Communists intend to create a domestic crisis in America in 2012.

If you are an American Libertarian or supporter of the Tea Party or even just a frustrated American of some other political spectrum don’t be deceived by the radical movement that is about to rear its ugly head against capitalism starting tomorrow on September 17th, in New York City and several other cities. The people pushing these mob action “days of rage” are some of the most radical Communists and America haters and Jew haters on this planet.

There will be leaders of unions involved and race baiters and radical environmentalists and anyone else that thinks they can use covetousness, hate, class war, and mobs actions to their own advantage. They claim that their actions will be peaceful but they have trained some involved to make sure that mob actions will lead to riots.

Once the riots instigated by the Communists start, a hateful covetous people in the cities made up of mostly government dependents will do the rest. They will join in and create a full blown domestic crisis of civil unrest in America.

The Communists and America haters are going to try to deceive working people and government dependents into class warfare against productive business people in this nation. They will paint corporations as the enemy and that is why they are starting their first “day of rage” mob action on Wall Street on September 17th. That will be followed by another mob action in Washington on October 6th.

Do not be deceived, most corporations in America are owned by common working people of America and not by millionaires like they claim. If you have any mutual funds, a pension, insurance, 401k, stocks, commercial bonds, savings in banks, etc., it is you that own these corporations and banks.

Don’t get involved in a foolish class war that will only destroy America and your own wealth and If you do not have any wealth do not expect anyone else to help you with your needs when collectivists have stolen the wealth of the most productive people in this nation.

Don’t expect government to give you handouts either, because they will not have the funds to give you handouts when the collectivists have destroyed the tax base from where they get their income. Remember that the top 10 percent in income in America pay 71 percent of all the income taxes. If the collectivists took away all the wealth of the so called “rich people” in this nation and passed it to the poor people they would be in far worse poverty than they are now within months.

These radicals that hate private corporations are far worse than the Red Communist Chinese who at least learned some of the errors of their ways and saw that Communist collectivism killed incentive and brought endless poverty. The Chinese woke up and they are now out-capitalizing Western capitalist nations but some right here in America have learned nothing about history, reality or human nature.

If these radicals pull down the corporations of America what will they put in its place? I will tell you. They will march people out to the killing fields just like people with their same mindset did in Cambodia in the 1970’s. If they get what they want, you will not have to worry about just a great depression in this country; you will have to worry about just staying alive.

Many of these people hate America and they really want the upper and middle class people dead. Some of these people would have no problem getting rid of most of the population of the earth to create their sustainable communist utopia. In the minds of many collectivists and environmental wackos the big danger is that there are too many humans on earth. They think if there were only a few hundred million people on earth no one would even need jobs they could all live on fruits and nuts. Many of these people would like to see 6 or 7 billion people eliminated.

The people pushing these “days of rage” are so far Left that they make Obama’s present political positions look moderate and maybe that is their real purpose. After all, many of the same groups that are pushing this communist revolution against our present capitalist system have had known connections to Obama.

Will this really be a ploy by these communists to make Obama look like some mainstream mediator in the upheavals that they intend to instigate over the next year? I do not put any deception past the Far Left or this administration. This whole thing might be completely orchestrated from the top.

The Far Left certainly knows they are now losing control of America to the Right and they know that the only way they will ever retain control of America is to create a crisis that will make the American free enterprise system look broken and evil and to make Obama look good. I think that is the real purpose of these “days of rage”.

They know that if they do not retain control of the Executive Branch of government in 2013 that they will never get a Communist in the White House again and they know they do not have the numbers to take over America by force. So they must get this president reelected or get someone just as radical in place in 2013. The means to an end to make that happen will be to create a domestic civil unrest crisis. They do not care if the cities in America are looted and burn.

Don’t be under any delusion, if the Far Left controls the executive branch in 2013 the Supreme Court will also be Far Left and the President will be able to achieve any radical evil program through executive orders and the leftist federal judges appointed that will legislate law and overturn existing American laws.

The Far Left and those promoting these new mob actions know this. There is also a possibility that if Obama looks unelectable by the Far Left before the Democratic National Convention, they will reenact the violent Democratic Convention of 1968 in Chicago and insert Hillary Clinton to finish the socialization of America. She did not just get a face lift to get out of politics and please Bill, and I am sure her own communist activism in the 1960’s was not an ideology that she gave up.

If you buy into this Far Left evil and they retain power in 2013 you’re going to see a real civil war in America because most productive Americans will not put up with communism and the godless evils and the poverty that it will certainly bring upon America.

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23 thoughts on “Communists intend to create a domestic crisis in America in 2012.

  1. Hmm, well…with the potential problems of “The Day Of Rage”, I can’t help but wonder if some in the general populous that think all is going to be well and things are going to be as they always have been…will at least get a sense of the things you (Don) talk about in this and many of your articles.

    I know people personally that shun me when I talk of these things, they don’t want to know and don’t want to even entertain the idea that there are threats and things are changing in our country.

  2. Abba? We *do* ask that You would be God over these events. We know that You have already won this war, and we are going through what You see as completed.

    We need Your strength to love others with Christ’s love; we need Your Spirit to renew ours; we need for You to shine through us. Please help us cooperate with Your Spirit in accomplishing Your purposes.

    Most of us will be completely occupied in trying to live for You, and also to help those close to us do the same; some of us will be able to make great things happen in Your will. Regardless, who are Yours have the privilege of coming to You this way in prayer, sharing our concerns and communing with You, the Creator and Master of the universe.

    You hold all of this in Your hands, and tomorrow, no matter what happens, You will be there immovable and faithful, unchanging in Your love. We will focus on You even as we prepare for the coming storm.

