World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy Perspectives May 2014

As most of you know, I have been doing these monthly perspectives newsletters for a few years now. The title change this month was made to reflect the Blog name rather than my own name. It will continue that way. The newsletters will remain monthly until people that know that they will be going in the Rapture this year send me the million in cash that they will not be needing anymore. I would then hire creative staff to publish daily perspectives about world and church trends and Bible prophecy.

No, this is not a 501c3 tax exempt website and probably never will be. Those going in the Rapture won’t be needing a tax deduction anyhow. I wrote the article in the link above in 2009, but I have not even received one offer of a million from any of the Christians making their dogmatic claims that the Rapture had to occur by 2012.

Seems, nobody wants to put their money where their mouth…err… faith…err… presumption is. The good news is that the offer is still open for 2014. The bad news is, no refunds. By the way, I don’t take anything less than a million USD so don’t anyone send me their spare change or chicken feed.


Two eastern Ukrainian Provinces had a vote on secession today even though Putin asked them to postpone it. It is hard to say what will happen if they vote to secede as expected. The Ukrainian government in Kiev will not recognize the secession and may send in troops to put down the resistance. If that happens, Russia will do whatever it takes to defend the Russian populations in those areas. The Provinces probably will ask to join Russia. Once the Russian Congress approves and these Provinces are absorbed into Russia there is nothing that Kiev can do unless they want to fight a losing war against Russia.

Obama went to Kiev last week and called the Western backed coup in power there, the duly elected government of the Ukraine? Someone is more than a bit confused and it is not Putin. The government now in Kiev was not duly elected by the Ukrainian people.

I know one thing. You can’t force people to be loyal to a government that does not represent them. The Provinces that are dominated by ethnic Russians helped elect the pro-Russian President that the Western Ukrainians overthrew by force in a coup. It would be better for Ukraine and the world if those Russian dominated Provinces  joined with Russia. I don’t think we should be involved in trying to keep this ethnic divide together. It simply will lead to war.

Russia is only a threat to NATO at this point because NATO has expanded to encircle the reasonably paranoid Russians that lost over 20 million people fighting against the German fascists. The Soviet Union threat no longer exists, so why is NATO encircling Russia? Who really is starting a new cold war here? The EU talks about guaranteeing freedom and democracy in Eastern European nations but the EU is actually ruled by an Oligarchy and looks very much fascist.


Pope Francis told world governments to redistribute the wealth. Next, he will tell world leaders that only world religion can justly do that redistributing of the wealth. That is not just hyperbole, it fits the Harlot of Revelation 17 and those believing in Dominion Theology. The Mormons have the same idea. Wealth would be given to the Mormon Church and the Mormon Church would distribute it justly.

Now we have those in the Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation giving their support to Pope Francis.
Their beliefs are the very definition of Dominion Theology. Is it any wonder then that I believe the next major world movement will be pseudo Christian Dominion Theology.

After the humanists crash and burn in war, decadence, and economic collapse there will be a turn back toward religion by the people and it will become oppressive. It has happened in the past under Roman Catholicism. It is happening today over one-fourth of the earth with Islam. Obviously then, when people no longer trust secular governments they will place their hope in the religion that prevails. In the West, this religion is pseudo Christianity.

I would not write this in stone, but I still think Mitt Romney will play a role in setting up this world Dominion Theology along with Pope France. Mormon Bishop Mitt Romney could be President by 2017 or even in 2021 or 2025. I wrote about the Mormon plan to establish a world theocracy from America last time he ran for president. Think about it. All the occult symbolism in the Roman Empire, Washington D.C., Mormonism, Masonry, and the Vatican then tie together. You can read about how the fourth beast of Daniel fits within all this in my article called the fourth beast is still ruling the world.

All this makes sense. Satan knows what he intends to do, he just cannot accomplish it until whatever hinders is taken out-of-the-way so the man of sin can be revealed (2Th 2:3). Satan has had hopes that some man would become indwelt by the Son of Perdition from out of the Abyss for a very long time. It seems his last major effort to make that happen was with Hitler, but it did not work out. There is little reason to believe the present effort to set up world conditions for the rise of this being would not perfectly fit the end time prophecies that were foretold by God.


