New evangelicalism usually also means denying Bible inerrancy

I recently read the book “New Evangelicalism“, by Paul Richard Smith, founder of Calvary Chapel Victorville CA. Paul Smith is a leader in the Calvary Chapel movement founded by his brother Chuck Smith, who also wrote the foreword to Paul Smith’s book.

The book gives a brief history of modern Protestantism beginning with modernism where scripture became critically analyzed through the filters of the philosophies of 19th and early 20th century humanist intellectuals. This humanistic intellectual analysis of the scriptures became known as “higher criticism”. I took one of those silly “higher criticism” courses in college myself.

I will give you my own take on modernism; most of what I will say about modernism in Christianity does not come from Paul Smith’s book, but from what I read in his book, I think Paul Smith would agree with most of it.… continue reading

The prophetic end of the age is likely to occur around 2030 AD.

I personally think we have about 20 years left before we complete the prophetic end of the age and enter the millennial reign of Jesus. If that is true, I think many things must happen in the next twenty years, so be very careful about what you buy into. If my timing is correct, and Jesus comes for the faithful Church prior to the tribulation, then at most there is ten to fifteen years left to work before the Rapture. If we are that close to the second coming, then the stage for some of the end time prophetic events should already be observable in the world.… continue reading

GOP must develop workable agenda to restore the American Republic

Americans now have about 8 months left to turn the direction of this country around or there will be economic collapse, depression and civil war in this country. Those that think business like usual from the GOP will save this Republic from the destructive agenda from those on the hard Left are dead wrong. The hard Left wants to make America conform to world socialism. Americans need to understand what is at stake if the hard Left stays in power. Liberty loving people can either get active in the political war playing out right now or they will experience a real civil war later.… continue reading

Dr. James McGrath: Christians should not expect literal second coming

Dr. James F. McGrath of Butler University teaches courses on New Testament Language and Literature. However, anyone attending his courses really ought to investigate the heretical views that they will be taught at Butler University by professor McGrath.

Dr. James F. McGrath made this statement in bold on his own Exploring Our Matrex Blog:

It does not make sense for Christians to continue to expect a literal “second coming” of Jesus.

I also read online from his very own words that Dr. McGrath claims to be a reformed Christian in the same sense as a Reformed Jew. Reformed Jews are reformed for a reason.… continue reading

Christians of America accept demonic choice for President in 2012?

America claims to have over 80 percent Christians but yet most of them will accept Obama, Romney or Gingrich as their choice for President in 2012? The leaders that Americans are choosing reflects the nation and that is a very sad statement for America. It seems that most Christian conservatives in America talk about electing a Christian conservative but then promote and vote for people under control of the Devil. On the other hand, most of the liberal Christians in America just vote for whoever promises them the most material comforts even if he is the Devil.

At this point in the 2012 election, Americans have the choice between an obvious globalist Marxist, a progressive Mormon cult Bishop, or a manic narcissistic – possibly psychopathic – Third Wave – CFR – statist – globalist – wind bag that changes directions with the breeze.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Jan 2012

Our government had better start dealing with the threats against this country or we are going to wake up to an EMP one day soon. Iran is frantically building missile bases in Venezuela with the thought of having intermediate range nuclear tipped missiles that could easily reach the United States. Anyone who thinks we can allow Iran to gets nukes because they are no threat to America is out of touch with reality.

We do not even know that Iran does not have nukes already and even if they don’t, they could have nukes anytime they want. The time to deal with Iran was years ago and the time to deal with that tin horn dictator in Venezuela is now.… continue reading

Bible prophecy is not about paganism, false prophets or America

People who study Bible prophecy usually want to know about things to come. Even so, there is only so much that God revealed to us in the scriptures about the future. When people go outside of inspired texts to find more truth or information they are going to be misled. Also, those people claiming direct revelation from God about the future should know that speaking lies and their own presumptions in the name of God puts them in grave danger. Those with itching ears might believe these false prophets but what they learn from them will not lead them into doing anything productive for Christ.… continue reading

Revivals without relevent messages for Americans are dead on arrival

I guess you should expect articles like this once in awhile because part of the title of this blog is “Church Trends”. In case you do not know, a Blog is a personal journal. It is where I get to publicly express my views on topics that come to my mind. People are free to read them or not read them, and to agree or disagree.  If this post upsets someone they need to realize that there are other views in the world besides their own.

A pastor claims that he wants a revival in his church but he says he cannot find any evangelist that will teach a clear message of salvation every night during the revival.… continue reading

Christians need to take a biblical stand, for Christ’s sake!

First let me point out that Christ Jesus does not need us, so when I say in the title that Christians need to take a biblical stand for Christ’s sake, I am referring to the mission of the spiritual Body of Christ called the Church. Our Savior created the universe and He is perfect in spite of the Laodicean and aberrant Christianity that is largely following the world system and the ways of Satan.

Christ Jesus offers us a gift of salvation and a role in eternity with Him but what you do with that free gift is up to you.… continue reading

The spirit of darkness blinds Americans from seeing the true Light

I hope you do realize that just changing the President in this country is not going to change the direction of this country for the better in any significant way. Political leaders of democratic republics pretty much reflects the inclination of the people that they represent. The latest presidents that we elected in America are just the symptom of the spiritual darkness that is engulfing most of the nation.

There has been increasing spiritual darkness in America for quite some time; this darkness can also be called the spirit of antichrist. I am not saying that the majority in this country now embrace the spirit of antichrist but this spirit of darkness is definitely taking over our land.… continue reading

After salvation, relations become the important thing for Christians

I have been very frustrated with the ritual system that Christians call church. That was going to be the primary focus of this post today. Writing about this had been in the back of my mind since last weekend but thanks to my pastor’s sermon Sunday night I saw that I needed to keep things in proper perspective.

