Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues Jan 2012

Our government had better start dealing with the threats against this country or we are going to wake up to an EMP one day soon. Iran is frantically building missile bases in Venezuela with the thought of having intermediate range nuclear tipped missiles that could easily reach the United States. Anyone who thinks we can allow Iran to gets nukes because they are no threat to America is out of touch with reality.

We do not even know that Iran does not have nukes already and even if they don’t, they could have nukes anytime they want. The time to deal with Iran was years ago and the time to deal with that tin horn dictator in Venezuela is now.… continue reading

Christians and Constitutional Conservatives already lost America

I think there is a fundamental error in thinking among Constitutional Conservative Christians in America. Some Conservatives and Bible believing Christians in America think that they can just elect someone and make America back into the basically Christian Constitutional Republic that it once was. Nothing could be further from the truth. A nation gets the leader that God determines that they need or deserve. Constitutional Conservatives and Bible believing Christians have already lost the American Republic. There will have to be nothing short of a moral revolution to get it back and I can prove why.

The American Public School system has become little more than a humanist communist government indoctrination system.… continue reading

Progressive Liberal race riots are predictable and inevidable

Even though most media will not dare mention that many blacks are racists and that the latest riots are mainly race driven. It does not change the fact that these violent civil upheavals are race driven as well as the result of an amoral undisciplined people. These are people that largely grew up without fathers but instead were mentored by government and media Marxist social engineers. They were also mentored locally by a gang rap culture of drug pushing criminals.

Much of these ghettos are now in rebellion against their institutional keepers and the inmates want to attack all those that do not belong in their own mental ward.… continue reading

Win the 2012 presidential election through the Sarah Palin model

Sarah Palin has a Christian concept of God, and a personal moral agenda, and now, pleasing the mainstream media and the entrenched political establishment in America is obviously not in her political playbook. Palin is one of the few people who might run for President that has a campaign model needed to win against the Democrats in 2012.  No Conservative will win the 2012 presidential election by trying to please the radical left that have almost total control over the mainstream media. These leftists hate everything we Christians and conservatives stand for.

Palin stands for a Christian concept of God, moral conservative principles based on the Bible, and a literal interpretation of our Constitution; she believes in individualism and in keeping the federal government out of our lives as much as possible by limiting the size of federal government.… continue reading

Mass murderers, psychos, guns, and Liberal enablers and disablers

The response to the mass murders in Arizona proves how low the Left will go to try to gain political advantage. For days they were blaming the Tea Party and conservative talk shows for inciting Jared Loughner into mass murder without having one shred of evidence that there was any connection at all. The slander against people on the Right from these people would have been called criminal hate speech had anything like this libelous venom come against the Left.

It is now well known that Loughner was not a conservative, in fact, most of his views would put him on the Left.… continue reading

Rupert Murdoch’s charging for news scheme.

I know that is off topic for this blog but it affects my blog and all who blog about news indirectly.

Rupert Murdoch has made it clear that his media empire is about to start charging people to read Internet news that would include Fox News as well as many others. He also expects other Internet news sites to follow suit. I do not know what world Rupert Murdoch is now living on he certainly is not living on Internet earth. Murdoch has been wrong about a lot of things lately and is losing a lot of money because of such irrational thinking.… continue reading

Jim Bakker is back on the air and cooks up a new Heritage like Village called Morningside

I am not going to judge the man I think he paid his dues. I just thought many would like to know that Jim Bakker is back on the air and has created something very much like Heritage Village all over again. This project is called Morningside. I don’t think Jim Bakker will make the same mistakes he made with Heritage Village because this project is backed by a wealthy businessman who believed in Bakkers idea for a Christian community.

We will have to wait and see what the content of his new show will be like but I know he has renounced the property gospel and just maybe he can do something useful promoting the gospel in his old age.… continue reading

The high cost of publishing unprovable innuendos

I hope WND learned its lesson form all this and will more closely check out its sources in the future. You cannot just publish alleged criminal activity just because some unnamed source claims it, unless you are willing to give the the source of the accusations or have documented proof of the criminal activity. The standard should even be higher for a Christian publisher.I have seen many stories on Internet sites that just publish whatever they want against people as if it were true without any supporting facts offered.

I cannot imagine the cost to WND in fighting and settling this case.continue reading

Who should a Christian/Conservative vote for in the 2008 election?

I really do not see a reasonable candidate to vote for in the 2008 primary elections. So what should Conservatives and Christians who believe the Constitution and/or in moral absolutes of the Bible do? There is not much we can do about the Democrats because one of the two will get the nomination.

