U.S. Intelligence is worried that Pakistan may fall to terrorists.

Apparently our own intelligence agencies now believe that the situation in Pakistan is grave and that Pakistan may fall into the hands of terrorists. Rick Moran in this blog questions what Obama or what the U.S. would do in such a situation. I do not think there would be any choice. We cannot allow terrorists to get their hands on scores of nuclear weapons and we cannot allow a terrorist state in Pakistan, nor will India ever allow such a thing.

Here is what I believe would happen. The nukes will immediately be taken out or fully protected by U.S. special forces because if we did not do that right away India will take them out with a nuclear first strike on Pakistan.… continue reading

Does the war of Psalm 83 come before the war of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39?

I have not read the book “Isralestine”, by Bill Salus but it sounds like an intriguing prophetic explanation of end time events. Almost all futurist Bible prophecy students will agree that there are three end time wars involving Israel. However, we disagree somewhat on the timing of first two wars. Those wars being the Ezekiel Chapter 38 and 39 war where Gog comes down with a host of nations and the Psalm 83 war where a confederacy of nations attempts to cut Israel off from being a nation. In the mix somewhere is the destruction of Damascus since the prophecy has never been fulfilled yet.… continue reading

No Homeland Security EMP Emergency Action Plan?

It would seem rather bazaar that there would be no emergency action plan in place to deal with the aftermath of an EMP attack on the U.S. It poses the greatest immediate and near future danger to the survival of the U.S. other than an all out nuclear attack by Russia or China.

Both Russia and China have hinted at using an EMP against the United States and definitely have the capability. We also know from the missile tests of Iran and N. Korea that they could have that capability soon, not to mention that terrorists could obtain the capability on their own if they have or acquire a nuclear bomb.… continue reading

Gog is now rising. The rise of the new Russian Empire.

Russia is obviously now making its move against NATO expansion and has plans to show the nations around them that this NATO tiger will not venture out of its cage. The invasion of Georgia was well planned by Russia in advance. Russia simply could not have moved this quickly otherwise.

It looks to me like Russia was behind the unrest knowing that the Georgian President would have to react. When he did Russia started putting their expansion plans into motion. The main objective is not Georgia it is first reasserting itself in the former USSR states that have a Russian speaking population.… continue reading

Cutting off the head of the snake in Pakistan

After the 9/11 attack on the trade towers Bush said the terrorists would have no sanctuaries to hide. I believe Bush meant what he said at the time but real world conditions cowed him from actually carrying out that promise. Seven years later Osama Bin Laden the mastermind of the attacks is still hiding in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s government and army is completely infiltrated by radical Islamic terrorists and our government knows it. Osama Bin Laden, al Qaeda and the Taliban have sanctuary in Pakistan and Pakistan will not deal with the terrorist problem and they also will not allow NATO forces to go in and deal with the terrorist problem.… continue reading

An EMP strike and the end of our nation as a superpower is more likely than not within a decade.

This article on the dangers and effects of an EMP is quite informative. I wrote on this issue a few time already but I think we had all better become more aware of this danger.

A EMP attack is probably the prime event that could eliminate the U.S. from being a factor in end time Bible prophecy. When you read the below article take note that Dr. Graham thinks a EMP could reduce the population of the U.S. to about 30 million people. Dr. Graham is not a crackpot he is the foremost expert on EMP’s. He knows what he is talking about.… continue reading

Does the European Union fulfill the revived Roman Empire and Daniel chapter nine or the Mediterranean Union?

This is a very interesting prophetic development. We have been looking for the EU to fulfill the revived Roman Empire and the covenant of Daniel chapter nine but it turns out that it will actually be fulfilled by the Mediterranean Union (MU).

The EU has nations that were not in the original Roman Empire but the MU includes the right nations. It is looking like the exact same lands that were in the original Roman Empire will also be in the revived Roman Empire. Ireland was never in the Roman Empire and it is interesting that the voters of Ireland just turned down the treaty that would have federalized the EU.… continue reading

Realistic imminent dangers to the United States within the next 15 years

I wrote these articles on imminent dangers to the United States a couple of years ago and they are on my website but I think in light of the world and national situation and the fact that many that read this blog have not read my main website it may be appropriate to post a review to these imminent danger to the United States on this blog. The greatest danger to America is in the next 15 years.

Imminent Danger for the United States of America Superpower

Nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) – Imminent danger to the US # 1

Massive oil and gas disruptions – Imminent Danger to the U.S.continue reading

Newswithview.com and their conspiracy loons.

One of the reasons why I no longer link to Newswithviews.com is the many hateful conspiracy loons who write articles on that forum. There are some good posts on that website so I check it but I wish writers with Christian discernment would post elsewhere.

I cannot believe that intelligent people would actually believe that our own government was behind 9/11. These people see all government linking to a great unprovable international conspiracy to bring in some imaginary new world order that is already set in stone in back rooms of think tanks. They have been on this nonsense for many decades but they continually find a new audience.… continue reading

The Beast will come in through the Left door.

