Let France do it, Its time for Frenchmen to fight

I said in my last post that I knew that we had Libya targeted, and I was wondering what we were waiting for? Of course I knew the answer was that the girls that run our foreign policy were waiting for permission from the UN. Meanwhile, the fighters for democracy were being massacred by Qaddafi forces with their aircraft and heavy weapons. The U.S. finally said they got the permission that they were looking for and fired about one hundred cruise missiles that took out most of Libya’s air defenses. It happen the same day that I published that last post.

I also implied in that post that the month-long delay of going through the UN to get their permission made it too late for the rebels to remove Qaddafi. I said that there would now either have to be an invasion of Libya by a foreign army, or that Qaddafi would remain in power under some form of compromise cease-fire deal.

This air attack was done at the demand of France. Obama has already stated that after taking the lead to take out the air threat the United States would not be taking the lead role anymore in this police action. Fine, so let Frenchmen do it! It is their turn to fight for something. America is in enough wars and Great Britain has also fought in wars with us, they also had their own war in the Falklands. Yet, what have the French done in modern times to fight for anything that they claim to believe in?

This near pacifism in France started before the Second World War when  parents and schools taught French children not to fight school yard bullies. Since then, most of  the French have fought for nothing. It is well-known that the French just let the Nazis walk over them almost unopposed in World War II

France is a nation that is also a nuclear power. For a long time they thought that with their nuclear weapons that they did not need to join NATO. Or more likely, they thought they could keep out of any NATO war with the USSR. America, Great Britain and Russia had to free France from the Germans and America helped rebuild their country after the war, but ever since the Second World War all the thanks that America ever got from the French was political and verbal opposition to every military action that America ever took. They made Jane Fonda look good.

So I think now we should make North Africa their own baby. Let’s see if the great power called France will go into a divided nation of only seven million people and remove their military dictatorship. Surely a great nuclear power like France can pull that minor military action off? Right? Right?

France now its your time to step up. This is your war and we won’t even bad mouth you when you send your troops in. It is no secret that Sarkozy demanded this military action. So, France needs to take the responsibility for seeing that Qaddafi and his military dictatorship are removed from Libya. You wanted military action so we are donating the police action to you. There are four French-speaking nations around Libya and if Qaddafi gets Libya under control, and if he gets the mind (if he has one), he might just invade one or more of those French-speaking nations in retaliation. So either remove him or risk the consequences. It is time for Frenchmen to man up

I am sure the call to action by France had some to do with legitimate concern for those fighting for freedom (or is it Islam). Or perhaps, did it really have more to do with the fact that President Nicolas Sarkozy has become really unpopular in France and he will not get reelected unless he gains stature (no pun intended). After all, there are a lot of Muslims in France that vote. In fact, according to the poles if Sarkozy does not have a major revival the French people will have the wonderful choice to vote for an aging Jewish socialist or the far right daughter of an unrepentant Nazi.

Well, if it is really about stopping people from getting slaughtered how come France and the West is turning a blind eye to the slaughter that is going on in other nations in the Middle East. Oh. They are friends. Friends, only because they sell us oil at ridiculous prices. Why do friends use extortion and export terrorists and terrorist doctrine to the West?

So, President Sarkozy, for the sake of France you better get that little man syndrome into high gear and man up and lead the invasion of Libya. Your job is at stake and we really need to see if Frenchmen can actually fight for what they believe in. I mean, if you can’t, then why keep the French in NATO at all?

Even so, I see accommodations are already being set up to leave Qaddafi in power. I guess the French way, or should I say the politically correct way, that the world now get tyrants out of power is by sanctions so that the common people suffer and rebel. However, when they rebel, they will get no outside help from the West, so they end up getting slaughtered by the tyrants?? Now the powers that be, are already making statements like, Qaddafi is not our target. All they want is a cease-fire.

So if the UN gets its way the tyrants and their anointed elite remain in power. Fine examples of this policy are North Korea and Iran. Even Saddam would  be in control of much of the oil fields of the Middle East if America did not send troops against him twice (to the disdain of the French). Now probably Qaddafi will join the untouchables unless France really does send in troupes to get him out of power. Ha ha ha.

Meanwhile, all the tyrants in the world are screaming their fool heads off because we dared attack one of their own species. Let them scream, bullies will not mess with those that will not take any of their crap. Now, if we can only get Frenchmen to fight, maybe America might be able to pull our armed forces out of Europe after over 65 years.

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14 thoughts on “Let France do it, Its time for Frenchmen to fight

  1. ‘This near pacifism in France started before the Second World War when parents and schools taught French children not to fight school yard bullies..”

    Don are being for real with this? If so if you could point me to a link or a book I would enjoy that and if you are being sarcastic then that there is pretty funny.

  2. Actually what I said came from an article I read. I even had a link up to the aricle on my old blog but I do not have a clue where the article can be found anymore and that is a pity because it really hit the nail on the head.

    You might try to find the book

    “From Patriots to Pacifists: The French primary school teachers 1880-1940”, by Barnett Singer

    Also, here is a review of another book and perspective that makes it clear that Pacifism did exist among the French primary school teachers but this author does not have the same conclusion of what that pacifism led to. Since the book and its conclusions are obviously written by an international socialist.

