Those optimistic about America’s future are not living in reality.

America is a nation with a Constitution and a Bill of Rights designed to keep individuals free from government tyranny. However, it is obvious that most Americans have now given up these rights for the shackles of socialism and the facade of false security. The politicians that Americans elect still give lip service to our Constitution but their actions show that their heart is far from it.

Tyrannical control freaks are not supposed to be ruling Americans under our system of government but nevertheless it is very apparent they already are.

One successful terrorist attack brought America to its knees when Americans allowed this attack to open the door to a police state. Few see that the dangers from our own government can exceed the threat from the terrorists. For security, Americans have giving up their constitutional freedoms to the state. Senator Rand Paul is correct, the terrorist have won. They have turned Americans against Americas in some false hope that being a government snitch and allowing unlimited federal power will bring everyone eternal security.

The people who make deliveries to your door, the stores where you shop, the teller where you bank, have been recruited by Big Brother to report to the authorities anything they think is “suspicious” (for example: paying in cash, politically incorrect speech, agitation, anxiety, bags under your eyes…. well just about anything ). All Americans are now encouraged to watch everyone else with suspicion and I am sure they will. Cities are becoming like casinos where your every move is being watched.

“See something say something”, is the motto, but for 99.999 percent of Americans the only thing that will be reported to the authorities is other innocent Americans. Even so, all those innocent Americans will still have to justify their actions to the authorities that show up. Are we to become a nation of paranoid snitches that reports everything to Big brother? This would not be unlike Nazi Germany or the USSR.

In just one decade we have gone from a land of relative liberty to a paranoid police state spending hundreds of billions of dollars on homeland threats that largely would not exist if federal government would just enforce our borders and illegal immigration. Also, if local law enforcement would enforce our constitutional laws like they should, and allow law-abiding Americans to carry weapons, there would actually be homeland security and then the Department of Homeland Security could  be disbanded.

Instead the local police will be federalized at the drop of a hat by a presidential decree. The real danger to America is not terrorists, it is the federalization of local law enforcement that will answer to statist control freaks. America’s Drug enforcement efforts have also militarized the local police and that is far more dangerous to liberty than people smoking weeds that government has never stopped from coming into this country.

The President of the United States was a cocaine and marijuana abuser and half of those in Washington still are. This administration actually sent guns to a drug cartel in Mexico in order to make people believe that guns were coming from the United States so that they could get guns laws passed in the United States. That is what the Fast and Furious operation was really about and it got many people killed. Now it seems that the DEA also laundered money for drug traffickers.

Does anyone with a mind believe the drug wars have  improved our national security or conditions in the United States and Latin America? If you think so take a walk in gangland America some night. Or go into the cartel strongholds in Latin America. The war on drugs has enabled every local police force to have jack-booted SWAT and to have random vehicle checkpoints where they just stop everyone on the road and then go on fishing trips to find a violation of the law which usually turn out to be some seat belt violation or registration expiration. Thanks to the drug wars and SWAT we have the militarization in place that is necessary to become a police state. Sure, there is no connection if you actually believe that absolute power does not corrupt.

The Patriot act enacted after a terrorist event 10 years ago goes on forever and they keep adding new infringements to our rights every year in the name of national security. The latest infringement just passed 93-7 by the Senate within the National Defense Authorization Act, gives power to the military to incarcerate anyone in this nation that they feel is a danger to national security. They can do this without bringing charges and without allowing any legal counsel and they can keep you locked up for as long as they wish. Somehow, mainland America became the war battleground against the terrorist enemy that they will not even acknowledge is the enemy of America (Islam). Guantanamo not only still exists, it will soon expand to mainland FEMA camps.

Those FEMA camps are not being set up for nothing and the frisking of your grandmothers private parts when boarding a plane is not without reason. It is the frog in the pot routine. Once the public accepts being irradiated or felt up in the airports the plan is take the intrusive search routine to anywhere people gather. They have already started. The motto will soon be “Show me your papers and your private parts comrade”! And if you say no, you will be a terrorist suspect and you will be treated accordingly. Search is secondary to conditioning people to blindly obey the barking orders of Big Brother. Try challenging their infringements of your rights in real time and see what happens.

The only thing slowing down the statist control freaks was our Constitution and the lack of terrorist events on our soil. However, now that they have these unconstitutional laws and the equipment in place you better believe that something will occur so they can take government control of our lives to the next level. I am not saying that our government will actually create the terrorism, but indeed they are knowingly or unknowingly doing just that, when they deny the real threat and do not take action against the real threat. The real threat is Islam, illegals, and the lack of enforcement on our borders.

Therefore, I disagree with those optimists that are preaching that we are just going through a temporary economic downturn and that things will soon return to normal in America. This is not just some temporary set back for America like most want to believe. We are actually rapidly becoming a police state much like Nazi Germany or the USSR but armed with surveillance equipment that the control freaks in these evil empires only dreamed of.

It is easy to just blame our problems on the representatives in Washington but Americans elected them. The real problem in this nation is why we tolerate and promote every sort of evil to prevail. When all the scum rises to the top and it stinks you can be sure that the American experiment has failed.

Our forefathers made it clear that the American system of government would only work for a moral people. Too often in history we almost lost America because we are not a moral people but somehow moral people prevailed. However today, most Americans are not only not moral, they love to flaunt their immorality in the face of any moral people who remain.  So, America will now go the way of the tyrannical world that our forefathers came out of and eventually set up a nation founded on the laws of God and liberty. We will now reap the fitting tyranny because we have rejected both.