Take heed! The “nice” leftist people that you are electing are planing to take this nation to what we fought against in World War II. They plan to replace our system with a global fascist system of total governance over everyone and everything. History is repeating itself on a world scale and this time there will be no America coming to the rescue. It is Big Brother control disguised as democratic compassionate humanitarianism. They brainwash you to fear the Christian Right while they bring in their fascist godless socialism through the Left. This Beast will not follow the American Constitution it will follow the ways of the Antichrist.… continue reading

Tsar Vladimir Putin Gog’s rise to power in Russia

I find that this to be a very insightful article about modern day Russia. The article makes it clear that Russia led by Putin and his cronies is going fascist. Putin is certainly capable of fulfilling the role of Gog. Things are not quite ready right now for that prophetic event to occur at this time because the Russian military is still a joke and needs to be rebuilt. That is now Putin’s number one priority. It might take 10 to 20 years for that to happen.

Another significant factor in all this is that Russia’s economy is only thriving because of the high price of gas and oil in the world.… continue reading

Man redefining their scriptures for world peace

If Muslims just put new meanings on the passages they do not like in the Qur’an you will have created a man made hybrid religion. That would be feasible for only those Muslims that do not really believe their scriptures literally came from God anyway. We have those people in Christianity as well, they have a man made hybrid Christianity that is devoid of any salvation. When all religions do what you suggest we will have Universalism but no truth. Not that there was any truth in Islam to start with, but true Christianity is truth.

What is suggested is that man redefines the scriptures and accepts what he wants and rejects what he does not want.… continue reading

The future break up of the United States

Along with the coming crash of the economy there may occur in this country a movement that few have considered. I am not saying that this latest article in my imminent danger series will happen but I think that there is about a 50/50 chance that it will. As the country goes liberal and makes amoral laws and calls biblical expression hate speech, regions of this country may decide they do not want to be part of the United States anymore.

The counter-revolution from the heartland may start as a rebirth of the anti federal Government American Patriot Movement and the Libertarians that all but died out after 9/11.

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Homeschooling becoming outlawed.

I have said that when people start taking kids out of public schools in California that they will start outlawing home schooling like they do in Germany. The court basically said that parents or even Christian homeschooling programs are not state approved programs. The court has declared that home schooling does not promote social interaction outside the family, it does not allow state social nanny police to determine if the child is brought up properly and they say that home schooling will be emotionally damaging. In other words parent home teaching will be outlawed by these socialist Nazis.

When the next administration takes over you can be sure that this will be the law nationwide.… continue reading

Security for Israel would have to be guaranteed for peace

Tony Blair says that security for Israel will have to be guaranteed for peace in the Middle East.

We know that this security for Israel must take place before Ezekiel 38 and 39 can be fulfilled. It now looks like this security will soon come. Tony Blair is likely to become the first President of the EU under the new EU treaty and he could see to it that the EU guarantees Israel’s security. The US might do it at first but I think the US will have too many of its own problems in the near future and the EU will take over this role.… continue reading

The United Nation Returns to Iraq

The UN will take over nation building in Iraq. It will be the world headquarters of the Beast world government of the Antichrist. Twenty years down the line most Christians will understand the implications of a modern world class city being built at Babylon, if they are still here.

The United Nation Returns to Iraq – HUMAN EVENTS: “Four years after an explosives-packed suicide cement truck blew up and destroyed the U.N. headquarters building in Baghdad, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously to expand its operation in Iraq. ”

“Iraq’s Al Azzaman Website quoted a senior U.N. spokesman as saying: “The U.N.

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Who Shall Watch the Watchers?

This is where the world is heading and it is starting big time in China because the government already has all power in China. There is a time of war coming to the free world where governments will be given power over the people for security. In the coming surveillance society that will result we can ask who will watch the watchers? The answer will not be inherently noble figures, at least not for very long. Tyrants and control freaks will rise to watch the watchers who are watching us.

China: Who Shall Watch the Watchers? – HUMAN EVENTS: “In “The Republic” Plato’s lead character, Socrates, describes a perfect society as being one where there is reliance on laborers, tradesmen and slaves.

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China Enacting a High-Tech System to Track People

Sounds like they are already installing a system in China where one will not be able to buy or sell with something similar to the Mark of the Beast. Which proves how swiftly and easily it can be done today once government decrees that it will be done.

China Enacting a High-Tech Plan to Track People – New York Times “Data on the chip will include not just the citizen’s name and address but also work history, educational background, religion, ethnicity, police record, medical insurance status and landlord’s phone number. Even personal reproductive history will be included, for enforcement of China’s controversial “one child” policy.

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War Crimes by Jamie Glazov

“War Crimes” is a book that explains the treason that comes from the Left. The Left can only gain power when this nation loses.

My view is that the Left power brokers will do anything including treason to gain that power. Their allegiance is not to the United States, it is to a socialist world order run by those who believe they are the enlightened rightful rulers of this world. They are a self rightious delusional people who see themselves as God’s gift to save the world.

FrontPage magazine.com :: War Crimes by Jamie Glazov: “Patterson: The bottom line is the Left in this country only wins when America loses.

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A world government by 2030 AD?

The EU is just the pilot project for a world government. The North American Union is just one other leg in that world government. They are doing the same thing in Africa and elsewhere. All this fits into my own time line that the Beast government of Daniel and Revelation will come into power about 2030 AD.

WorldNetDaily: One final, treasonous act before calling it a decade “Blair’s worst betrayal, however, was of British national sovereignty. Above all, this will be his lasting historical legacy. It was bad enough to increase central power in Britain itself, but far worse was his agreement to voluntarily abandon Britain’s national veto in 40 distinct areas while denying the British people the opportunity to either confirm or reject this abase surrender of national sovereignty.

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