You may have been one of those people who wish you could have gone to the Bundy Ranch, but most people screwing with  Federal law enforcement do not have a clue how much trouble the Feds can cause them even apart from a direct confrontation at locations like the Bundy site. I think people just thought they could come and then go home and the government would forget about them. I don’t believe that is about to happen. Not with this administration. Holder and his boys have the FBI working on the case and you can bet charges will come out of it.

You can bet that everyone that was there was photographed and identified. They know where you live and everything else about you by now. One day after the investigation is finished they will be sending out FBI agents to round these people up. They will probably charge some people with conspiracy, others with obstruction of justice by interfering with federal officers in performance of their duties, and others with weapons violations and other crimes. I hope you did not pee in a public place or toss that cigarette butt or gum wrapper.

You can plead not guilty, but you better have deep pockets. Some that were there will plea bargain and become witnesses for the government against you and some that you interacted with were government undercover agents to start with. The law enforcement agents at the scene will also testify against you.

The best thing that people who were or are still there can now do is to find some patriot organization that will provide for the legal defense of those that will be charged. They need to be prepared to take it all the way to the Supreme Court. Don’t even bet on winning this one. The government has the law on their side. I think they fully intend to make an example of these people so none dare mess with Federal agents again. Mark my words, it could be months down the line, but once they get their case together nobody will be coming to your defense to stop them from serving out the warrant for your arrest. I feel for you guys, but if your going to act against a police state you ought to expect that they will also act out that role.


John Kerry tells us that the abduction of the girls in Nigeria is rooted in poverty. No John. You liberals have a mind defect and blame everything on things that have no foundation in fact.  The abduction of girls is rooted in Islam and even the Boko Haram terrorists said so. Boko Haram is founded and trained by al-Qaeda.

I would ask liberals to look at the facts, but I know that is impossible for those with their mental disease. A prime example of this is Obama and all the liberal knee-jerkers claiming that man is causing “climate disruption”  (changed from “climate change”– changed from “global warming”).

Observation evidences prove that there is no such thing as large-scale man caused climate disruptions. The earth has not warmed in almost 20 years and the prior warming was part of a natural cycle. Plants love the little extra CO2 in the atmosphere since it is food to them. CO2 is not making the world warmer it is making it greener. Pseudo science such as the claim of man caused global warming gives liberals the excuse to force global governance on everyone. Liberals, love to think that they are superior evolved beings that should lord over others on the planet. Liberals are religious. They like to pretend that collective humanity is God of this planet.

The facts say that so far this year we are having the coldest weather in the United States since climate records were kept. The facts say that there has been no global warming for almost two decades. The facts say that a cooling trend seems to be developing on earth. The facts say there has been less drought, hurricanes, and tornadoes in recent years then in the 20th century on average. Even so, many “scientists” have their tin cups out and lie about the facts in order to keep their jobs and grants.

Government lies to us about everything else these days. Social scientists and hard scientists are now complicit in those lies. These forked tongue global warming liars were bred in communist run universities that teach people lies and how to perpetuate lies to appease their god named Humanism and her ruling class of “more evolved beings”. What these climate disruption lies will mean to you is higher taxes, much higher energy prices, more regulation, a lower standard of living, and more electrical brown and black outs.


The economy grew by .1 percent last quarter and that is likely to get adjusted downward. Yet, they want everyone to think that we are having a recovery. There are fewer people employed and more people on assistance every month but they want Americans to think that our economy is getting better. Wages are still falling, more people only have part-time jobs and inflation is running about ten percent for most but the liars claim it is one percent. That way the liars do not have to pay cost of living increases or pay interest.

The vast majority of people in this nation are in an economic depression but the government lies and everyone knows they lie, but nobody does anything about it. Yet, Obama’s approval rating is back up to 47 percent? People truly have lost their mind. The brain-dead in America now only respond to new stimulus. It is like they are hooked on stun guns. One of these days Americans will get the shock of their life but how many will even survive it?