I see no remedy because America is unrepentant and is even exporting evils all over the world. For example, it was not enough to make sexual perversion the law of this land, under the Obama administration they are now going to pressure other nations to accept sex perversion and offer asylum in America for the perverted within other nations. That is a perversion of what America once stood for.

America now supports evil in the Middle East. America tries to force Jews on their own land to make peace with people who want no peace with Israel. These people hated Israel ever since they descended from their father Esau. America helps overthrow dictators that America once supported and now no government in the world trusts America anymore. America supports the Arab Spring uprisings in the name of Democracy that will soon turn the whole region into a Islamic confederacy united in hate against Israel. Why does America support evil? Because many evil people prevail in our land.

It was not enough to have 50 million abortions in our land. Our elected government has taxpayers pay for abortions in foreign lands. Why this abomination? Because many evil people prevail in our land.

The people in this nation elected the government that now ignores the Constitution. The people allow their representatives to lie to them continually. The American people are electing liars and treasonous people to high office because most have come to believe that evil is good and tyrants robbing the wealth of others and squandering it on those that will not produce in society should be called human justice.

There are countless examples of evil in our land. Half the nation uses drugs, half the nation steals, half the nation are liars, half are living in sexual sin, half are full of covetousness, etc  etc. One proof  of the evil that prevails in America is that America has the highest incarnation rate in the world and everyone in America knows that most evil people that break the laws never get caught or never do time when they do get caught. Sit in a local courtroom for a few days. You might get your eyes opened about all the evils that takes place in America everyday.

Almost 50 years ago Billy Graham warned that America was already worse than Sodom and Gomorrah and that God would judge America if we did not repent. We have come a long way since the days when people actually listened to preachers that were preaching about sin and evil. Now evil has become the normal way of life in much of America. No national message like what came from the early Billy Graham would even be tolerated anymore in our media and in most of our land.

Few in America have any ability to understand truth anymore because thinking in government schools is an eight letter word that is far beyond the four letter vocabulary of most Americans. I think Judge Napolitano in this article about America giving up our freedoms, says it all. Nevertheless, even most self-confessed conservative leaders and Christian leaders and pastors in America still remain in the dark about how far we have fallen.

So Frankly, it seems to me that America will increasingly be under God’s judgment. There is not going to be any real economic recovery and things in America are going to continue to get worse for the foreseeable future so don’t optimistically fool yourself.

Americans lost 2.4 trillion of their net worth just in the last three months. So, that recovery that we are supposed to be in, is another smoke and mirrors trick. We are now heading for another downturn cycle and there will be no way to stimulate the economy this time without also destroying the dollar.

Nor, will getting rid of the Marxists now in office atone for America’s sins. Ask yourself how the political scum even rose to the top without American’s enabling them? For change to really take place in America there will have to be complete change in America’s values from the grass-roots on up. I just do not see this happening before a national Christian revival and that is nowhere in sight. On the contrary, Americans continue to be secularized and indoctrinated and parents just applaud the progress that the government indoctrination system makes in progressing their children to tolerate and promote more evil.

Does anyone really think that a lizard like political creature is going to save America in the next election or a cult leader? Get real! They are just two more symptom of the disease.

 If you want to remain optimistic, don’t read the following 29 events that could become reality within five years:

  • America, Europe and Japan because of the covetousness of socialism, the practice of abortion, living beyond their means, and passing debt down the road to the next generation, and the destruction of the free enterprise system by crony capitalism, corruption, greed, taxes and over-regulation will see a depression spiral or a hyperinflation spiral and the worst economic conditions and civil unrest in modern history.
  • The Supreme Court in America will turn liberal and that will mean the end of what is left of any literal interpretation of our Bill of Rights.
  • Appeasement in Marxist North Korea allowed the development of nuclear weapons. Intelligence now projects a failure of the N. Korea regime very soon. That could mean a power struggle where a paranoid military takes over and launches preemptive HEMP’s over America, South Korea and Japan.
  • Israel or the United States will hit Iran’s nuclear facilities and that could start a regional war.
  • Ahmadinejad of Iran actually wants a war while he is still President in order for him to bring in the Mahdi Islamic savior and the end of the world. Ahmadinejad’s term expires in mid 2013.
  • Israel will have another regional war and clean up the terrorist camps in that region.
  • Assad of Syria might attack Israel to take pressure off of his regime. It will be a fatal mistake for him and for Damascus.
  • Procrastination, appeasement and now fear of Iran could very well result in HEMP’s over America, South Europe, Arabia and Israel.
  • A surprise second Pearl Harbor strike on our fleet with ship killing cruse missiles is possible from Iran or China or both. Of course a nuclear response would follow.
  • The Arab spring will turn into Islamism and regional Sharia Law or civil war against military dictatorships with hundreds of thousands killed.
  • China will likely take over Taiwan and if America gets involved we could see the start of a world war. Chances are that we will not be in a position to do anything except protest and threaten some economic sanctions.
  • Russia will take over most of the area of the old Soviet Union mostly through treaty and energy blackmail and Western Europe that will be in economic and civil turmoil will be in no position to oppose them and neither will the US.
  • There will be a nuclear war between Pakistan and India and it could bring in China and the United States.
  • There will be civil war and wars in northern South America and Central America. Argentina will take over the Falklands and Great Britain will be in no position to stop them unless Great Britain actually plays the nuclear weapon card.
  • Turkey will be in a war with Syria until Assad is gone. Then if Europe is in dishevel they will war against Greece over Cyrus and oil.
  • If Iran’s nuclear facilitates are not bombed in 2012, Saudi Arabia will acquire nuclear weapons from Pakistan.
  • Iran may attempt to take over much of Iraq. Any such move would bring the bombing of Iran by the US, Israel and the Saudis.
  • For the first time since Vietnam the American government will attempt to draft young people into the military. I think there will be strong civil disobedience, so they probably will have to scrap the draft and hire mercenaries, if they even have the money.
  • Certain foods and gasoline will be rationed, taxes will be enormous.
  • Most middle-class Americans will lose most of their savings through debt default or hyperinflation.
  • There will be riots in American cities in 2012 coming from the Far Left that fund and control the Occupiers. There could be race riots as well, for obvious reasons.
  • There will be mass upheavals and even civil war in America but federal, state and local governments will take control of American cities by brute force. There may be some rural areas that rebel against the federalization of all police forces but most Americans have become too soft to actually take part in any physical resistance against a police state. If the military occupation goes on for an extend period some police and military will see the light and join the resistance and then a full-fledged civil war becomes likely.
  • Influential church leaders and local pastors in America will be quoting Romans 13 and telling Christians to submit to government and turn in their guns (it happened in Nazi Germany). Most in the liberal cities will comply. In conservative rural areas they will fire pastors that make any such suggestion.
  • Homeland security and the military will rule America under martial law. There will be checkpoints, curfews, surveillance and snitches everywhere.
  • Fundamental Christians, libertarians and others that are resisting the statist takeover of America and unconstitutional government will be put in FEMA camps and be considered national security threats and enemies of the state.
  • Pseudo Christianity will begin to reunite under Rome. Bible believing Christian will be ostracized, marginalized and even persecuted.
  • There will be real or staged terrorist attacks all over the West that will give governments free rein to do most anything they want in the name of national security.
  • There will be a rise of the Far Right in Europe. It will lead to deporting Muslims that do not comply with the native common law rules. Therefore, civil war with Islamists in Europe is inevitable.
  • There will be at least 5 more unforeseen major crises that are not mentioned here

