Constitutional aliens are destroying the United States of America

The Keystone Cop routine in Washington would be pretty funny if the consequences were not so devastating to the future of America. People that are aliens to our constitution and the Bible have now taken over America.

Washington liberal politicians and the head of America’s corporations and financial institutions are a product of the Spock baby boom generation that never experienced discipline. Nobody ever said no to these people and they got what they wanted because the alternative was their temper tantrum. They are used to getting their way. In other words they are really spoiled brats who really needed a good whipping behind the shed. But, because that did not happen they turned into people alien to the United States. They do foolish things because they have never been taught discipline and have few negative real life experiences to draw from. These aliens to the American system always got what they wanted in the past and they think they will get what they want in the future.

I grew up with discipline and am I a realist but these people tend to be blind optimists and if reality ever hits them they overreact and make rash decisions. They cannot take criticism. They also never learned to critically think for themselves. They just go with the flow and have a alien collective group think mindset.

Individualism is a alien concept to them. They have been taught that democracy is group consensus and that the United States is a Democracy rather than a Republic.  They are aliens to the Bible and aliens to our Constitution so they cannot come up with sound decisions for our nation. The “group think” concept is taught by the alien communists that have taken over America’s educational systems. Alien group concepts are now also taught in all major corporations and taught to all workers in the government. Alien group consensus and team concepts training is now forced on all workers. Today almost all important decisions are made by alien group think teams. The American Government  was reinvented to conform to the alien team concepts by Al Gore. When Al Gore talks about consensus, as he often does when talking about global warming, he is talking about the consensus of a hand picked team of aliens who agree with their Queen. If you disagree with the alien team you are removed from the team so they can have group consensus. So now in American you have government and corporations shaped in the image of a Chinese Communist village, an ant farm or the alien Borg of Star Trek.

You might wonder why government is so slow to react in this economic crises but it really should not be a mystery. Before the aliens can do anything they have to assemble a team that will come up with some consensus of action. Then the alien team must write a report and pass it up the line to be accepted or rejected by the Queen. This whole process can take months. Also one alien team might have no idea what another alien team is doing so they come up with conflicting polices on the same program and often attack each other.

Having said that, I wonder how many different alien teams are working on some aspect of our economic crises?  We see all of a sudden that a cat got out of the bag that corporations that were getting bail out money were giving bonuses to some of their queens as if that was something that no one knew about. That of course is a lie. The queens that put this alien economic policy together knew about it. The queens just did not think it would be found out, or maybe they really knew it would be found out and the whole act is an alien ruse to gain more control.

I have to tell you there is not a semblance of constitutional government left in Washington DC. Everything that they are doing is unconstitutional. We do not even know if the alien President is qualified to be President under the Constitution. There is also no question that Queen Clinton is not allowed to be in her position under constitutional law.

The federal powers and huge government control over our lives and over the sovereignty of states is also alien it is not allowed by our constitution. When government can spend many trillions of dollars it does not have and just pass the debt on to the future citizens I can assure you that this is an alien form of government to the founders of our nation. When almost unlimited money from special interests keep corrupt people in positions of power until they die I can assure you that this is an alien government to the founders of our nation.

In spite of the spin about all their creation of money to fix the economy read what Adam Smith thinks this alien irresponsible economic policy will take America. Here are a couple of quotes from this article:

Make no mistake about it, Obama, Bernanke and Geithner are doing exactly what they said they were going to do: print and spend their way back to prosperity. Their delusional minds actually believe that can be achieved by spending money we do not have with little to no prospect of ever being able to pay it back. For Obama to suggest he can balance a budget, no less reduce the national debt, with his corrupt math is ridiculous.

If some of the predictions are accurate, we may see a doubling of the national debt in the next decade if some fiscal sanity does not return to Washington and stop this very flawed and politically expedient process that the Keynesians and socialists are pursuing

It will fail, and I would argue it already has. That is why in prior writings I have pleaded with the government to stop any more wasteful deployment of taxpayer dollars. It is making things worse, not better.

If it really wanted to address the real problem, it would reduce the size of government, stop wasteful government spending and put more of America’s money back in the hands of Americans. It would encourage savings, not consumption. It would lead by example in not spending money we do not have.