The government is not only corrupt and treasonous it is too corrupt for anyone in government to even investigate the flagrant crimes that have and are being committed. The fox is guarding the hen-house. The criminals are those running our government and our institutions. We not only have a progressive Oligarchy in America we have a progressive Thugarchy.

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21 thoughts on “World and Church Trends and Bible Prophecy Perspectives May 2014

  1. Hi Don,

    It is amazing how slow and sure desensitization is taking place in America. People are adapting to the “new normal” which is a lower standard of living brought to us by the government.


  2. I read recently that my Southern Baptist Convention initials (SBC) now mean Slowly Becoming Catholic thanks to the efforts of Rick Warren and Beth Moore.

  3. No one will talk about the most serious crime commited the night of the Benghazi attack. The coverup of it being a terrorist attack is bad enough but the reason Obama was not in the situation room and no military response was allowed is because no one knew that 4 americans were dead and they thought they could keep this attack under the radar. Obama and Hillary were strategizing about the video while the attack was still happening and not sending military to respond is undefensable as no one knew how long the attack would continue. The death of Ambassador Stevens and our brave american’s was a game changer and caused this massive deception and no I do not have any hope of this truth being reported or discovered.

  4. Stephen,

    The American public don’t care as evidenced in the last election results. The Republicans don’t really care either, except of coarse, that they can gain political mileage from it.

    Stevens may have been brave, but he allegedly was arranging to smuggle arms to terrorist organizations like al qaeda in Syria and Boko Harem, which by the way have been murdering Christians for many years and kidnapping young school girls. The Ambassador and those like him are responsible for death and misery around the world – the world is a safer place now that Stevens is in Hell!!

  5. On Russia: Good objectivity in your viewpoint, I would add, right now Nato is like a bunch of yapping dogs with no alpha dog present, taking on a bear just waking up from hibernation and finding one of its cubs in danger.

    On Catholicism: I am still of the mind it takes a revealing of “aliens” to force various religions under one umbrella. That is just my imagination working as we look at the days we are in, nothing biblical to support my theory. Something will have to happen to shake the current status quo, an alien story of creation and interaction through the ages would accomplish that, especially if they come with, seemingly, undeniable technological superiority.

    On Bundy Ranch: Wouldn’t have wanted to be there personally, my ties are more to the Kingdom than a nation, but those who did stand up for their idea of freedom were most definitely identified and will be tracked. Would be surprised if the Federal Government openly prosecuted these people as this would only publicize their failure. I do look for stories of secret prosecution coming out over the next few years for these individuals which will be relegated to Conspiracy Theories.

    On Nigerian Girls Kidnapping: Isn’t the US being the world’s policemen getting a little tiring for Americans? It sure is for the rest of the world…

    On Climate Disruption: Agreed that the science behind this movement is inconsistent, but in my 46 years (as of tomorrow) I have witnessed, in my opinion, a huge change in the climate as far as frequency of extremes of the weather that result in disasters, such as Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tornadoes and droughts/floods.

    On the American Economy: It is screwed! Can I say that here? (:

    You did a really good job with the article this month, once again, thank you for your perspectives on World, Church, and Bible Prophecies.

  6. Ukraine: Thankfully not everyone believes the MSM and sees that this government is the results of a coup and that we the United States are supporting them as the official government. There is so much footage and leaked tapes that prove this was a coup by the western powers (eu & usa). Did you see the news about Joe Biden son is now on the board of Ukraines gas company? Ukraine was nothing more than a proxy war over energy IMHO.
    Vatican: read some scary stuff about their gient telescopes on mount Grahmn in Arizona and how they are changing their common core beliefs to accept these aliens coming to earth sometime soon. Doesn’t that fit in around some of the things you wrote about earlier?
    Bundy Ranch: I think your right, the government will get the last word. Unfortunately they got out played in this incident as common folk stood up to the tyranny and they didn’t want another Waco. I think they will continue pushing their weight around and eventually no one will stand up to them.
    Climate Disruption: you nailed it spot on, could of added the dirty words “carbon tax” as that will be one of the new revenues if they get their way. Did you know that Al Gore owns one of those companies that takes carbon tax payments? Lol
    Government: Holder insisted he investigate himself and no one could prevent him from doing so. The executive branch has cut the legislature branch and judicial branch on the darn tree. There is only one branch now and that is the executive branch holding a chainsaw. There is a cartoon drawn like that which really represents the current state of affairs.
    Right before leaving AZ for TX I changed my party affiliation to nonaffiliated. I’ve woken up and realized the entire two party system is a farce. Once the doors close they are all buddies. It is truly us versus them. The government that we thought was ours was most likely lost with JFK. He tried taking down the Federal Reserve and the big bankers. This government we have now is all bought and paid for by lobbyist who writes large checks to government officials to get the bills passed of failed depending on corporate needs. Democrat & Republican are both the same, they both believe in Collectivism, which is the opposite of individualism. G. Edward Griffin has some great videos on youtube that describe the difference.
    Thanks again Don

