Don Koenig’s World and Church Trends Perspectives Aug 2014

It seems that the mainstream press wants to make the news rather than report the news. They have dropped coverage of most crises in the world in order to make race in America the number one issue this month. And no wonder, the radical Left includes the leadership of much of mainstream media. They are doing all they can to divide America by race and class.

This is all part of the Communist plan to bring social upheavals that will destroy the Middle-Class and force more government changes toward statist Communism. In case you did not get it yet, the far Left in America is either Communist or is a very close socialist cousin.… continue reading

The root of America’s problem is its evolutionary worldview

America has been taken over by ideologues of the radical left that very much identify with socialist Communism or Fascism. They can also be defined as statists. They believe that big government controlled by elite “more evolved” individuals with a secular humanist socialistic worldview is the only hope for humanity to have any hope for survival as a species. They would be correct if there were no God, however, there is a God, and He is fully in control of human destiny. The evolutionary worldview is the root of the problems in America.

These secular humanist socialists are practicable atheists. They might give lip service to God but they are always found in opposition to His teachings.… continue reading

World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy Perspectives May 2014

As most of you know, I have been doing these monthly perspectives newsletters for a few years now. The title change this month was made to reflect the Blog name rather than my own name. It will continue that way. The newsletters will remain monthly until people that know that they will be going in the Rapture this year send me the million in cash that they will not be needing anymore. I would then hire creative staff to publish daily perspectives about world and church trends and Bible prophecy.

No, this is not a 501c3 tax exempt website and probably never will be.… continue reading

American Oligarchy rules nation with police state enforcement

You might not yet even realize that you are under police state control, but you will soon. Americans are now ruled by an Oligarchy that controls an increasingly powerful police state that has Big Brother surveillance capabilities.

Everything you do will be regulated and if you do not abide by the rule of the elite and their police state enforcers the little liberty and freedom that you still have will cease to exist. The huge growth of armed federal agents in the Department of Homeland Security and the militarization of almost all local police forces and the control of them by directives from Homeland Security ought to tell you something about where we are heading as a nation.… continue reading

The urban rural division in America parallels Lot and Abraham?

Most know the biblical story of Abraham and Lot. Lot was Abraham’s nephew and Lot traveled where God was leading Abraham. Tension started increasing between the herdsmen of Abraham and Lot so they agreed to part company. Lot chose to move to the plains where the cities were. Lot’s people mingled with the natives and became influenced by evil people who dominated the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham stayed in the hill country and walked with God.

Not more than a couple of decades after Lot’s people departed Abraham, lot’s people were all destroyed by fire from heaven along with all the native people of the plains because they had joined in with the wicked practices of Sodom and Gomorrah.… continue reading

Will America avoid the coming foreign wars or coming civil war?

If America gets involved in a major war in the Middle East or in Asia, the usual rallying around the flag might make it possible for America to avoid a civil war unless the war becomes unpopular or the draft is restarted. If a foreign war and the rallying around the flag does not happen, the future for America could be even more bleak than a foreign war because race baiters and socialistic radicals are fueling divisions in America that very well could lead to civil warfare.

The increasingly lawless unconstitutional government of the Obama administration with its Big Brother and anti traditional America agenda, socialist wealth redistribution programs, and anti Christian social activism could bring about civil warfare before the next presidential election.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Jan 2014

We have arrived into the year 2014 and it will prove to be the year that Americans either halted the slide into tyranny and godless socialism, or it will be the year that the progressively insane statist socialists gained full effective control over Americans and muzzled those people who still believe in Christian morals and family values.

Battle lines are already forming. A federal judge in Utah and another federal judge in Oklahoma ruled that the laws that banned homosexual marriage in these sovereign states are unconstitutional. Two-thirds of the voters in Utah voted against allowing homosexuals to marry and three-fourths of the voters in Oklahoma did the same.… continue reading

Revolution against hard left progressive tyranny begins in 2014

When a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them [i.e. the people] under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” – Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776

The above is pretty strong language, but it is the wording used by the fathers of this nation when they declared independence from Great Britain in 1776 during the American revolution. Many now think that those running our government have become even more tyrannical than King George III of Britain ever was.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Dec 2013

You really have to hand it to the Obama administration, they are totally consistent in a couple of things. They are consistently on the wrong side of every issue, they are consistent in their lying and they are consistent in covering up their illegal activity. Every month without exception brings new proofs of this never-ending truth.

In Obama administration foreign policy, the new Obama Iran deal takes the cake. I have not seen anything so stupid since Al Gore and John Kerry ran for President and Americans almost elected them. Then they followed up that stupidity by electing and reelecting a radical left-wing anti-American President and that is where American world-class stupidity brings us now.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Nov 2013

The big news right now is Obamacare and the lies about it that Obama and his Obamamites told the American people. If present trends hold true, today’s MSM news headlines will soon be replaced by something equally shocking and Obamacare will be put on the back page like all the previous lies, unconstitutional actions, and dictatorial abuses of power by this Obama administration.

