Fascist dictators and cults stole the envisioned Utopian age of Aquarius

Remember this song? It was inspired by the post World War II spoiled undisciplined Spock babies of the Boomer Generation. They became the counterculture hippie generation of the 1960’s. They were deluded enough to think that they could end war on earth by rebelling against the establishment. They envisioned that they would bring in the Utopian Age of Aquarius of New Age pagan lore.

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius

Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in

Oh, let it shine, c’mon
Now everybody just sing along
Let the sun shine in
Open up your heart and let it shine on in
When you are lonely, let it shine on
Got to open up your heart and let it shine on in
And when you feel like you’ve been mistreated
And your friends turn away
Just open your heart, and shine it on in

The leaders of the movement thought the New Age of Aquarius where peace and love would rule the planet was their destiny. But this same “enlightened” generation rejected Christianity and replaced it with Marxism and Eastern pagan spiritualism. Like pagan witch doctors and shamans the leaders of this movement thought they could obtain spiritual enlightenment through drug induced alter states of consciousnesses. Instead they opened themselves up to demonic deception and even possession.

Now this same deceived generation is about to reap its own folly. Their deceptive idealism and rebellion against all established moral good helped enable today’s fascist dictators and evil cults to rise to power on the earth. They thought man could bring in a utopia on earth but tyrants rule where people deny the only Creator.

Today we are getting close to the grand finally for a rebellious generation that got all their answers in all the wrong places. This rebellious generation evolved into liberal socialistic humanists that now control most Western governments. They are idealistic dreamers and appeasers that deny evil. By doing so they appease and enable predatory dictators and cult leaders to enslave whole nations and create new axis of evil that lead to more world wars.

For example, they appease Islam even though Islam is a violent demonic cult that controls 1.5 billion people that would never ever tolerate people with their beliefs. These delusional idealistic dreamers cannot tell the difference between good and evil. In fact, they see no evil! They only see people that need to be appeased and guided until they also become enlightened and join them on their delusional journey of humanistic evolution.

Within their idealistic communist utopia all people will just freely share their wealth and it will be administrated by a benevolent government for the benefit of all. But, everywhere they tried this communist idealism it failed because the whole concept is a delusion that denies human nature. If man were perfect then man might freely share all things for the common good. But man is evil. Making man good cannot be achieved through dictates of human government. The God they deny is the only God that can restore man and make man good. Only then can there by any Utopia on earth.

Until Jesus returns there will always be a new axis of evil that will take peace from the earth. The world is not entering a Utopian age of Aquarius. We are actually entering another period where fascist dictators and evil religious cults will shatter any lingering Age of Aquarius delusions of this rebellious generation.

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13 thoughts on “Fascist dictators and cults stole the envisioned Utopian age of Aquarius

  1. I agree with everything you said in the above post. There doesn’t seem to be any way to avoid what’s coming.The new axis of evil could also come from the right. Even if things start to go in another direction, it will still be downhill. Many who call themselves conservative Christians think Glen Beck and Sarah Palin are the answer. Glen Beck is more and more promoting weird false Mormon doctrine on his radio and TV shows, and many evangelical Christians go along with it. Brannon Howse’s latest radio show with former Mormon Ed Decker is a real eye-opener. Beck is having some prayer event the night before his Lincoln Memorial event, and is having ministers of “all faiths” participating. Beck has drawn in many believers with his teachings about the constitution, etc. Now they will swallow anything he says so he’s free to begin planting Mormon theology into their minds. If you dare say anything about, you are told to shut up because Beck is “on our side”.

  2. Yeah, I almost did a blog on just that topic instead of this one. But I had recently covered the Christian and Mormon Dominion Theology issue on this Blog and both Beck and the warnings of Ed Decker are covered in my article.

    It seems rather bazaar that many of the big names that claim to be Conservatives and Conservative Evangelical Christians now seem to have no problem with Homosexual marriage. Joe Farah just did a peace on that on WND.com. Some recent names just off the top of my head are Ann Coulter, George Will and Glen Beck. Even Rush has been strangely silent ever since he had Elton John perform at his wedding.

    It seems that the spread of disease, the abomination of sodomy and the destruction of marriage and family order are now non issues with many “conservatives”. The only issues they seem to care about is the free enterprise system and riding the wave of discontent in this nations to boost their own standing.

    I have news, if people do not first conserve the moral values of Judeo-Christianity and those that founded this nation on those moral laws there will not be anything worthwhile to conserve in America.

  3. Don- Great article. I think we as “Christians” are quick to follow the Beck’s of the world because we so desperately want a clear, quick answer verses studying the word and praying for guidance.

    The “Age of Aquarius” is as you described and has led us to the brink of destruction. Your comment regarding Islam is square on. It is a brutal and violent religion with no tolerance for those who are “infidels”. It will be interesting to see the first gay marriage ceremony performed at the mosque to be built at ground zero.

