A unified conspiracy theory fit for Halloween

Halloween is a good day for demonic conspiracy stories so I will present a unified conspiracy theory for your reading that explains most other conspiracy theories. This conspiracy itself may or may not have been conspired on a Halloween night in 1960. Finding real proof of the existence of this unified conspiracy theory will probably prove impossible because I cannot even find proof for well known conspiracy theories that will be interwoven within this unified conspiracy theory. In other words, if real proof of popular conspiracy theories cannot be documented don’t expect me to come up with any solid evidence for my unified conspiracy theory either. After all, in my theory, I think that the conspirators conspired to create the popular conspiracy theories in the first place, in order to divert everyone away from the real conspiracy.

I actually gave a hint about those behind this unified conspiracy theory just before Halloween in 2009 in my Obama Rosemary’s Baby? post.

I gave another hint just last Easter in my Speak to the rain ye latter day heretics, gods and frauds post.

Yes, I think there could be unifying connections between this “Rosemary’s Baby” book and movie about a cabal of satanists and those that think they have the power to speak their own realities into existence. The unifying factor is occult doctrines of demons.

Do you think it was just a coincidence that three top American figures were assassinated within a few years of each other? There has not been anything like this since. It is kind of hard to believe that this was just a coincidence and that they had no connection with each other.

President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. Marilyn Monroe had been secretly sleeping around with JFK and she was also sleeping around with Mafia members. The FBI director, J, Edgar Hoover, reportedly occasionally played the role of a homosexual queen and it seems that the Mafia knew about his secret life and was blackmailing him.

So one blackmail may have led to another and JFK might have then dug information out of Marilyn Monroe and found out about the secret socialist cabal that she may have been involved in through Cuban Mafia connections. Marilyn Monroe died in 1962 reportedly from a drug overdose but reportedly there were no drugs found in her system. Some think that she was murdered for knowing too much and spilling the beans to the wrong people. A Mafia hit on JFK is near the top of the conspiracy theories list and a socialist Cuban hit also carried out by the Mafia is also high up on the conspiracy list.

In 1968 Martin Luther King might have received information about the demonic agenda of the cabal and/or the JFK assassination from his own socialist contacts. King may have been about to go public with what he knew. Perhaps one in his own inner circle gave King up. King was assassinated in April 1968. I have my own suspicions about who that American hating Judas might be, but obviously I cannot name names.

When it looked like Robert Kennedy had a good chance of becoming president he was also assassinated. Somebody obviously was not taking any chances. Robert Kennedy had talked to Monroe and his brother and he just knew too much. He was killed by Sirhan Sirhan who claims that he was brainwashed and programmed to shoot Bobby Kennedy. Someone was not taking chances, once Bobby Kennedy got Secret Service protection he would be hard to get to.

It seems strange that Edward Kennedy all his life pushed the socialist agenda that his brother JFK fought against. After JFK died, Edward Kennedy pushed the globalist socialist agenda all his life in the Senate and according to recent leaks from the Russians he was also feeding the Soviet Union secret information. Russia had and still has high level involvement in this high level globalist socialist agenda.

Also keep in mind that after JFK, Vice President Johnson took over but after he got the bulk of his socialist great society passed he was forced to quit after one term. Nixon then became President and opened up Communist China so he got a second term but Nixon got caught up in the Watergate scandal and he had to go. First, his Vice President Spiro Agnew was forced to resign so that Gerald Ford (a 33rd degree Mason) could be appointed by Nixon to become Vice President and then after Nixon resigned Ford became President. Apparently Ford was appointed to be caretaker of the office until a bright globalist socialist named Jimmy Carter could be promoted. Carter lasted just one term because his advisers screwed things up so badly that a populist named Ronald Reagan appeared out of nowhere and defeated Carter from taking a second term.

