Government health care – Divide and conquer America by prescription

Supposedly on Sunday Americans are going to get a nation health plan shoved down their throat whether they like the medicine or not. As of this writing Fox News is saying that the House is still two votes short of passing the Senate bill. However, I am sure that leading Democrats will prescribe underhanded means to get those two votes or they will delay the health bill vote again (you did not think they would actually vote on a bill they could possible lose, did you?).

Most of the American people want Congress to start over on a health bill. Americans do not trust government on this health bill and for good reason. The bill forces people against their will to conform to the will of the government on health issues or suffer legal consequences – so much for liberty in America. It also gives government control over almost twenty percent of the economy – so much for the American dream of free enterprise.

When the President and Congress make this much fuss and use such underhanded parliamentary prescriptions against the will of the people you can be sure that the bill is not just about your good health. The bill is really a power grab to force more control over the lives of Americans and also to force the productive to support the more unproductive government dependents that are always voting for those giving them more and more freebies.

If this bill and the other bills that Obama wants become law the government will have almost total control over the people of America. George Orwell’s 1984 will therefore have arrived, ushering in a Brave New World utopia of the Left where unsustainable populations of the earth will become Soylent Green. Oh, they won’t be so obvious about recycling people – at least at first. They will just deny health care procedures to people that lived too long. They will also dispose of unhealthy babies, unwanted babies, and the babies of those that do not purchase a baby permit (happens in the utopia of socialist China).

The health bill is clearly unconstitutional and those in Congress voting for it darn well know it since they are mostly lawyers. The truth is they do not give a hoot that the bill is unconstitutional. They think they will be able to appease the courts and enough people later with some minor changes in the law, and they are probably correct. They know that once this health bill becomes established like Social Security and Medicare the majority will become dependent on it. They know the more government addicts the government creates the more control they will have over their servants.

I guess the American people could revolt and throw all the bums out of office and give control of Congress to the Republicans, but it is extremely unlikely that the Republicans can pick up enough votes in 2010 to repeal anything passed by this Congress this year. I hope you also realize that Obama has an ace or two up his sleeve to turn votes back toward his administration. One such ace might be bombing of Iran.  That action will be a popular and necessary act that will certainly limit the incumbent losses at the polls. Obama probably has other wild cards that nobody even knows about except his puppet masters.

By the 2012 election it is extremely likely that there will be higher priorities in our nation than repealing or revising the National Health Care Law. If we are involved in some crises such as a wider war or a hyper-inflationary depression like I suspect there may not even be much of national democratic process left in America or the means to change government.

I also think the Tea Party will find out that there are just too many different types of tea leaves to make any unified brew that is palatable to the majority. In other words, do not expect any great unity to emerge among Republicans, Conservatives, Independents, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Christians and blue collar Democrats. In 2012 the Republicans will again come up with a compromise candidate and they will probably lose or the Party will go so far Right that it loses most of America.

Another reason why most Americans will forget about the Health Bill is that this bill will be followed by other unpopular bills that will then become the primary focus of the Tea Party and Republicans. For example, next, Obama wants to make illegal immigrants legal. That is part of his grand plan to get new voters in 2012. Watch how fast the American people lose sight of the Health Care Law when the immigration plan comes to light and unemployment remains a huge problem.  Obama also wants to pass huge carbon taxes that will be a concern to many people. Further, Obama wants to force peace terms in the Middle East by this fall. That is going to become a major focus of everyone shortly. So Obama really can afford to lose one or more of his first term objectives if it will make people lose focus on his primary objectives like the health bill.

Most of the people in this nation have no moral compass anymore so the nation is going to become increasingly divided on many issues. So how then does any majority emerge to bring reform to government when there is so much division in America on just about everything?

