Rev. Wright and his disciple Obama

It should be pretty obvious that Obama and his wife went to that racist church for twenty years because they agreed with what was being taught there. People who do not agree with the doctrine of a church find a different church to attend. The fact that Rev. Wright is so much a part of Obama’s life speaks wonders about Obama.

If you can get past the “change” and “yes we can” slogans what Obama offers the nation is nothing but a Christianized version of Marxism. It is the same stuff that his pastor taught.

I simply cannot believe that people in the U.S. would vote for Obama to be president. However, the choices that the people of the United States are making these days just proves to me that they have lost there collective mind.

‘G-d damn America’?

One thing is for sure. Rev. Wright’s many public statements reflect a different Jesus than the orthodox Jesus I have studied for over 52 years. And no wonder, since Wright claims his “black value system” is based on what he calls Black Liberation Theology, which he says he got from the “Liberation Theology” developed in Nicaragua during the 1970s.This Liberation Theology was condemned as a false doctrine by Pope John Paul II after then-Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) investigated it. All orthodox Christian leaders also condemned it. It is a Marxist-based revolutionary movement, disguised as “Christian,” that uses violence when needed to overthrow governments and populations.

I believe that no one can sit under the teaching of these kinds of core beliefs for 20 years and not have his worldview significantly affected.

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