Ronald Reagan was shot and he was almost killed by another brainwashed zombie. Probably only the witchcraft of Nancy Reagan and his own obsession for black jelly beans protected him. Reagan probably set back the socialist globalist agenda quite a bit. Then George Herbert Walker Bush of the Skull and Bones family took over the helm from Ronald Reagan but soon socialist “fellow travelers” had reached the top of the food chain in the Democratic Party so Bush was dumped in favor or Bill and Hillary Clinton.

The Clinton’s had the full backing of the socialist globalist agenda and anyone that tried to expose them woke up dead. After two terms of Bill Clinton they wanted Hillary to run but they felt that she was not ready so they made her Senator of New York State. Meanwhile they needed someone to hold the agenda line and did not much care if George Bush Jr., Gore or Kerry would win because Hillary was to inherit the agenda when the time was right.

After one of the cabal’s lifelong groomed people became a senator they fine tuned their plan on how to fast track their globalist socialist agenda in the United States which was lagging due to all the scandals and the unforeseen reign of Ronald Reagan. They told Hillary to step back for a bit because they had groomed someone that would use race to fast track some of their socialists agenda and then when the inevitable backlash from constitutional Americans hit they would make Obama the fall guy. They believe the inevitable race riots will require a national savior and Hillary would come into power riding on that.

So after Obama became a Senator they made Bush out to be a buffoon and a scapegoat so that Obama could come in with his hope and change message.

I need to inject here that Malcolm X could have been Obama’s real father and Obama Sr. might have just been someone picked to give Ann Dunham’s son a name. We do know that Dunham was a “fellow traveler” with the communists and Obama was brought up by communists. Malcolm X was both a socialist and a Black Muslim. He went on a foreign journey to acquire some personal enlightenment of his own and right after that happened, Malcolm X was murdered, that happened in 1965.

Apparently Ann Dunham took little interest in her son and his grandmother and some socialist mentors brought Obama up. Obama’s reported father died in a car crash in 1982. Contrary to what Obama reported in his book ghost written by socialist terrorist Bill Ayers, his supposed father had little contact with him.

Obama had been in programing by the socialist cabal all along and they took it upon themselves to look after his education and welfare. His whole life is shrouded in mystery and some of it was covered up or is a fabrication. Almost everything about Obama seems to be a lie and all records are sealed which says wonders. Obama is programed to carry out the agenda but with his secret past they know they can bring him down anytime they feel that America has turned against him. As I said, Hillary then would become the Democratic Party savior and get elected and she and Bill would continue the world socialist agenda. Bill Clinton is to be elected to the position of Secretary General of the UN.

So what is the unified conspiracy and who are they? They are a cabal of New Age global socialists that contain very powerful people. They are not Jewish bankers like some think. The resurrection of the Jewish banker Illuminati conspiracy theory was made up to divert the truth and scapegoat the Jews which they hate very much. The elite of this cabal are people into the New Age or New Spirituality movement or even some involved in Christian Dominionism, Masons, Mormons, Islamists and leaders high in Catholicism. Other interfaith people and religions are also involved. If I named names you would be shocked. Some Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation leaders and post modern seeker and Emergent leaders are either among them or they are unknowingly carrying out their globalist socialist agenda.

One thing they all have in common is that they all think they are gods, or that they are being given special godly powers, or they are in the process of becoming gods. They believe their mission here is to help bring in the evolutionary physical and spiritual leap forward for mankind into the globalist socialist Utopian age or Christ consciousnesses Kingdom Age that they believe will be coming shortly. Through mysticism they have contact with other non human beings. They might think that those they contact come from another world or dimension or even from Jesus but the information is really coming from demons.

The unified globalist socialist conspiracy really took off in this nation when Americans allowed God to be taken out of the nation in the 1960’s. They gain control over individual freedoms and liberty through fear. They always have a boogeyman. The latest in America is the threat of terrorism.

What Americans do not realize is that for almost the last hundred years Islam became a neo-nazi socialist system of mind control. Those in power use a phony religion and a phony god to control the masses. The cabal already has the people under Islam under control and that is why the Left and Islam join forces against the sons of light in the nations that still intuitively oppose the socialist globalist conspiracy.

