A manifesto to marginalize us old style evangelicals by calling us fundamentalists

Berit Kjos wrote a well document article on the problems she finds in the Evangelical Manifesto and the “new evangelicals” involved in the project. This is what you are not hearing from those who are pushing the Evangelical Manifesto. The real intent of the Manifesto is to marginalize us old style evangelicals that they are now calling us fundamentalists as if biblical fundamentalists carried the plague. The goal of many is to promote the way to an interfaith world.

Berit Kjos — An Evangelical Manifesto For an Interfaith World

“THERE ARE NOW TWO KINDS OF EVANGELICALS…. The old is the authentic, biblical position.

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Finding Brian Mclaren’s way to the mother of all harlots

Here is the take from the Lighthouse on Brian Mclaren’s newest book “Finding Our Way Again”. Brian Mclaren is obviously a blind soul who could not even find his way with his seeing eye dog. What Mclaren teaches is not Christianity and I wish that Bible colleges and book stores would quit peddling his pagan delusions as something the Church needs to learn about. We do not need to know these things any more then we need to know what was in the books that the early Church burned.

There is a common thread in all these emerging teachers. These are nothing but wolves dressed in old gnostic wolves sheep’s clothing.… continue reading

The Tony Blair Faith Foundation is setting up the world for the harlot woman on the Beast

I was not going to write about Tony Blair’s kick off speech to his new Faith foundation http://tonyblairfaithfoundation.org/2008/05/tony-blairs-speech-to-launch-t.html because I did not want to rain on this social effort and just look at the end time implications.

As You can see I changed my mind. While I was out cutting grass half the day I got an email asking for me to do a radio interview on the one world church implications of this (from a very well known Conservative Christian organization). When I came back in and answered the email it probably was too late for the show anyway. I am not a great one for doing interviews because I like to think about what I am saying before I say it.… continue reading

The Richard Foster of the Emergent Church Leaders

Rev. Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries has written a really good article about Richard Foster and how he is connected with the Emergent Church movement and the Contemplative/Centering Prayer that is now being taught to future pastors in many seminars and Bible colleges. Below are a few excerpts from this article but read the entire article there is much good information here. But while your at it don’t stop at this article on Richard Foster. Apprising Ministries www.apprising.org has many well documented articles on the emergent/emerging church heresies which are leading institutional “Christianity” into latter day apostasy. It is this emerging harlot woman that will ride the Beast Antichrist into power in these last days.… continue reading

The all-gods sect called Alcoholics Anonymous or A.A.

This is a clever article that points out the problems with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and most other 12 step programs.

Missionaries Into Darkest Alcoholics Anonymous – CWN

Mama and Papa,

We are in America at last. The Lord has sent us into the strangest belief system. The men and women here seem impervious to the Gospel, but the Lord has given us great love for them.

This religion teaches that virtually anything can be defined as a god. During their meetings these people gather and pray in unity, but the “god” each individual prays to can be as varied and unique as particles of sand in our African desert.

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The black Marxist “Christianity” of Barack Obama

This is an excellent article that will help you understand the “Christian” faith of Barack Hussein Obama. It is not Christianity at all. It is Marxist Black Liberation Theology and has Black Muslim influences. It comes complete with their own version of Jesus. So who among you thinks it is wise to make a black cult member the leader of our nation? It shows us how far our nation has digressed that this Marxist is even in the running. Should Obama become President I hope you are truly ready for the dire consequences.

American Thinker: Obama, Black Liberation Theology, and Karl Marx

Having been a practicing Christian for more than 40 years now, and a practicing Catholic for 26 of those years, I have visited perhaps 100 various Christian bookstores, both Protestant and Catholic.

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Endorsing amoral candidates for what reason? What candidate should a Christian vote?