I think the real long term plan of globalist puppets like Obama is to divide and conquer America and to remake it into the image of the world. The way they will achieve this is to make one half of the nation dependents of the other half. That is a sure prescription for the downfall of a nation built on moral law and self achievement. The nation is to be replaced with a secular humanist interfaith socialist UN model. There are those in religion that will help this Beast gain power in the name of forced social justice  – in contrast to free will Christian charity. Nevermind, that the Frankenstein Monster that liberal Christians and Jews helped create will then turn on them.

Forcing a nation health plan on the productive of America in order to pretend to give social justice to government created slaves is a major step to divide and conquer America by prescription. Now you also know why certain Demoncrat leaders fly on broomsticks.

Now that law is passed here are a couple of articles you should know.

America lost

Twenty reasons why this health bill will take away your freedoms

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12 thoughts on “Government health care – Divide and conquer America by prescription

  1. Hi Don, “as in the days of Noe”, it is sometimes hard to believe that the End Times are here already. We always say things are going to happen sooner or later, well it happens to be “sooner or later” right now. My eldest son, his wife and children, traveled to Florida for a relative’s wedding. Kind of ironic, to me anyway, with all that is going on now a days.

    I have familial emphysema, I may have what is equivalent to half of one lung function left. My faith is in Jesus Christ that He will take care of me. Don’t get me wrong I go to the doctor when I get sick and I am treated. I use two medications four times a day and one medication twice a day to help open up my lungs, so I can walk around the house without the aide of using pure oxygen 24 hours a day. According to this new health care bill I will not be able to receive any more help from Medicare. I am too old and according to the world non-productive to the collective.

    But, praise be to God and glory in the Highest, this problem has not killed me.

  2. Hi Joel,
    We are in the days that can be defined as the beginning of sorrows.

    As the population increases as in the days of Noah, the errors of man will have more widespread impact and the wisdom of man will always fall short in coming up with solution. Soon the whole world will be looking for someone to provide answers to problems that are really related to the fallen nature of man.

    You say according to the new health care bill you would no longer get help from Medicare for your health problems? Do you know that for a fact?

  3. I have a copy of the Health Care bill from July 2009. It took me a couple weeks to skim through the 1,018 pages. What I should of wrote was that Medicare is under-funded currently, if this current bill passes the House it will add another approximately 20,000,000 to 25,000,000 new patients to Medicare. I also believe that I will be taken care of no matter if and or how this Health Care overhaul is passed. It is the End Times, anything can happen.

    It is hard to explain to others just how difficult my situation is at times. Today I took a shower, before I got into the shower I was extremely anxious because when the steam from the warm water starts filling the bathroom I can not breathe normal. I have an O2 generator that is on and set at 3.5 liters per minute, so I have an 94% oxygen level coming into my nostrils, but with the movement of washing and the steam I can not breathe normally. Sometimes I before I panic I shut off the shower to bring my breathing back to normal.

  4. I agree with your comment on the Tea parties/conservative movement. I just returned from Washington an hour ago.
    97% at the rally are the nicest people you could ever meet, however, the media will always focus on the 3% that will
    keep the movement from growing to the strength it needs to be a force. Also, as I spoke and watch others interacting
    with people that were just there to see the sites, I realized that because of our corrupted culture, twisted media and inept
    education system, most people do not communicate any real ideas or principles anymore. It is mostly catch phrases
    and political blather, so the idea of a coalition of reasonable, conservative constitutionalists gaining any traction is rather

  5. Hi Don.. Firstly let me say that I am not trying to sow dissent here.. I am truly interested in what you are saying and wish to understand more. I am not an American. I do not live in America. I’m Australian and love it as you love America. I am a committed Christian, and I earnestly seek out more and more information about our God and his ways and plans, from the Bible, from books, and from web sites such as yours.

