Prepare for the great American blackout!

With the title Prepare for the great American blackout! I bet you are wondering what in the world I am talking about. I have come to the conclusion that in about five years most of those who are still living in America will be living without electricity. The whole nation will experience a major prolonged blackout that will last many months, perhaps even years. Many if not most of the people living in the cities in America would not survive the aftermaths of the coming electromagnetic pulse (EMP) hundreds of miles over the United States.  That is my conclusion why America is not in Bible prophecy.continue reading

America may be in a inflationary depression by 2011 and a world war by 2012.

Gerald Celente is interviewed by Human Events in my quoted article and like usual world trends forecaster Gerald Celente has some interesting things to say. I see things pretty much happening the way that Celente is saying myself. If you see any green shoots coming from this administration’s nutty economic policies you better pick them and convert them into something useful while you still can. Housing is not going to recover with all the unemployment, repossessions, and the now rising interest rates. The interest rates have to rise because no one wants to finance our risky debt anymore. So our government will just print the money they need causing the crash of the dollar and making a great recession into a great hyper inflationary depression.… continue reading

America is in revolution because it departed from God

This excellent article gets to the core of the problems in the United States. The problems are a result of departure of America from their Creator. We cannot expect America to be blessed if we deserve a curse. The leadership that is running and ruining America today is just the results of the fact that most Americans have departure from the things of God. Unless America returns to God worse things certainly lie in our future.

America Is Going Through A Revolution

The United States of America has never known a time of discord, turbulence, upheaval and distrust as it is experiencing in the year 2009.

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David Wilkerson’s prophecy predicts riots, fires and looting in cities worldwide.

I personally do not put much stock in David Wilkerson’s prophecies. I remember Wilkerson making dire prophecies for the last thirty years that have not come true, at least not yet. Nevertheless, David Wilkerson’s prophecy here is likely to come true but not necessary because God gave him a prophecy. Any astute Christian person can see America is now being judged and with the immoral generation that have taken over our inner cites it certainly will eventually lead to riots, fires, looting and then martial law.

I think telling people to stock 30 days food is better than nothing but it gives them false security.… continue reading

Is Mexico next in America’s ongoing series of judgments?

As if the United States does not have enough problems we almost certainly will find ourselves fighting and picking up most of the costs of another war. This one will be very close to home. This war will be against the drug cartels of Mexico or even Mexico itself if the nation becomes controlled by drug lords (supplementary information on this war) – More information on U.S. involvement.

The drug cartels in Mexico already have a military force that rivals the Mexican army. Mexico is now becoming a narco-state and if that happens it will become the greatest threat to U.S.… continue reading

The ministry of the two witnesses is the most understated 1260 days in Bible prophecy

The Two Witnesses From Heaven Will be Hell to the World

The Two Witnesses From Heaven Will be Hell to the World
By Don Koenig

The ministry of the two witnesses from God in Revelation chapter 11 will last for 1260 days. This event is the most understated event of Bible prophecy. The witnesses, the two prophets from heaven will shake the world to its core and the whole world will rejoice when they are killed because they tormented those who dwell on the earth.

I think we totally underestimate the impact that these two prophets will have on the world.

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Volcanic actively could change the whole world suddenly in a instant

I am posting this article not because I think the Yellowstone Caldera or Mammoth Caldera are about to go off but just as food for thought. I do not for a minute subscribe to the theory that this caldera was formed 642,000 years ago. More likely it was formed in the days of Exodus only a few thousand years ago.

With that in mind there certainly is no reason to think that future eruptions could not take place in the short term. Shortly before or during the tribulation period these earth upheavals become extremely likely. Just one massive explosion could reduce the United States to a third world power and throw the whole world into huge tribulation.… continue reading

There is a time for war and a time for peace. Islamic fascists have brought us to a time for war.

It is time that the world woke up and realized that most in Islam insist that the world convert to Islam so we become as much the miserable slaves to their theocratic fascist religion as they are. Many in Islam want us dead and most Muslims in one way or another support those who want us dead. Even if the world converted to Islam today that would not stop the violence because then the Islamic fascists would be fighting each other over various theological differences.

A world religion led by those who breed hate cannot become a religion of peace. Those in the world that are now appeasing Islam for peace will become their future victims at a time when they are even more powerful a force in the world then they are today.… continue reading

The night that brought the old Yankee gravy train down

Pat Buchanan sees the economic fix by our government the same way I do. Bush, Obama and the entire Congress are now making the same mistakes that brought us to this crises in the first place and they are now multiplying those mistakes exponentially. Their misguided unconstitutional treasonous policies can only bring this nation down. Within two years the United States will either default on its debts or within five years the USA will inflate their way to the same end result. The consequences to this nation will mean the loss of its superpower status in the world, a break up of the Union and a living standard for most in North America that is comparable to that of Mexico today.… continue reading

Gerald Celente the world trend forecaster says America is in for a great depression and riots by 2012.

I guess I am not the only one who sees a great depression and an American revolution on the horizon. If world trend forecaster Gerald Celente has this one right and I have no reason to believe that he does not have it right, it all goes downhill from here.

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet: The truth will set you free!

The man who predicted the 1987 stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union is now forecasting revolution in America, food riots and tax rebellions – all within four years, while cautioning that putting food on the table will be a more pressing concern than buying Christmas gifts by 2012.

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Dr. David R. Reagan and the 2008 election.

