The spirit of antichrist and Christian dominionism is alive and well in America.

One of the things I deal with almost everyday are trends in the world and the church and how it all relates to Bible prophecy. I try to be balanced and not join with all those Christians on the fringe who are convinced that there is some Satanic elitist conspiracy to immediately thrust the Antichrist upon us all and fulfill their fantasy of the world ending this decade. The spirit of antichrist is already alive and well in America but the Antichrist figure of Bible prophecy is not coming as soon as some seem to think.

I just do not see the evidence for this imminent Antichrist like some think they do.… continue reading

Franklin Graham gives the gospel with material aid rather than waste God’s resources

I read an interesting article by Paul Proctor . I am not sure I agree with everything Paul said in his article but I do agree with much of it. The most interesting part of the article is what Franklin Graham said in “The Gathering interview”.

Franklin Graham is someone I highly respect he has been working in the mission field helping people in physical need for a long time and he always brings the gospel of Jesus Christ along with any material aid. That is in stark contrast to those Christian organizations that are working with world organizations to bring aid to the poor and needy but do not present the gospel of Jesus Christ.… continue reading

Worldviews in Collision

Christians in surveys often do not even have a Christian Worldview. I think this article is a very good summery of the six main worldviews in the world today. There are worldviews other than just these six but these are the six major worldviews on earth today.

Some people teach and are taught and believe different combinations of these worldviews. For example, Humanism and Marxism are often part of a mix because they have overlapping concepts. True Christianity in contrast is in absolutely collision with all other worldviews.

The six major world wordviews are:

The Christian Worldview
The Islamic Worldview
The secular Humanist Worldview
The Marxist Worldview
The Cosmic Humanist Worldview
The Postmodern Worldview

Although I agree with the statement of the hope and goal of Summit Ministries.… continue reading

True Evangelicals are Latter Day Philadelphians?

I think the ELCA vote to allow active homosexuals to become ministers was finally the straw that broke the camel’s back  for me. I will no longer identify with what is today called the Evangelical movement.

Lets face it Satan first came in with his wolves in sheep’s clothing and so corrupted the mainline denominations with the doctrines of humanism that most true Christian left. Now Satan is well on his way of accomplishing the very same thing with those that identified with the evangelicals  that came out of those near dead Sardis mainline churches.

In reality I think over half of people who call themselves evangelicals today have gone off track and are now running on the road to Laodicea.… continue reading

Christian wordviews in crises

Brannon Howse believes the Church is losing its youth because the Church no longer teaches biblical Christian worldviews. I have to agree. Parents and churches are avoiding the important issues of our time so children mostly get their worldviews from public schools and the media. The views most people now get are anti-Christian worldviews and that is why we are losing the culture to socialists/humanists. Many parents and churches avoid the issues and do not teach on Christian worldviews because they are totally confused themselves.

Therefore, we are not going to get anywhere in reclaiming a Christian culture in America if all that is taught in churches and our homes is stories about the Bible.… continue reading

America is on the wrong track because the lights are out.

America is on the wrong track heading for a train wreck sure enough because the lights are out at the switch yard and America is traveling the wrong way on a one way track. The train wreck now seems inevitable unless someone turns on the lights so America sees the signs and quickly reverses direction.

If the light from God’s people are hidden under a bushel they cannot cast out the darkness. Some pastors and leaders in Christianity are the bushels hiding the light. The only way for lights to shine is to get out from under the bushels.

Dave Daubenmire — Turn on the Lights

So, where do we go from here?

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Dr. David R. Reagan lists the main points of struggle between the secular Left and the Judeo-christian Right.

Dr. David R. Reagan has always stood on solid Biblical ground on his positions. This man of God in his article outlines the spiritual and cultural struggle and the divide based on the opposing views of the secular Left and the traditional Judeo-Christian Right. I can assure you that if Dr. Reagan is talking about them He believes the differences are a grave danger to America.

