More baloney piled high on Rutz Crackers for the latest NAR Megashift

I was dumbfounded when I read a WorldNetDaily (WND) exclusive that had this headline, “Christianity taking over planet?” The article was promoting the claims of Jim Rutz and his book named “Megashift”. Rutz said Christianity was growing so fast that the whole world could become Christian by 2032. He also claimed that many people were being raised from the dead all over the world and people were being converted by seeing signs and miracles from the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) anointed apostles, prophets and miracle workers.

I really was not born on a turnip truck so I put my hip boots on and looked into the Rutz claims and I found out that Rutz is just selling crackers piled high with more NAR baloney.… continue reading

Camping with Rapture loons in 2011

Harold Camping is teaching thousands of the loons that follow him that the Rapture will happen on May 21, 2011. Camping also teaches that the end of the world will occur just four months later on October 21st 2011.

I think all these birdbrains are in for a rude awaking on May 22, 2011 when they find themselves still here after they burned all their bridges on earth in the days of their acting like April fools.

Some of these loons will then probably think that they did not make the Rapture and think that they will reap God’s judgments until they find out that Harold Camping is also still here recalculating what he now claims cannot be wrong.… continue reading

2 Ch 7:14: If My people read the context there would be less presumption

I have written on the misapplication of 2 Ch 7:14 before, but when I see a whole local Baptist conference trying to apply this verse to the Church in America I think it is the duty of those who know better to correct that false presumption.

Sometimes Christians will use a few words of scripture or a verse or even a passage to support a position but then if you check out their position against what the scripture actually says you see that either they never read the context or they do not have understanding of the passage. Therefore they misapply it.… continue reading

The great chastisement of America will bring revival in this decade

During a moving message on judgment coming to America, my pastor described a revival in one small local church where 53 people accepted the Lord and were baptized in a local river in one week. That revival took place over 60 years ago when certain people prayed and believed God for a move of His Spirit on their community.

My pastor also expressed his own fervent desire to see a revival like that happen in our church before he dies. After the service I told him I believe that he will see it. But, as I said to him, I do not think it will happen until God shakes America to its core.… continue reading

“I Am” beckoning by Glenn Beck

It is with mixed feelings that I am writing this post because most of what Glenn Beck says is as American as American pie. Nevertheless, most Christians leaders so love the sugar in the American pie that Beck is dishing out that they are also gobbling down the deadly crust that molds it. When Glenn Beck stays on politics he is pretty good but when he talks about God he is so far off the Christian reservation that he might as will be on planet Kolob (Where Father God of the Mormons lives).

First let me once again comment on Mormonism in general.… continue reading

Common misapplications of selected scriptures

Selected scriptures are often commonly parroted by well meaning and also some not so well meaning Christians in America that are simply misapplications of God’s word. I will point out a few here but if you are a serious student of the scriptures others may come to your mind so feel free to share them here. I hope if nothing else this post will get people to look at the full context of a passage in the light of all of God’s word so they will not use selected misapplications as spiritual applications for today. Here are five examples of commonly used misapplications of selected scripture passages.… continue reading

The relationship between making Bible passages allegory and heretical cults

The Bible contains allegory but when it does it is also makes it clear in the passage. I think along with legalism there is a strong relationship between those that twist Bible passages into allegory and heretical movements and cults.

We can look at the history of Christianity since the Apostles and we will see a reoccurring pattern between allegory and heresy. The first heretics were legalists that wanted to put Jews that found the Messiah back under Jewish law. Soon after we know that gnostic heretics became a plague on the Church. They made scriptures allegorical so it would comply with their old and new mystical beliefs.… continue reading

The near death of Christian discernment in these last days

Discernment between good and evil hardly exists in the world in these last days where everyone does what is right in their own eyes. It is displayed by the choices the leaders in the world make nearly every day. For example, the condemning of Israel or Arizona for practicing self defense.

I guess these thing can be expected because we are told these things will happen in these last days. But, even in our churches the lack of spiritual discernment has become quite evident. One has to wonder how so many that claim to be born of the Spirit show no spiritual discernment about anything?continue reading

Should Christians help out email spammers and scammers?

I received this email today but I am not going to answer it because I believe it a scam. Probably at the very least it would just get me on the huge Nigerian suckers email list. I will give my reasoning why I believe this email is from spammers and scammers, but you be the judge.

The subject line in the email is “WHY IS IT THAT CHRISTIAN’S DON’T HELP” and it was sent to the email address on my website.

Dear Beloved
With regards to Christian beliefs why is it too difficult for christians to show LOVE to one another in line with the biblical teachings on “Love”?

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Reverend in the body of Christ or disgraced by worldly and religious Harlotry?

I have a couple of dictionary definitions for the word “Reverend”

“A member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church”

A title of respect for a clergyman”

So I ask you, should certain people be called spiritual leaders of Christians or be respected by Christians after they continually and willfully disgrace themselves through obvious worldly and religious Harlotry? Should Christians call these religious harlots “Reverend” just because they got through some religious training program?

Somehow the title “Reverend” just does not fit many that are using it today.

Jesus did not like titles for good reason (Mt 23 7:12), leaders in the Church are to be servants.… continue reading

Observations and conclusions from two bold Christians on the front line.

Here are some observations and conclusions from two bold Christians on the front line.