Many of these things are more likely than not to happen within the next five years. This will not be the end mentioned in the Bible although some people will certainly want to make that claim. What is now upon us is just setting things up for the end that will probably start in the 2020’s. At that time a man with very intriguing solutions will solve many world problems. What I believe will happen can best be put in the following timeline:

There will be a period of 5 to 10 years of great world turmoil.

It will be followed by a decade or so of relative peace through political and religious deception.

That will be followed by the end time events mentioned in Bible prophecy.

Even so, I do not think America will survive as a superpower even through the remainder of this decade, no matter who is elected in 2012. I see no good reason or spiritual reason to be optimistic about the future of America.

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59 thoughts on “Those optimistic about America’s future are not living in reality.

  1. So much for the “UN Climate Court” saving the day.

    I don’t see how much power any statist force can have once an EMP strikes. An EMP pretty much levels the playing field (my opinion). Then again, the statist forces are likely to be well on the march for some time before an EMP strike occurs.

    In any case, any attempt to drag me and many others off to some camp will result in the ultimate conflict (not that I have any intentions of formal resistance). I just pray the head is cut off the eagle long before it gets to that point.

    So much for a government / state “of the people, by the people, and for the people” — instead, all I see is hatred and intolerance (and, in particular, the very constitution that authorizes the government / state in the first place — what arrogance against human kind);

    Don’t hold back now 🙂

  2. Craig,

    Even through there may be HEMP attempts that does not mean they will be successful enough to stop government from completely taking over. It is hard to stay if the chicken or the egg will come first.

    I hope you read the article by the judge. It really puts things in proper perspective.

  3. I was hoping he would answer the last question if not the others, but it does carry the theme.

    Even further, what if the UN could do all those things [with the consent of the people or consent of the corrupt state thereof] ?

    I take it Judge Nepolitano doesn’t have any opportunities for higher bench seats. The chances are better of Steinbrenner hiring back Billy Martin (or George Castanza).

    Nonetheless, I don’t think the non-mention of the Americas in end times (Revelation) would imply a government / state that has taken over (with only weak destruction due to war(s) of various factions). And the consent of the people for security purposes is pretty much null and void if the government doesn’t secure against the number one threat that exists (to the point of the Senate even defeating the funding bill — they’ll fight for funding for Planned Parenthood, though – talk about literally sick). Judgment is long overdue and, shrug, I guess still to be long overdue.

  4. Don, if you were interpreting Bible Prophecy not as an American, not even as a westerner; but simply as a man who lived on his own Island somewhere out there on the big blue ocean. No allegiance in any way to anyone… other than God.
    And lets say you could read English,Greek & Hebrew… and you had scriptural text in all these languages… you studied prophecy….and you had telecommunications access. News, maps , history of the world, etc. COULD you see America as possibly being the beast from Revelation 13? Is the reason we can’t find America in BP because we have let the obvious slip right under our noses? Couldn’t America possibly be a form of the revived Roman Empire? America being comprised of many people’s… and so many similarities with Pagan Rome. Any possibility? Any at all?

  5. All it will take is a crisis and America as we know will be gone. If 9/11 brought this much change imagine what a WMD attack or EMP attack would do? Excellent article Don I really enjoyed it.

  6. Al

    America does not fit the biblical texts no matter how you look at it. For example, America can not come out of one of the four division of the Greek Empire as the little horn that grows exceedingly great toward the south toward the east and toward the glorious land (Dan 8-9.

