Dr. David R. Reagan and the 2008 election.

Dr. David R. Reagan gives his discerning thoughts about the 2008 election. I totally agree with what he is is saying. I would point out that one of the reasons that only 59 percent of the eligible voters voted is that neither major party gave Conservatives and true Christians a candidate that we could vote for. We must never let that happen again.

We may only have one more national presidential election to get this right or in the out years we will find ourselves trying to elect an opposition leader in a fascist like climate of Putin’s Russia. Even in 2012 the playing field and the rules will give the Liberal home team a huge advantage. The only way we can succeed is by a huge grass roots conservative effort. That effort must start in the churches across the nation.

Thoughts About The 2008 Election

Thoughts About The 2008 Election

By Dr. David R. Reagan

Our nation has just elected the most pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, anti-Capitalist, and anti-Israel president in our history. In short, God has given us the kind of leader that we deserve — the kind we have been begging for. The new President now has the power to put his radical secular imprint upon this nation for decades to come through the appointment of activist liberals to the Supreme Court. I fear that our nation has been irrevocably changed for the worse.

Two factors in this election were particularly disappointing to me. First was the fact that only 59% of eligible voters bothered to vote. That was less than in the last presidential election. How could people be so apathetic in an election so important? The second voting statistic that hit me hard was the revelation that even among self-identified Evangelicals, the majority voted according to economic considerations rather than moral ones.

The financial woes of our nation are not going to be solved by any economic strategy, for they are rooted in our spiritual rebellion against God. We cannot kill babies in their mother’s wombs, promote same-sex marriage, produce filthy movies and TV programs, worship the dollar, and pressure Israel to give up its heartland, and expect God to bless our economy. Our economy will be healed only when we as a nation get right with God.

Our Recent Financial Collapse

In 2003 I wrote a book about the United States in Bible prophecy. It was entitled, America the Beautiful? In that book I presented several scenarios to explain why the United States was not mentioned in end time Bible prophecy. I stated at the time that the one I thought would be most likely would be a catastrophic financial collapse. That conclusion was based on the fact that the god of our nation has become money, and the true God of this world is a jealous God. I felt like our Creator would sooner or later touch our false god and destroy it if we did not repent.


As I pointed out in my book about the U.S. in prophecy, the Bible reveals that God has a pattern for dealing with nations. He is the one who creates them, and He is the one who decides when they are to cease to exist. He blesses as they are obedient to His Word, and He disciplines when they stray from His Word. His discipline will first of all take the form of raising up prophetic voices to call the nation to repentance. If this fails, He will resort to remedial judgments. Those judgments can take many forms, such as natural disasters, economic calamities, and defeat in wars. And sometimes a remedial judgment can take the form of giving to a nation the kind of evil leadership it deserves. If the nation still refuses to repent, God will deliver it from judgment to destruction.


What are we as Christians to do in the face of such set-backs for our nation? We are to pray and stand for righteousness. We must pray for national revival, and at the same time, we must be willing to take a stand for righteousness by speaking out boldly about the moral rot that has infected the soul of our country. We need to pray that God will frustrate, confuse, and defeat all the efforts to further secularize our nation and promote immorality.

We also need to pray for the salvation of our new President and all his family members. Despite his protestations to the contrary, Barack Obama is not a Christian, nor has he ever been. I can say that with confidence because he is a member of the most liberal Christian denomination, the United Church of Christ. This is a church that denies the divinity of Jesus and denies His statement in John 14:6 that He is the only way to God. No one can be saved apart from Jesus, and no one can be saved by putting their faith in a false Jesus

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4 thoughts on “Dr. David R. Reagan and the 2008 election.

  1. Excelent article. How about this Reagan for president? 😛

    Frankly, with the recent developments, I’m sort of missing GWB already. I’m not at all the ardent Bush supporter I used to be when I was younger, and I’m especially not fond of his 2nd term, his policy toward Israel and the recent shifts in policy toward rogue states like North Korea, but the reality is I can’t hate this man. It’s time for a chance, absolutely, but Obama’s not a change in a better direction. The way Bush been demonized by the media is abhorrent. Despite his numerous shortcomings and mistakes in a number of areas, I respect him for his boldness and willingness to fight Muslim extremists, his defense of traditional marriage and Judeo-Christian values in general, and refusing to ratify the Kyoto protocols and support environmentalism despite the huge international pressure. Is the president elect going to put America first, or just follow the world’s “enlightened” opinion ?

  2. Bush was better than any alternative choice we had. People forget that it was Americans that voted him in for a second term. So what happened between the first and second term? Did Bush suddenly go nuts? No. The country was brainwashed and their minds poisoned by the left media, congress and movie stars. The people did not want to pay for the price of the war that they were all for until things started going badly. Then many of them wanted to just cut and run like cowards and blame Bush and Chaney as if they themselves had no part in asking for this war in the first place.

  3. Long before we knew,( a SON of GOD,) we had man. Man thought he knows more than GOD. So he gave us ten commandment’s. GOD did, and we still do not follow them. So he gave us his SON. Along the way we were given many opportunities. To name one, The LORDS PRAYER, we ask GOD to forgive us our sin’s as we forgive those that sin against us. If we do not forgive, then why would GOD forgive us? This is not to say that abortion is right. The commandment, Exodus 21: 13, THOU SHALL NOT KILL. I looked and there are no excepts. But then we have a death penalty! Should we all work to make things better? YES. But we must also so remember that Jesus also so said, on the CROSS, Father why have you forsaken me? Followed by, not My will But your will. This what gives me hope. Some time what I think is the right direction, latter the Lord show’s me the way.

  4. You certainly have a strange make it up as you go along way of looking at things and you are contributing nothing to the topic.

    Man did not think he knew more than God. That was not the reason God gave the commandments at all. The commandments were given to show Israel their sins so they would by faith realize they needed a Messiah Savior that would pay for their sins.

    The Lord’s prayer is not the Lord’s prayer at all. it is a example of how to address the Father and get our prayers answered when we pray. We can forgive actions of people and still condemn the consequences on society of sinners demanding to live in continual sin, like Abortion and homosexuality, and serial bank robbers (often called politicians).

    You do not know your Hebrew or have proper understanding of this commandment. The commandment is thou shall not murder not thou shall not kill. Israel was told to kill their enemies. Again God does not contradict Himself. In addition, the laws given to Israel for them to follow included a lot of capitol punishment.

    Christians have the Spirit of God and the law written in their hearts. They should know good from evil and right from wrong. God want His people to choose what is good.

    I do not have a clue what your point of commenting on this post is other than to hear your own brains rattle and if next time your comments are not on the topic of the post it will be deleted.

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