  7. Wayne,

    Maybe, but Sevens was not acting alone. Americans need to find out who the other traitors were.

  8. Don
    Have you had a chance to watch John Comeau’s Harbinger II? He doesn’t go in to conspiracy of who did what but yet looks at it from a Biblical principal. The next Shmita is September 13, 2015 and he simply states it as an important date to watch. Israel had nine harbingers before its final destruction, wonder how many the US will get.

  9. TheTram,

    Everyone wants to make a buck. None of this is based on anything said in the Bible when using proper exegesis. These people just make things up as they go along. They might as well join those claiming direct revelation because they are making up similar messages. Only they use mystical Midrash techniques to get their own “word from the Lord” rather than hearing voices in their head. People had better get back to correctly discerning the scriptures or they are going to be misled in these last days with everyone following anyone that comes up with a new wind of unfounded doctrine.

  10. I think The Tram meant Johnathan Cahn.

    The Harbinger II is being supported by Sid Roth and Rick Joyner, among others – good NAR members. Also, Joyner is a proud member of Knights of Malta.

    They are successfully penetrating the SBC. As Don said, proper exegesis is lacking.

  11. Don,

    I like your ideas regarding Mitt Romney, the Vatican, Pope, etc. I tend to believe that America could be the catalyst nation that leads us to the Beast system, but who knows. I think that much of this occultic symbolism connecting Rome with Washington and so forth could be proof of Satan’s direct involvement in our nation’s affairs, which is no surprise since we are in the fallen world and living in the last days. I also find it strange that the Pope mentioned baptizing “aliens” recently. Maybe this was just to say that Christianity should turn away no one who comes to the faith, but I have quite the suspicion there is a double meaining. Especially in light of what former president Clinton had to say with regards to not being surprised if aliens or a more advanced society visited us one day. Don I think the deception is on its way and if the days of Noah are to be literally fulfilled in every way then this would make sense i guess. It seems everytime that I read the news (since there is no real reporting so to speak of on TV) I am astonished as to how much our nation continues to decay with each passing day. America is in very dangerous territory and has seemingly given herself over to the devil in every way. If silence means consent, then our nation is doomed for not rising up and speaking out against such corruption, greed, and outright rebellion against the God of Heaven. With each day this administration and all those associated from top to bottom defy what is conscionable, good and just. I just pray that we can weather the storm that is coming and hope that it will not be too much to bear before the rapture. Thanks for your service.

  12. Hi Steve,

    It does seem that we are being set up for some mysterious revelation.

    The Pope said, all can be baptized even aliens. He is wrong on a number of levels. Only believers can be truly baptized. The Catholics think that sprinkling water with the priests saying some words is what baptizes someone into the Church. In reality, Jesus is the only one who baptizes and He does it with the Holy Spirit according to John the Baptist (Mt 3:11). Therefore, one has to be drawn by the Holy Spirit and be baptized by Jesus to truly be a member of the blood bought Church of God. Not to mention that the Aliens the Pope was talking about would have to be fallen angels. They will never be in the Church.

    I agree that it will be like in the days of Noah. Jesus made that clear, and we clearly see the world is heading toward every kind of evil and violence like the Bible said occurred on earth in the days before the flood. And yes, fallen angels claiming to come from elsewhere tie into the great delusion because the world hated the truth the two prophets of God told them.