My suggestion is to Republicans and Independents. I believe that electing an acceptable candidate is no longer possible. Therefore, I suggest that you only vote for the candidate that has the least delegates locked up. The goal should not be for any one of the three candidates to win the primary.… continue reading

Man caused global warming determined to be scientifically wrong

The article gives ample proof that CO2 does not drive global warming.  The author suggests that global warming advocates will either go into denial because they cannot take being wrong or they will switch to the threat of global cooling. I do not think that will be the way it will turn out.

There is already plenty of proof that global warming is not man caused and the little warming that there was over the last hundred years is not any threat to mankind. Nevertheless, if you tell lies long and loud enough, and certain people stand to get rich supporting these lies, and politicians stand to gain power over the people through these lies, the lies are not going to be done away with anytime soon.… continue reading

The MRSA Homosexual connection whitewash begins

You will know soon enough that what is quoted below is true. Homosexual sex practices spread disease. Every honest person in the health profession knows that this is true. Yet, the Homosexuals keep acting like their filthy practices are not a threat to themselves or anyone else. The dead and sickly of their diseases now know otherwise and the next deadly chapter is now about to be played out. Meanwhile expect a cover up and a twisting of the truth.

clipped from townhall.com

Although outbreaks of methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, have primarily been confined to hospitals in the
past, the study determined that, due to “high risk behaviors” beyond hospital
walls — such as “anal sex” — men who have sex with men are now 13 times more
likely to contract the infection.

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Rick Warren’s distortions of reality

I have noticed over the years that Rick Warren just panders to the audience. What he says to Christians on a issue will not necessarily be be what he says to the media or the world power brokers on the same issue. His message is typically post-modern where truth is relative and adjustable to those being pandered to for his own end.

This is why he is signing on to wordily agendas and then apologizing or having to rationalize to other Christians why he jumped on board. Then to appease them he says he did not agree with much of what he signed???continue reading

Ten things to deal with to restore America.

If only ten things were dealt with like I know they should be dealt with, sanity could be restored to America and crime would drop at least 95 percent.

Those ten things to deal with are:

1. Stop illegal immigration

2. Drugs

3. Gangs

4. White collar and Internet crimes

5. Pornography and sex perversion

6. Public decency codes restored to like they were in the 50’s for all media and any public display

7. Election reform (term limits, and fund raising reform)

8. Public education reform (Back to basic education like it was before the socialists and perverts took over)

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The Year the Global Warming Hoax Died

The problem is that the proof is being ignored. The politicians now see this as a means to an end to raise taxes and to establish global governance. 2007 might be the year the Global Warming Hoax was exposed but what is going to stop the treaties that will still take place and cost us trillions of dollars for no reason?

Unless each person gets off their duff and tells their Representatives in government and corporations that they will be looking for jobs if they support carbon regulations and taxes it will all continue. Their agenda has little to do with Global warming it is about global control and big money.continue reading

Sizzling study concludes: Global warming is a farce’

This article makes some excellent points that global warming hysterics are not telling people. 97 percent of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not from human activity. Human activity cannot double the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Even if the carbon dioxide did somehow double, the effects on climate would be so minimal that nobody would notice.

They want the world to spend trillions of dollars to reduce human carbon but even if every human left the planet forever it would only have the effect of reducing carbon in the atmosphere by less than three percent. These idiots of environmental junk science really want global management and control and they hijacked the media to attract the usual knee jerkers and convince politicians and foundations to support only science that will support what the global warming gurus wish published.continue reading

Gog Putin wants Sex for the motherland and the Fascist Nashi’s

Everyone but the liberal West which has its head in the sand about many world threats can see that Russia is going Fascist big time and Putin is the one pushing it. Yet we continue to kiss up to him like he was our friend. If we think we had problems with Russia during the cold war just wait another decade. What a wonderful world it will be.

Putin has become as popular in Russia as Hitler was in Germany and he has much the same ideology and personality. He is now in the process of killing and marginalizing his opposition and he is now making land and power grabs for control of the earth’s energy resources.continue reading

High taxes in Norway

I lived in Norway for two years. It is a beautiful country and the people are wonderful but the taxes are nuts. The VAT tax causes everything but the basics to be two to three time as high as in the United States. I remember if you drove out of the country you were almost expected to come back with a car trunk full of tax free liqueur. Some people in NATO were paying their monthly rent with their monthly tax free allotment of booze.

What I do not understand is if 3/4 of the people are against the taxes why do they still have them and why do they continually find new things to tax?continue reading