The Year the Global Warming Hoax Died

The problem is that the proof is being ignored. The politicians now see this as a means to an end to raise taxes and to establish global governance. 2007 might be the year the Global Warming Hoax was exposed but what is going to stop the treaties that will still take place and cost us trillions of dollars for no reason?

Unless each person gets off their duff and tells their Representatives in government and corporations that they will be looking for jobs if they support carbon regulations and taxes it will all continue. Their agenda has little to do with Global warming it is about global control and big money. They are not about to give up this gravy train just because people offers proof that the train goes nowhere.

There must be a counter movement as big as the movement driving this global warming hysteria or people will continue to believe the lie. Where are the leaders of this counter movement? We need a mouth as big as Al Gore’s. Up to this point the only mouths that big are part of the problem.

The Year the Global Warming Hoax Died – Alan Caruba – Sep 02, 07: “There will be dying gasps to this hoax, not the least of which is a planned $100 million media blitz by Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection, but the public is already far more concerned about instability in the Middle East, the forthcoming national elections, and shocks to the U.S. economy to accord such an effort much credibility. Hoaxes have a life of their own and “global warming” is now coming to an end. Mark 2007 as the year it began to seriously bleed to death.”

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4 thoughts on “The Year the Global Warming Hoax Died

  1. I’d be glad to volunteer, haha! But seriously, I don’t think you should expect such a counter movement to stand up with a prominent figure speaking for it. You see, whether Gore’s global warming is wrong or not doesn’t seem to matter to many. The message behind it, that of ‘living in balance with Mother Earth’, appears to have captured the minds of many people and it appeals especially to the younger generation. So if anything, some people may go as far as saying Gore was wrong but it seems highly unlikely they’re going to abandon his green philosophy altogether.

  2. If they ever realize the price that they will have to pay, both in money and their freedoms — when control freaks put carbon tax on everything that they buy and run their lives through taxes and regulation they might think this stupid ideology is a bit too expensive.

  3. I think the current situation and public opinion regarding this issue in the U.S. and Europe are not the same. You guys have a president who openly rejects the theory of anthropogenic climate change and also rejects Kyoto. I take it that a number of people in the U.S. are still highly suspicious of the global warming issue and they’re more ready to openly stand against it.

    Now we don’t have that here. Even center-right parties have all accepted to varying degrees that there is a human-induced global warming as Gore is saying. Also, it’s bigger than global warming and the CO2 hype. The majority believes oil supplies are running out and we should no longer rely on ‘exhaustible’ natural resources like natural gas and coal. In Sweden they even have an oil phase-out. An increasing number of people is getting critical of the way we’re ‘destroying’ the planet according to them and want more energy-efficiency and a more ‘nature-friendly’ way of life. Many of these parties and people I described would be Liberals or Leftists in the American sense of the word but from an European perspective, many of them are not.

    I believe the majority of people of all generations here believe anthropogenic global warming to be true. Others are more reluctant to accept the theory because they’re suspicous of the greens but still they give the theory the benifit of the doubt because they do assume there is a global warming and climate change going on, no matter whether it’s anthropogenic or not.

    I can tell you as a youth that thus far I haven’t met any other youth that openly rejects Gore’s ‘inconvenient truth’. Of course many probably couldn’t care less but that doesn’t mean they disagree. They’re just too lame to go and find out the truth for themselves.

    I’ve faced severe criticism at college when I was working on a report about renewable energy in group. I was the only person to openly disagree with climate change in my team and a teacher of mine pretty much lectured me for critizing the way politicians are pushing the whole thing down our throats. On the other hand, I was also the only person able to give convincing and well-researched answers as to why I dare taking a stance against it.

    Many people even in my country don’t like the greens because they rightly find them far too extreme on how they want to deal with global warming and their far-left politics. And I don’t think many really believe our planet is soon going to get flooded and things like that. But that doesn’t mean they’re rejecting the theory. Not all of our governments are going to be taxing us all like crazy and taking radical steps like the greens would because they know many people wouldn’t take it. It would be political suicide and like you said, they might risk people getting off the environmental train. But I can tell you many people are more willing here to give up their old habits and way of life than they would in the U.S. The mentality here is just different if you ask me.

    The green element is still present and as I said, its core message of living in harmony with ‘Mother Earth’ appeals especially to the younger generation. They disagree on how to accomplish this and it’s not necessarily a priority to everyone but I’m personally inclined to believe that it won’t go away easily and is here to stay.

  4. I am sure it is worse in Europe but the situation is not as good as you paint in the US. Bush has bought into anthropogenic climate change as has all major candidates running for president. The media keeps harping on the issue all the time. All educational institutions will only teach man cause global warming. All major corporations have gone green. Power companies have canceled coal burning power plants. In fact, there is now a trinity of truth among the green believers – 1.There is Anthropogenic climate change and it will be catastrophic if we do not take action now, 2. We will suck up to all homosexuals 3. We will take an anti Christian stance on every issue.

    Even much of the right wing have bought into man caused global warming. About the only ones who have not are those who see that it is a power grab and a means to bring in global government. There are only a very small percentage of people who can still think for themselves in this country.

    I said it would take someone with as big a mouth as Al Gore to turn this around. The problem is that the one with the biggest mouth in media is Rush Limbaugh but even he believes man is causing global warming. The biggest mouths in Evangelical circles such as Rick Warren are also spouting the drivel. The biggest mouths in politics such as Hillary and Obama are on the bandwagon.

    That is why I disagreed with the author and said that 2007 will not be the turning point because there simply is no voice or money to get the truth out.

    It is like Evolution. It evolved into a life of its own and it became the only accepted truth by the doctors of secular humanist theology. It is right because they say it is right and any truth that conflicts with their secular humanistic belief system is beneath contempt.

    Right now any carbon legislation will pass as long as they pass the major costs off to some time in the future or hide them in peoples utilities bills and in complicated legislations. Which of course they will do.

    If politicians raised taxes $10 in this country they would be thrown out of office but they can pass bills that will bring hidden costs to the taxpayers that will cost them thousands and few will be the wiser. Why? Because everyone is so dam stupid, brainwashed and dumbed down by things that do not matter at all. Like sports, reality TV, and who is showing their private parts. It is beyond belief.

    Aliens could land at the White house in flying saucers tomorrow and the majority of people will think the aliens came from Mexico. You know, that country below the equator that invented Taco Bells and Margarettas.

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