In politics the differences between Left and Right becomes as clear as supporting someone like Barny Frank verses a Sarah Palin, in the news media reading WND or CNN, In the entertainment media being influenced by Oprah or Chuck Norris, in the churches attending an Emergent Church relying on shifting sand of esoteric and mystical experiences or attending a church that relies on the Rock solid foundation of biblical doctrine.… continue reading

Rick Warren the said Billy Graham of world socialism and religious pluralism brings in harlotry and the Beast

Its enough to want to make any true missionary of the gospel of Jesus Christ puke. Religious pluralism and world socialism is Rick Warren’s answer for the world not Jesus Christ.

Most “Christians” in this country just do not get it because I am not sure they understand the gospel of Jesus Christ themselves. Christians are told to give the gospel to the whole world so they can die to the bondage of this world and live for Jesus Christ. Instead, people like Rick Warren tell Christians to join with world demonic religions so they can be kept in religious bondage.… continue reading

Enough is enough, throw the Episcopal bums out of the Church. What would Paul do (WWPD)?

Would someone please remove the Episcopal Church from the list of Christian denominations. What is left of this apostate church supports everything that is opposed to biblical teaching. Seems to me that they should now be listed as a cult and any Episcopal Church that does not agree with their anti-Christ, anti-Israel and leftist amoral socialistic agenda should depart from them. Enough is enough, throw the Episcopal bums out of the Church. What would Paul do? (WWPD).

Episcopal bishops join effort against Prop. 8 (

SACRAMENTO – The Episcopal Church in California is taking up arms against Proposition 8, an amendment that would change the California constitution to preserve the integrity of marriage as being between one man and one woman.

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Coach Dave Daubenmire chides Rick Warren for using the wrong playbook

I was waiting for someone to go on the biblical offensive and get it right about the political forum at Saddleback led be pastor Rick Warren. Coach Dave Daubenmire single handed takes out the whole defensive line of Rick Warren in this article. The Coach really defines in this article the whole problem with this superstar and his whole team.

All I heard from most Evangelical leaders was how great this political forum was but few mentioned that “America’s Pastor” is not even using the Christian playbook, he is using the playbook of the losing team. What gospel was heard from “America’s Pastor”?… continue reading

Rick Warren’s “interfaith” social plans show lack of Christian discernment

I gave Rick Warren a pass on his short statement. However, I knew I should have said something. Paul Proctor did take the time to address what Rick Warren said and I am glad that he brought up the Matthew chapter 10 issue. Rick Warren quoted Matthew chapter 10 as his justification for his interfaith efforts. Proctor makes it quite clear that Warren is taking Matthew 10 out of proper context in order to accomplish a pluralistic interfaith social agenda that any true understanding of the Bible does not allow.

Rick Warren will never get it because his worldview is all wrong.… continue reading

Rick Warren there can be no P.E.A.C.E. while the world is dead in Sin

What Rick Warren, the New Evangelicals and friends are doing is thinking that if religious people of the world come together they can solve the social problems of the world. There is no such concept in the scriptures. In fact scripture warns against uniting in common purpose with unbelievers.

There would be no issue at all if along with the aid Warren was actually giving the gospel of salvation to the world. However, he cannot do that and still be part of an interfaith effort. They will not let him. By joining with all these antichirst religious he in effect gives them validity and is saying that it does not matter what you believe as long as we all do “good” social works.… continue reading

The World Council of Churches and tyrants.

Make no mistake about it. The World Council of Churches is a really demented Marxist outfit. There is nothing Christian about them. They are on the wrong side of every moral and political issue. They never seen a tyrant they could not kiss up to and North Korean tyrant Kim Jong II who murders Christians is just their kind of man. Any Church that gives aid to the WCC needs very serious spiritual help.

FrontPage Magazine

Naturally, the World Council of Churches, which never found a Marxist tyranny it could not warmly coddle, much preferred South Korea’s previous “Sunshine” policy, which funneled endless aid into North Korean coffers without reciprocity.