The global socialist New Age pantheists took control of mass media and higher education and through mass media and the educational system they are programing the thinking in this country. In 1960 they set up a seventy year program to bring in their evolved super-race by 2030. They plan that people will be initiated into their New Age Kingdom through a ritual and a mark and all that refuse will be removed from the earth. We are now 51 years into their seventy year program. With Obama I think they are now back on schedule and Hillary is in the wings. They intend to see their man in place running the world shortly. I am sure the cabal are also still grooming others that we do not know about yet to take leadership roles in their Utopia.  We will see if this unified conspiracy theory can fly…. on a broom…… 👿 Happy Halloween!


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32 thoughts on “A unified conspiracy theory fit for Halloween

  1. Wow.. Great article! Is it your belief that after Obama their plan is for Hillary to take the White House?

    Rod in Oregon

  2. Rod,

    Its a conspiracy theory I made up that is fit for Halloween. I hope Alex Jones does not now go national with it.

  3. LOL.. It sure sounds plausable! Yeah.. Alex Jones just might jump all over it. You do some pretty good work! My compliments.

    Have you ever read the real story of what Halloween is about? Ive heard many conflicting stories, but never really got the “real” story.


  4. Rod,

    Keep in mind that in most conspiracy theories there is some truth. I started believing much of my own story as I wrote it. I do not know how much might turn out to be true. Actually what was reported on about some of the players is what was reported on.

    The story of Halloween is a long story. I believe I have heard some reasonable versions but I would have to brush up on it to see what I now buy into.

  5. It’s seems quiet today, so I hope you don’t mind yet another message.. lol.. I wonder if there will be a point where some of the history of Obama that has clearly been kept secret will see the light of day? I also wonder if there is some form of satanic delusion that has blinded so many people in America as to his clear ineptness, and dangerous policies for this nation.

    Mind sharing your thoughts on this?


  6. Rod,

    You left your email out that is why you did not get a icon.

    I will soon be leaving the computer for most of the rest of the day so I have very little time. I have to go trick or treat you know!

    I think Obama will be exposed and I think people will be shocked, it may come sooner than we may think.

    I do not know what to say about satanic delusions the gospel is still open to anyone in America. The real problem is that people do not have faith in God. They have faith in human idols, themselves or whatever they put into their mind. Satan is using the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life to tempt people like he always has. Christendom has been going into increasing apostasy and will continue and this is reflected in our churches. Nations get the leadership they deserve. The Bible said that this would happen in the last days so seeing it happening is also telling us that we have about arrived.

  7. Thanks, I forgot to put in my email.. 🙂 Have an enjoyable weekend. Your answer sure hits the mark. Thanks for the discussion.

    See you next time…

    Rod in Oregon

  8. Well Don,

    I don’t really know what to make of this “made up” conspiracy stuff…but I can tell you a bizarre historical fact that might border on conspiracy.

    If memory serves, every ELECTED fourth president (interim presidents don’t count) since Abraham Lincoln has been shot, only 4 of them have died.

    Now, Ronald Reagan was the last and before him was JFK (Lyndon Johnson was an interim)…Obama is the 4th president since Reagan so he is due to be shot if the historical pattern is to continue.

    Then there’s the “Zero Year Curse”…all this is perhaps nonsense, but since we’re talking about conspiracy possibilities, I thought it might fit 🙂

  9. And, by the way Don…

    You’ve said some things in previous articles that could have been construed to be “out in left field” but a time later turned out to be right on the money…so I’ll be pondering what you said here.

  10. Excellent non-fiction writing Don. It is not conspiracy theory, but all true and i will prove it at a later date as soon as i get the real scoop from AJ on his Prison Planet. lol I’m looking around the house now as someone has taken my tin foil hat that has a built in conspiracy deflector on it. Keep up the good work Don.