But obviously to do so would demand an immediate termination of the welfare state birthed under FDR and fulfilled under Nancy Pelosi and Obama. To have 300 million Americans all dependent upon government is not freedom. It is slavery. Abraham Lincoln helped end slavery, and now Obama wants it back – this time for all Americans. He’s an equal opportunity master of our time. A good crisis is a terrible thing to waste, according to Rahm Emmanuel. That is especially true if you can expand the welfare state in the process.

These recent events demand immediate decisions by “We the People.” If our government is going to pursue the “run the printing presses till they burn out” approach, we must take immediate steps to protect our financial future. The government stopped listening to the American people long ago. Therefore those steps include reducing personal debtand purchasing gold, other commodities and companies that produce commodities. Writing letters and making phone callsto the deaf and dumb is a waste of time.

Inflation is coming. Bernanke, short of taking a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal, told you so. And while you may not see it just yet in the CPI, it will be there. It may well become hyper-inflation. I am convinced our leaders are such pansies that they will not make the tough decisions or demand sacrifice from the nation. Why? They are not willing to sacrifice themselves. They have become spoiled beyond belief, totally out of touch with reality and merely want to hold on to their power. The principles that will get us back the nation we are rapidly losing be damned in the eyes of this leadership. It is all politics now.

Anyone who thinks we can spend trillions of dollars that we do not have, or worse yet just print the money out of thin air without severe consequences must be aliens. These people do not live in the real world they are space cadets who live in a virtual world of questionable theories. It is the same alien mindset found in the mortgage traders that started the economic collapse. These aliens to economics-101 thought they could not lose because their virtual models told them so. So do you really expect that these  aliens to the Constitution and to the Bible can fix the economy by being even more irresponsible?  This is equal to expecting alien Al Gore to save the economy and the planet by doubling the price of all energy on earth. These people are alien to the American way but they are running or should I say destroying the United States.

At the same time the alien teams and queens are bankrupting the nation they are insuring our destruction will happen by our polices that betray Israel.  Here is a quote from Lindsey’s article:

And Israel Today is reporting that the Obama administration is not just cool to Israel. It alleges that President Obama “is about to break America’s long ties of friendship with Israel, and maybe even take steps toward the dissolution of the Jewish state.”

If true, America is in even more serious trouble than even the most pessimistic assessment can reflect. If America betrays Israel, then America is rejecting the Word of Israel’s God.

The Bible warns, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:31) Fearful? That is an understatement of Biblical proportions.

I used to quote a wise saying: “History teaches us that man learns nothing from history.” That doesn’t really apply today. This generation doesn’t even know history – and the liberal media reports the newsis counting on that.

Here is a follow-up interview with James Simpson on the Left agenda that is purposely running down America  in order to establish socialism and complete government control. This will give you a good idea why I have been saying that there will be states seceding from the Union as soon as 2013. They at first appease the middle-class and then they destroy it on purpose with new taxes and government giveaways. Marxism has reinvented its image but it does not change its spots.

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12 thoughts on “Constitutional aliens are destroying the United States of America

  1. There is so much information in this article, I don’t even know where to begin.

    As for the alien concept, that sure is creepy. I was a kid when the Alien movie came out, and was scared out of my mind!

    What we are seeing today truly defies logic, and seems to be a testimony to how dumb our nation has become. Our leaders I fear do represent a majority of Americans, spolied brats with no discipline. And the next generation is going to be much worse. Take it from mom of teenagers who is constantly battling the message my children get from too many of their peers. There are many things I wish I had done differently, but do require my children to work around the house, earn the things they want, and have accountability for all they have, whether earned by their labors or mine and my husbands. Sadly, many of their friends, most from Christian homes, are not being trained in this way: They have cell phones, ipods, tv’s and laptops, and few of them even work, in the home or outside of it.

    As both an American and a believer, I am frightened and dismayed by what I see happening, but not surprised. This insanity has been a long time in the making.