    The thing I have noticed recently however is that many of the (American) web sites I visit have been spewing hateful diatribe against the health care bill that your congress has just passed. Most of this diatribe is in the form of what you have said – 1984, government taking control, socialism, giving Satan control etc etc. None of the religious web sites I look at talk about the law itself or what it is meant to do or how it specially will be misused. Putting it into context I hear virtually nothing of this debate in Australia because it is not considered important enough to report on (the only time it did get airplay was when President Obama cancelled his trip to Australia because of the impending vote). To be honest it sounds a little over the top and smacks of a “reds under the beds” type of attitude – which I assume is because America is the most capitalist country in the world – and the only reason it is being discussed so much is that America was founded on an anti-socialist platform. Indeed it almost appears as if the word socialist over there is a swear word!.

    Australia has a socialist medical system (which works well), as does Britain, France, Germany etc. In fact America is the last developed country to not have a safety net medical scheme, and while I understand that it gives a certain amount of control to the government, I fail to see the difference in that control to what we grant in our education systems, our identity systems, our transport systems etc. In all circumstances government does have control of our lives and this is just another area neither more important or less important than the rest. I agree with you that the churches should be supporting the poor rather than a government system doing our job, but the churches have (on the whole) already abrogated their responsibilities here so a government system may not be the best but it certainly is not necessarily evil in itself. I read a statistic that currently 45,000 Americans die each year due to lack of insurance or refused medical treatment because of money concerns. How is this appalling statistic any different from an assertion that government can withhold treatment if they have power over the health system? Its already happening – just with a different name.. I can tell you that if 45,000 Australians were dying because of refused medical treatment there would be a national outcry, yet it appears to be ignored in America, and indeed any potential reform is being lambasted. I understand the argument that people do not want their taxes supporting certain aspects of society, and it does make my blood boil when I read or hear about a dole bludger living off my taxes. But then that story is offset by the single dad with 4 kids who just lost his wife to cancer and requires social security to tide him over – a cause which no reasonable person can refuse.

    I may not be saying this very well, but It seems to me that a lot of commentary on American religious web sites is being filtered through views that are more politically based than godly based. Frankly I care little about the American health care debate and the 300m Americans it affects (as opposed to the remaining 5 billion 700 million of Gods -mostly lost – children) . I know this world is going to pot and in many ways I welcome it because it means that the time of my saviours appearing draws closer.

    Thanks for the opportunity to present my views. As I noted I am not trying to be divisive – I am really interested in why so many American commentators are so (to me) over the top on a minor subject.

    Blessings, Wayne

  6. isn’t it interesting how people are focused more on a temporary health care bill than on jesus and eternity? guess where that is faith comes in. if you don’t believe in God then you have to worry and plan and try to figure things out on your own. can’t say i can think of some person, any person, who has yet “figured it out”….can you?

    OK, enough with this Jesus character, let’s focus on temporary things!

  7. Wayne,
    Let me say first of all that your are a victim of lying leftest propaganda. That 45,000 figure is totally ridicules. Less people are dying in the United States due to unavailability of health care than are in European nations. Everyone in the United States can be treated by just going to a emergency room, by law they cannot be refused. We also have free clinics and sliding fee clinics for the poor. We also have Medicare for everyone over 65 and Medicaid for all Children. So people are not going without health care in America unless it is their choice.

    The main problem is is that those with out medical insurance often lose their savings when they have a major medical problem and then go in debt or declare bankruptcy. That is also true of many that are insured and this bill will not change that.

    Those that do not have the money generally will not get the best specialists in America to treat them but they will get better treatment than most that have national health plans in the rest of the world. We do not spend 17 percent of our GDP for health care while other nations in the world spend less than 10 percent for nothing. We have the best health care system in the world by far. By the way, under this plan those with good insurance will still get better treatment than those with basic insurance or government insurance. So the bill does not change that.

    But, having the best medical health system in the world is one of the key point of the debate. Most Americans would like to continue to have the best health care system in the world but when government controls the insurance companies and doctors we know our health care system is going to go down hill fast.