It is not surprising to me that John McCain would throw any Bible believing Christian under the bus. Obviously McCain does not believe the Bible literally. What is more surprising to me is that any Bible believing Christian leader could endorse John McCain. Just because McCain thinks a military solution in Iraq is the correct way to go and thinks Islamofascism has to be defeated is not the same as him thinking that the religion of Islam is evil like Parsley and true Christians. McCain like all of our presidential candidates have a pluralist Universalist view that Christianity is just one of many ways to God.… continue reading

If you promote Narnia as an analogy of Christianity what will you do with “The Last Battle”

I know there are pastors that are promoting these Narnia films as Christian. I think they are seeing things but are they also being set up for the Narnia film that will come out in 2014 called “The Last Battle” that has a universalism message. Since the emerging church and many church leaders have already embraced the heresy of universalism that seems very likely. The world in 2014 after the war against Islamic fundamentalism will want to believe in universalism. Will this film help along those lines and will the same pastors continue to promote this as Christian. I would think that it is more than likely.… continue reading

Coexisting with doctrines of devils

Bono, Rick Warren, Schuller, Bill Hybells, George Bush, Obama, and many others and most of the Emerging Church movement shape shifters all believe in pluralism and universalism while claiming to be Christians. Their Christianity is really religious dominionism. They want to use religion, government, media and the power elite to bring in total world governance and establishment of their idealist earthly utopia in the name of their higher power. What they will actually bring in will be the Antichrist figure who will claim to fulfill all the expectations of religions. The harlot woman is about to ride the Beast.

Bono, Universalism, and the Emerging Church?continue reading

12 steps toward pluralism and universalism defiles Christians

This is a very well written article on why pastors should not be promoting 12 step programs like AA. I wrote my own article on this subject a while back that says much the same things. You will find it in the New Evangelicals and post-modern psychobabble section of a much larger article I wrote on Dominion theology and where it will lead the church. There are a couple of good reference links on my piece. One is on the founders of AA, Bill Wilson, who was a real nut case. Also read the below article it gives additional insights.

A perfect example of a graduate of a 12 step program is President George Bush.… continue reading

The Christian movement shifting toward apostasy

If you are buying into a “Emergent” or “Emerging Church” you are going to be shifting toward the apostasy of pantheistic monism and universalism. Everyone in the Church needs to know about this rapidly growing movement because this is the apostasy that we were told would come in the last days.

Are You a “Shifter”? Does the Historic Gospel Message Need to be Repackaged? – CWN

Are you a “SHIFTER”? Do you follow Oprah Winfrey in her swooning free-fall into “planetary consciousness”? Do you “feel” the Christian message and belief system must be “repackaged” in order to be “relevant”, especially to the youth?

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Shirley Dobson appears on Hour of Power and says Robert Schuller is doing good work

Much of the church is missing Dr. Dobson’s mixed message because he tells them what they want to hear on issues of the family and morality but Dr. Dobson seems to be confused on many theological issues – from the evil of psychology in the Church, to soft dominionism to his confusion on Robert Schuller’s universalism.

I wrote an article that includes information on Dr. Dobson if anyone cares to read it. The major segment on Dobson is about half way down the article in the psychobabble section, also check the excellent link within for much more information.

Do The Dobsons and Focus on the Family Agree with the Emergent Church?continue reading

The New Age plan to kill Christians and Jews for the sake of the world community.

Make no mistake about it Oprah and Tolle are setting the foundation for the coming persecution of true believers in Jesus Christ and Jehovah. Their satanic religion promotes the removing of all those who will not become part of the One universal consciousness. They will intend to kill us for the sake of their satanically inspired community and think they will be doing us and the world community a favor by doing so.

This teaching is not new. It has always been the teaching of New Age for many decades. Tolle and Oprah have just used their influence to popularize it under a new cover.… continue reading

The energy crises could be just part of the plan to bring in world government.

OPEC might be shattered if we actually started drilling for oil and switching to coal instead of being blocked from doing so by congress cowed by the junk science global warming lobby. However, even if all restrictions were done away with it would take 5 years to gear up enough to make any difference. Meanwhile, the next oil disruption from a hurricane or a Middle East war will bring gas to $10 a gallon and will wreck the energy dependent economies of the world.