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Obama’s own words tell us why he is not a true Christian

Anyone who reads this will know what Obama is not. By the words coming from his own mouth Obama could not be a Christian. I say let the man speak for himself!

Barack Obama—the Muslim Christian? – CWN

So who, exactly, is Barack Obama? It’s only fair to let the man speak for himself: (Click link above)


And so, my friends and associates, that is the gospel according to Barack Obama. Senator Obama believes you can be a Christian and not believe in the biblical Jesus Christ. He believes you can support homosexuality—including civil marriages and adoptions—and still be a follower of Jesus Christ.

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Obama distorts biblical views simply because not being a Christian he really does not know them.

I do not think Obama actually knows the distinctions between the Old Testament codes and the New Covenant reality. Any Christian that knows the beliefs of Obama should know that he is not truly a Christian. How could a Black liberation theology social gospel “Christian” understand that the Church is not under the laws of the Old Testament? He just throws the whole Bible together not understanding the distinctions between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant and then he uses straw-man arguments when real Christians have no such concepts as he suggests.

For him to ask which Christianity is true James Dobson’s or Al Sharpton’s says wonders and is a no brainier?… continue reading

Most people in the U.S. say there are many ways to God, even among Evangelicals!

Did you catch ABC news today? 3/4 of people in the U.S. do not believe their religion is the only way to God.

If I remember right about 56 percent of Muslims also said that – Which explains why many Muslims say they are moderate although there is no such concept taught in the Quran.

I do not recall the percent of the Jews but it was very high. 60 percent were not sure they believed in God at all.

Catholics were at 79 percent – How do the people who claim that Catholicism is the one true Church believe there can be other truths and many ways to God?continue reading

Canadian church women dispensing a social gospel of Unity based on humanistic socialism

On mission trips my wife has met Canadian ministers and some of their congregation. It seem they are always female and always into a perverted denial of biblical truths and a social gospel. Makes me wonder if there are any men in the church in Canada? They love to claim that they are carrying out the commission of loving their neighbor but how can you do that if you are only going to give your neighbor some fleshly support while you allow their souls to perish? They have no biblical discernment because they do not believe the truths in scripture.

There is no love in lies, There is no love in teaching spiritual falsehoods.continue reading

The Tony Blair Faith Foundation is setting up the world for the harlot woman on the Beast

I was not going to write about Tony Blair’s kick off speech to his new Faith foundation because I did not want to rain on this social effort and just look at the end time implications.

As You can see I changed my mind. While I was out cutting grass half the day I got an email asking for me to do a radio interview on the one world church implications of this (from a very well known Conservative Christian organization). When I came back in and answered the email it probably was too late for the show anyway. I am not a great one for doing interviews because I like to think about what I am saying before I say it.… continue reading

The black Marxist “Christianity” of Barack Obama

This is an excellent article that will help you understand the “Christian” faith of Barack Hussein Obama. It is not Christianity at all. It is Marxist Black Liberation Theology and has Black Muslim influences. It comes complete with their own version of Jesus. So who among you thinks it is wise to make a black cult member the leader of our nation? It shows us how far our nation has digressed that this Marxist is even in the running. Should Obama become President I hope you are truly ready for the dire consequences.

American Thinker: Obama, Black Liberation Theology, and Karl Marx

Having been a practicing Christian for more than 40 years now, and a practicing Catholic for 26 of those years, I have visited perhaps 100 various Christian bookstores, both Protestant and Catholic.

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The Beast will come in through the Left door.

Take heed! The “nice” leftist people that you are electing are planing to take this nation to what we fought against in World War II. They plan to replace our system with a global fascist system of total governance over everyone and everything. History is repeating itself on a world scale and this time there will be no America coming to the rescue. It is Big Brother control disguised as democratic compassionate humanitarianism. They brainwash you to fear the Christian Right while they bring in their fascist godless socialism through the Left. This Beast will not follow the American Constitution it will follow the ways of the Antichrist.… continue reading