    Remember also that the prince that confirms the covenant for seven years will come from the people that destroyed the Temple. The Woman that ride in on the Beast and fornicates with the kings of the earth is the Harlot that resides in Rome. Also keep in mind that the Babylonian Priesthood moved from Babylon to Purgamos to Rome. I document that in chapter two of my Revelation Commentary.

    There just is two much evidence that the revived Roman Empire is in the same area as the old Roman Empire.

    It seems to me that the purpose for America is about over and the Roman Empire will rise again.

  7. Don,

    This is a very accurate and thought provoking article in my opinion.

    The only things I would counter comment with are…

    “It is easy to just blame our problems on the representatives in Washington but Americans elected them.”

    Well, to that…I want to know what our options are. You also have stated the problems with any of the possible incumbents. Electing one used car salesman with another is obviously not going to help or solve anything.

    “There may be some rural areas that rebel against the federalization of all police forces but most Americans have become too soft to actually take part in any physical resistance against a police state.”

    Too soft ? I don’t see how today’s people can rationally oppose a military force in today’s age. We are talking about opposing a military with sophisticated weapons, not Civil War days where everyone basically had the same armament. If they do, then it will just be Waco, TX again or what we see in Syria today.

    “Pseudo Christianity will begin to reunite under Rome. Bible believing Christian will be ostracized, marginalized and even persecuted.”

    I think this is what it’s all about…are we Christians going to maintain and stand strong for our faith and love for The Living God under all possible adversity…even unto death ?

  8. I am fairly certain an EMP will level the playing field as no one would have high tech armaments. Of course, the military would be “called home” – but that means transport. Do you think the other “host” nations are simply going to let the military take all their armaments with them? Even our [supposed] allies? And then, where would the military get supplies? And for what purpose? If it’s a one-second-after scenario, the military isn’t even going to want to come home in the first place! Would you?

    As for those who remain, it will be “even unto death” – that’s pretty much the point.

    Two things that scare me, even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death: an EMP, and a prolonged fascist regime prior to an EMP. I can somewhat prepare for the first one. As for the second one – that will be “unto death”.

  9. The Marine oath begins: “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC…”

    The military will not hold if the government thinks it can trash the constitution. I don’t even think the heads of the military will tolerate having to step in for a blundered government that decides it can trash the constitution in order to take over. Gays won’t fight. When does a federalized police force realize it’s an SS force? Unlike Hitler, the US is not “in Rome”. Entire states will succeed if not even portions of states. When an EMP hits, authority is destroyed (communications and infrastructure are gone), and the U-of-MD’s first task force get together clearly showed that the law enforcement will simply go home and take care of their own families. Some sleaze DEM had to shut that exercise down abruptly once the truth started to get out.

    Of course, this is all speculation. But I know some marines and former marines that take the oath seriously and they will not let this insanity go on, if they have to take matters into their own hands. That I do know for a fact.

  10. Sometimes it seems, unfortunately, that an EMP is the only hope left for this country. The electoral process is broken and the sheeple have been successfully dumbed down by the government schools. I see civil war on the horizon, and possibly secession. From your point of view, Don, if another confederacy was to arise, which states do you think would be most likely to join it?

  11. David,

    The options are to stop electing profession politicians to the House of Representatives. We need to send outstanding citizens to represent our region and set very short term limits so they cannot be corrupted. The state houses should be the same way and the Senators of the States should be elected out of the state houses. In other words, we need to get a people’s government.

    Most Americans are soft and I am not talking about people being stupid enough to directly confront a vastly superior military. Not many Americans will take to the hills and use the methods of the Taliban? Instead they will take to their dens and be fed the news about the successful military take over of any resistance through their 56″ TV screen

  12. Doug,

    That is hard to say, it might not break down by state at all. It seems that it will be more of a government dependent city class verses a more independent rural people class struggle. The next civil war could be fought at the county level. Certainly the mountain northwest and some plain states would resist a federal take over but they also do not have the population or the military equipment to put up much of a fight. Texas does, but what side they would be on is hard to say. They might just go their own way.

    Other than that, the only organized units that can stop the federalization of America will be the military itself. That could happen if the federal government is out of touch with rural America or uses deadly force against Americans. I agree with Craig that much of the rank and file of the military will disobey orders and uphold the Constitution once they catch on that have been given unlawful orders. In fact, martial law declared to set up Statism could end in a military coup and that is probably why nobody has dared to try it yet. I guess they will first have to decimate the military and then set up the volunteer brown-shirts.

    It seem that they are working on it.

  13. Don,

    The “brown shirts” have already arrived, only, they changed the color to blue and they mostly hang out in airports. But that’s changing. The TSA is the federal police force. Watch how it grows and expands its reach over the next few years. KYPD. Judge Napolitano has got it exactly right.

  14. Don, Your article, though dire, rings true. I read Judge Napolitano’s article too. My question would be “ since God’s end time will for America is to fall do Christians fight or flee?”, Jerusalem fell in 70 A.D. by His will. Hence flee. As honorable as the Jews were who held Masada, they waited in vain for deliverance, the destiny for the Jews was to be scattered. Our founders sought to be free of the tyranny of the British. We fought. To do God’s will is best. I just don’t know at this time what is His will for Christians in America. P.S. I know what my will would be.

  15. Jeff,

    The Jews had nowhere to flee because they rejected the salvation sent from God. Those Jews that converted to Christianity went where God led them but they often lost their physical life for the sake of Christ. Nothing has changed. We who are in Christ died with Christ and rose with Christ as a new creation and that is true no matter if we remain in this temporary tent or not.

