The teachings of the author and finisher of our faith cannot be contradicted

This great article with many examples of what Jesus taught should put an end to postmodern and liberal speculations that claim biblical interpretations different from what the author of all scripture taught.

The fact that is will not put a end to their increasingly demented claims only proves that they have a different teaching then the Master that they claim to follow. So knowing these things why would any true follower of Jesus Christ put any stock in their claims? These unstable people  contradicting what Jesus Himself clearly taught need to be removed from teaching positions wherever they are found in the Church.… continue reading

The buffet morons of our postmodern churches.

This article tells me that many Americans claiming to be Christians are really biblical illiterate Laodiceans. Of course true Christians should already be aware that few people these days claiming to be Christians have any in-depth knowledge of the Bible.

Look at the figures in this article on people under the age of twenty-five. The article says 82 percent of young people believe in smorgasbord religion. If these people are the future of this nation I do not have to say God help us because He won’t. Any wonder why our nation is going down the tubes?

Those who pick and choose their own truth to believe are typical postmodern religious morons.… continue reading

The truth just escapes the post-modern illiterate generation

There is a root of evil that the modern world readily embraces. That is the evil of parents allowing others to bring up their own children. Most parents are allowing our educational system and our media to produce a generation of young people who cannot function in society without someone telling them how to think and what to do. A third of the people in this nation are now functionally illiterate. They cannot discern the truth about anything because they know almost nothing. When you push their talk button they just respond like a mindless chatty Cathy doll. The air heads you see on the Jay Leno show would be funny if they were not the norm.… continue reading

America is on the wrong track because the lights are out.

America is on the wrong track heading for a train wreck sure enough because the lights are out at the switch yard and America is traveling the wrong way on a one way track. The train wreck now seems inevitable unless someone turns on the lights so America sees the signs and quickly reverses direction.

If the light from God’s people are hidden under a bushel they cannot cast out the darkness. Some pastors and leaders in Christianity are the bushels hiding the light. The only way for lights to shine is to get out from under the bushels.

Dave Daubenmire — Turn on the Lights

So, where do we go from here?

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Baal: an ancient god idol, half-bull and half-man. Liberals: god idol that is half-bull and half-ass

This article makes the case that modern day liberals are into the same pagan practices as the people who worshiped the half-bull and half-man idol of Baal in ancient times. Modern liberals have rejected the God of the Bible and replaced Him with a half-bull and half-ass idol of himself.

Today’s Baal worshipers

Modern liberalism deviates little from its ancient predecessor. While its macabre rituals have been sanitized with flowery and euphemistic terms of art, its core tenets and practices remain eerily similar. The worship of “fertility” has been replaced with worship of “reproductive freedom” or “choice.” Child sacrifice via burnt offering has been updated, ever so slightly, to become child sacrifice by way of abortion.

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Living dead Christian blood suckers come out for Twilight

Even the media watchdogs of Christianity are writing reviews of the occult film “Twilight” that encourages or at least does not discourage Christians from seeing the movie. It like the reviewers themselves are cast members of the Night of the Living Dead.

I guess one can say that many organizations have reached the twilight of Christian discernment when Christians are not only not condemning these occult films they are encouraging Christian children to see them by their reviews and by building bible studies around them. It seems that they think it is okay to encourage kids to get into occult books and films if they also contain some basic human moral values.… continue reading

Christian parents need to get control of public schools or get their children out of them

Our public schools played a large role in producing the postmodern amoral generation we have in America today. There is little doubt that the public schools will now accelerate their attempts to make all children subjects of the radical Far Left social engineering Marxists that run our education systems. Now they have government supporting them and see that as a mandate for even more radical agendas to shape the minds of children as young as preschoolers. They will be taught to be openly anti-Christian, anti-moral, pro sex perversion and taught to undermine parental authority through state backed intimidation.

People who leave their children in public schools will see their own children turn against them and the Christian values that they hold.… continue reading

Dr. David R. Reagan lists the main points of struggle between the secular Left and the Judeo-christian Right.

