The Bible Literacy Project is a deceptive name for a project that undermining the authority of the Bible and debases God.

Under the name of the Bible Literacy Project they will bring in every kind of brainwashing deception into the schools. The textbook they use is called “The Bible and its Influence” and it undermines the Bible’s authority and demeans and debases the God of the Bible. Do not support this deceptive project in your schools. Haters of Christianity have now gone from just banning the Bible to a very deceptive attempt to destroy is very foundations and replace it with global spirituality.

The deception of the Bible Literacy Project

Virtually banned from American schools in the early ’60s, the Bible has faced a rising onslaught of wrath, ridicule and legal assaults. So, why after all these years would liberal opponents suddenly turn and support a textbook titled, “The Bible and Its Influence”? Why such enthusiastic acclaim for a controversial curriculum published for public schools by the Bible Literacy Project?

The answer may lie behind a man by the name of Charles Haynes, a key player in the work of the Bible Literacy Project.

The textbook by the Bible Literacy Project, “The Bible and Its Influence,” incorporates the Hegelian dialectic process outlined in “Finding Common Ground: A First Amendment Guide to Religion and Public Education” by Charles Haynes and ACLU author/lawyer Oliver Thomas. Thus, schoolchildren learn “about the Bible” through a pre-planned group process that twists the Bible into the evolving ideals of the planned global spirituality.

Georg Hegel was an occultist whose philosophy laid the foundation for communist brainwashing. We need to grasp the basics of his dialectic process to equip our children to resist his fast-spreading “education” method. It is used in schools and public forums to shape the people’s thoughts and morph the masses to a new kind of community.

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2 thoughts on “The Bible Literacy Project is a deceptive name for a project that undermining the authority of the Bible and debases God.

  1. That may be true but that also might just make him an expert on why the Bible Literacy Project is deceptive.

    There are many points listed in the full article that backs up his claims. What about those claims?

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