The near death of Christian discernment in these last days

Discernment between good and evil hardly exists in the world in these last days where everyone does what is right in their own eyes. It is displayed by the choices the leaders in the world make nearly every day. For example, the condemning of Israel or Arizona for practicing self defense.

I guess these thing can be expected because we are told these things will happen in these last days. But, even in our churches the lack of spiritual discernment has become quite evident. One has to wonder how so many that claim to be born of the Spirit show no spiritual discernment about anything?continue reading

Reverend in the body of Christ or disgraced by worldly and religious Harlotry?

I have a couple of dictionary definitions for the word “Reverend”

“A member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church”

A title of respect for a clergyman”

So I ask you, should certain people be called spiritual leaders of Christians or be respected by Christians after they continually and willfully disgrace themselves through obvious worldly and religious Harlotry? Should Christians call these religious harlots “Reverend” just because they got through some religious training program?

Somehow the title “Reverend” just does not fit many that are using it today.

Jesus did not like titles for good reason (Mt 23 7:12), leaders in the Church are to be servants.… continue reading

America jumped the shark when they replaced God with man’s perversions.

I guess Americans are not quite as dumb about the economy as they are about politics or the majority would never have voted Marxists and Fabian socialists into office. Almost 80 percent of Americans believe the economy might collapse and believe that politicians in Washington do not have a clue how to fix this problem. They of course are 100 percent correct. The economy will collapse and I think the fall is coming sooner than anyone wants to believe. America jumped the shark when they replaced God with man’s perversions.

Trends forecaster Gerald Celente still says the second phase of the collapse will take place this year.continue reading

New Age Christians applauding as believers are thrown to the lions

How can there be any hope for America when many in America calling themselves Christians are also promoting and even embracing New Spirituality/New Age doctrines? We might expect that from unbelievers in America but we have people who claim to be Christians promoting and believing Satanic doctrines?

How did “Avatar” become the highest grossing move of all times without support from Christians in America? I know for a fact that “Christians”  support this blasphemous demonic move and tell others that they should see it because they liked it. Nevermind, that this film promotes New Age pantheism and is anti-Christ.… continue reading

2009 was bad but 2010 will be worse

I hope everyone had a great holiday season with their family and friends and hope you all will have a joyful new year in Christ.

We have arrived to a new year and a new decade and I know 2009 was bad for many but 2010 will be worse.

Here are seven things to consider in 2010. They are likely to impact us in one way or another.

1. We probably should start in the house of God. How long will God put up with those on TV speaking in his name?  Christians have been putting up with the rats in our Christian TV for quite a long time.… continue reading

The people said, “Give us a King”! Then pimp for hucksters and communist queens.

Just reading about what is going on in this nation and the world and churches each day is enough to make the blood boil of real Christians and real American patriots.  I am learning how Lot felt when the Sodomites took over the land and how Martin Luther felt when he came to realize that the Roman Church was run by the same den of vipers that crucified his Lord. I am also beginning to understand the feelings of Patrick Henry that said, “give me Liberty or give me Death”. He would be saying the same thing today to our government of pimps and queens that want to run a collective communist Borg ant farm here.… continue reading

Jesus must return before 2012-2019 you say? Then hurry send me a million bucks to expand The Prophetic Years Ministry

I really love these people who tell me that they really believe the world is coming to an end in 2012, or they are certain that the Rapture has to happen within a year or two, or that they have the date of the second coming all figured out, or that Jesus has to come before 2019 because of their interpretation of the “Fig Tree Parable”, or based on some pagan prophecy, or the sayings of  Jack Van Impe, etc., etc., but they continue to retain all their wealth like they are going to live here forever or take it with them.continue reading

True Evangelicals are Latter Day Philadelphians?

I think the ELCA vote to allow active homosexuals to become ministers was finally the straw that broke the camel’s back  for me. I will no longer identify with what is today called the Evangelical movement.

Lets face it Satan first came in with his wolves in sheep’s clothing and so corrupted the mainline denominations with the doctrines of humanism that most true Christian left. Now Satan is well on his way of accomplishing the very same thing with those that identified with the evangelicals  that came out of those near dead Sardis mainline churches.

In reality I think over half of people who call themselves evangelicals today have gone off track and are now running on the road to Laodicea.… continue reading

Willow Creek leadership conference: The making of a Harlot

An interesting article was written by Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries. She talks about the 2009 leadership conference or summit lead by Bill Hybel’s Willow Creek Association. Two of the guest speakers for this “leadership” conference will be Tony Blair and Rock Star Bono.

Why would any Christian go to a Christian leadership conference to hear from Tony Blair and Bono? They both are all-paths pseudo Christian heretics. Seems to me that Bill Hybels job was to first dumb down Christianity with his seeker friendly program and then steer the pseudo Christians under his influence into the end time one world religion Harlot of Bible prophecy described in Revelation chapter 17.… continue reading

Southern Baptist membership not showing up at the weekly sugar shack.

Jim Elliff hits the nail on the head in this article about Southern Baptist membership not showing up. Most Southern Baptist members do not attend more than once or twice a month if at all. I cannot do the article justice by the few quotes of his that I quoted below so you will have to read the full article below.

First, I will make my own observations and comments on this subject. They probably will not totally agree with Elliff’s observations and conclusions.

The issue in this article is why Southern Baptists do not faithfully attend their gathering and what should be done about it?… continue reading

I confess I do not pray God bless America.

Saying I do not pray God Bless America might sound like a unpatriotic unchristian heresy to some. However, there was a time when God told Jeremiah not to pray for Judah because the peoples hearts were far from Him and they loved to believe lies. America is not even a called out nation like ancient Israel and Judah but America certainly is just as evil as they were just before their destruction.