    Personally, I feel powerless to do anything about it, and therefor have decided to focus on re-decorating one of my rooms in shades to coordinate with the money I will soon paper the walls with 🙂

  2. I go to a university in Belgium. It is commonplace to refuse Right-wing student organizations their right to organize a debate at the university. A nationalist student organization which was for the first time granted to right to organize a debate, faced serious opposition from the numerous communist and anarchist student organizations who organized massive protests against the nationalists’ debate taking place. My classes even got suspensed because of these preposterous and violent protests. They claimed it was for security reasons. Which of course is total nonsense since the police was present. The nationalist student organization was not able to let its debate take place due to the massive protests of the Leftists. The police did not do anything to prevent those Leftists from blocking the entrances to those who wished to attend the debate organized by the nationalists. I wasn’t there because I had other business. However, I think it was a shame. I don’t necessarily agree with these nationalists on all issues, but they had every right to their debate but the leftists once again got their way. There are over six leftist organizations recognized by the university. But the few right-wing nationalists and conservatives around are hardly able to get their points across. And believe me, they’re really few. Maybe two or so among the Right are really conservatives or nationalists. Similar situations are found all around the world. Western universities are nothing but Hippy manufacturies. And I don’t think it is ever going to change. It’s not that I’m a pessimist or something but few people care at all and there are even fewer people around that are conservative or Christias anyway. These days we’re all having these disucssions about Islamization, but hell, what is the point in defending a decadent Western world against Islam if we don’t have a better alternative to present against Islam? As a Conservative and as a Christian I think we ought to be defending the Gospel and the superiority of historic Western civilization rather than simply opppose Islam. We have to get rid of this preposterous postmodernity infesting our own people first. Some of the people in our own midst are really far more dangerous and corrupt than all of these Islamic fundamentalists combined. Al Qaeda kills people but certain decadent Westerners kill people’s minds. And our Savior said:

    “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

    God bless.

  3. Nasrani,

    I hear that the right wing nationalist parties are really growing all over Europe which goes along with my theory that the natives are about to rebel against the Muslim foreigners that will not assimilate and against the Fabian Socialists running Europe and now running the United States. We obviously are going to to see an American backlash as well after people find out that big government socialism will bankrupt America and bring a near worthless dollar and all that entails. We do not have the Muslim population that you do so our problem will be against the Far Left that have taken power but your problem will be against both the Left and the Muslim populations. Of course these types of counter revolutions also produce leaders that are very radical so I think things in Europe will soon get nasty. It will be soon like the 1930’s and 1940’s all over again only far worse.

  4. Also the Bible says in 2Tim 4:4-5 ??For the time will come when they will not endure ??sound doctrine, ??but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; ?4? and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and ?i?be turned aside to fables. ?5? But you be watchful in all things, ??endure afflictions, do the work of ?an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

  5. Justin, I agree, many will die because of this…and the stage is being set. There is no doubt in my mind we are heading straight for diaster. For those of us who own firearms, we are finding it impossible to get ammo lately…the currency of a Banana Republic? And it is true, we must fulfill our ministry during these times.

    Nasrani, There are similar problems here in the US with our universities: and there was a very disturbing documentary I believe it was called Indoctrinate U, that very clearly showed there is no real free speech, and certainly no equal opportunities and/or points of view in our schools anymore. The only agenda and/or speech allowed are from the far left. Check it out if you can find it online.

    I do believe a backlash is coming, and many of the people I know seem oblivious to it. But there is a growing number who feel very strongly that they must prepare for an eventual disaster. Mexican refugees are coming. The country, and its constitution is being shredded. Contracts are being nullified, all business and sucess is under attack. The media has turned into a circus (anyone else catch that Acorn was behind the AIG bus tours?) It is like the country is being raped and the codependant population can only say, its OK, after all He (president) truly “loves” me.

    My heart is truly grieved by all I see, in our country, and around the world. And the desire is there to stand in the streets saying “the end is near, repent”. But today I do not feel that call for my life. Perhaps God thinks I have enough to do with raising godly teens. And I have been privileged to speak into the lives of their friends through close relationship. I pray for them continually, they are going to need a strong faith to face all that’s coming their way. I also pray I can stand firm enough in my faith to lead them to increase it, and do nothing to take away from it. Your prayers would also be appreciated.

    BTW, Don, many of my children’s friends have checked out your website through my facebook page, where I have a link to it. I have had more youth check it out than the adults I expected to. I continue to pray for your work and your ministry.

    God Bless!