    God’s will for Christians in America is to preach the gospel, content for the faith with sound doctrine, occupy wherever He directs and be salt and light until He comes for you.

    I just might add that it was never God’s will for America to fall. But He knew we would.

  16. Hello Don,
    I have been a reader of your blog for many years now, but not a poster.
    I largely agree with most of what you have to say but one thing I have noticed is your failure to end your disertations on a positive note. Very seldom, if at all do you bring an ending pointing to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and His plans for us who place their absolute trust in Him and His promises. These are the counter point, the contrast if you will to all the licentiousness, depravity, and violence of a profligate world order in the throes of an exponential collapse. It would be uplifting to return the end focus of your articles back from the sewage drain to the glories of the River of Life. How say you? Now having said this I would further encourage you in your good works, not chuck it in as you have speculated recently, but continue in the sure knowledge that your blog posts do cause people to think of their surroundings and hopefully of their final destination. You are gifted, you are appreciated.
    God bless, John Kent

  17. John,

    I do not want my messages to be a salvation sermon. If they were many people would not go on to read other writings on this site. Most of my articles are found by search engine keyword searches. If I do what you suggest most people will not go on to read articles on my site that explain the salvation message in some depth rather than just trying to work in some short Christianize message at the end of each post that non Christians get turned off by and Christians already know and would find redundant.

    There are articles on this website that will lead people to the message of salvation. So its not like those that read my writing are not going to find the true gospel if they think I am telling the truth in other areas. If outsiders just read the comments following most posts, quite often they will get a Christian message by me or others.

    Everyone has different styles and missions in the Church. As a watchman on the wall I do not intend to copy the style of an evangelist and have an altar call at the end of my posts. My message is largely a warning to this nation and to a “Christian” religion rapidly going into apostasy.

    Thanks for your constructive input.

  18. Hello again Don,
    Your blog, your call.
    Far may it be from me to tell you how to suck eggs.
    However I was not suggesting a “salvation sermon evangelising altar call”. They’re your words.
    What I was suggesting at the end of your very right, very dark, bleak and hopless messages was an offering up of a ‘get out of jail card’. Y’shua haMaschiac alias Jesus Christ.
    In a few words you can expand on that, it would be good to see, and an honor to our King.
    And encouragement to your readership both new and rusted on – eh?
    God bless you brother in all your endeavours,
    John Kent

  19. John,

    Thanks, but I think too many Christians already think they have a get out of jail free card. If some of my posts are dark they are that way for a reason. Somebody has to tell Americans the unvarnished truth. Take this post for example. Many Christians are preaching that conditions will soon get better in America. Other conservatives think politics will save the country. They think If you just change the President we can go back to being the America they once knew.

    These are false messages. Things will not get better unless there is a national repentance. Within the article I explain why. So, putting a upbeat message of hope at the end is contrary to the dire warning that I am giving that the enemy is already breaking down the walls. Christians are not going to be delivered from what Christians allowed America to become. It might be different if Christians were not enabling the evils in America but they are.

  20. I don’t think you have to end your messages on a happy note. That’s part of the problem with this country as well. We all have to be happy all the time. It’s just not so.

  21. Hello Don and Adriana,
    I quit; as I said Don, this blog is yours to do with as you wish.
    Adriana, neither was I suggesting your scenario: rather one where
    we all meet ‘the Judge’ on His terms!
    Thanks Don for your time and space.

  22. Don,

    I took note of the following as one of your points:

    Ahmadinejad of Iran actually wants a war while he is still President in order for him to bring in the Mahdi Islamic savior and the end of the world. Ahmadinejad’s term expires in mid 2013.

    Iran is now threatening to close the Straits of Hormuz – which will cause “heartburn” all around the world.

    Where do you see heading?

  23. When one sees in world events that which mirrors the prophetic Word of Truth it leaves one with no hope for the world but the coming of Christ.

    For those who believe in him in this dispensation of Grace, there is that great hope spoken of by Paul in his letters to the Thessalonians, the catching away to be with Christ in the air and so to be forever with him.
    In the dark days after that event there also is a great hope of deliverance for those who turn to Christ, for “though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil…” or if they survive that valley, the hope of Christ returning with his saints to set up the promised Davidic kingdom.

    The Bible’s message is clear, the world is not going to get better and better no matter how often people quote that mantra (Christians included); but believers, in whatever age they find themselves, are to stand firm for Christ Jesus and whether that leads to death or the great hope, to stand nevertheless. And what is it to stand for Christ but to give testimony of him ‘our hope of glory’.

    So let us stand.

  24. Bob,

    He can’t do it and survive.

    Ahmadinejad really does not run Iran even if he is the usual big mouth piece. I suppose the threat to close the Straits will simply be a naval exercise to show that they have the capability to do it when we do nothing about it. It helps keeps the price of oil up and Iran needs the money.

    They might actually try something like that if we stop refined gas from coming to Iran or if they are attacked. However, if Iran actually tries to close the Gulf the least of their worries will be an attack from Israel.

    When push comes to shove leaders do not want to die. Even if they believe their own eschatology, they still expect to be around to see all the victories. They are most dangerous right before they are about to lose control.

    This is really not a good time for Iran to try to cut off oil from the West. There is plenty of surplus in the OPEC nations and in the strategic reserves. The disruption would be over in weeks because Iran’s military capabilities would be decimated.

