Lost Christians is the greatest crises in America? What is the response to such a bazaar concept!

What a totally bazaar concept “lost Christians”? This is an oxymoron!  If these “Christians” have lost their faith in the Bible, the church and Christian beliefs then they are not “lost Christians” they are not Christians!

Thirty-one million people have left these churches because they were never believers they were just cultural Christians. It is happening in the U.S., Canada and Europe because many of the mainline churches in the West do not teach or practice biblical Christianity. All they have is denominational rituals. They baptize people into the church as babies and then they call them Christians. Then when they grow up and leave they say they are “lost Christians.… continue reading

The Southern Baptist South now needs to be invaded by Calvary Chapels.

The main problem with the Southern Baptists (I have been a member at times) is that most members no longer read their Bibles they read Lifeway articles about the Bible. They do not do Bible studies they do Lifeway magazine studies or studies based on the latest book of some popular Christian self help Guru. They do not have Bible teachers they have facilitators of Lifeway products. Don’t believe me? Take a show of hands at your Southern Baptist Church, Bible study or group and ask how many have ever read through the Bible even once in their lives. You might be surprised.… continue reading

Brian Mclaren tells young creekers to lessen focus on eternity

I do not know why Willow Creek would allow this heretic to speak at their church. I take that back I think I do known why.

I challenge anyone who reads the Bible as written to tell me that this man has not redefined the scriptures to take away absolutes truths and replace them with stupid rationalizations. Tell me that he is not corrupting Christian youth with his heretical teaching. It is time that Christians quit making apogees for this very destructive heretic. His teachings are doing great harm to Christianity especially to the youth of the church.

So why is it that Christians in your church are mislead from his books and there is no warning about this wolf in sheep’s clothing and others emergent leaders like him coming from your pastor?… continue reading

Obama believes in salvation by your own works

Obama believes a person who led a moral life will go to heaven apart from accepting Jesus as Lord. This is clearly not Christian teaching so I do not know why some still insist that Obama is Christian. What Obama supports proves that he follows the teachings of Karl Marx and his religious views prove that he believes in Universalism.

If he really wanted to apply the teaching of Jesus in a concrete way he would tell people the true gospel. That salvation comes from what Jesus did period, and no ones good works will save them. Good works on earth comes from the spiritual new heart of Christians not from increasingly fascist worldly government oversight.… continue reading

Jim Wallis: Delusions from the Left

Jim Wallis has delusions of grandeur as he sees himself leading a “Great Awaking” of us blind evangelicals into his pathways to a socialist secular utopia.

Yeah sure Jim, are you taking your medicine?

FrontPage Magazine

Sojourners chief Jim Wallis is leading a new “Great Awakening” in America, according to his new book by the same name.America’s first Great Awakening was in the mid-18th century, when revivalist preachers like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield preached a Christian revival that won thousands of converts. Later great awakenings in the19th century likewise strove to win lost souls for Heaven.

As the Religious Left’s modern “prophet,” Wallis is interested not so much in Heaven but in expanding the welfare state, restricting the free market, reducing American influence around the world, and apologizing for the Islamist tyrants and Marxist dictators who are ostensibly victims of American imperial overreach.

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Parsley on everything?

Since John McCain kissed up to Parsley on everything even though Ron Parsley is one of the worst Word Faith heretics in existence. I thought I would link to a good article on the nonsense that Parsley preaches to his huge Church and TV audience.

I would not want anyone to think that McCain actually linked with true Christian conservatives by speaking at World Harvest Church in Ohio. The most that McCain would find there is Christian garnish that goes along with the Parsley. Not that McCain knows the difference between Christian teaching and tickle the ears garnish spreading of Word Faith teaching.… continue reading

Wright taught hatred toward whites, He is not Christian.

Obama in his speech twisted words for his own advantage to making the same old “blame whitey” claims for his perceived race problems in the U.S.

As if whitey forced many blacks to become amoral and destructive? Could it be that the real motivators for black amorality and hatred is the type of churches leaders that many choose to go listen to and be brainwashed? Churches led by evil people like Mr.Wright (no Rev. deserved) that teach hate, Marxism, and that take anti American and anti biblical viewpoints on every issue.  These are churches that are really racists Marxist cults. They do not preach a biblical Jesus Christ at all.… continue reading

This elevator is going down

Here is a very good summery of the latest going on with many of the “Christian” leaders that seem to be running their own heavenly elevator. Next stop the bottom floor.

clipped from www.letusreason.org
We welcome new leaders and recognize them for their service to Christ. Today
there are many new leaders, but there is a shortage of biblically well trained
leaders who are aware of the issues and have answers to them. There are just as
many new leaders serving an agenda, themselves and money than Christ.
Postmodernism, pluralism, relativism, interfaith and occult ideas and practices
have reached so deep into the church that we can’t seem to see through the murky
waters we are now swimming in.
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Government forced Christian aid.

Should the government make people do what God’s children should be doing out of their own good heart?

When government takes from those in the world who have, to give to others it fosters rebellion on one end and slothfulness on the other. In addition, government uses the redistribution of wealth to further its own worldly social agendas instead of the heavenly agenda that free will charity would bring.

Many of the problems in the world are because of blatant sin choices that people have made and that government often enables or even promotes. Treating  sin symptom problems when government helps spread the disease is an exercise in futility.… continue reading

The pulpits are silent except when pulpit puppets preach the national feel good gospel.

Coach Dave Daubenmire spells out the problem and most of the pulpits will remain silent. We could also insert the word Christians in place of pulpits.

