Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Dec 2011

The end of the year is upon us already and next year will start off with presidential primaries for the Republican Party nominee for President. After all these months of vetting (I hate that word but it seems fitting for politicians) candidates it looks like the Republicans end up with two losers. Romney could not even beat McCain in the 2008 run, and Gingrich did not even run in 2008 because he had too much baggage to carry. So what has changed?

It seems to me that we have another failure to get most Americans to critically think about the leaders that they will vote for.… continue reading

2012: year that started events on earth many will desire to forget

The year 2012 will probably prove to be the most important year in the recent history of the world. It will be the year that started events on earth that many will desire to forget. I do not believe 2012 will be the start of the last seven years of Bible prophecy; yet, many believers might start to think that the tribulation is upon us. It could get that bad.

I am sure Israel would like to put off a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities hoping that the Obama administration will be replaced in 2013, but I do not think they believe that they can wait that long.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Nov 2011

By looking at the gains in the stock markets over the last couple of weeks one would think that the European debt crises was resolved. I cannot believe that people are that stupid so I think financial managers are really just gambling that others will bid up the price of stocks based on the recent European agreement. In other words, the 2000 point swings that we are seeing in the stock market in the last couple of months is due to speculators that are gambling on the rise or the fall of the stock markets and not on the fundamentals of the companies that sell stock in the market or the European debt.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, Aug 2011

It is amazing how fast economic perceptions can change in just over a week. People have been speculating in the stock and oil market like we were really going to have a significant recovery. Apparently they do not believe what people like me have been telling them. There is no recovery! Suddenly the markets are acting like there is going to be a double dip recession. Three trillion dollars has been lost in these markets in less than two weeks.

I wonder who is losing the money? All I can say is that big time gambling has its risks, some learn their lesson and some do not.… continue reading

The Iranian Syrian North Korean 2013 EMP Conspiracy

It seems to me that Americans are missing the obvious. Iran, Syria and North Korea are planning a surprise attack on Israel and the West and that attack will include nuclear Electromagnet Pulse (EMP) weapons. I think they will put off this attack as long as possible in order to get more weapons in place but I think the plan will be operational no later than sometime in 2013.

Anytime after 2013 the implementation of their conspired plan to destroy Israel and the West will be based on their threat assessment and we know that with North Korea that it does not take much of a threat for them to go ballistic (pun intended).… continue reading

I think an analysis of present political realities is in order.

If you are aware of present political realities of today, the news headlines of tomorrow may not come as a complete surprise.

Obama is going to withdraw from Afghanistan but it will take until 2014 to do it. Meanwhile, nothing has changed for the better in that area. In fact, things are growing worse because the war just created more radicals in Pakistan and Afghanistan that hate Americans. So there is no reason to think that these areas will not become terrorist training grounds in the future.

Bashar al-Assad of Syria has killed well over a thousand people in Syria and he is creating quite a humanitarian crises by destroying the towns of people that do not support him and their very livelihoods.… continue reading

Just some more bumps in the road for Obama and America

Obama seems to think that every negative report is just a bump in the road on the path to his next hole. He may think he is on course but for Obama life is his recreation, it is all a golf course. The reality of it all is that Obama and this nation are going to hit bumps in the road or the remainder of his term and they are going to make for a very bumpy ride. If he even gets around the “bumps” and gets to the next hole he had better learn to master his sand wedge or the hazards on this real course of leadership will make him look like a rank amateur.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, April 2011

This is going to be a critical month for the budget fight. The Republican House wants to make trillions in cuts over the next ten years and the Democratic wants to keep spending money until the 2012 election. They do not want to cut anything that will make a difference. I think at least until the next election the Democrats are going to win these budget battles and I think in the end the establishment Republicans will go with the Democrats to get a budget passed.

The consequences of that in the 2012 elections is hard to say. But by 2013 cuts will be futile anyway because we will be the midst of an inflationary depression.… continue reading

God is not bound by Islam, Many now in Islam will see His salvation

A world war between the pseudo Christian West and Muslims becomes inevitable if Muslims are not soon converted to Christ in large numbers. In both true Christianity and pseudo Christianity there are those denying the possibility of salvation for most people living in Islamic nations. Nevertheless, God is not handicapped by Islam or any other world religion. God is not bound by Islam. Many in these religions will soon be saved by God’s grace in spite of their evil leaders.

God undoubtedly will even save some that now have freedom within their own fake Christianity. God is not a respecter of world religions or their leaders.… continue reading

New world disorder will bring riots and civil insurrections even here

The world is going into a new world order of disorder. On one side you have the tyrannical power elite with all the money and weapons and on the other side you have the oppressed, the Marxist’s and the Islamist’s. No matter which of these end up in power the outcome will be the attempted destruction of the opposition. I think the world is heading into a great time of disorder. What you have been seeing so far is in the Middle East and North Africa is just act one of a long drama.

Even if many of these nations now in turmoil somehow achieve Democracy, that Democracy will just become a tyranny of the majority with the majority imposing Islamic law, Socialism or Fascism on everyone.… continue reading

Fourth turning suggests over two decades of world chaos.

