The Audacious Evil of the Far Left.

The Audacious Evil of the Far Left.
by Don Koenig 2008
The Far Left has already taken over the Democratic Party of the U.S. They also control the educational systems of America and they control the major media and most major multinational corporations. In addition, they control the dependents created by the welfare system.  During the next election they plan to get control of the few remaining areas in this nation that they do not already control. Those areas among others are the Presidency, the Supreme Court, the Internet, talk radio and the evangelical religious systems of America.
If they get the Presidency they also get the courts and when the President signs hate speech laws they get control over the evangelical religious systems, the internet and talk radio. That is why this election is so important. If the Far Left gets their Obama into office they will have accomplished the last thing they need to do to put all the other pieces in place to completely take over of the United States.
Make no mistake the movers and shakers of this movement are pure evil and they have more of an evil base to start with than Hitler of Stalin ever did to create their form of fascism. Do not think that the German or Japanese people prior to world war II were any more evil then the godless Far Left of America today.
The snake venom continually drips from the fangs of the Far Left that intend to force their change on us. They will have total power to bring that change because they will control all branches of government and the major media. That is why they are so dangerous and why they will have the power to actually bring in their changes if Obama wins.
So what is the change they intend to bring. Here is a small sample:

  • The Far Left plans to make all Americas controlled subjects of their elitist controlled government agencies.
  • The Far Left plans to put in place judges that will interpret the constitution as a living document that can be changed by a judge’s decree. In other words, they will subvert the original Constitution of the United States to make it say anything they want it to say.
  • The Far Left will pass hate speech laws that will muzzle biblical Christianity and they will imprison or fine people who break these laws.
  • The Far Left will have gas rationing and they will control how much you are allowed to drive.
  • The Far Left will stop the building of coal plants and create electrical shortages and rationing.
  • The Far Left will triple the price of energy costs for all Americans and bring in environmentally dangerous and high cost experiments such as windmills. Paid for by taxes and electricity costs.
  • The Far Left will not allow new domestic oil and gas drilling in offshore areas and on federal oil shale lands. (Don’t let their recent offshore oil bill in the house fool you. That bill is a deliberate deception that proves my point about the lies the Far Left will stoop to in order to deceive the electorate. Their proposal does not even allow drilling where the offshore oil actually is and it gives no oil revenues to states that have control over the drilling. So why would the states allow the drilling? There are many other evil deceptions in that bill and they know it will never foster oil drilling. Yet they pass it only to deceive and appease.)
  • The Far Left will start new wealth transfer programs, claim they will get the money from the rich but that is impossible. They will raise taxes on the middle class.
  • The Far Left will attempt to take away all guns from law abiding citizens while doing nothing to take away guns from the criminals.
  • The Far Left will have the children in school report on their parents rather than the schools reporting to the parents on their children. They will tell you how you must raise your child from birth and if you do not do what you are told they will take your children.
  • The Far Left will stop home schooling and dictate course curriculum to private schools.
  • The Far Left will create a civilian snitch force and a national police force. They will have people who monitor what preachers say in their pulpits and attempt to intimidate them into only giving politically correct messages.
  • The Far Left will revise American history and school textbooks and make them propaganda tools of deception.
  • The Far Left will have required courses and agendas to brainwash your kids to their godless socialist ideals.
  • The Far Left will make all accept homosexual marriage and they will support sexual debauchery of other sorts. They will enforce the acceptance of this evil through the indoctrination of your children and through thought police. For example, your children, coworkers and congregation members will be given incentives to report what you say about homosexuality to the authorities if what you say deviates from the hate speech laws.
  • The Far Left will continue to support all abortions because they want less people on the earth.
  • The Far Left will try to stop the eating of meat by making it so costly that only the elite will be able to afford it.
  • The Far left will bring in health plans that will deny procedures to the elderly or anyone else that they do not think is worthy of the cost.
  • The Far Left will restart the draft.
  • The Far Left will try to control the economy by government legislation and nationalization and only make economic maters much worse.
  • The Far left naivety will bring a great depression, runaway inflation, a world war, or all three.
  • Do not count on a honest election in the future to get rid of them. Other nations that allowed the Far Left control them ended up with tyrants.
  • Do not count on the Far Left to keep us out of wars. They have a history of getting nations into wars.
  • Do not think that the people in the heartland will let the Far Left subvert the Constitution and the traditional American way of life without resistance. Civil unrest is certain and it may start a secessionist movement in the U.S. that will become unstoppable.
What if the Obamanation of the Far Left actually loses? Then what will these evil people incite in the U.S.?

  • There will be civil insurrection and they will demand what they could not get through the elections by rioting, looting and burning.
  • They will do all they can to subvert anything the U.S. is trying to do militarily overseas.
  • If a terrorist attack should take place they will say the Republican administration actually did it.
  • They will support terrorists and fascists states like Iran and Russia.
  • They will hate Israel without cause
  • They will do many other things but in short they will do everything they can to destroy America
  • Hillary will be waiting in the wings.
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3 thoughts on “The Audacious Evil of the Far Left.

  1. A pretty bleak picture, but I suspect it pretty much what they will attempt.

    I almost wish we would have a civil war and get it over with.

  2. Be careful what you wish for. Riots are probably not that far off if McCain wins. Neither will be secessionist movements if Obama wins and tries to carry out what I listed above. If the economy tanks and people lose their jobs we are not going to have a rational or a stable country in either case. This might be a good time to get out of the cities and certain states if you can actually sell your house.

  3. With the increasingly vile rhetoric coming from these people, I wonder if they realize that they are stoking a revolution or civil war.

    I can’t see how this continue much longer; one side or the other has to reach a breaking point where this starts to turn bloody.

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