A Christian Conservative Heartland Party needs to be created in America.

I agree with what Chuck Baldwin is saying. The Conservative movement is dead and trying to raise it from the dead in the Republican party will just raise a dead man walking. The Republicans did nothing but make a mockery of Christian Conservatives over the years. What Conservatives need is a new “Heartland Party” that is solidly conservative and the time to build that Heartland Party is now.

If we waste our time with the tested and the failed Republican establishment we are fools. If you put your hope in a woman in Alaska like she can ever get elected in this nation through the Republican establishment without embracing their agenda you are wrong.… continue reading

Dr. David R. Reagan lists the main points of struggle between the secular Left and the Judeo-christian Right.

Dr. David R. Reagan has always stood on solid Biblical ground on his positions. This man of God in his article outlines the spiritual and cultural struggle and the divide based on the opposing views of the secular Left and the traditional Judeo-Christian Right. I can assure you that if Dr. Reagan is talking about them He believes the differences are a grave danger to America.

In politics the differences between Left and Right becomes as clear as supporting someone like Barny Frank verses a Sarah Palin, in the news media reading WND or CNN, In the entertainment media being influenced by Oprah or Chuck Norris, in the churches attending an Emergent Church relying on shifting sand of esoteric and mystical experiences or attending a church that relies on the Rock solid foundation of biblical doctrine.… continue reading

A Marxist Communist pig with lipstick is still a Marxist Communist pig

Christians need to expose political correctness for what it is instead of acting like it just a harmless reform-minded movement. It is Marxism and it is very regressive not progressive. I do not know why people are afraid to call the Far left in this nation what they are. They are Marxist Communists. They often quote right out of the communist manifesto. They Go to Marxist religious services and want a Big Brother Marxist fascist government that will enforce communistic rules on everyone but themselves.

They are taking over this nation because people are afraid to expose them for what they are.… continue reading

Three demonically inspired worldviews merge to oppose the Christian worldview

Brannon House gives a very good explanation of how three different demonically inspired worldviews have merged to create what he calls “One-World Spirituality”. After you read this article you will have a much better understanding of where Oprah, Obama, Al Gore,Tolle are leading the world via the lies from Media, Educational systems, Radical Environmentalism, Emergent Church, WCC, CFR, UN etc.

Over half of America now is under the influence of this new worldview and that includes most of those who call themselves Christians. All of the three worldviews are incompatible with Christianity and when combined they are not only hostile toward Bible believers they also have the power to carry out hostility and persecution on those who oppose them.… continue reading

Rick Warren the said Billy Graham of world socialism and religious pluralism brings in harlotry and the Beast

Its enough to want to make any true missionary of the gospel of Jesus Christ puke. Religious pluralism and world socialism is Rick Warren’s answer for the world not Jesus Christ.

Most “Christians” in this country just do not get it because I am not sure they understand the gospel of Jesus Christ themselves. Christians are told to give the gospel to the whole world so they can die to the bondage of this world and live for Jesus Christ. Instead, people like Rick Warren tell Christians to join with world demonic religions so they can be kept in religious bondage.… continue reading

Postmodern Emergent Information

I ran across a couple of good articles on the postmodern emergent church movement. First Norman L. Geisler wrote a really brilliant article on this movement. This is probably the most informative article about the emergent movement that I have ever seen

Below is just the first paragraph of the article but the whole article is packed with Geisler’s brilliant logical way of presenting information

There is one key influence on the Emergent Church movement—postmodernism. While not all Emegents accept all premises of post-modernism, nonetheless, they all breathe the same air. Post modernism embraces the following characteristics: 1) The “Death of God”—Atheism; 2) The death of objective truth—Relativism; 3) The death of exclusive truth—Pluralism; 4) Death of objective meaning—Conventionalism; 5) The death of thinking (logic)—Anti-Foundationalism; 6) The death of objective interpretation—Deconstructionism, and 7) the death of objective values—Subjectivism.

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The Audacious Evil of the Far Left.