I do not totally buy into the “fourth turning” time cycles although the four turnings spoken about in that book do seem to occur about once in a human lifespan. I as well, see a bitter winter coming to our nation and the world in the near future. I think we are about two years away from at least two decades of unparalleled world chaos.

The validity of the fourth turning cycle theory really does not matter because by our own observations we can see the rise of evil all over the world and know that it will bring us a time of war and chaos.… continue reading

Being scary is just too cool on Halloween.

Halloween is the time of the year when Mahmud Ahmadinejad masks sell like hot cakes because for some reason people think that having the scariest mug on the planet is just too cool on Halloween. Ahmadinejad by himself could haunt a house in the Christian most parts of Lebanon. This week he is on his way to do just that in person. October is the month when scary people like Ahmadinejad get a pass to act like themselves.

Maybe Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbolloah will come out of his black hole while Ahmadinejad is around and maybe Assad of Syria will join them so the trio can go knocking on doors yelling trick-or-treat and scaring people silly.… continue reading

Its time Obama gets serious and takes military action against Iran.

Its time for Obama to get serious and take military action against Iran. Iran is on the verge of developing nuclear weapons and the systems to deliver them. Some say it will take Iran another year or two and others say they could develop a nuke in just a few months. Those projections are based on what we do know. However, there are many things that we do not know. Who knows what is going on in secret underground facilities in Iran? They could already have nukes and the public portion of this nuclear charade is for public consumption and just a smoke screen.… continue reading

Troubled days ahead for the Middle East and America

There are troubled days ahead for the Middle East and America. It is not like this nation really deserves anything less. The Marxists could never have taken over our educational system, the media, our government and even many of our churches if those that call themselves Christians in this nation really believed, lived a Christian lifestyle and kept a Christian worldview.

Believe it or not, with all the talk of a take over by the conservative Right it still looks like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed and John McCain will all get reelected and stay in power. With that information in mind, how much do Americans really care that they have allowed socialist idealists to reshape America into their ideal of America being a secondary colony on the world collective ant farm?… continue reading

Any operational Bushehr nuclear reactor is destroyed with Babylon.

It has been announced that Russia is going to fuel up the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant in Iran on Aug 21st, 2010. That has also fueled speculation by some that Israel or even the U.S. will attack the reactor within the next eight days because after it goes operational nobody would dare attack this reactor because radiation would be spread over a large area of the Middle East. Attacking it after it has become operational for a while would even be worse, because it would spread the Plutonium that is generated in the fuel rods and wherever this Plutonium dust might spread would become radioactive and uninhabitable for human life for many thousands of  years.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, July 2010

I decided to start a monthly series on my perspectives on world and church issues. Some will have some bearing on end time Bible prophecy.

For those who do not know me and found this post through a search engine. I have had a website called The Prophetic Years for over ten years. For the last three years the site also hosts a Blog named World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy. This blog is where these monthly perspectives are posted along with other posts of interest usually related to the Blog title. I will create a special category on the sidebar for these perspectives so you can find them all in one place.… continue reading

Worn out loafing around on the Internet in a tired world.

I wanted to write a couple of new articles on something worth knowing this week but the chances of that seem to be getting slimmer all the time. Between comments, emails, website administration and modifications, keeping up with the news, shopping for food, yard work, a garden that is out of control, all my high mileage vehicles needing repair, my wife going on a mission trip, a birthday, spraying the fruit trees, taking care of the animals, doing bills, a holiday coming up, sleeping , etc. I find that there just are not enough hours in the day to get everything done.… continue reading

Israel and Bible prophecy in the light of present world realities

I have figured out that I really cannot figure out how end time prophetic events involving Israel will all play out but of course like so many others that write on Bible prophecy that won’t stop me from writing about it.

Probably the main premillennial futurist speculation today is that the war of Ezekiel chapter 38 will take place within a few years but that does not make sense to me in the light of present world realities. Israel is not living in security as it is so clearly stated in the Ezekiel prophecies. Israel cannot be living in security without some significant change in thinking in the entire Middle East.… continue reading

Earth in upheaval

I know Immanuel Velikovsky used the same title for one of his books but most of this generation would not be aware of that. Immanuel Velikovsky wrote several books about catastrophism in Earth’s geological past. His theory of planets in collision gives natural causes for the flood and the other judgments in the Bible. If you reject evolution you might read his books because there is a lot of truth in what he wrote, but even geniuses like Velokosvsky do not get everything right. He certainly did not acknowledge that God also works through supernatural means. His theory of “planets in collision” most likely has some validity especially since his theories were rejected by most of the scientific world.… continue reading

Obama may want Israel to attack Iran

After reading the latest news report on Fox News about Iran’s nuclear progress and the doubts that the Obama approach will stop Iran , I have come to the conclusion that Obama is not serious about sanctions. The facts are that Obama and his cronies continue to obstruct any meaningful sanctions on Iran. Obama may actually want Israel to attack Iran for reasons I will get into shortly.

There is no question in my mind that the United States could put a virtual end to the Iranian nuclear program with just a few days of air strikes. Obama knows that Iran intends to build nuclear weapons.… continue reading