Can anyone even come up with a passage that tells the Church to pray for Gentile nations on the earth anyway? The Bible tells us to pray for those appointed over us for the sake of the Church, so that the Church can live peacefully on the earth.… continue reading

Don Koenig’s world trends forecast for 2010-2020 AD

Things are getting pretty crazy out there to say the least so I think I will give you my world trends forecast for 2010-2020 AD. I think the next decade will be the most violent decade since the days of Noah. The only decade that will exceed it in violence will be decade of Jacob’s trouble which will probably begin sometime in the 20’s. Here is a glimpse of some of the things I think we can expect in 2010-2020. I am not a prophet.  They certainly do not have to occur just because I think they might. They are not in any specific sequence.continue reading

Majority of Christians in America claim that the Holy Spirit and Satan are symbols and not living entities!

I cannot make this stuff up. Can you believe this survey of Christians? It points out to me that most American “Christians” are not Christians at all.

You cannot even be a Christian without the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit so these people who call themselves Christians but deny the living entity of the Holy Spirit cannot be Christians. Likewise, you cannot believe the Bible and believe that Satan is not real. Furthermore, you cannot be a Christian if you believe that Jesus sinned. Therefore the only conclusion can be:

At least sixty percent of “Christians” in America have no Holy Spirit and therefore could not be Christians
At least sixty percent of “Christians” do not believe what the Bible teaches about Satan and therefore are total idiots or more likely not Christians
Thirty-nine percent of “Christians” believe Jesus sinned or probably sinned that rules them out of the Christian faith

Now lets talk about the illogical stupidity of those “Christians” who responded to this survey.continue reading

Beware of getting snared by legalistic churches that love to put heavy burdens on your soul.

I received this email today and thought I would ask permission from this woman to post it on my Blog because so many Christians today are trapped in similar churches and have similar struggles.

I do not know how many Catholics fall away from the Catholic faith only to end up in churches that establish their own “self appointed anointed priesthood”. They then preach that their church has the only doctrine that brings salvation and all others that do not interpret certain passages their narrow minded way are not even Christians. Many people escape the bondage of Catholic legalism but then they put themselves under total control of  this self anointed appointed priesthood of control freaks.continue reading

Fallen Angels and Demons are behind Dan Brown’s book and Ron Howard’s occult movie.

Dan Brown, Christopher Hitchens and Ron Howard (of Happy Days are here again) have teamed up once again on their continuing agenda to attack Christianity through presenting demonic half truths and outright lies in their books and movies.

Angels and Demons” is a book and a movie designed to mislead our postmodern generation that is dumbed down on history and on Christianity.

Hitler and his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels basically said if big lies are told often enough people will come to believe them. Satan was a liar from the beginning and he continues to tell big lies through people who love his lying message.… continue reading

Rick Warren apologizes to homosexual leaders because some thought he was against homosexual marriage.

Seems Rick Warren was not against California’s Proposition 8 and homosexual marriage after all. Quoted below is the exact words Rick Warren made on “Larry King Live”.  Also in the same article that I quote and link to at the bottom of this post is Joseph Farah’s appropriate view of this wishy-washy pastor.

Why is Rick Warren always in the news? If he was actually preaching the gospel of Christ he would not get on the worldly media. He is CFR member for a reason and he has a Global Peace Plan because it conforms with the CFR globalist socialistic agenda.… continue reading

Christian bookstores reflect Christianity in America but what it reflects is the increasing apostasy

I quote below some snippets of what Marsha West had to say about what you will find in protestant Christian bookstores. You really need to read the full article to get the true drift into apostasy. Christian bookstores are a good reflection of Christianity in America today. So obviously we can see by what is selling that Christianity in America is becoming increasingly apostate. Is it any wonder then that our nation is also in great decline both morally and economically?

The Christian bookstores and airwaves are full of deception and the people of this nation cannot discern truth because they have become biblically illiterate.… continue reading

Robert Schuller’s mighty glass empire is shattering and his hour of power is on its final minute.

Robert Schuller’s mighty glass empire appears to be shattering and his hour of power seems to be on its final minute. Robert A. Schuller is a believer and teacher of Universalism (all will be no saved no human is condemned by sin). He is the father of the gospel of self-esteem and possibility thinking and was one of the top pushers of Christian pop psychology and was also a main figure in the Church Growth Movement,  and those redefining Christianity.

How the mighty have fallen over family feuds and secret sin!

Televangelism empire in chaos over family split (


continue reading

The teachings of the author and finisher of our faith cannot be contradicted

This great article with many examples of what Jesus taught should put an end to postmodern and liberal speculations that claim biblical interpretations different from what the author of all scripture taught.

The fact that is will not put a end to their increasingly demented claims only proves that they have a different teaching then the Master that they claim to follow. So knowing these things why would any true follower of Jesus Christ put any stock in their claims? These unstable people  contradicting what Jesus Himself clearly taught need to be removed from teaching positions wherever they are found in the Church.… continue reading

The buffet morons of our postmodern churches.

This article tells me that many Americans claiming to be Christians are really biblical illiterate Laodiceans. Of course true Christians should already be aware that few people these days claiming to be Christians have any in-depth knowledge of the Bible.

Look at the figures in this article on people under the age of twenty-five. The article says 82 percent of young people believe in smorgasbord religion. If these people are the future of this nation I do not have to say God help us because He won’t. Any wonder why our nation is going down the tubes?

Those who pick and choose their own truth to believe are typical postmodern religious morons.… continue reading