The most important thing in life after salvation is not getting everything in our churches done the way we think is correct, it is our relationships with others, especially with our eternal brethren in the Body of Christ.

My dissatisfaction had largely been because I think our evangelical churches have moved so far from the Biblical model that I was starting to wonder why I was still attending.… continue reading

American Christians should expect troubles in this world

It is very naive and shortsighted to think that you will escape the type of troubles that have been common to all that lived in the history of the world just because your a Christian living in America. Americans tend to think that the future in America will continue much the same as they have experienced it over their short lives. They tend to think that no great troubles will impact their own generation. Nothing could be further from the truth.

There is nothing new under the sun, events on earth run in cycles. There is a time for everything. Americans just went through a time of relative peace and prosperity at home and now, very likely, we will go through a time of war, civil strife and economic hard times.… continue reading

SBC and Evangelicals seekers shift toward mystical emergent church

“Christian” leaders that appeared on the church platforms of Saddleback, Willow Creek, Crystal Cathedral and other mega churches told us that a “big shift” was coming in Christianity and it has. This shift has been from following the written word of God to following mystical beliefs. This will eventually split the Evangelicals and their largest denomination.

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and other Evangelicals are slowly but surely being led by the seeker friendly gurus toward embracing the postmodern relativistic mystical concepts and leaders of the Emergent Church Movement.

This danger is greater than the division in the ranks of the SBC some years ago when liberals had unduly influenced the SBC leadership.… continue reading

The Great Apostasy of the Evangelicals

I think the most shocking thing going on in our nation is not that Marxists are actively running and ruining America. After all, people that reject God in any nation are going to look for a human substitute for God. The most shocking thing in America is that heretics are now taking over the Christian Evangelical movement in America and few Evangelicals notice or care.

If you take the Bible believing evangelicals that give the gospel of salvation to the world out of America, a Christian might have to wonder if God has any good purpose left for this nation in the world.… continue reading

Are these tornadoes God’s judgment on America or a test of faith?

After the recent tornadoes in Alabama and Missouri I know some people are wondering if they are judgments of God on America. The answer is no. If they were  judgments of God He would have removed His people out-of-the-way. I know that I will certainly hear the Christian TV repeaters claiming that the tornadoes happened because of Obama’s stance on Israel. After every natural disaster they look for some tit-for-tat relation to Israel. Of course, they mainly apply the tit-for-tat judgments to this country and never to nations that are Israel’s real enemies. It is silly presumption. If God wanted to judge America I doubt if He would destroy two of the most moral cities in our nation as some example of His judgment.… continue reading

Biblical ignorance within Christendom waters Satan’s plants!

Christian discernment is learning the difference between what is good and what is evil, what is of God and what is a lie from Satan. The Bible was given to us to help us do that. Anything that is contrary to what God said in His word is Satanic. There is an obvious lack of discernment in Christendom today because many confessing Christians do not know what God said. They cannot discern the truth so they cannot see the difference between God’s plants and Satan’s plants in the world. Some Christians like to water toxic weeds and then they wonder why it produces deadly runoff.… continue reading

Biblical week indicates the kingdom on earth established 2030-2035

If you do a quick Google study on the Internet on the year that Jesus was crucified you will see that there are those claiming all sorts of proof why they know the correct year of the crucifixion. You can find some very good arguments why their date is correct but the problem is that their dates span every year from 30 AD to 35 AD. They might all have good arguments but they certainly can’t all be correct.

If you only read the arguments on one website you might be convinced that this is the year that Jesus was crucified but after you read many of these top sites that talk about the date of the Lord’s crucifixion you probably should come to the conclusion that a conclusive date for the crucifixion is elusive.… continue reading

Compromising the gospel for church growth and American idol heretics.

I get no joy out of telling people that much of what is being passed off as Christianity today is counterfeit. Those American Idols that are pushing modern heresies on people may think they are being opened minded but they really have become a willing door of Satanic deception. Satan’s goal is to get people who identify with Christianity to doubt fundamental doctrines that uniquely define who a Christian is. Satan then substitutes Christian doctrine with doctrines of demons in order to create counterfeits of the Christian religion. These demonic bastardizations of Christianity are not true Christianity.

for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 

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Rick Warren picks pagans to lead “Daniel Plan” in his “decade of destiny”.

I believe I have about 43 posts on this blog that either are about Rick Warren or his name is mentioned in the article for some reason. I also wrote articles that reside on my website about Warren’s seeker sensitive church growth model and Rick Warren’s Global P.E.A.C.E plan. I have been disagreeing with Rick Warren’s agenda for a better part of a decade.

I have been writing about “America’s pastor”, since his Purpose Driven Life was thrust in my hands to read. I found problems with the book and had bigger problems with the churches that adopted his seeker sensitive methods and his gospel light sermons.… continue reading

Shepherds on a mission to appease often have sheep dung on their boots

I had a discussion yesterday with more than one person about the plight of pastors today. It seems that some pastors feel if they openly preach on certain Biblical topics, they believe they will offend some people that carry past or present baggage and lose a portion of their congregation.

We blame pastors for the gospel light inclusive pluralistic universalistic teaching that many of them are now spouting from their pulpits but we must also consider that there are many people sitting in the pews that will not endure sound doctrine anymore. Many are brainwashed by the liberal progressive message that prevails on all media.… continue reading