    Assad and Kim Jong of North Korea might be even more dangerous. Kim could die at anytime and N. Korea has nukes. Assad has chemical weapons loaded on missiles pointing at Israel and threatens to use them if he is attacked by NATO and Turkey is NATO.

  25. John Kent, Don and I don’t see eye to eye on every jot and tittle(sp?) but the man speaks the truth. Happy-happy joy-joy messages can certainly be found on Osteen’s or countless other blogs. Reality is reality. Jesus Christ is MOST CERTAINLY coming back soon, whether soon is in the next 2 seconds or 10 years, but this cesspool of a world is not going to get any better. Don has most certainly laid out THE ONLY ROAD to salvation in his writings numerous times. I have no animosity or issue with you, my brother. Its only that sunshine and lollipops ( if I could be so bold as to steal a Glenn Beck line) can be found on @90% of the other “Christian blogs”…this blog is only stating reality. And truth.

  26. Don, Agree on all fronts of this and many of your other posts. My question to you and others is:

    How can one stay optimistic day to day within each of our souls without getting clinically depressed? What can we do to stay positive even though the entire world is already headed in the direction of destruction.

    So on the one hand, yes you have to have your head in the sand to be optimistic in “this world” but on the other hand how do you remain optimistic/positive, joyful and hopeful in God when all else is collapsing?

    To be honest its hard to do this on a daily basis when you know what leers around the corner! Most of the people I see at church are mere acquaintances and are without a clue so its hard to find true biblical fellowship anymore. I have already tried to get in a bible study and it has not worked out very well. Everyone is so fragmented and into their own worlds. I don’t believe the way “church” is done these days is even what the New Testament defines/intends church to be. What I see is not true fellowship. Its playing church, now I am getting off topic but the true Church should be part of the solution for us to survive all this.

  27. Erin,

    I am optimistic because my joy is not dependent on what happens in the world or America. I know that there is no real death for a Christian and I know that God will not give His children burdens that they cannot handle.

    It is sad to see America reject God and go down the tubes but we have seen this coming for a very long time. If we believe these are the last days we should expect what the scriptures said would happen and take joy that our redemption draws near.

    I think rather than focusing on group Bible study which quite often just turns out to be playing church at someone’s home. You might just try to find a couple of local Christians that you can befriend, talk with, and do things with. In most churches there are a core group of like minded believers but we do have to be willing to put ourselves at some risk of rejection to find them. Making acquaintances is easy, making real friends takes quite a bit of effort on our part. Volunteer to help someone or to work on some worthwhile project, go on outings, invite someone to lunch or to go somewhere with you, etc.

  28. I’m not worried about the Strait of Hormuz. Our Navy has ships that can clear that in a matter of hours. 😉

  29. Erin,

    If I may…

    I don’t understand how a Christ believer can’t be excited and joyful at what is coming about in the world events.

    It is happening exactly as written in the Bible, which to me, means time to rejoice…we are living in the time (or the soon coming time) spoken of by the Jesus Christ and the prophets.

    No, it’s not going to be a pleasure ride from a human sensory perspective, however, the only one’s that I would think would be in dismay are the lovers of this life who don’t have a focus on Jesus Christ.

    I am also in the position as many others of trying to warn others I care about, on what is coming…and most I care about won’t listen and even chastise me…and it is disheartening. For those people, I can only pray that The Lord will speak to them and do what I can’t.

  30. Well put David.

    There’s no reconciling the horrors that will come upon this world versus the Joy that awaits the bride of Christ. The two are complete and extreme opposites.
    Some can’t accept this. But it is the truth. Warn others. Pray for others. But be prepared …through Him.
    I am also always hearing how we need a “revival” BUT what kind of revival would it be, if all would soon return to “normal” secular abased cultural living. And is a revival intended to halt God’s plan or delay it? In the end what will come will come. How sincere would any revival be? Sort of like the first few days after 911 maybe?

    I also agree with Don’s comment of the 14th @ 8:15
    We went through that very same scenario. In fact I walked some of the very same paths as you Don, when it comes to Churches. I was born a Catholic, when I wised up, I tried The Baptists, I seriously looked into a couple of reformed churches and then tried a non-denominational Church. In the end it was either of …couldn’t find a true uncompromising bible teaching church …or when we did the flock didn’t walk what they talked. The talk was GREAT. But no good or sincere fruit amongst fellow lambs of the flock. Just playing church like Don said. BUT we have made a few relationships with other like minded Christians and get together as often as possible with them. We strongly feel that when two or more of us are gathered together in Christ …WE ARE A CHURCH.

  31. Hi Al,

    It sounds like you somehow avoided the Charismatics along the way. Many without that unique experience are probably watching TBN for their enrichment (pun intended)or expecting the second coming of Toad Bentley and conquering the world for Christ.

    I think true Christians just getting together will soon be the Church. The more formal gathering called churches will soon have to submit to the state and will become much like the liberals and postmoderns that are already apostate.

    By the way, I just read an article that gets into the Pope’s new document calling for global government.

  32. Your right Don. These folks can sure be very charismatic and also appear very powerful and very righteous to the spiritually naïve. I got better at avoiding them the more I obeyed the Lord in my daily life. For a long time though it was hard to escape there perfectly coordinated manipulations – and this ”dark power” that I have now come to call it. . Especially as a young person. It wasn’t until my mid 30’s that I could no longer accept all the unscriptural baloney and all the hypocrisy and insincerity… and all their CONTROL. I want God’s will not theirs. I thank God for striving in me and convicting me to where I could no longer go on with who I was and where I was. To where I finally submitted. Amen! In many ways the fight is harder, but it sure is good to be on the right side from here on out.
    Born again!…its awesome. I can’t tell you of the precise day or hour, but at that certain season in my life everything changed. How I thought, how I saw the world, most importantly how I understood God’s word.
    Just like the lord says. A gentle wind that you know not where it comes from or where it goes, but you sure SENSE it and you sure know it passed over you and that it changed you forever.