  4. I listen to Glenn Beck and am beginning to become wary of him. A couple of weeks ago, he spent some time on his radio show trying to “push” his concept of hell on the listeners. Incredibly unbiblical! I also sense that he has ulterior motives and he is a little too compromising in the area of “multi-faith” gatherings. He hasn’t been a “mormon” very long, so I was hoping that he would come to his senses and see the error of his ways. I think he’s getting worse, though, not better.

    In regard to Islam, I completely agree with you Don. Sharia Law is brutal, intolerant, and evil. I have read the Koran…schizophrenic at best! Mohammad was insane and completely possessed by demons.

  5. I remember that song from my early childhood. I thought it was terrible then and I think that now.

  6. Great blog!!!

    I grew up in the age of Aquarius threw the early 70’s and I was acutely aware of the little social activist messages being constantly planted in programming regarding their notion of peace, love, social justice etc. Of course it forms ones early notions in life and being raised in a Christian home at the time, their notions of how we get to this Utopia seemed to mirror Christian Americans at first glance! Then once they gained popular sentiment towards their way of thinking through shows like Donahue, Oprah, The View, guess what happened, they went on the attack directly against the Church and it’s leaders calling them judgmental, racist while further pursuing their agenda. A break down of the Patriarchy ensued throughout the last 30 years and of course we all know men can’t even set their watches correctly without the little Ms’s oversight. Once the head of the family was out of commission (a sideways attack on God) they then began breaking down the values further in pushing drug experimentation and casual sex. The outcomes of this were to give kids condoms and training, drug rehabs sprang up all over (because they care), single parenting became cool and fashionable and heck they even help fund it (because they care sooo much). To much to write here and you get the jist! I think they the Media and the Left today believe they’ll pull the same routine once again but against Islam. First play to them (we’re sorry about that dummy Bush and the Wars he started), get them to feel all warm and cozy (we just love your beards and we’ll give you a Mosque at ground zero) we all want the same things (love our families and prosperity), but Islam will not by in, maybe at first to play along, and as they do, the Left begins to try and play it just like it has done against Christians and begin to break down this thing called Islam, attack the male dominance, attack the faith and so on (if the world makes it this far). I also believe this time it is the Left who are being gullible and the ones who are being used by Islam and it’s leaders. They are both playing the same game and for right now in a mutual Waltz together, each giving a little and getting a little in return. Except one is a bonofide street fighter and the other is a cocktail party arm chair debater. Right now the object of their affections is the Mosque in NY, then more Sharia law, then more immigration (of Muslims) to build their church base, more public understanding/outreach. More Arabic looking folks on the screen for shows like, ABC presents Allah Hour of Power, Rich Man Poor Man starring Ramzi Yousef and John Walker Linn story..one mans transformation to radical Islam, etc, etc. Gotta laugh or I’ll cry.

    God Bless our Nation.

  7. Jerome, I would laugh because heavenly father already knows what will take place. Keep your eyes on Jesus Christ which is the *only* way to heaven. It’s too bad Billy Graham and Joel Osteen won’t agree on Larry King live, but they will have to answer as I will. I hope they drop us a card from Hell…let us know if it’s hot enough.

    But that’s OK because I have my Bible and I read it and I love Jesus.

    Don, you say only Jesus can bring Utopia. I agree 100%!!!!

  8. Let’s not be so presumptions about who is going to Hell here. It is best for Christians to stick with how they know people can be saved from Hell.

  9. And why shouldn’t they have turned to the East? After all Christianity had just sanctioned two catastrophic wars in their own life times!

    I cry when I listen to ‘Lay Down’ by Melanie and wonder why the ‘Summer of Love’ couldn’t have lasted. My guess is that it was undone through the proliferation of hard drugs disseminated by government spies. It wouldn’t have been hard to turn people to drugs when they see their friends beaten up and arrested for attempting to spread their message of love and peace!

    Love Peace and Happiness

  10. E Rountree,

    They should not have turned to the East because there is no spiritual truth there.
    You also seem to confuse Christians with Pseudo Christians institutions. However, even there you are broad-bushing. The wars happened because people are evil and if people do not repent and turn to the Lord it will happen again in most of our life times.

  11. Eddie

    So you think Jesus Christ would have initiated WW1 and WWII?

    He would certainly ‘sanction’ defence of freedom – and those who follow his teaching WILL stand for freedom – that is why there is war. MORAL people will not allow themselves to be trampled underfoot by an immoral criminal element whether it is national or international.

    Why do you think Christianity is hated by socialists and all would be tyrants, and ridiculed by their naive/ignorant adherents?
    Why do you think Christianity has and is being subverted by socialist humanist values? Because the truth of Christ residing in the hearts and minds of believers is a power for freedom that the Devil cannot meet head on.

    You speak of the ‘Summer of Love’ and Peace and Happiness; I was in my twenties during the ‘make love not war’ hippie era and the drugs were abused because it was part and parcel of that whole sensual degenerate period. “hard drugs disseminated by government spies” – What a pathetic excuse for uncontrolled lust.

    GROW UP.

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