The Audacious Evil of the Far Left.
by Don Koenig 2008
The Far Left has already taken over the Democratic Party of the U.S. They also control the educational systems of America and they control the major media and most major multinational corporations. In addition, they control the dependents created by the welfare system.  During the next election they plan to get control of the few remaining areas in this nation that they do not already control. Those areas among others are the Presidency, the Supreme Court, the Internet, talk radio and the evangelical religious systems of America.
If they get the Presidency they also get the courts and when the President signs hate speech laws they get control over the evangelical religious systems, the internet and talk radio.
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Evangelicals are fleeing Sunday attendance!

According to Julia Duin evangelicals are fleeing their churches and not attending on Sunday. There are probably several things going on here besides Duin not counting some non denominational churches that are growing. Has anyone considered that maybe half of the people in the seeker friendly churches that are now so prominent across America were never Christians in the first place? They were brought in by hype and great expectation for a purpose driven life but they never believed or were given the gospel of Salvation that defines a Christian.

Let me make a few observations. I occasionally attended a large mega church in St Louis and the pastor realized that even through he was having alter calls and scores of people were emotionally coming to the altar each Sunday for salvation or renewal the church was no longer growing.… continue reading

Bam Bam how Todd Bentley brought down the latter reign Apostolic Reformation leaders

Great article by Marsha West on the foolishness in the Latter-Reign movement and the latest movers and baby rattle shakers. When you read the article take special note of the prophecies from God that these leaders proclaimed over Todd Bentley in their Apostolic Commissioning Service. Todd Bentley was only a symptom of a bigger problem. The real problem is the same leaders who have been saying the same presumptions or lies that they have been saying for decades with the same results.

Don’t you think it is time for Charismatics to get rid of the whole pack of clowns that took over the circus?… continue reading

Charismatics leaders admit they have lacked discernment on Todd Bentley

Two Charismatic leaders question there own discernment and actions in regard to Todd Bentley. That is a good first step but it seems the initial corrections only comes from Christians outside their movement. Only after the circus act is exposed by secular reporters or the leaders fall from their own immoral lifestyles do the Word-Faith leaders claim to see the errors of their ways. These circus acts have been going on for over thirty years in the Charismatic Word-Faith arenas. I have witnessed one after another.

So don’t you Word-Faith Charismatics think it is about time to fix the problem by returning to knowledge of scriptures rather than relying on your tingly feelings and the words from your self appointed anointed?… continue reading

The hippie counterculture movement and their offspring all hail the Obamanation

I always said wait until the counterculture hippies grew up and they got into positions of power. Well that day has arrived and they have taken control of the education system, political system, national media, and the religious systems of America. They also produced postmodern brainwashed children who now believe themselves to be the norm. So unless real Christians and real conservatives win this cultural war it is the end of this nation. When the far left hippies and their offspring gain total control they will embrace a totally pagan fascist world system. Woe to any who oppose them.

Had anyone said that America would decline this rapidly fifty years ago people would have thought you were smoking dope.… continue reading

Word-Faith Third-Wave, waves bye-bye

There seems to be trend among all the Word-Faith “wavers” their personal life is a complete train wreck. Discerning people all knew that the whole Todd Bentley circus act was all presumption or deception as are the older circus ringmasters like Benny Hinn.

Now we hear this cop out that those that lacked discernment did so because of their raw zeal for God. Come on! These acts have been going on for more than thirty years in the Word-Faith arena. You lack discernment because you do not know the word of God and you continually need new mystical tinkly feelings and magic shows to make you feel a relationship with God that you should have got from learning sound doctrine and fellowship with Him.… continue reading

Parallels between The Shack God and A.A.’s higher power.