    BTW: Thanks for the link. I’m sure the Pope will have something to speak on that sounds great . …90% to 99% good sounding view… but the remaining 1% to 10% will be where the REAL agenda lies. Something other than “PURE living water” is NO water at all!

  33. Thanks Don, By the Grace of God I try to do live for Christ but if any of the above scenarios happen to America and were all wrong about the Lord’s return happening anytime to soon, one of my weaknesses is I’d rather be free than be dragged away by the thought police since I doubt they have any interest in salvation. God Bless You.

  34. By the way Jeff,

    I think the Lord’s coming for the Church is very soon. It probably will occur within the next 15 years. I just think that the troubles for America have already started and they will get much worse regardless of the time of the Rapture.

    I just want to add, That I do not think the Rapture has to occur 7 years before the end

  35. @Jeff, The thought police dragged Paul and some of his helpers, as well as Peter away into chains. Some of the guards were saved. As unpleasant as it might be, God has his purposes even in that sort of persecution. Corrie ten Boom and her sister were such lights for the gospel during the war of their day. The Lord will equip each of us for the road ahead. If you are weak, as we all are, then his strength can be made strong through us. We need to be stirring up our faith so we can stand for Him in these evil days.
    In fact, if the Lord tarries, we all might have the opportunity to face some persecution. Jesus says, we are blessed if that happens; becoming like the master who was also mistreated.

  36. @Ammi, Thanks Ammi,I agree with what both you and Don are saying. Thanks. I work in a prison and served over a decade in the military and am really concerned with not showing Christ’s love to my enemies and not pleasing the Lord.The Lord knows my nature and knows my weaknesses and I would prefer to go His way. I hope we all will be faithful to Jesus when real persecution comes.

  37. What do you think about Obama signing the NDAA, the one that allows for the military to act as domestic police

  38. yea sorry if my info was wrong but I was reading he was not going to veto he may not have signed it yet.

  39. Donovan,

    For starters it violates the fourth, sixth, seventh, and eight amendment.

    No proof given to a judge, no trial, no jury, and unlimited incarceration. If this gets passed and the Supreme Court does not find this unconstitutional our constitution is worthless and its time to get out the pitchforks.

  40. So if it does get passed, will they only come after suspected terroists or will they be able to go door to door taking away civilians weapons? I am wondering if this will affect the everyday people like you and me

  41. Donovan,

    Its not about taking away weapons its about taking away people that they think are a terrorist threat. Who they come for depends on who is in charge and what their definition of a threat to national security is at the time. For example, there are people in this administration that think that anyone that clings to guns and religion and oppose UN agenda 21 (sustainable development) are a threat to the survival of the world.

    I suppose it will start quietly and not affect anyone at first, but once martial law is declared the threat will be anything that the President wants it to be. By the way, even if the Supreme Court declares it unconstitutional an administration under martial law would just suspend the Constitution.

    Of course most politicians know that riots and terrorism will soon increase in the US because of our foreign policies, economic polices and drug war and that is why they passed this. However, they also opened Pandora’s box because government control over everyone is the real long term threat to Americans. All this other stuff is just leading us there.

  42. Those of us in Houston have no fear. We have the well known Constitutional scholar, Sheila Jackson Lee, to stand up for our rights.

  43. Hello Don, this is the 23rd and I have read your article and the comments today because I have done my shopping already. Just for a bit of insight: “could it be that members of the military are not too thrilled about the National Defense Authorization Act?” “Maybe they joined the armed forces to protect our nation?”–My husband was offered a full academic scholarship to a seminary years ago but turned it down…later he got the offer of joining the national guard as an E4 to start…..hmmmm-must be a reason why I read this blog mmmmm—All the best to you, and for goodness sakes, eat some goodies on Christmas day instead of righting and stuff. Merry Christmas because Jesus came in human form leaving behind his heavenly form!

  44. Hi Rosebud,

    Yeah, we could turn into Syria if they actually start picking up too many people. I don’t see everyone in the military going along with it.

    I will be posting something later today. I think it is appropriate for the Season. Merry Christmas to all.

  45. Don,

    This topic relates to one of my biggest questions for today’s Christians…and even more so, for the U.S. Christians who don’t know what bad times are yet.

    How are today’s Christians going to respond when their comforts are gone, their common way of life is gone, possibly even homeless and alone…as Mr Henley and I were referring to ?

    I wonder how many of today’s Christians will turn their hearts away from God in anger.

    As you’ve expressed in your articles before, very tough times are coming…and to think that the tough times will only occur post rapture is absurd.

  46. ~David,

    In general many so called Christians will respond just like the rest of the people in this nation respond because they are either totally caught up with the ways of the world or they only have a Christian identity. They are not Christians at all.

    About 75 or 80 percent of people in this country say they are Christians yet they have elected a Marxist Fascist government that is in submission to the Fascist religious pluralist UN and they are likely to do it again. So what does that say about Christians in America?