    It may be true that the primary school teachers supported resisting Germany by 1940 but my point is that the pacifism teaching to all the French children prior to 1940 played a huge part in why the French did not put up much of a fight against the Germans. Once you shape the mind of children to be pacifists, don’t expect them to suddenly become aggressive in a war.

  3. We wouldn’t even be in Libya if it weren’t for the French. Unlike the US, they get a lot of their oil from Libya.

    Either way, this is just setting up the region for God to be glorified.

  4. Anonymous,
    I think all we have to do is look at the world condemnation that Israel receives every time they defend themselves to see the region falling exactly as prophesied.
    Though, to a smaller (but still relevant) extent, I agree that ALL these uprisings are playing the hand perfectly.

  5. I agree, it’s all about positioning for prophetic fulfilment. It’s about Israel and the battle between GOD and all other gods. Forecasters have only a fraction of the picture. It’s beginning to look as if America is quickly moving to the wrong side. Christians are getting hammered in Ethiopia, but who cares, right? Heard a poll this morning on FOX that stated 39% of Americans believe natural disasters are attributed to God. BUT, they added, “‘most WHITE evangelicals’ think disasters are judgments from God.” (missed their percentage) Us white evangelicals are in the cross-hairs here, too. However, our God will be glorified, magnified, exalted and every knee will bow to Him. I imagine He has a few surprises up His sleeve. Being alive during this time in history is beyond description.

  6. Don,
    well i wrote a whole long detailed opinion and i accidently exed out of it, so now il just keep it short. Idk why we are involved in libya when there are so many other conflicts against human rights all over the world. i agree ghadafi is a brutal tyrant who should be exiled or killed but he was tough on al queada. mubarak was also tough on terrorists groups and the muslim brotherhood. now that ghaddafi might go or be weakened al queada might take over libya. My big question is why did obama not say anything to iran or syria when they had their protests? its like he ignores the real radical countries who hate us the most and who hate israel the most. It seems obama wants the middle east to destabilize there is no other explaination. If this was not true he would have invaded iran instead of libya. Somethings not right here. I think this is very fishy.

  7. Don,
    i am not sure where i stand on the Libya conflict. I agree the ghadafi (sp?) is a brutal tyrant that violates human rights of his people. But this is going on all over the world and america will never get very tough on china for its human rights violations, we will never get serious with the saudis eiher. it seems we pick and choose where we want to get involved. This brings me to my next point. why was obama so quick to try to get rid of mubarak and ghadafi, but ignore the uprisings in syria and iran? In my opinion i think he is trying to destabilize the middle east. you cannot have real american like democracy in the middle east and obama should know this. egypt and libya were tough on the taliban and al queda and denied them a place to take over. now we will probably see them reemerge from these two places. The real loser is israel and the common people in these countries who want to be free. So obama is either a stupid liberal or he is a smart communist, nwo,type of guy i cant tell. Idk it all seems fishy to me somethings not right.

  8. Jim, haven’t we heard enough of Obama to know that he is indeed a liberal communist, haven’t we seen enough of his socialist agenda to figure that ?
    In my opinion Jim, we should continue to expect things to fall into place as we are seeing.
    The folly of world idiot “leaders” (including Obama) seem to be showing that it’s all working just perfectly to bring about upcoming wars with Israel and end of the age events as prophesied.

  9. The Far left that now owns the Democratic party have the mind of George Soros. They want a statist socialist world without borders. They see the Muslim Brotherhood as a way to unite the Middle East so that they will become one big happy family. What it actually is going to lead to is a Sunni Shiite war.

    Maybe first the Muslim Brotherhood forces Iran to get out of Arab affairs and then the Brotherhood tries to remove Israel. It would answer why Iran is not in the Psalm 83 war.

    Let’s face the facts. Obama is not a true American. Obama was raised by and he was groomed for his position by people that hate this country. The destroyer of our nation was voted in by a people that also removed God.

  10. I agree Don. He has his own agenda, but he is also a pawn of the globalists. He is showing himself definitely to be anti-American, anti-Christian and pro-muslim. IMHO, he is a type of the you know who. He speaks peace and brother hood, but his actions & his associations scream otherwise. The sad trend at the present is that no one in the polls can beat him in the next election. One of my prayers is like Abraham’s; when he bargained with God for the righteous before the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah. Wars and rumors of wars will be ramped up in the middle east and God knows where else. I should have calluses on my knees, but I don’t, yet. God bless.

  11. Obama is a precursor of the anti-christ — emphasis on the word “precursor” (I use the word cursor quite a bit in the software profession, which means to “advance a marker”).

  12. “Being alive during this time in history is beyond description.”!!!!!!!!!!

    Us, laity, are still patiently waiting for someone to start preaching something about the end days we are living in. I’ve changed like 5 churches in 2 continents, have visited many others in my life, and still nothing. NOTHING! I’m not even sure if someone still believes that Jesus is coming soon. Actually, that’s how I found this blog… asking myself if someone still believes that Jesus is coming soon or I’m just going insane.

  13. Martin,

    Some Calvary Chapels still teach that Jesus is coming soon. Also some Assemblies of God. Even a few Baptists still preach it, but the Rick Warren and ilk influence has been deafening in many once premillennial churches.

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