  11. Excellent. I know it’s conspiracy, but their is probably a whole lot of truth in there. Don’t forget the Saudi royal family directing our Middle East excursions for the last 30 years 😉

  12. I agree with a lot of what you have written. However, you left out Jack Ruby and his murder. He was a mob connected Jew who was in debt big time and owed many favors to the Mobsters. Living here in Dallas, I have been privy to a lot of talk about the man and some of my friends actually knew him. Very mysterious.

  13. Texas Wofie,

    Yeah, I left out a whole lot of stuff, because the focus of this article is not about the various conspiracy theories related to the JFK assassination. This article is about a unified conspiracy theory leading to the taking over the world by a cabal of global socialists.

  14. “Socialist” sells better than “Power Hungry Dictator.” It is all about marketing.

  15. Sure do agree that the conspiracy “theories” are not conspiracies any more. You just have to believe a spiritual entity at work here.

    Gore and the old KGB Gorbachev are both involved in the New Age Movement and the cult of Gaia, Agenda 21 at the UN. Gorby has been seen in circles with Shirly Mcclain….and he has been invited to undisclosed meetings at the Whitehouse. And thanks to Polosi, he has his office set up at one of our most prestigious landmarks, The Presidio in SF.

    Seems we are on a rapid track of connecting the dots and all the global events are a piece of the giant global jigsaw puzzle. Just reading “The Manchurian President” by Aaron Klein. Reads more like some Clancy spy thriller only true. How so many doors were open and so many agencies turned a blind eye to this POTUS and his admin. BTW: a lot of worldwide roads lead to the unions like SEIU, AFL CIO.

  16. If Alex Jones or his mentor Professor Texe Marrs gets a hold of your post, one of the changes they would make is to include the Cabala/Tadmud International bankers in the conspiracy to build the NWO and complete: “The Great Work.”

  17. I really enjoyed reading this post, Don!
    Years ago I read a few Texe Marrs books about the New Age movement and seeing his name here I thought I’d look him up on the internet – gobsmacked to see he’s teamed up with David Irving for a conference later this month. I had no idea he was so anti-Semitic!

  18. Don, hope this isn’t too OT, but I respect your analysis on all things and wondered what your take is on Ron Paul.

    Appreciate comments too.

  19. Ann,

    The place to get off topic is on my monthly perspective posts.

    Ron Paul makes some good points but as a libertarian he is not electable in this country at least not before the next civil war.

    My concern is that he will run on a third party ticket and take 10 percent of the vote mostly from Republicans and Obama will get reelected which would mean the end of this nation. The same goes for Trump, Bloomberg and others. If they do split the vote so that the Republicans cannot win or if the Republicans give us another Liberal to vote for then Palin might as well run. She just might get enough votes to throw the whole election into the House of Representatives.

    That will be the end of that discussion here because it is off topic. I will be posting a November perspectives post late today where people can make comments on this if they wish.

  20. Don,

    All “conspiracy theorists” should be able to give documentation as proof/evidence as to why there might be an alternate view to events that differ from what the “main stream media” (MSM) is telling us. As Alex would say: “Go do your own research, I’m quoting what elites have said in their own words.” For example: consider the bibliography for one of his many films ‘Endgame.’ http://www.endgamethemovie.com/biblio01.html

    As Christians, what difference does it make as to who is telling us the truth; the MSM or the “Conspiracy Theorist?” Conspiracy “Scientists” as Marrs likes to call himself: Why should we care, after all, the MSM would never lie to us…right?

    If they are in place to be a diversion, “who” put them in place? This is another conspiracy theory without documentation. You have not looked unto the claims (what source) that these people are making.

    Christians tell me “these things are not spiritual, not important, they take our focus off of Christ.” But it was Christ who told us to: “Watch and pray,” Mark 13:33. “And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch (Mark 13:37.)

    How can a prudent man foresee the evil and hide (Prov.22:3) if he doesn’t known what the evil is? You don’t believe the Rapture is an escape like many folks out there.

    So the MSM “could” be giving us a false reality?