    In America about 15 percent are uninsured but as I said they can get medical treatment. About half of the uninsured in America are young healthy people who feel they do not need to buy health insurance. Now government intends to force them to. Part of the remainder are illegal aliens. Many in rural areas just pay cash. So it is not like your have been told.

    Our big problem with this national health plan is that it puts 1/6 of the American economy under government control. That will lead to mediocrity by forcing insurance companies to lower care standards or raise rates and if the government does not allow them to raise rates they will be forced out of business. Many think by 2020 there will be no more medical insurance companies surviving and everything will be run by government.

    This plan will also force fees on doctors that will not allow them to stay in the profession. Some of the best physicians are already refusing government medical insurance plans like Medicare and Medicaid because the reimbursements by government do not even cover the cost of their overhead.

    This Health plan is going to put many private hospitals and clinics out of business and many doctors will simply retire. Then guess who will be taking over? – Government with nurses and mediocre overworked doctors. Welcome to Cuba.

    That only addresses a bit of the problems but nobody can tell you all the rest because the bill they passed is unreadable and unworkable. It promises a lot but funds it through smoke and mirrors. They will not be able to collect what they say. So higher taxes will come.

    It will fund abortion no matter what Obama says. It shifts costs to the states which are already broke. At least ten states now say they will sue the federal government and more than twenty more are considering it. It forces people to buy a product they might not want. That has never been done in America and it clearly is unconstitutional.

    Americans do not want a big central government controlling every aspect of their lives our Constitution was written so that will not happen. People in America are fed up with the federal government running rough shod over the 50 sovereign States. We have constitutional amendments just so that would not happen but everyone in Washington is ignoring the Constitution and forcing a European type government upon us. If we wanted that we would have stayed under England and if we wanted big government socialism we would not have fought against it in World War II and the Cold War..

    The story is much bigger than what I just gave you but that all I have time for. There is plenty written on the Internet why most Americans do not want this plan. By the way, I wrote my own remedy to the health care problem in this country in 2006.

    The bottom line is that many Americans believe our Constitution is founded on principals given in the Bible so we Americans are not going to give it up for a system founded on godless secular humanism and collectivism. That is what makes us different from most of the rest of the world. Many Americans really still believe the moral principals in the Bible. They still believe that Americans should have the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The government system was set up to prevent the rise of tyranny but tyranny will come like it is in much of the world if Americans allow.

    When our government shoves its programs down the throat of the American people that oppose it they have crossed the line. So we are about to find out if “we the people” of the United States will prevail and have a free nation like our founders intended or if the American people will just become slaves of a central government controlled by elitists like the rest of the world.

    Christian people are living in this world and they have concerns for their loved ones today. We know Jesus is coming but that does not mean that Christians should not oppose evil whenever and wherever we can.

  8. To Wayne from Australia, to understand me it would help you if you knew that I lived in the Chicago area. President Obama may have lived in other places but his time in Chicago shaped him. The church that he attended molded his views. The health care plan that they are pushing has a viewpoint behind it that will affect a lot of people. Our son is working full-time but in his line of work there is a learning curve. He currently has a very basic health care plan with a large detuctible. In Cook County, Illinois there is Stroger Hospital, formerly known as Cook County Hospital. If you live in this area you know that you would not die from an emergency health problem because you could be stabilized and brought by ambulance to Stroger Hospital. Terrible injuries can be treated at Stroger Hospital and people get over the injuries. But——-if you have health insurance it is the last place you want to go unless it is an emergency. The health care plan could make a lot of hospitals start to look like Stroger Hospital which has its pros and cons. Just some insight into the situation here.

  9. Wayne-understanding what is behind the health care bill is complex.

    How will this new health care bill eventually affect American Christians?

  10. I see this Health Care ‘ISSUE’ from Different Perspectives, and It is Puzzling.
    I have Medicare & a Good Supplemental Policy, That is Not Cheap!! OUCH!! But, I have had 3-Hip-Replacement Surgeries. One had to Be Taken Out & Done Over. Thank God for Innovative Doctors. I Can’t Complain at All With My Medicare, My Leaky Mytral Valve & SSD. Absolute Key to My Survival.