Dr. David R. Reagan has always stood on solid Biblical ground on his positions. This man of God in his article outlines the spiritual and cultural struggle and the divide based on the opposing views of the secular Left and the traditional Judeo-Christian Right. I can assure you that if Dr. Reagan is talking about them He believes the differences are a grave danger to America.

In politics the differences between Left and Right becomes as clear as supporting someone like Barny Frank verses a Sarah Palin, in the news media reading WND or CNN, In the entertainment media being influenced by Oprah or Chuck Norris, in the churches attending an Emergent Church relying on shifting sand of esoteric and mystical experiences or attending a church that relies on the Rock solid foundation of biblical doctrine.… continue reading

Three demonically inspired worldviews merge to oppose the Christian worldview

Brannon House gives a very good explanation of how three different demonically inspired worldviews have merged to create what he calls “One-World Spirituality”. After you read this article you will have a much better understanding of where Oprah, Obama, Al Gore,Tolle are leading the world via the lies from Media, Educational systems, Radical Environmentalism, Emergent Church, WCC, CFR, UN etc.

Over half of America now is under the influence of this new worldview and that includes most of those who call themselves Christians. All of the three worldviews are incompatible with Christianity and when combined they are not only hostile toward Bible believers they also have the power to carry out hostility and persecution on those who oppose them.… continue reading

Dead Christians walking to a rude awaking for America

Dave is correct about the vast majority of Christianity in America and the West. We have become like our mother Israel who became a Harlot and God cast her out of the land. We made corrupt world leaders our saviors, we took the God who sustains us out of the equation, and played the harlot with the world and trust in our material riches.

Christianity in America is on her death bed. What happened to our Mother Harlot Israel will now happen to the apostate church. Nevertheless, even in the Harlot that we now call Christianity God has a faithful remnant that have not bowed their knee to the neo-paganism Baal of our time.… continue reading

Gay Boltz and Gay Aiken are singing a new song

Ray Boltz says he is homosexual and Clay Aiken also claims he is homosexual. Seems that our Christian entertainment stars are singing the talk but not singing the walk. You might read what John Lanagan says about his own his own experience with this destructive lifestyle.

Christian Worldview Network – Brannon Howse – Singing The Homosexual Blues

Singing The Homosexual Blues

That’s a pretty sad song Clay Aiken and Ray Boltz are singing. Their “coming out” is seen by many as a cause for celebration. But my wife and I are not celebrating. We have both repented of this sexual sin.

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Obama, Oprah, and Tolle’s narcissism will bring the world New Age enlightenment?

This article sure hits the nail on the head. It makes the connection between Obama, Oprah and Tolle. This trinity of malignant narcissist’s think that they will actually change the world from what it is, to a “world as it should be”.

Imagine having Obama in the White house and having Oparah and Tolle as his advisers. Obama will control what you are told from the political, Oprah will greatly influence TV addicts, and Tolle will be the false prophet of a New Age pluralist religion that tells the world to hail this elitist pluralist puppet speaking great things.

We already see that most of the world is putting their future hope in the Obamanation who has done absolutely nothing to warrant such a position or the world’s admiration.… continue reading

Death of Integrity in America

The Death of Integrity in America
Don Koenig 2008

Once upon a time in America a man’s word was his bond, most people had Integrity. People did not even need contracts a handshake was reliable. Today, even if you have a written contract you have little guarantee that those who entered into the contract will even attempt to fulfill it. About one half of Americans simply cannot be trusted anymore.

I have been observing this trend toward a nation of people who lack integrity for quite some time. I guess you might blame it on postmodern thought where morals and truth are said to be relative.… continue reading

Rick Warren the said Billy Graham of world socialism and religious pluralism brings in harlotry and the Beast

Its enough to want to make any true missionary of the gospel of Jesus Christ puke. Religious pluralism and world socialism is Rick Warren’s answer for the world not Jesus Christ.

