheep. Jeremiah persisted and was mocked, beaten, & tortured…and of course, the sheep ended up in Babylon because they didn’t heed Jeremiahs warning to repent.

    I think our culture in the U.S. (can’t speak for other nations) is much the same way…they will continue to mock until they miss the rapture and are in the tribulation.

    It’s not real complicated…even a liberal should understand what has happened while they’re in the tribulation.

  9. Well, I’m not going to stop talking about the rapture…

    With all the amazing ways God has been working in the impossibilities of my life, I’m beyond the point of being afraid of talking about God. He is a person that is close to me, just as other family members. So just as I would speak of my wife and children and things of our family, so also, I speak of God and what He’s doing for us, and what I’m looking forward to, or what I’m struggling with and how He helps and loves me…

    I think that when one has a close familial relationship with someone, then they naturally become a topic of conversation out of love and familiarity. When I used to struggle with “how do I give God glory in this? How do I ‘share my faith’,” it was *so hard* for me. But He had been working in the impossibilities of my life, and He has built my trust in Him, trial by trial, and now my talk of Him just naturally pours out because I have come to love Him, and He allows me to come close to Him…

    One thing I like about this is that I’m usually not talking about “church” things, yet Abba, Jesus and Spirit all work themselves into my ordinary conversation, and color the things I think and say and the ways I respond to pleasant and unpleasant things. Yet, I’m not constantly uttering “praise God” for this and that…somehow, I don’t have to. So, now my worrying about “giving Him glory” or “taking His glory for myself” or “witnessing” has all evaporated, because I know He is apt to use all these things of my life to bring Him glory, because He promises to do so, and it is my overall desire that that be true. AND I have become comfortable abandoning myself to the reality that He will conform me to the image of Christ AND He will glorify Himself in and through me. This is so freeing, **SO FREEING**!!!!!!!

    Now, if I’m mocked for my belief in Him or my looking forward to meeting Him in the rapture, at least those who mock me will see that I come by all this honestly, and that I’m through worrying about how others see me because the Creator of the Universe calls me Beloved. They will see that, somehow, some way, I am FREE, and for the more thoughtful among them, they will wonder why I can be this way, then I can gently explain…

    I can’t tell you *how much* this blesses me to be in this position after having been *so fearful* for so much of my life. I would sooner face death (and have many times) than to face mockery (which I have faced much of my life: I am a very peculiar person). Now, I don’t care very much, and it’s not a “snotty” rebellious “who cares what you think anyway!” kind of attitude, instead it’s a quiet confidence in the one who really, REALLY, **knows me** and really, REALLY loves and **desires me**. I am *so blessed!!!*

  10. If you talk like this at a Texas High School graduation ceremony, you are likely to be thrown in jail (well, an appeals court did temporarily delay the insanity and overturn the ban by this bigot judge). I point out that this bigot used the phrase “irreparable harm” to refer to exposure to God.

    Actually, irreparable harm has come to this country by just the opposite: in-exposure to God. The country will never recover from this long running and escalating decay from truth – and thus, we have a complete break down of society with justice being run by pure unadulterated bigotry.

    The security of the country is linked to submission to the truth of God and the continued erosion and in-exposure to God will only lead to defeat on the world stage, let alone catastrophe on the national stage.

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