There are ways to deal with this but of course that won’t happen because what seems to be happening right now in food, energy, economics and the religious wars is the deliberate manufacturing of crises on the earth so that the only solution will appear to be a totally managed controlled world.… continue reading

America is being set up for deception on every front and on both coasts

There is no question by what the Pope said that the Pope wants a global government. He wants the UN to rule the world, of course with his religious guidance. The globalists largely create the international problems and then they deceive you to believe that they are the solution to them.

Once we have binding international rules like the Pope wants you will have a fascist world that will be ready for the one who takes the place of Christ on earth (Antichrist). It won’t be this 81 year old Pope but I would not rule out the next as being the Antichrist or his false prophet.… continue reading

The emergent rise of pantheistic universalism

This article will give you a good perspective of how the Emergent Church is sliding into unity with New Age and Eastern paganism and pantheistic universalism. It will tell you who the leaders in this religious paradigm shift are and some of what they teach.

Emergent Church Spreading Spiritual Cancer – CWN

Now a similar assault on historic orthodox Christianity is underway that’s gaining momentum. Some Christians believe a paradigm shift is taking place in the Church and as a consequence “everything must change.” This is anything but good news for Christendom, my friends. In a radio interview with Worldview Network’s Brannon Howse, Professor Peter Jones of Westminster Seminary warned listeners that the Christian theistic West has been turning back to pagan, pantheistic monism.

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Oprah and her New Age mystics arise for end time deception

I think that Oprah started believing her own press when some people made her out to be a goddess. Now she is promoting every New Age Guru that fits within her own belief that she has some divine connection.

I guess it would now be more than appropriate to call Oprah a Cult leader since she is brainwashing gullible people and teaching pagan beliefs from her media pulpits.

In my opinion Oprah is now the most dangerous woman on the planet and she would be a shoe in for Antichrist if she was not a woman. Maybe she will change sexes.… continue reading

Deepak Chopra deceptively teaches that Christ is a consciousness

One thing in common with the New Age/New spirituality message from people like Deepak Chopra is that Christ is a consciousness that spiritual people can also asertain. They make Jesus just one of many that have reached or will reach Christ consciousness. They make Jesus just a teacher with Christ consciousness rather than God’s only Christ and Savior for mankind’s sins.

Your going to hear more and more about Christ consciousness in the future. It is a core teaching of the New Age/New Spirituality movement and this thinking is emerging in the emergent Church movement as well. It is popular among “Christian” universalists and pantheists who have a many ways to God belief.… continue reading

Greg Laurie’s advice to the emerging apostate church.

Greg Laurie speaks on the Emergent Church, global warming and other issues. Christians need to heed his warnings.

‘The Emergent Church’: A dangerous counterfeit

Jesus plainly said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the life. …” (John 14:6, NKJV) Yet despite this clear biblical teaching, another “emergent” leader says, “I see the world through the images of Christianity, which teaches me that I encounter God in everyone I meet, regardless of what they believe.”

This is New Age mysticism, not New Testament Christianity. The truth is, you will only find Christ living in those who have put their faith in Him.

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American Idol censors Jesus in “Shout to the Lord”?

How does American Idol just change the words of a song? How do you force the singers to sing Shepherd instead of Jesus? I would think that if the song was edited by American Idol and was not the voice of the singers they should be sued. How do you make singers sing both shepherd and Jesus? Seems to me that the singers kowtowed here. I would also think that the writer of the song could and should sue American Idol if they changed the wording of his song without permission.

‘American Idol’ features worship but censors Jesus

The prospect that America’s most-watch television program would feature a popular Christian worship song to close its fundraising special last night generated a buzz on the Internet, but some now are crying foul after the lyrics were altered to eliminate the word “Jesus.”

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