Dave Daubenmire ran for Congress in Ohio always loudly proclaiming the cross of Christ during his campaign. Here are the results of the vote for him and his observations and conclusions.

I lost my race for Congress last night. It played out pretty much the way I envisioned it would. I had warned the Tea Party movement that they better pick a horse in the primary or they would wind up with a choice between two Bob Dole clones in November.

That is exactly what they got.

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There is no hope in human government, Christians should hope in God

Human Government will always end up reflecting the depravity and the insanity of man. It will always reject the God displayed through His Son. The Hope of Christians should always be on the promises of God in Jesus Christ. Our hope should not be on the governments of any nations that we occupy.

History shows us that those that put their hope in the governments of the world are always disappointed. The world without God will increasingly prove its depravity but our  hope is for eternal life in a body of perfection in a city of perfection.

I want to caution those Christians that think we can change America to be a nation that follows God.… continue reading

Would Christian repentance in America heal the land or would national repentance be required?

This article really should be two articles but since the topics relate to the same problem of repentance in America I will try to integrate them. The question is, would Christian repentance in America heal the land or will national repentance be required to heal the land? Too often I hear teachers and preachers say that if Christians will humble themselves and pray God will heal our nation. Is that really true? We will look at this presumption later but first I want to deal with a related issue.

Often you will hear the slogan that “We must take America back” It sounds good but who do “we” take America back from and to whom do we give America to?… continue reading

Views from Christians that lack a Christian worldview

One of the problems I encounter in the comments on my blogs and in emails are views from Christians that lack a Christian worldview. Often their views originate from world philosophies, ideologies, theologies or human taught sociocultural suppositions rather than the clear teachings of the scriptures. That leads me to believe that these Christians do not know or understand the Christian scriptures and that they are more likely influenced by the world than influencing the world for Christ.

Barma Group – a respected Christian research firm, asked certain questions in a survey to determine how many Americans had Christian worldviews.  They asked the following questions:

  • Do absolute moral truths exist?
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Salvation comes by keeping a religion?

Most people in the world claim to have a religion and they think that keeping the religion offers some reward for them after death. I was a Roman Catholic, but I really had to fall away from their religious system of bondage to find the only doctrine that will free and save anyone from their sins.

Salvation doctrine is simply that God’s salvation comes through God’s grace. His grace to mankind was given in His Son. What you have to do is believe in God’s righteousness and trust in the Savior that God gave to pay for mankind’s sins and bridge the gap between God and man.… continue reading

Meanings of parables and Bible prophecy are only for the astute elect.

Some wonder why Bible prophecy is so cryptic? The answer is that understanding of  both parables and Bible prophecy are only for the astute elect. Jesus taught in parables at His first coming so that those wise in their own understanding would not understand the things of God. The Scribes and the Pharisees did know the scriptures but they lacked understanding and could not properly discern the scriptures they knew. They would not see that Jesus was clearly taught in the scriptures because in their own self righteous religious understanding, the Messiah would enable them and not correct them.

It was also obvious from what we have been told in scripture that even the disciples of Jesus did not understand many of the parables.… continue reading

Christians that know Jesus without reading the Bible

I have found one absolute truth in every evangelical Bible believing church. (I have attended many churches with all the moves that I have made over the years). That absolute truth is that most people that attend these churches have never read through the Bible even once in their entire Christian lives. How do they really know a biblical Jesus without reading the Bible? Apparently some Christians think they know all about  Jesus but they do not know or care that the Bible is the only infallible source that accurately speaks of Him?

I realize that there is Christian teaching in many of these churches where you can find out things about Jesus without reading the Bible for yourself.… continue reading

Dangerous theology grows on fig trees!

Certain Bible prophecy teachers are saying certain things that can only be labeled as dangerous theology.

The dangerous theology I am talking about comes from subjective interpretations of the Parable of the Fig Tree mentioned in three gospels. The problem is that they teach their conjecture as truth and that is what makes it dangerous theology. When they say the Rapture has to occur before the end of next year based on their own subjective interpretation of the Parable of the Fig Tree they are teaching dangerous theology.

I am speaking of  those that say the Rapture has to occur by next year because of their conjecture that the Parable of the Fig Tree has to be talking about Israel’s rebirth in1948 and their conjecture that a generation or a lifespan is seventy years.… continue reading

Bottom feeding scum suckers come to muddy the waters

Bible prophecy and discernment websites attract a large number of bottom feeding scum suckers whose only purpose seem to be to muddy the waters for others. Their purpose in life is to swim from site to site to argue against orthodox Christian theologies that they have a problem with. In the last few days I had a number of these coming in through this blog or emailing me. If you have a Christian site on the Internet you know that this happens regularly. I am not talking about non believers they are not nearly the problem as are the bottom feeding scum suckers that identify with Christianity.… continue reading

Franklin Graham gives the gospel with material aid rather than waste God’s resources

I read an interesting article by Paul Proctor . I am not sure I agree with everything Paul said in his article but I do agree with much of it. The most interesting part of the article is what Franklin Graham said in “The Gathering interview”.

Franklin Graham is someone I highly respect he has been working in the mission field helping people in physical need for a long time and he always brings the gospel of Jesus Christ along with any material aid. That is in stark contrast to those Christian organizations that are working with world organizations to bring aid to the poor and needy but do not present the gospel of Jesus Christ.… continue reading