    Please glorify Yourself in us: Father, Jesus and Spirit!

  3. Yes indeed lots of crazy things happening and more storms cominh. Thanks for your post Brett. Very uplifting to keep reminding ourselves that God has already won this war.

  4. i read today on the trumpet that the rapture is fake, that site is pretty good i was suprised that they put it on its called the truth about the secret rapture.

  5. Jason,

    You are off the post topic and you need to be more specific about what site you are actually talking about when you make comments like this. Blow the Trumpet is a cult it is a branch of Armstrong’s World Wide Church of God cult. All the information needed to debunk all their claims can be found in the many articles on

    Many postmillennial post-toasties believe the Church will go through the tribulation. Perhaps those always looking for the Antichrist rather than Jesus Christ will.

  6. Don,

    I checked it out and is the Gerald Flurry/Herbert W. Armstrong Philadelphia Church of God via Worldwide Church of God…like you said.

    And Don, I have to comment on your term “post-toasties”, the only other person I’ve heard use that term is JVI : )

  7. I think people need to stay on the post topic.

    I don’t think all that many people showed up for this day of rage on Wall Street at least I have heard nothing on the news about the size of the crowd.

    ~David you asked on the wrong post why they had this day of rage on Saturday? (it was off topic and deleted.) I think so they could set up things before the workweek starts. The way I understand it they told people to come to plan to stay. They plan to have a presence on Wall Street until they accomplish their goals. Its not a short term affair. I guess they are hoping that it catches on and the movement continues to grow. If we have more crisis in the markets or economy in the near future it certainly could.

    The have a website by the same name.

  8. the article was written by fred dattolo and he is obviously a satan follower but i’m pretty sure that gerald flurry is a man of god, he has nothing to do with this article.

  9. hmm he points all the credit to herbert armstrong instead of god, i guess i thought wrong about him, thanks for the articles.

  10. So, the “Day Of Rage” people say…

    “Shut down Wall Street, 12 noon, you’re all invited,”

    …but if Wall Street were truly shut down, wouldn’t that eliminate the jobs that they’re protesting about ?…I guess their target essentially is government handouts, as you referred to Don.

  11. Looks like the “day of rage” started. There is an article on the drudge report stating that 5000 people are there. I think David has a very valid point. If you shut down the very institutions that do control the money, more jobs will be lost. Seems a bit counter productive. Communism on the move?

    Rod in Oregon

  12. Many of them don’t realize their pensions are invested in companies that they are trying to shut down.

    Logical thinking and analysis is not their strong suit.

  13. “They think if there were only a few hundred million people on earth no one would even need jobs they could all live on fruits and nuts.”

    ^that statement is hilarious!

    anyway, after reading a few statements, and looking at some pictures taken from that day, i can safely assert that these people have absolutely zero understanding of economics. and they want to occupy wall street! it’s a well known fact that clueless people are the easiest to take advantage of. what’s the term… “useful idiots”?

    it’s interesting to note that not one of the protesters looked anywhere near destitute.

    i do agree with you, Don, when you insist this is part of a much larger plot.

  14. Angela,

    I like your comment and agree.

    And I think the truth of these protesters lies somewhere around “fruits and nuts” : ).

  15. To Bob From Texas,

    As a funky lookin’ space alien myself, I’m offended that you would compare me to those socialist protesters. We, space aliens, were interested in your planet earth, but with all the liberal socialists on your planet, we lost interest. After all, those protesters are fighting so they can sit home, become fat via your government, and look like ‘Jabba The Hut’.

  16. I am so scared. Everytime I mention this to my family, friends or coworkers they act like it’s no big deal. I feel there is no way to protect my family from this future nightmare. I thought my five year old son will have a great future but I woke up and realized that it was taken away from him. It’s all so overwhelming.

  17. Keri,

    I understand, but trust and rest secure in the Lord He knows how to take care of His own and those under your charge.

  18. Very interesting to note that the “occupy wall street” group is calling for tea partiers to join in their protest.

    Don’s warning if fitting more fitting than ever. Do not be deceived. I call this an attempt at political ecumenicalism. And some people I know are falling for it.

  19. I know people have got off the topic by going on about Flurry. As a former WCG member since 1978 to around 1998, I can assure all that Flurry is not a man of God.
    In fact, if you read Flurry’s writings you’ll find that he follows and worships late fellow heretic Herbert W. Armstrong.
    Flurry, like his god, Armstrong, rarely if ever mentions Jesus Christ. His “church” is all about following Armstong and he attacks other Armstongites for not being as Armstongite as himself.
    If anyone thinks Flurry is a man of God, I suggest you check out his criminal record which is given on a site debunking this charlatan.
    Anyway, as to the main point and the leftist control of the US: we really have to be on our toes in the whole Free world, not just the US. This socialist plot is also aimed at Britain, Europe and Australasia.
    I often listen to Gerald Celente, an economist who I think tries to be a fair-minded and, humanly-speaking, a decent human being. But I think he’s been roped into some flaky thinking regarding the politics of things. I heard him recently on the Alex Jones show.
    Alex is another decent human being but, though he claims to be a Christian–and certainly is one compared to Flurry–he does wander from the point a bit.
    The two last points, By Don and Angela, sum things up.
    You see, we can get carried away listening to very sincere, decent human beings who get such a paradigm about certain things that they cannot move from them. And, remember, they also get lots of things correct and deserve to be acknowledged when they do.
    The problem with both Mr Celente and Mr Jones is that they don’t lift up the Word of God. They are too focused on the world and try to deal with it on human terms, not God’s. So they will, to an extent, add to the confusion in spite of their sincere views.

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