“The Shack”, by William P. Young is still a hugely popular and very deceptive book that is likely to become a movie. Those that believe there is a Christian message or theme in this book are totally deceived and must not believe biblical doctrine themselves at all. The book presents another God, another Christ, and another path to salvation. “The Shack” really promotes “New Age” all paths Universalism much like A.A. which itself was founded by a man who got messages from the occult. The book is blasphemous toward God presuming to speak for God while actually promoting a “Queen of Heaven” type God that does not exist.… continue reading

The Church needs a biblical thinking conference to counter postmodern doctrines of demons

The article I link to in this post says a lot and not just about contemplative prayer. It explains the demonic deceptions that are going on in many churches today in the name of being relevant to our postmodern society. I doubt that there are many large evangelical churches that are not to some extent being negatively influenced by this by either the pastor, some assistant pastor or one or more lay leaders. Certain influential national leaders are mixing various amounts of poison wrapped in Christian speak and Christian sounding programs and many are buying into their deadly deceptions because they never hear any biblical counter argument.… continue reading

Word-Faith sharks promise a credit card blessings for a timely credit card donation.

Marsha West put an article together on some on the latest Word-Faith cons from the same old con artists fleecing the same gullible people who never learn. A few samples of what they are doing are below but read the article. I wish Marsha would quit calling these people brothers though. If John Avanzini, Benny Hinn, and Kenneth Copeland and the rest of these predators are my brothers. I serve notice that I do not want to be where these despicable people are going.

One other thing, God is not going to take away your debt when you put yourself in debt and you put yourself in further debt by giving your money to hucksters like John Avanzini and the people who bring him to their venues to help rob you.… continue reading

Evangelical leaders say Christians will praise the good points of Islam one week a year!

The National Association of Evangelicals and the World Evangelical Alliance don’t speak for me or any church that I will attend. I don’t know why we Bible believers need anyone to represent us anyway they always get off track sooner or later. If any Pastor starts preaching the good points of Islam from the pulpit or tells me that Muslims worship the same God. I will walk out of that church and never return. Islam teaches that Allah has no son and their Jesus did not died on a cross at all and did not die for the sins of mankind.… continue reading

Rick Warren’s “interfaith” social plans show lack of Christian discernment

I gave Rick Warren a pass on his short OneNewsNow.com statement. However, I knew I should have said something. Paul Proctor did take the time to address what Rick Warren said and I am glad that he brought up the Matthew chapter 10 issue. Rick Warren quoted Matthew chapter 10 as his justification for his interfaith efforts. Proctor makes it quite clear that Warren is taking Matthew 10 out of proper context in order to accomplish a pluralistic interfaith social agenda that any true understanding of the Bible does not allow.

Rick Warren will never get it because his worldview is all wrong.… continue reading

Brian McLaren says Christians will join with unbelievers on what matters to the heart of God.

Brian McLaren is just another sign that we are in the end times. All he cares about it getting everyone to sing “We are the people, we are the world” together and establishing his postmodern religious kingdom of everyone gets along pluralism.

He obviously could care less about the salvation of peoples souls or he would teach them the gospel (if he even even knew it). I do not know why he is still regarded as a “Christian” by Christians when he clearly denies the faith.

He claims he knows what matters to the heart of God but he does not have any clue about what matters to the heart of God.… continue reading

Joel’s Army the manifest sons of deception!

Every hear of Joel’s Army? This article will tell you all about what is coming from the “New Wave” or “Third Wave” act that is sweeping the Charismatic crowd looking for titillating manifestations of God through demonic people. You know, the stuff coming from the Todd Bentley’s, the Rick Joiner’s and all the manifest sons of deception crowd. Notice that Joel’s army physically attacks the church in order to purify it. I guess they want us to believe that a demonically inspired group of men is going to purify the church and take the world for Christ. Sure! And the Easter Bunny is the risen Christ.… continue reading

Well known Christian figures often speak out of their hind end. They do not speak for Christianity.

I think it high time Christians realize that heads of Christian institutions do not speak for Christianity especially in these last days of moral and spiritual relativism. They speak for some people in their various denominations, organizations and movements which is quite different than speaking for the Body of Christ. Most of their members and followers never became part of that Body of Christ or they would not be appointing apostate people into leadership. Most of the statements we hear from some of these postmodern leaders are simply anti Christ.

Ninety percent of the who’s who’s list of Christianity do not speak for me on biblical issues either.… continue reading