Freely honoring our men of valor on this Memorial Day

Did our men of valor die for a people who would freely allow our nation to fall into total moral decay? Did those we honor today die so we would freely become slaves to our own federal government bureaucrats? Or did they die so that you and I could have the freedoms expressed in our Constitution? Did our fallen heroes die defending the United States and its Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic? Or did these good men die in vain because the people of America freely choose to elect politicians that subvert our Constitution, rob those who work, tell our enemies how wrong America has been and lie to us by saying people that hate America really want peace while they continue to plan for our destruction?

The best way we can honor these men of valor that made the ultimate sacrifice on this Memorial Day is to work to free America from the elite international socialists that have hijacked this nation to make it conform to their plans for global governance and to once again make our government abide by the words in our own Constitution.

This following article has a very appropriate message for this Memorial day.

The American Cause this Memorial Day

“Based upon our observations of American soldiers and their officers captured in this war, the following facts are evidenced,” a foreign intelligence officer wrote. “There is little knowledge or understanding, even among United States university graduates, of American political history and philosophy … of safeguards to freedom; and of how these things supposedly operate within their own system.”

Believe it or not those words weren’t written by an Al Qaeda operative. They were written during the Korean War (1950-1953) by the chief intelligence officer of the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army in North Korea. In a 1957 response to these remarks, Russell Kirk wrote, “Many Americans are badly prepared for their task of defending their own convictions … against the grim threat of armed ideology…. And in our age, good-natured ignorance is a luxury none of us can afford.”

As we pause this Memorial Day to honor those who died to preserve our freedom, it’s a good time to take stock of the threats to our nation. I believe that the greatest threat is internal decay that results from a lack of knowledge of those things that make America great.

America’s modern enemies might have rejoiced in data released last fall by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute demonstrating that 71 percent of Americans in its survey failed a basic civic literacy test with an average score of 49 percent. Incredibly, the average elected official in the sample scored just 44 percent.

Last Saturday, I heard a stirring commencement address by Judge Alice Batchelder of the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals advocating the form of education that Kirk supported—education that will turn back the wave of national civic ignorance and strengthen our country. Following that address, an attorney and I discussed the deplorable treatment of the U.S. Constitution by the executive and congressional branches of the federal government that led to the approval of a 2009 budget deficit of $1.84 trillion. “Grotesque,” lamented the attorney. We talked about how many of the world’s countries have had multiple constitutions while America has had just one. We concluded that America operates from a new unwritten or “parallel constitution” that allows the government to spend whatever amount it desires without restraint by constitutional, moral or economic principle. This new constitution, birthed by civic illiteracy, is fostering the decay of a great nation—$60 trillion in deficits and unfunded liabilities, a failing educational system, breathtaking federal government interference in business, an out of control Federal Reserve that is putting the American dollar and the world’s economic system at great risk, and social programs that promote family breakdown and dependence on government. And we have governments in Washington, D.C. and in many of our state capitals that want even more.

As we prepare to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country this Memorial Day weekend, let us fulfill our duty to the American cause. Kirk says, “We do not need to invent some new theory of human nature and politics; but we do need, urgently, to recall to our minds the sound convictions that have sustained our civilization and our nation. Our enemies, no matter what resources they may have, cannot defeat us if we are strong in our own principles.”

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One thought on “Freely honoring our men of valor on this Memorial Day

  1. Good article. Although I am from the old continent and too young to ever have directly experienced war, I would still like to express my gratitude to the United States and its military for saving our from tyranny and for bringing down the threat of Soviet communism. There will come a time that we will wish that Americans were there to save us from our own mess but perhaps by that time the United States will not be able to offer any significant help due its moral decline. My generation is generally not even remotely aware of history, politics, and they can hardly think for themselves. In America it looks like the same problem exist. And yet you have such a clear and straightforward constitution. What will happen to these overly hedonistic people when war breaks out? Since they lack sound morality, many of them will behave like animals and leaders may emerge that outdo the evils of Hitler and Stalin. That is why we must insist on Christian values, the traditional family, and liberty – for the survival of our civilization, for the salvation of those elected and known only to God, and for the greater good of our nations in general. God bless the souls of the Americans who have given their lives against Nazism and Communism, and those who are fighting for their own country’s survival.

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