Dave Daubenmire — …and the Pulpits Are Silent

Public schools are destroying the faith of Christian children and the pulpits are silent.
Legislation is introduced to remove the rights of parents and the pulpits are silent.
Children are taught they came from apes and the pulpits are silent.
Millions of children are “medicated” to control their behavior and the pulpits are silent.
Gambling is promoted to pay for schools and the pulpit is silent.
Precious babies are being murdered in the womb and the pulpits are silent.

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Homeschooling becoming outlawed.

I have said that when people start taking kids out of public schools in California that they will start outlawing home schooling like they do in Germany. The court basically said that parents or even Christian homeschooling programs are not state approved programs. The court has declared that home schooling does not promote social interaction outside the family, it does not allow state social nanny police to determine if the child is brought up properly and they say that home schooling will be emotionally damaging. In other words parent home teaching will be outlawed by these socialist Nazis.

When the next administration takes over you can be sure that this will be the law nationwide.… continue reading

Bank of America and their un-American activities

Bank of America has the most arrogant phone staff that I have ever encountered. Once when I noticed that they were charging me large fees for several months on a checking account that I had since changed to a non fee account. I called them trying to correct their error and get back my money.

After playing the phone game with their first line of defense and finding no one who would give me back my money no matter how I explained the issue. I asked to speak to the supervisor of the first line of defense supervisor who told me that it was my fault for not checking the monthly bank statements.… continue reading

Seven reasons not to vote for the Obama Messiah

Obama has become the black Messiah for a whole generation. I will give you seven reasons you why you should not make this man your idol or vote for him.

First, he is just a man. Obama has no special powers unless they are demonic.

Second, get to know what he really plans to do. If you knew instead of just getting caught up in this mass hysteria you would know that he is a globalist socialist. He will make the US subservient to the UN and transfer US wealth to other nations.

Third, many of Obama’s moral positions are in direct opposition to the absolute truths of the Bible.… continue reading

How socialist fascists will take control of America by 2013

If the Democrats control both houses it is almost certain that 2009 will mark the beginning of the end of free speech in America. If Obama or Clinton get elected one of the first things they will do is to bring back the Fairness Doctrine which will kill talk radio.

Then without talk radio and the conservative voices as a counterbalance to socialism they will not only pass hate speech laws there will not even be any discussion about its abuses. After that, they will come after voices that oppose them on the Internet and they will regulate out these voices through government and Internet providers interpretations of the fascist hate speech laws.… continue reading

Communists everywhere!

We have people with Communist ideas leading the Democratic Party which should change its name to the socialist party. Now we have these emerging leaders in Christianity spouting Communism and we also have Word Churches, some Pentecostals and the World Counsel of Churches looking to bring in a Christian utopia based on Communist principles. So Communism is not dead it has just shape shifted into the American mainstream. Mao would be so proud. He is taking America and is destroying Christianity without firing a shot.

It is unbelievable how far Americans and Christians have strayed from their ideals in the last fifty years.… continue reading

Defining Evangelicalism Down to Secular Humanism

One of the things that really bugs me about the new “Evangelical” left leaders like Rick Warren is that they act like the Church was doing nothing to help people before they arrived on the scene with all their horns and whistles blowing. They insult the millions of missionaries who quietly worked in mission fields and the Holy Spirit who worked through them.

The big difference between the real missionaries and the postmodern version is that the real missionaries gave and give people more than just physical aid for the symptoms of diseases in this world. They gave the people the cure of spiritual life.continue reading

Rick Warren continues to make very bazaar statements

Rich Warren says the future of the world lies in religious pluralism. Does this man read his Bible at all? The future of the world lies in Jesus Christ alone. Why are Christians still following this double minded man?

clipped from www.christianworldviewnetwork.com
Secularism is quite small outside Europe and Manhattan,” he joked.
“The future of the world lies in religious pluralism.”
–Rick Warren

Read through the points carefully again, and you will see where Rick Warren is taking evangelicals. His beliefs about pluralism explain why he can go to Jewish synagogues and never mention the name of Christ, or appear at secular conferences or shows like Comedy Central and never once mention Jesus and the way of eternal salvation.

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Rick Warren continues pushing his social gospel by joining with “One”

Joseph Farah makes the case in his article that many “Christian” charities including Rick Warren’s origination have made their bed with government, religious, and business organizations. They are joining with world elitist’s and abdicating to elitist’s what the Church was directed to do to help get out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The evident problem is that the Church does get the credit for feeding the poor and there is no gospel message given to feed the souls when they join with a non Christian organizations like “One”

What fellowship does light have with darkness? In the final analysis, Warren and the Christian originations that align with “One” are further evidence that they have bought into a social gospel.continue reading

The war on those that actually believe that Jesus will return

More and more stories are coming out from mainstream Christians teaching that those who actually take Bible prophecy literally are dangerous people.Bishop Hanson is not unique these day. Jimmy Carter just implied the same thing at his Baptist conference. George Bush implied it years ago. Preterist’s imply it in their books. Methodists and most Presbyterians imply it in the positions they take in the Middle East. One can go on and on.

Those that teach the millennial return of Jesus Christ are receiving more and more persecution in the world. It is not even allowed in China. Now mainstream denominations will ostracize those who actually believe that Jesus will return in our time.… continue reading

Ron Bell’s Velvet Elvis is a postmodern social gospel

Bob DeWaay does a good job in this article explaining the teaching of Ron Bell in “Velvet Elvis” and debunking them.  All I will add is that the American Church is heading for big trouble if young “Christians” keep following these postmodern leaders that have no regard for sound biblical doctrine.

clipped from Critical issues commentary

For the past two years I have researched the theology of the Emergent Church in preparation for a book I am writing. During that time I ignored Rob Bell’s Velvet Elvis because I was concentrating on other works of postmodern theology. Then someone loaned me Bell’s video in which he uses subatomic physics to try to prove that, “everything is spiritual.”

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