    Appreciate your comments:

  21. Christians in this world should learn to discern good from evil. That requires making good judgment calls all the time. That is why God gave us brains. Even in secular courts the evidence is usually significant enough for jury members to use solid judgment and discern where the truth lies.

    I said in the article who I think put the Illuminate conspiracy in place. I claimed that it was the Jew hating world socialist globalists. There is certainly much more proof of that than a cabal of Jewish bankers trying to take over the world. It does not even make common sense to me. What would these Jews even do with all the money and the world? On the other-hand we know the world socialist agenda.

    There is balance in everything. If conspiracy theories are effecting your walk with Christ they are a diversion. But, generally there is nothing wrong with trying to understand the world and deceptions around us. Some Christians love to spout hyper-spiritual rhetoric at other Christians while stuffing their own tent with crap.

    However Gary, those versus about watching that you quoted, in context are telling us to watch and to be ready for the Lord when He comes. So I think it is quite a stretch to imply that they mean that we should be aware of conspiracy theories.

    I agree that Proverbs 22:3 would apply if evil is threatening your life or family.

  22. Don, just something you said on being globalist origination not all being evil; did a little research once on the Rothchilds clan who wanted to establish a world in which everyone had their share of a dream. An utopia of sorts. Maybe through the years it became infiltrated by those money grubbers and greed. Of course we know here that it is not in the works anyway until Christ rules. It is necessary to keep a Christian and healthy persective on all this NWO, getting way out in the toolies can take one in dark side of the twilight zone.

  23. A day I never thought would come, Don Koenig coming up with a “conspiracy theory”. Am I to beleive that TPTB are wanting to democratize countries and have them “vote” in the sociaist agenda of the current world government ie. UN? Come on now, the “revolutions” happening in middle eastern countries can’t be part of the plan. No way, the things happening in the world are part of some “conspiracy” by TPTB to restructure the world into an easily controllable one world government benefitting the corporate and banking elite. Couldn’t happen!

    The wise Don Koenig………conspiracy nut :0

    I guess sooner or later the conspiracy bug gets everyone that has time to think and ponder what is actually happening in our world. Much better off working 100 hrs a week and saving up for that all important retirement. It must be important every third commercial on TV tells me I should be worrying and working and saving towards retirement.

    Wait could conspiracy theorist be an invented word by the media to discourage thinking? Kinda like Islamaphobic and Homophobic are? Nah, if I thought such things I would be a conspiracy nut.

    Sorry I don’t have time to think, back to my 100 hr work week. If the dollar don’t fail, I might have some retirement to look forward too. HONK! Hey slow driver get out of my way, I am trying to multi-task here!

    Hopefully this will provide a little levity on a dark subject. Have a great day Don! I actually have a couple of weeks off until my next project starts. So I may be lurking and commenting on this site every once in a while. I will now go back and read the insightful and informative posts you have made since my last visit.

    Keep em coming Don, you are appreciated.

    Arkansas Dave

  24. David

    I always try to come up with something fit for Halloween.

    Even I know the Arab Spring in the Middle East is going to lead to Sharia law and theocracy not democracy and peace.

    Enjoy your time off. Hopefully you won’t have too much of it.

  25. Bankers/financial system? pagan socialist agenda? there just different parts of the same elephant. Your right its not the Jews, its those how give heed to doctrines of demons. Its no coincidence that we see a dramatic rise in spiritualism in the world.

    Its not about the money its about control. Privatization = sell your country(who can afford to pay billions for a countries infrastructure?) If you have all the money and property and every one else don’t you have the most say on how things should be run(of course it not that black and white but you get what I mean)

    Privately owned central banks that control and issue currency and that nations are in debt to?

    “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous
    to our liberties than standing armies If the American people
    ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency,
    first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations
    that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people
    of all property until their children wake-up homeless
    on the continent their fathers conquered The issuing power
    should be taken from the banks and restored to the people,
    to whom it properly belongs.” — Thomas Jefferson
    — The Debate Over The Recharter Of The Bank Bill, (1809)

    Pro 22 The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant
    to the lender.

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