Most “Christians” in this country just do not get it because I am not sure they understand the gospel of Jesus Christ themselves. Christians are told to give the gospel to the whole world so they can die to the bondage of this world and live for Jesus Christ. Instead, people like Rick Warren tell Christians to join with world demonic religions so they can be kept in religious bondage.… continue reading

Postmodern Emergent Information

I ran across a couple of good articles on the postmodern emergent church movement. First Norman L. Geisler wrote a really brilliant article on this movement. This is probably the most informative article about the emergent movement that I have ever seen

Below is just the first paragraph of the article but the whole article is packed with Geisler’s brilliant logical way of presenting information

There is one key influence on the Emergent Church movement—postmodernism. While not all Emegents accept all premises of post-modernism, nonetheless, they all breathe the same air. Post modernism embraces the following characteristics: 1) The “Death of God”—Atheism; 2) The death of objective truth—Relativism; 3) The death of exclusive truth—Pluralism; 4) Death of objective meaning—Conventionalism; 5) The death of thinking (logic)—Anti-Foundationalism; 6) The death of objective interpretation—Deconstructionism, and 7) the death of objective values—Subjectivism.

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Postmodern Evangelicals guilty of spiritual malpractice

What would you think if you went to a physician and he purposely make things up as he went along in regards to your medical treatment? He called himself a Board Certified Purpose Driven specialist. Whatever he think works is the best treatment.

What if you took a formal English course because it was a required course for your advancement and the professor taught you ghetto slang instead? He said you need to be able to be able to communicate with the underclass.

What if you were blind and the word scanner paraphrased the words out of your calculus text book because the program designer believed that truth is relative?… continue reading

Evangelicals are fleeing Sunday attendance!

According to Julia Duin evangelicals are fleeing their churches and not attending on Sunday. There are probably several things going on here besides Duin not counting some non denominational churches that are growing. Has anyone considered that maybe half of the people in the seeker friendly churches that are now so prominent across America were never Christians in the first place? They were brought in by hype and great expectation for a purpose driven life but they never believed or were given the gospel of Salvation that defines a Christian.

Let me make a few observations. I occasionally attended a large mega church in St Louis and the pastor realized that even through he was having alter calls and scores of people were emotionally coming to the altar each Sunday for salvation or renewal the church was no longer growing.… continue reading

The hippie counterculture movement and their offspring all hail the Obamanation

I always said wait until the counterculture hippies grew up and they got into positions of power. Well that day has arrived and they have taken control of the education system, political system, national media, and the religious systems of America. They also produced postmodern brainwashed children who now believe themselves to be the norm. So unless real Christians and real conservatives win this cultural war it is the end of this nation. When the far left hippies and their offspring gain total control they will embrace a totally pagan fascist world system. Woe to any who oppose them.

Had anyone said that America would decline this rapidly fifty years ago people would have thought you were smoking dope.… continue reading

Coach Dave Daubenmire chides Rick Warren for using the wrong playbook

I was waiting for someone to go on the biblical offensive and get it right about the political forum at Saddleback led be pastor Rick Warren. Coach Dave Daubenmire single handed takes out the whole defensive line of Rick Warren in this article. The Coach really defines in this article the whole problem with this superstar and his whole team.

All I heard from most Evangelical leaders was how great this political forum was but few mentioned that “America’s Pastor” is not even using the Christian playbook, he is using the playbook of the losing team. What gospel was heard from “America’s Pastor”?… continue reading

Pope Benedict’s quest to save Western civilization points to the American Constitutional Republic model

This article is very long. I admit it is not for everyone. However, if you are an intellectual you might want to read about Pope Benedict’s views on the decline of Western civilization. He sees the early American Republic model of government as the best way to save Europe. For a European Pope to say the West is in decline and to say the American Republic form of government is the answer for the West is quite unexpected.

Benedict’s latest views on postmodernism and cultural relativism where cultural has separated from truth are also very astute observations.

Meanwhile, Liberals in America are now rapidly moving us in the wrong direction away from an authentic Constitutional Republic to the Western system that the Pope believes has caused the Western decline.continue reading