There is no hope in human government, Christians should hope in God

Human Government will always end up reflecting the depravity and the insanity of man. It will always reject the God displayed through His Son. The Hope of Christians should always be on the promises of God in Jesus Christ. Our hope should not be on the governments of any nations that we occupy.

History shows us that those that put their hope in the governments of the world are always disappointed. The world without God will increasingly prove its depravity but our  hope is for eternal life in a body of perfection in a city of perfection.

I want to caution those Christians that think we can change America to be a nation that follows God.… continue reading

The Obama administration recovery contains toxic bubbles

Talk about the Obama recovery makes me want to wear tall boots. The recovery seems to me to be designed to last until after the 2010 fall election. I think the Obama recovery has bubbles filled with toxic tax, toxic debt and toxic economic policies that will burst on America insuring there will be no meaningful recovery during this democratic administration. On the contrary, economic bottom is not even on the horizon.

Even most in government are blind to this because since the days when Vice President Al Gore was tasked to reinvent government, critical thinking among government employees has been frowned upon.… continue reading

The people said, “Give us a King”! Then pimp for hucksters and communist queens.

Just reading about what is going on in this nation and the world and churches each day is enough to make the blood boil of real Christians and real American patriots.  I am learning how Lot felt when the Sodomites took over the land and how Martin Luther felt when he came to realize that the Roman Church was run by the same den of vipers that crucified his Lord. I am also beginning to understand the feelings of Patrick Henry that said, “give me Liberty or give me Death”. He would be saying the same thing today to our government of pimps and queens that want to run a collective communist Borg ant farm here.… continue reading

Blogging to mostly postmodern mindless robots?

When I started blogging two or three years ago it was with the idea of getting more traffic to read articles on my main website The blogging has certainly brought readers to the blog part of my website but I do not think it has increased traffic to the rest of my website much at all. I probably could have increased traffic much more by just writing and posting new articles on my main website and not blogging at all.

Between the blog and the website I probably get about 1000 unique visitors a day or 1500 visits a day, and each visit downloads about 3 written articles from my website.… continue reading

Global warming climate change, postmodern thinking and Al Gore reinventing truth

I have not covered climate change (global warming) much on this blog because it would seem to be off topic to the world and church trends and Bible prophecy theme. But, it actually is an attempt at satanically controlled global government. So an article on this climate change topic does seems fitting.

I did write about this issue and listed scores of articles on this global warming or climate change topic on my old blog and I always took the position that all the hype was based on junk science and was a hoax and a fraud pushed by global elitists and politicians controlling the purse strings of many scientists.… continue reading

Onward de-sissified Christians soldiers marching off to war singing Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the far left radicals have to go.

After You read this article you will simply know why I had to post it. I did not want to steal all of Coach Dave Daubenmire’s words here so you will have to read the full article to get the full impact of the new offensive line that he proposes. Too bad my home team, the Buffalo Bills, don’t get it, or most sissified Christians for that matter. Its time for Christians to march on all the left leaning houses in the land singing Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the far left radicals have to go!

  • De-sissified Christians should be more like a Fox when it comes to presenting the good news.
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Delusional American Illusion

I just read two profound commentaries that I think everyone should read. I clipped some statements from them to wet your appetite but you really need to read the full articles. I have no delusional illusion that the average America would actually even take the time to read what was said in these two articles but I do hope there are some above average people reading my blog.

The first article is written by James Quinn. It contains quite a history lesson and presents information that I am sure that 99 percent of Americans never learned. This article gives no delusional American illusion about the future.continue reading

Fundamental foundational truths of Christianity are not optional.

Polls indicate that many that call themselves Christians today do not even believe the essential fundamental foundational truths of Christianity.

Can anyone be a Christian and not believe in the foundational truths of Christianity? That is not for me to judge but if you have doubts about believing these things you might judge yourself. Do you just not understand basic Christian truths because you were never taught them or do you deny them and thus deny the Christian faith?

I do not think that the fundamental foundational truths of Christianity are optional or that they can be explained away by those trying to redefine Christianity to fit their own belief system.… continue reading

Stinking is normal to children that grew up in a cesspool.

The conservatives and Christian right might even win a battle or two these days against the Secular Humanism and Marxism coming from the godless left but unless Christian parents take charge over the education of their children they cannot win this war against their minds. The next generation will reflect a worldview that is clearly anti-Christian.

Read this article and tell me how Americans can send their kids to our public schools and then still expect them to come out of that anti-Christians indoctrination cesspool system with Christian views on anything? Do you understand why the church pews in America are generally full of white haired people?… continue reading

Worldviews in Collision

Christians in surveys often do not even have a Christian Worldview. I think this article is a very good summery of the six main worldviews in the world today. There are worldviews other than just these six but these are the six major worldviews on earth today.

Some people teach and are taught and believe different combinations of these worldviews. For example, Humanism and Marxism are often part of a mix because they have overlapping concepts. True Christianity in contrast is in absolutely collision with all other worldviews.

The six major world wordviews are:

The Christian Worldview
The Islamic Worldview
The secular Humanist Worldview
The Marxist Worldview
The Cosmic Humanist Worldview
The Postmodern Worldview

Although I agree with the statement of the hope and goal of Summit Ministries.… continue reading

True Evangelicals are Latter Day Philadelphians?