  13. Don,

    You continue to create thought provoking articles that benefit all who read your blog, also, in my opinion, you have an outstanding cast of regulars that give me faith today that there are some great Bible Believing American’s (and from other nations like Brian from Oz).

    For the world events, I think this weeks Hal Lindsey show hit it perfectly when he said that U.S. Government is tracking all of us to identify who is a terrorist threat…the only caveat being that those who are rubbing at least two brain cells together and are actually thinking instead of following the promoted tyrannical dictatorship theology for society…and even more so, those of us who are Christ, Bible Believing Christians are what they consider THE real threat.

    As far as the demonic and Jesus hating society that we live in today and the talk of aliens or whatever humanity can think of to disrespect The Lord God Almighty…I don’t believe that these atheist people can’t see it, it’s just that they don’t want to see it.

    It is not difficult, for example, to see the miracle of Israel or the Prophets of Biblical History being 100% accurate…it is much easier for anti-Christ people to know nothing about Scripture and follow a mantra of “there is no God” or “we are all God’s”…and follow the Judas Goat to the slaughter.

    OK Don, you don’t want spare change or chicken feed…how about a truck load of manure ?: )

  14. ~David,

    I already get sent manure by the truck load but I do not make my blog readers digest any of it by posting the crap.

  15. Don,
    I do believe you are correct in your opinion of a possible Mitt Romney run for the White House, perhaps as early as 2016. At present I see no unifying figure among the current class of likely candidates, who could garner enough enthusiasm both within the GOP and among Independents to beat the Clinton Machine. Unless there is a dark horse waiting in the wings, I suspect there will be a Romney groundswell in the coming months, or a possible Romney “Draft” at the convention.

  16. Tom,

    Unless Republicans embrace homosexual marriage and other progressive ideals they will never get elected again. Once they do, which seems inevitable, there will be even less difference between the two parties than already exists. We Christians are on the losing team for the foreseeable future regardless of who’s in power 🙁

  17. Hi Wayne,
    An Ultra-Conservative, by today’s standards, once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your Country.” Unfortunately, the former mindset now makes up a 51 percent majority of the voting block. Homosexual marriage is a sideshow embraced by Hollywood and upper middle class white liberals by enlarge and will not determine the outcome of future elections. After all, a vast majority of Latinos and Blacks are very much opposed to homosexuality, but they’ll overwhelmingly vote for democrat candidates. The whining dependent class will continue to grow and continue to ask what their country can do for them. And, they will vote for the Candy Man every time. Immigration reform, with the potential of 12 million newly registered democrats, will be the last nail in the coffin of our Great Representative Republic.

  18. To everyone, hello. I followed Dan S’s link and noticed toward the end of the article that John Piper went on record to say that Rick Warren is ‘theologically sound.’ Both of these men believe in the Covenant/Replacement Theology. I bring this up because lately I keep hearing/reading pastors quoting John Piper. That influence can only promote anti-Semitism among Christians.

    Tom Porter. I agree with you, but I want to point out the flip side of the coin re: the dependent class. There’s no argument that a lot of people take advantage of whatever they can get at someone else’s expense, but my friends in low places are telling me how they are getting trapped into government dependency simply because they don’t make enough money to meet their daily needs. Isn’t that what this government wants? I believe it is.

  19. Somewhat following the posts / topics…

    I’ll chime in about this “Chritian Mingle” thing — so, they boast millions of “users” and they put out all these commercials. Seems like a whole lot of lusters to me. No genuine Christians to be found (OK, there’s likely to a few, admittedly). If the numbers were genuine, we’d see the results in the voting booths as well. What a farce.

    Just sayin’

  20. Craig,

    I don’t know how Christian Mingle became a topic but I’ll ‘chime’ in also since you brought it up.

    I’ve never seen a commercial for Christian Mingle as I don’t watch network TV, however, I can say after looking at some of the profiles that many/most of the women have very secular interests…some of what I’ve seen shows that ‘Christian Mingle’ is not much different than what I could imagine from any non-Christian dating website.

    The one positive I can see is they don’t allow homosexual dating.

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