  6. Thanks all for your replies.

    The point I was trying to make in what I wrote is the following. The real threat, indeed the real [i]enemy[/i], is neither radical Islam or illegal immigrants. The underlying reason why Europe is being islamized and is dying a slow death, the underlying reason why America is seeing its downfall, is not what we think it is. What we take for the enemies are really just symptoms. And although the symptom are real and life-threatening, the solution is not found in fighting the symptoms. We all know that when you take a painkiller, the pain appears to be gone because it is surpressed, but it is still there. As soon as the effect of the painkiller is over, the headache or stomach upset returns. Merely fighting or opposing violent Islam or illlegal immigrants is exactly that. We may win the battle against Islam. We may win the war on drugs and you may end the devastating invasions of illegal immigrants from Latin America. But the disease remains. And it is not a stomach upset or a headache. It is more like a cancer. The name of the disease is hedonism. Also known as sin and lawlessness.

    Why do you think Europe is cowardly surrendering to Islam? Hedonism. We have all become people living for the here and now and for our own short-lived pleasures. We live in our own virtual worlds. We don’t live in reality. Just as long as people can keep their parties going, they’re willing to turn a blind eye to the slow but steady decline of their societies. And it is only when their parties are in danger of being disturbed that they will open their mouths. Then they return to partying. The hedonism never ends. The root cause is never examined.

    Sooner or later, all civilizations vanish. The downfall of a civilization is generally preceeded by a wave of decadentism. In our days this is caused by the radical adherence to Englightenment ideology. The belief that man is able to overcome all worldly problems. The blind belief in human rights as the only moral absolutes. No such thing as good or evil, right or wrong since everything relative anyway. The arrogant fantasy that we can alter God’s natural order and overhaul the most ancient natural institution on this planet. This “little platoon” as Burke put it.

    Burke said that “to love the little platoon we belong to in society is the first principle of public affections”. Look at what the West has come to thanks to that preposterous and unnatural belief in the equality of men and women. So as to avoid women being “victimized” or “disadvantaged” by them becoming mothers, governments and certain anticonservative corporations whose only concern is their profit now provide or virtually demand that children be raised by anyone BUT their actual parents in day-care centers.

    I admire Wilders’ courage but despite his claims on FOX News with Glenn Beck, many of his voters in the Netherlands are NOT at all people who want to preserve Judeo-Christian civilization. You should read the comments made by people who vote for him about Christians. In case you hadn’t noticed, people do not simply hate Islam. Most people simply hate any religion, and many equate the Q’uran to the Bible and especially the Old Testament. They lack the Christian education, the theological knowledge or the brains to understand they are not the same. Yet they all profess to believe in human ratio. How ironic!

    Seriously, what are we going to fight for? You would be surprised how many of these self-described Right-wingers in certain European countries who claim to defend “Western civilization” against Islam are really just posterboys of radical Englightenment which hates and despises anything Christian. They’re not Conservatives but crypto Leftists who think they’re Right-wing. The reason many hate Islam is that they care too much about their feminist rights and deviant lifestyles and the rights of sodomites. MInd you, they all do this in the name of freedom and even “Western civilization”.

    This is precisely why Islam is a threat. What the Islamization is showing is simply how decadent we have become. It is a clash between two extremes. Between those who in the name of freedom loathe God and any kind of moral standards and sanity, and those who are enslaved by a false religion that corrupts Biblical moral standards.

    Is our decadent society the alternative we are supposed to defend against Islam? Apparently to most people it is. Well, I have news for them. If we don’t give up on our hedonistic ways of living, we will be comitting collective suicide. The native White populations are shrinking already. And then these Englightened defenders of a soulless and dead interpretation of “Western civilization” are defending homosexuality, free sex, HPV vaccines in young girls, easy divorce laws that no longer involve adultery as a condition, and abortion? Laughable! With this attitude, people have only themselves to blame when Islam comes knocking at our…

  7. … knocking at our door.

    The West defeated the Arabs and the Turks in the past when they tried to invade Europe. What drove our nations to fight Islam was the love and respect for the lands of our ancestors, and our faith in Christ. Just how many people know of such things as honor these days? They cannot even honor their own parents. What would they honor their ancestors and what would they care about that ancient book full of “fairy tales” about some “moron” who died on a cross? Lots of people just throw out the baby with the bath water. Islam threatens us, let’s blame all religions and especially those un-englightened Abrahamic ones. These days even many Right-wing nationalists consider the Islamic and Jewish ritual slaughter to be barbaric because animals ought to be under anaesthesia in their opinion. Really, what on earth does this have to do with Western Civilization and how is it a threat?