Dr. David R. Reagan gives his discerning thoughts about the 2008 election. I totally agree with what he is is saying. I would point out that one of the reasons that only 59 percent of the eligible voters voted is that neither major party gave Conservatives and true Christians a candidate that we could vote for. We must never let that happen again.

We may only have one more national presidential election to get this right or in the out years we will find ourselves trying to elect an opposition leader in a fascist like climate of Putin’s Russia. Even in 2012 the playing field and the rules will give the Liberal home team a huge advantage.… continue reading

If you have read my posts and vote for Obama you have nobody but yourself to blame for the coming American nightmare

If you have been reading my posts do not ever tell me you had no idea the disaster that Obama would bring on this nation. You have been clearly told by myself and many other authors what Obama stands for.

  • If you vote for Obama tomorrow and vote in the far left path to poverty you have nobody but yourself to blame.
  • If you vote for Obama and you and your children become enslaved by programs of big brother social engineers you have nobody but yourself to blame.
  • If you vote for Obama and find yourself in a defenseless nation losing to terrorism and drug dealer because the democrats have decimated and handcuffed our military and border police you have nobody but yourself to blame.
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Dead Christians walking to a rude awaking for America

Dave is correct about the vast majority of Christianity in America and the West. We have become like our mother Israel who became a Harlot and God cast her out of the land. We made corrupt world leaders our saviors, we took the God who sustains us out of the equation, and played the harlot with the world and trust in our material riches.

Christianity in America is on her death bed. What happened to our Mother Harlot Israel will now happen to the apostate church. Nevertheless, even in the Harlot that we now call Christianity God has a faithful remnant that have not bowed their knee to the neo-paganism Baal of our time.… continue reading

The ingredients for a one term American President or the recipe for a long term dictator?

On the domestic front the author of this article should also have mentioned the amnesty no win program, terrorism, a run on the dollar, hyper inflation, high unemployment, riots, energy shortages, rationing, a draft, perhaps an EMP attack, thought police and maybe a police state. On the foreign threat he missed North Korea, Venezuela, and probably the next world war. Combine what Gerard Baker suggested in this article and what I just added, throw in a few unknown ingredients, turn the world upside down and let it simmer for a couple of years and what will come out of America’s melting pot?… continue reading

An EMP strike and the end of our nation as a superpower is more likely than not within a decade.

This article on the dangers and effects of an EMP is quite informative. I wrote on this issue a few time already but I think we had all better become more aware of this danger.

A EMP attack is probably the prime event that could eliminate the U.S. from being a factor in end time Bible prophecy. When you read the below article take note that Dr. Graham thinks a EMP could reduce the population of the U.S. to about 30 million people. Dr. Graham is not a crackpot he is the foremost expert on EMP’s. He knows what he is talking about.… continue reading

The Debt Crash

This article has been on my website almost ten years. Since the economic wheels started coming off it has been downloaded many thousands of times. In case you have not read my 25 articles on World Trends and Bible Prophecy. This article on world debt is a sample.

The coming economic crash caused by world debt

By Don Koenig – 2000 with 2008 update

Almost every nation of the world has such severe debt that just making the interest payments takes a large amount of their financial resources. Much of this world debt is owed to world bankers that then dictate their own economic policy to these countries.
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America will become like Sodom and Gomorrah if Christians do nothing

What Janet says in this article and her book is going to come to pass if “Christians” do not stop the anti Christian hate speech agenda. Those who love their sins will criminalize anything in Christianity that offends them. If you help elect Obama with his support of hate speech and thought-crime agendas and his stand that is contrary to the Bible on many issues you will have brought it on yourself. Also, if you elect that Liberal to the house or the Senate you will have brought it on yourself.

You can say we are working class, blacks, Catholics etc and we always voted democrat but you had better wake up and realize that this is no longer the party of your daddy.… continue reading

When will we believe acts of God are acts of God?

Is America now under judgment? When are acts of God acts of God? Has America done anything worthy of judgment? You be the judge.

  • So far this year we are involved in two foreign wars with another war being a distinct possibility.
  • We have had unprecedented numbers of tornadoes.
  • The Mid-West floods have been catastrophic.
  • More of California has burned this year then in any year in history and the fires are still burning with a fire season that still has a long way to go

On the Economic Front.

  • Falling Real estate values have caused the greatest financial crises since the great depression.
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The Temple Institute’s and the Jews postmodern relativism and revisionism.

First of all, this article is not exactly true, the Temple Institute did not just begin preparing for the Third Temple by making priestly garbs. The Temple Institute has been preparing for the building of the Third Temple for decades. It is interesting to watch the effort continue but remember, these Jews do not believe in Jesus and what they say is often self serving and scripturally just plain wrong. For Example: Rabbi Yehuda Glick in this article says the prophets say that all the nations will be coming to Jerusalem and take part in building the Third Temple and that it will unite the nations around one central house of prayer.… continue reading

China’s missing women reveal the end of the age.

There is going to be a documentary on HBO on Monday July 16th about China’s holocaust.

Let me just offer some thoughts while that critical world issue is on my mind. You can also find this and similar information on my website. (World trends section)

I have been saying that the male female imbalance in China, India and other Far East countries will make up much of the 200 million man army mentioned by Revelation that is prepared for a hour, day, a month, and a year to destroy one third of men on the earth. That army is this one and it will peak in about 25 years.… continue reading