  47. Don,

    I had no idea that Obama would be what we see today…and most people in this nation, Christian or no, are not paying attention in the first place. The people of the U.S. will vote depending on how their lifestyle is going upon election time, that’s a given, from my perspective.

    Still, I am talking about those Christians who have yet to experience hard times and have no idea what Christian persecution is.

    When ‘the chips are down’ and it comes to denouncing the faith in Jesus Christ or losing your job, your way of life…or your life itself.

    Most, even in the Christian circle, call this ‘fear mongering speech’.

    I see it as a coming reality.

  48. ~David,

    I do not know why you did not know that Obama would be what we see today?

    It was clear what his goals were and I wrote about what He would bring before the last election.

    It was known before the election that the man was brought up by communists and a Homosexual child molester. It was known that his mentor for community organizing was a Communist named Alinski who wrote about taking down capitalism by overloading the system with debt. His connections to the Far Left weather-ground terrorist named Bill Ayers was known.

    It was known that everything about His academic and birth was sealed including how he ever got in such universities and how it was funded. He has a social security card from a state that he never lived in. He married a socialist wife and attended a black racist Communist church for two decades. It was known that this president used cocaine and had a very troubled past.

    American knew he had no credentials to be President, being a first term Senator with no record of achievements at all.

    So why did over half the registered voters in this nation vote for him? Because they are brainwashed by the progressive (communist) media and educational system. They have become racists and communists and they do not even know it.

    Its not just Obama, its most of the Democratic Party and some of the Republican party as well. If we actually had Christians in this country that had a Christian worldview our leadership would be quite different, but we do not.

    So I would not worry about true Christians in this country denouncing the faith under hard times. All those phoney Christians have already denounced the faith through their actions and that is why we will have hard times. They will continue to denounce the faith, and as the phonies continue to depart from our churches the true Church will become an ever smaller minority.

    Not all Israel was of true Israel and not all Christians are of Christ.

    My point is that true Christians will continue in the faith but the Christian pretenders were never in the true faith to start with, so they will go the way of the world. Obama has just as much chance of being elected again as he did in 2008 because half of all Americans have made federal government their cash cow and idol.

  49. Don,

    Unfortunately for me, I didn’t know of your existence in 2008 and I was working extremely long hours so I got what news I could from Hannity and O’Reilly.

    They did point out a lot, but there were also the critics of McCain/Palin. I liked (and still like) Palin but after seeing what McCain has done since losing the election, I doubt his globalist/police state views would have been much better than what we currently see from Obama.

    Though, nice to see that the Ron Paul camp has finally come out of the closet with their latest anti-Israel views.

  50. I can see God proving your pessimistic outlook wrong by the United States actually becoming a nation which in the final days helps defeat militant Islam as well as any other nations which prophecy declares God’s severe judgment is brought down upon in the final conflict of the ages. It;s too early in the game to predict America’s doom. Evil runs rampant the world over in the hearts of men, not just America, and not just nations. I for one believe such awful occurences in the future could drive America as a nation to the place of being one of those nations refusing to bow down to the antichrist.

  51. Stephen,

    Now why would God do that? Because of our nation honoring God by banning Jesus and exulting, promoting and exporting Sodomy? Also, even though you may not believe it, the faithful are gone in the Rapture before the Antichrist is revealed. Nations are not going to defeat the Antichrist, he is supernatural, only Jesus is going to defeat the antichrist when He returns. Islam is a religion not the Beast. Sorry but those living in false optimism about America’s future are not living in reality. America will fall before the Antichrist even arrives.

  52. Hi Steven Sewell,

    It is not with joy that we see the destruction of our country, the U.S…however, I do see this inane national pride by some people as you just described.

    Yes, many right now see the talk of the U.S. demise as pessimism, but they are either not paying attention to world events and/or they have no grounding in the Word of God, in my opinion and my understanding of “The Word”.

    Somehow, there are those that think that the U.S. is bigger than God or that the Revelations Of Jesus Christ don’t apply to the “mighty” U.S.

    Refuse to bow down to the anti-christ ?
    Are you kidding ?
    The U.S. as a nation is running headfirst into all things evil and, if it is even still standing, I would expect it to buy what the anti-christ sells, hook, line, and sinker.

    If any of us are still here when the anti-christ arrives, we missed the boat…as Don was referring to.

  53. Steven Sewell,

    Has Bible prophecy all figured out without any scripture to back up his false presumptions and has nothing worthwhile to add to this post. So his last two rather arrogant and insulting posts have been deleted. People like him are just a waste of time. I suggest he go post an a blog that thinks Christianity is nations fighting the Antichrist and the Beast is Islam. You won’t be entertained any further here.

  54. I was listening to Michelle Bachman tonight and she’s the first of all the Presidential Candidates I’ve heard so far that doesn’t sound like the prototypical rehearsed politician.

    In fact, she’s the only one who has said something substantial rather than the typical political garb.

    I do have to wonder if a woman president is what this country, the U.S., needs.

    It is obvious, whether gender is a factor or not, that those in political office since Ronald Reagan have only been concerned with power and political correctness.

    I have to wonder if a woman (Nancy Pelosi doesn’t count) might change that tide.

    After the pathetic and disgusting, but successful, smear campaign against Sarah Palin, I’d like to see someone like Michelle Bachman run those idiots over.

  55. Well, this is just sad…

    According to a news channel I was just watching, the NFL uniforms that the players wear are made in Nicaragua.

    We can’t even have American made uniforms for the biggest sporting event of the year, the Super Bowl.

    At least we know that the football (pigskin) is not made in a Muslim country.

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