    Again, these people are looking for problems where there are none and thereby divert people from the real problem which is OUR hedonistic ways of living. Many of those claiming to defend Western civilization at the same time absolutely loathe or disregard the fact that who and what gave them their parliaments, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. In many Western countries, Christianity played a decisive role in the development of all these things. If all that somehow belongs to the Dark Ages, then what the hell do you really care about and what do you wish to defend against Islam? Look at post-Revolutionary France, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and North Korea for examples of what radical Englightenment is able to produce. If it weren’t for the Christian values we had which led to some sort of restraint, Europe today might look quite diffferent.

    So what people are seeking to protect is their own pleasure. Not their families, not their nation’s heritage and traditions, and not freedom either. It is their own rotten and corrupt lifestyles they wish to preserve and advance as if it were morally superior to Islam. Well, it is ever bit as corrupt as Islam.

    There are a few anti-Islam parties around that support a social conservative alternative to Islam and who recognize the demographic problem. But the reality is that the vast majority of Europeans will only be backing them to fight off Islam. So there is not going to be a return of Christian family values, traditional gender roles, a higher birth rate, moral sanity and good old chivalry. Once the fight against Islam is over it is only a matter of time before they will return to their blind ideas of feminism, gay rights, abortion, and so on. And true Biblical Christianity will be next on their list to fight.

    Sorry for making this so long.

  8. I would just like to add that I believe one of the decisive reasons we won the fight against Islamic invaders in the past is exactly the role that Christian faith – be it Catholic or Protestant – played in this fight. It was perhaps not the only motivation, but certainly a major factor.

    It is quite interesting to note that during the Crusades, the honorable Francis of Assisi actually went to the Muslims and preached the Gospel to the sultan!

    What are we going to fight for this time? And more importantly, what Good News do we have for our Muslim adverseries? The Gospel of Englightnement? The Gospel of gay rights, of feminism, of abortion, of promiscuous lifestyles, drugs, free sex?

    Nowadays our cathedrals in the West, the result of hard labor sometimes lasting over a century, have become monuments, or are being transformed into hotels or even mosques. Westerners don’t even know what many paintings represent anymore because they are unfamiliar with Biblical stories. Haendel’s “Messiah” or Bach’s wonderful Matthäus Passion are ridiculed or known only from their use in commercials. What art does our modern society produce these days?

    Anyway, I’ve said too much already and I don’t want to turn this into my own thread. I’m pretty sure I got my point across alright. I always need to use lots of words. 😉

    God bless.

  9. That was very well thought out and very well put. What you said is why I think the backlash in Europe will bring in the persecution of Christians and the Antichrist.

    Islam shoves laws in the face of Westerners who love their sins. That will not be accepted by the hedonistic natives and it will produce a rising backlash. True Christianity has already been neutralized in Europe through indoctrination, verbal attacks, pseudo Christianity, and humanistic laws so they are not a major threat to their lifestyles but Islam is. True Christianity is also physically passive but Islam is not.

    Once the backlash Nazis get their act going in Europe there will be actions and counter actions (civil war). They will then not stop with the Muslims. Anyone who believes in fundamental moral law and absolute truth will find themselves under physical attack.

    As well meaning as some who are starting this counter revolution against Islam may be, you can be sure that the scum always rise to the top.

    Last time it was the Jews. The next time it will be all people who actually believe in a God of moral absolutes. Keep your eye on the far right movement rising in Austria.

  10. Obama, Geithner, Bernake are all doing exactly what they are told. Creating a chaos…that only a global currency will get us out of. That is/has always been… the goal. 5 of the G8 nations support a global currency. Sarkozy, Merkel, Brown, Putin, China and Geithner as well as “administration officials.”

    Soon we will see the collapse of the Mexican government…sending hundreds of thousands flooding into the US and causing riots, chaos, and sending crime and murders through the roof. Almost a martial law scenerio. We will then reform our country to accomodate Mexico. Look, this border has been a problem for years I wrote a paper in my freshman English class on illegals coming into America in 1985! Yet no politician has done a thing including this last election when it was “not an issue.” Why? Because the border is going away, not enforced.

    There is NO WAY that Netanyahu is going to watch Iran put nuclear devices on those long range missiles, and not take action. PERIOD. Coincidence that Bebe is back ? Armidinijad
    said if/when that happens Iran will attack Israel and the US. “The US we will attack from within. Because WE (Iranian sleeper cells) ARE THERE! ” (Inside the US)

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