I think the ELCA vote to allow active homosexuals to become ministers was finally the straw that broke the camel’s back  for me. I will no longer identify with what is today called the Evangelical movement.

Lets face it Satan first came in with his wolves in sheep’s clothing and so corrupted the mainline denominations with the doctrines of humanism that most true Christian left. Now Satan is well on his way of accomplishing the very same thing with those that identified with the evangelicals  that came out of those near dead Sardis mainline churches.

In reality I think over half of people who call themselves evangelicals today have gone off track and are now running on the road to Laodicea.… continue reading

Christian wordviews in crises

Brannon Howse believes the Church is losing its youth because the Church no longer teaches biblical Christian worldviews. I have to agree. Parents and churches are avoiding the important issues of our time so children mostly get their worldviews from public schools and the media. The views most people now get are anti-Christian worldviews and that is why we are losing the culture to socialists/humanists. Many parents and churches avoid the issues and do not teach on Christian worldviews because they are totally confused themselves.

Therefore, we are not going to get anywhere in reclaiming a Christian culture in America if all that is taught in churches and our homes is stories about the Bible.… continue reading

Southern Baptist membership not showing up at the weekly sugar shack.

Jim Elliff hits the nail on the head in this article about Southern Baptist membership not showing up. Most Southern Baptist members do not attend more than once or twice a month if at all. I cannot do the article justice by the few quotes of his that I quoted below so you will have to read the full article below.

First, I will make my own observations and comments on this subject. They probably will not totally agree with Elliff’s observations and conclusions.

The issue in this article is why Southern Baptists do not faithfully attend their gathering and what should be done about it?… continue reading

The emerging emergent threat from postmodern Christians

While some Christians still get upset enough with government to contract their congressmen and talk about throwing the bums out of office, it seems that many Christians do nothing about the wolves in sheep’s clothing that have infiltrated their own churches.

The threat comes from postmodern leaders with its redefining of Christianity and the Bible. The threat is also known as the Emergent Church. The Emergent Movement now threatens to subvert once evangelical denominations. The Emergent movement is now a major emerging threat in the Nazarene denomination and is also a big threat in Baptists churches and others.

If you do not know what the big deal is about from this Emergent threat click on the link above and read the articles from Eric Bager and find out.… continue reading

Fallen Angels and Demons are behind Dan Brown’s book and Ron Howard’s occult movie.

Dan Brown, Christopher Hitchens and Ron Howard (of Happy Days are here again) have teamed up once again on their continuing agenda to attack Christianity through presenting demonic half truths and outright lies in their books and movies.

Angels and Demons” is a book and a movie designed to mislead our postmodern generation that is dumbed down on history and on Christianity.

Hitler and his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels basically said if big lies are told often enough people will come to believe them. Satan was a liar from the beginning and he continues to tell big lies through people who love his lying message.… continue reading

Rick Warren apologizes to homosexual leaders because some thought he was against homosexual marriage.

Seems Rick Warren was not against California’s Proposition 8 and homosexual marriage after all. Quoted below is the exact words Rick Warren made on “Larry King Live”.  Also in the same article that I quote and link to at the bottom of this post is Joseph Farah’s appropriate view of this wishy-washy pastor.

Why is Rick Warren always in the news? If he was actually preaching the gospel of Christ he would not get on the worldly media. He is CFR member for a reason and he has a Global Peace Plan because it conforms with the CFR globalist socialistic agenda.… continue reading

Christian bookstores reflect Christianity in America but what it reflects is the increasing apostasy

I quote below some snippets of what Marsha West had to say about what you will find in protestant Christian bookstores. You really need to read the full article to get the true drift into apostasy. Christian bookstores are a good reflection of Christianity in America today. So obviously we can see by what is selling that Christianity in America is becoming increasingly apostate. Is it any wonder then that our nation is also in great decline both morally and economically?

The Christian bookstores and airwaves are full of deception and the people of this nation cannot discern truth because they have become biblically illiterate.… continue reading

This Christian worldview survey indicates “Christians” do not even believe Christian essentials

Often people ask how many Americans will be taken when the Rapture occurs. If this Christian wordview survey is any indication of true believers in America it is not as many as most think.

“A biblical worldview, as defined by the Barna study, is believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is completely accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.”

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Do you attend a church that teaches sanctification of the soul or sanitization of the flesh?

Many of the leaders of our churches are teaching people how to live a more sanitized life rather than a more sanctified life. One message appeals to the flesh and the other matures the soul. If your in a church that teaches sanitization rather than sanctification you are probably among the majority. Many people today love the sanitization message because the message appeals to their bodies of flesh.

Just because the message is popular with the world does not mean it gives people the truth they need to overcome this evil world or that it helps Christians to grow. In fact, sanitization teachings often encourage baby Christians and non Christians to feel good about living in their fallen nature of flesh.… continue reading

Chuck Baldwin claims that Christians use Bible prophecy as an excuse to be lazy.

Boy do I have mixed feeling about this article by Chuck Baldwin because it is just chock full of truth spun with some of his usual crap. Please read the full article and not just what I clipped so you can follow what I am about to say about Baldwin’s views.

First, I do not like his title although there may be some in truth in it. However, my definition of a lazy Christians is not Chuck Baldwin’s definition. To me lazy Christians are those will will not read the word, take the time to fellowship with God, or with other Christians and do little if any work for Christ on earth.… continue reading