Will a U.S. Constitutional Convention be called soon?

I was not aware of this. This is a critical issue of national importance we are only two states away from a Constitutional Convention and Ohio will vote on it as soon as today. If a Constitutional Convention were called today under the present political climate it is very likely that our constitution would be changed to be much like that of the EU and reflect humanist pluralist socialist globalist agendas. Everything including our bill of rights would certainly be up for grabs at the convention and we would not emerge as the same nation. This convention alone could see some States not abide by the new U.S. Constitution and succeed from the Union.

Here is a follow-up article that more fully explains what is going on and the dangers of a constitutional convention

Christian Worldview Network – Brannon Howse – U.S. Two States Away from Constitutional Convention

This is the most urgent, most important action alert the American Policy Center has ever issued! The Ohio state legislature is expected to vote as early as Dec. 10th, to call for a Constitutional Convention (Con Con). If Ohio calls for a Con Con only one more state need do so and Congress will have no choice but to convene a Convention, throwing our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights up for grabs. Ohio’s vote today poses a grave threat to the U.S. Constitution. Please immediately call the Ohio lawmakers listed below. ACT FAST – time is of the essence!

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9 thoughts on “Will a U.S. Constitutional Convention be called soon?

  1. If the leftists change the U.S. Constitution to one like the EU and the UN plan, what we Christians will have to do is work to not let our States ratify it. Since most States will ratify it under today’s political climate those who do not will have to go along with the new constitution or secede from the Union. It is obvious what I would recommend.

    Those true Christians that stay in the Union would soon be persecuted and those States that left that Union would most likely be taken over by Federal troops from other areas of the country. Either way, they can only destroy the tents we live in once since we already died with Christ and we are totally indestructible.

  2. Yikes!!!!!

    I sure didn’t see this coming. That’s very dangerous new indeed!

    I can see all the “controversial” constitutional amendments removed (or rewritten PC-wise), a number of the more “inconvenient” provision (like the natural born citizen presidential requirement) simply removed.

    In short, this will be like a trip to Disneyland for all those who hate the Constitution as it is currently written. I see all sorts of provision for evil here.

    Also, when this is done, they will throw it back into our faces saying: “You said you would defend and follow the constitution! You still have to obey it even if you don’t like it!” So, real, God-fearing Americans may well have to start disobeying the nuevo-Constitution in order to stay by God’s side.

    The storm was on the horizon; now the land is dark in shadow and I feel the gust-front upon my cheek.

    Brothers and sisters in Jesus, steel yourselves for what it to come just as our other brethren around the world and through the Church age have stood-fast in their Lord against the evil of their own age. One, ten, twenty years, who can say?

    You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. (1 John 4:4)

  3. While the reason for calling the Constitutional Convention could be view as honorable and that is to make our government live within its means, the possibility of everything being on the table is very frightening. They could possibly change everything in a matter of weeks in a bloodless coup.

    These people are relentless! There are those who will not be content until the gov’t controls every aspect of the peoples life…womb to tomb!

    Now I’m getting a clearer picture why the US is not described in Bible prophecy, if things keep going in this direction.

    I’d write my senator, but he’s one of the buffoons helping to usher in this socailist garbage.

    Lord help us!

  4. Glory be! A second call for a Constituional Congress is due and needed. Changes would clarify there is no seperation of Church and State as our U.S. Constitution clearly sets forth. The Governor of the Common Wealth of Massachusetts had declared the Congregational Chuch as the church of the commonwealth. Those who opposed this brought action against the Governor and the Commonwealth in Federal Court which it then went to the U.S. Supreme Court. John Marshall was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at that time, during Jefferson’s Presidency. Marshall actually wrote a letter to Jefferson, inquiring about the the clause, “Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of religion”. Of course Congress should not do such since our nation, its culture and laws were derived from the soul deep demand that choice of religion must be freely made by the individual without any constraint from government either for its establishment and expression. Jefferson had replied to Marshall in this manner; ” The United States of America was founded as Christian nation, and as such would support the founding and flourishing of any religion (Religious Freedom mandate). Furthermore, people of any religion who may form amajority of the electorate can form their Government any way they see fit”.
    The Court found in favor ot the Governor, and the Congregational Church became the church of the Commonwealth, and remained so for nearly four decades.
    The lesson here is simply this: There is no seperation of church and state for the fifty states now comprising the United States of America. The case just described is the law “in fact”, no matter how fiercely the ACLU fights to remove religion from State Capitol buildings, school literature and any religious icon on public property. We need only gather ourselves under protection of the Tenth Ammendent to regain our States Rights regarding the preference of the majority of the electorate.
    Such could be acheived in a Constitutional Convention.

  5. The last thing we really need now is a Constitutional Convention. With most state powers in the hands of liberals it would just gave them free reign to completely change our Constitution. That’s why some states that were calling for a Convention under Reagan have voted to withdraw. However, we still could only be two states from a Constitutional Convention if those who voted for it are not allowed to withdraw and chances are that will prove to be the case since Liberals now want a Convention and would have the power to make the rules up as they go along. Then under such a Convention the liberals can change this nation into the splitting image of California, Massachusetts, Great Britain and the agenda of the UN.

    First let Christians and Conservatives take the majority of their states back from the liberals and then it might be time to call for a Constitutional Convention to undue the damage that the liberals have caused by redefining what the words really mean in our Constitution

  6. Hi Don! It’s been a while!

    I seriously doubt that we’ve got enough time to bring this nation back from the “brink.” We’re getting close to the “bondage” phase of a nation; I don’t think we’ve got time to go back through the “spiritual renewal” phase before the Tribulation.

    I’m *so homesick* for Heaven; really I can’t wait to be with God; He’s our reward – Heaven is just the icing on the cake! 🙂

  7. Hi Brett, glad to see your comment, it has been a while.

    I agree, I do not think there will be any renewal in this nation, it looks like it is all downhill from here.

    Heaven is never more than a lifetime away for those who believe that Jesus is Lord and the older we get the sooner it will come. Not only that, one generation will not even die before they are taken to Heaven and that is probably true for most Christians living today.

  8. Constitutional conventions are a bad idea for people that support the Constitution. It is not a “living” document. Rights remain with the people and the 9th Amendment supports this. We have too many laws that are unconstitutional and should be repealed !

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