While conservatives think they are gaining in the national debate, the Obama administration is even using the revelation of the month club to shoehorn in other abuses of power while everyone is focused on the new monthly issue.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Oct 2013

People are wondering how the House of Representatives not funding parts of our federal government will all play out. That really is not the main problem because they already funded most of our government in separate bills. About 83 percent of government employees are working again and they all will get paid. The more critical issues is the need to raise the national debt ceiling limit by October 17th or the U.S. Treasury says we could have a debt default.

This is not to be taken lightly because Treasury Secretary Lew, has cleaned out every government trust fund in existence over the last couple of months to pay the bills.… continue reading

America transforms from honorable to dishonorable in fifty years

The early 1960’s certainly were not perfect but the vast majority of people in America led fairly honorable lives back then. The mid 60’s probably were the very last of the Happy Days of Richie Cunningham. That TV program and programs like the Andy Griffith Show or Ozzie and Harriet were not that far off the mark for small town white America in the 50’s and most of the 60’s. There were a lot of children in those days, birth control was limited, abortion was not legal or acceptable, and there was little confusion about the role of males and females.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Sep 2013

Just about everything in the news since late August is about the Obama administration plan to carry out an air attack on the Assad government forces in Syria for his alleged use of chemical weapons. Unless there is a terrorist attack on America, the Syrian affair will dominate the news for the entire month whether the U.S. attack is actually carried out or not.

The overwhelming majority of the American people do not want any U.S. attack on Syria. Most Americans are fed up with us intervening in Muslim nations and think we should stay out of the Syrian civil war.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Jun 2013

Americans elected a first class deceiver for President and now we reap the consequences. None of what is being revealed about what is going on in this administration surprises or shocks me. I really do not want to even address the issues because there are too many of them and I know that nothing much is going to be done about most of them anyway. The House show will go on but they are dealing with racketeering pros and they will never get to the top.

The evil people behind Obama and the people that he appoints will continue to ignore our Constitution.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues May 2013

As you probably already know Israel bombed targets inside of Syria recently. The word from Assad is that if it happens again He will declare war on Israel. Even so, I think that Assad should have received the message that it will not be in his best interest to allow advanced weapons from Iran to be transferred to Hezbollah through Syria.

I am sure that either Iran conspired with Assad to allow the weapons transfer, or Hezbollah is running its own show in Syria. It could be that Assad and Iran are hoping that if Israel keeps attacking Syria it will get the different factions fighting against Assad to come together to fight against Israel.… continue reading

The postmodern media plague of unreliable sources and information

Have you noticed that a lot of information obtained from main stream media, alternative media, religious media, intelligence, and the Internet cannot be depended upon? How are people suppose to sort out the truth if they can’t find reliable sources for information? In this postmodern media plague where truth is what certain factions want it to be, we get half-truths, disinformation and outright lies. The media “facts” given to us today turn out to be fabrications tomorrow. Whatever the headlines of great interest are this week will not even be mentioned next week if it does not advance the government or media agenda.… continue reading

Analysis of the North Korean threat and America’s weak response

The world has been told by the Obama administration that Obama does not bluff. However, apparently leaders in North Korea, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere do not believe him. Many leaders think that Obama is bluffing because like Presidents Clinton and Carter he is so wishy-washy predictable. The “progressive” leaders of America always take the politically correct way that is blessed by the globalist progressive appeasers.

Obama bluffed North Korea by sending a few ships and nuclear bombers and having a joint exercise with South Korea as a show of force that we will not put up with their nuclear weapons development program.… continue reading

Koenigs perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Mar 2013

I was going to write about how the only hope for this nation was for wealthy people to pool their resource to start their own TV networks to counter the government controlled mainstream media brainwashing that is going on in America. However, even if there was the motivation, and there is not, there would not be enough time to change hearts and minds to change this nation before it self destructs. We simply do not have the time left to undue all the evil that was done over the last fifty years.

I also have come to the conclusion that mass repentance and conversion is just not going to happen in America.… continue reading

Looking back from the future at an Obamanation that led the world

You say you wanted an Obamanation? You thought he was the answer for all your problems because Obama was black and intended to play Robin Hood? You say he would give you things like an Obamaphone, so you voted for him six times? You say you always vote democrat because they care about the working man and the poor? Okay fine, now you low or no information voters and fellow travelers will live with the obvious consequences of electing a radical Marxist to lead America.

I do not say this lightly. Those that voted for Obama, voted for judgment on this nation.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Jan 2013

Obama laid out his gun plan like some Emperor-in-Chief talking down to his subjects. He claims that his program is the way to stop gun violence. It will not do that, because gun violence is just one symptom of the real disease called covetousness and hate.

Obama has done more to divide this nation and create class hate in this country than any president ever has. Obama’s real plan is to use the Sandy Hook shooting tragedy as a springboard to attack American Second Amendment rights. And I am sure he also knows that doing this will create move division and hate.… continue reading