World socialism brought to you by government bailing out people who will not pay their debts.

It should be a joke but sadly it is not. Those who have been paying their mortgages and not piling up debt are suckers. They will continue to pay their bills but the government will pay the bills of everyone who lived beyond their means and the greedy elite pigs that financed them.

Many people in America are now just going to stop paying on their houses, cars, credit cards, student loans etc. until government takes much of their debt off their hands. When that happens we are not talking about a 700 billion dollar bailout we are talking about a government that just keeps taking on trillions of dollars of new personal debt. Have you any idea what they means in the long term? It means the total collapse of our monetary system. The taxpayers cannot pay this debt and foreign governments are not going to invest in a nation that continues to pile up trillions of dollars in new debt. There will be drastically rising interest rates due to the increased risk. The government has not solved the problem they made a worse problem a couple of years down the road.

Something else is going on as well. Other major nations are dropping their own money from helicopters. Europe just said it is dumping 2 trillion dollars into the system. If the Western nations of the world continue on the course of printing money backed by nothing all the major currencies of the world will buy less and less, meaning the world is heading toward hyper-inflation. That inflation will completely wipe out the wealth of the world middle class. If anyone even tries to stop the inflation it will bring a certain world depression so the elite are never going to allow that to happen.

One might think that these people just do not know what they are doing. Or do they? Do they actually want to bring the collapse of all the major monetary systems in the world not too far down the line? Will it be at a time when they have the other pieces of their world government in place and the world inflationary economic crises will create the demand for a one world currency? Will the world elite first just let the U.S. go down the tubes by not financing her debt knowing that it will bring the U.S. to economic collapse and civil upheavals?

Don’t ever think you get something for nothing. If most people stop paying their debts no one will want to finance and hold your debt? Not even government can hold everyone’s debt because government debt also has to be financed by someone.

This little exercise that is taking place now is allowing governments all all over the world to gain control over everything. It is bringing the world into fascist world socialism. So sit back and watch the end time rope-a-dope show it should get better than Jericho and you will be living it.

Just stop paying your mortgage | The San Diego Union-Tribune

If you are a mortgage holder who is either struggling with crushing payments, bitter for having overpaid for your home during the bubble, or who has extravagantly refinanced when prices were rising, the government’s landmark $700 billion bailout package has an important message for you: stop making your mortgage payments . . . immediately. Furthermore, if you believe that with some planning and sacrifice you may be able to meet your mortgage obligations, the government’s message is clear: relax, don’t bother.

If your mortgage does become the property of Uncle Sam, the growingly popular impulse to “just walk away” should be replaced by “just stay and stop paying.” No one will throw you out. After a few months, or years, of living payment free, you will get a call from a motivated government agent eager to adjust your loan into something affordable.

To bolster your bargaining position it will help to be able to claim poverty. As a result, if you have any savings, spend it soon, before they call. Buy a bigger TV, a new wardrobe, or better yet, take a vacation. After the hardship of spending all of your refi cash, you probably deserve it. If you have any guilt just remember, Washington argues that consumer spending is the best way to stimulate the economy. Living beyond your means is a patriotic duty.

If you do get the opportunity to live for a while with no mortgage payment, don’t make the tragic mistake of using your extra cash to pay down your credit cards. As the growing level of credit card defaults will soon push credit card companies into bankruptcy, we can expect a similar bailout plan for American Express and Discover Financial. When that happens, expect massive balance reductions for Americans who can demonstrate the inability to pay. The bigger your balance, the greater the benefit.

In any event, as more and more borrowers succumb to the allure and safety of nonpayment, look for the number of troubled assets to swell. This will ensure that the $700 billion merely represents the first installment in what will be a multitrillion-dollar plan. Just as government policies provided the primary impetus in blowing up the housing bubble earlier in the decade, its latest attempt at market manipulation will only result in making a terrible problem far worse.

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