    My Wife, Who is Beautiful & Younger Than I Am, Has to Buy Her Own Health Care Coverage; $500 per Month Premium & $5,000 Dedeductible. There is a Lot that Needs to Be Said for the Working Poor, Meaning $25,000 to $75,000 a YEAR. The WORKING POOR.

    Always Been Employed, Myself, Self-Employed All My Life. Welfare Programs? Unemployment? We Don’t Know What Those Terms Mean. Food Stamps, Fuel Assistance?
    To Be Honest, We’ve Heard of Those Programs. We Also Have a Sense of Pride, but Realize That Many People are Not ‘BLESSED’ as We Were & Are & Still Being a Member of the WORKING POOR! The WORKING POOR!

    Obama Should Have Stuck to His Guns & Got the EVERYBODY a Single Payer System.
    We All Need to Pay In, Some Pro-Rated to Affordability.

    All American Citizens Need Health Care Coverage. Well, the POOR Do Have the Best Coverage Through Welfare, etc. Welfare Pays EVERYTHING, Meds. Makes Me Sick Enough to Go Into the Hospital, & I Could Easily Get In in Rural MN. The Hospitals are EMPTY, Going Broke from NO BUSINESS. ‘A Doctor Without Patients is Outta Business!’

    Doctors Say, “We Need the ‘HOWARD DEAN’ Version of Health Care Where We All Pay In & All Have Coverage & All Get Preventative Health Care.”

    SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM; We All Need to Pay In or the Insurance Companies Will Get All the Money & a FEW Will Get Coverage– The Rich & The Welfare People; Welfare Not So Few.

    My Position, Though I’m Old Enough to Have MEDICARE are Happy With Medicare.

    We All Need MEDICARE LEVEL COVERAGE & We Can Have It If We All PAY IN! We All Need to Pay In & It Will Work Because We All Don’t Need HEALTH CARE at the SAME TIME!

    Believe Me, I Know that What I’ve Said Sounds Like the EPITOME of a SOCIALISTIC, COMMUNISTIC Line of ANTI-GOD CRIMINALITY!

    But, We Do It With Car Insurance, Most Of Us.

    In Saskatchewan, Nobody Drives Without Insurance Because Every Car Gets Insurance When They Get Their License TABS. That’s Pretty Fool Proof, & The Rates are LOW!!
    SUPER LOW. Super Low; On a Truck Floor Shift It’s the Gear All the Way to the Left & Up, or All the Way to the Right & Then DOWN! hee-hee Funny Reality Check, Not a Welfare Check!

    Howard Dean Had the Right Idea that Obama & Congress Should Have Stuck To.

    We Can’t Forget About the WORKING POOR; the Back Bone of Our Labor Force in America.

    Now Only the RICH & the WELFARE People Get Health Care
    The Working Poor Just Can’t Get Affordable Health Care.

    America, Don’t Let Yourself be SPOOFED. By the Time the Upper Income Can’t Pay Its Health Care Premiums, It’ll Be Too Late.

    The Rich Don’t Provide Health Care for Their Employees or Pay Their Help Enough So They Can Buy Their Own Health Care & How Would They Know Spending Their Cold Winter Months Their Gulf Coast Condo or Mexican Villa.

    Rural Hospitals are VACANT. I Imagine Some Will Say; “That’s Proof of what a Good Health Care System We Have, It Works, Nobody Goes to the Hospital Anymore Because We’re So Healthy in America. We Have a Great System, Why Change It?”

    It’s a Great System Unless You Happen to Get SICK!!

  11. There is nothing wrong with buying insurance the problem is when government forces people to buy insurance and when government bureaucrats determine what procedures insurance will and will not cover. When that happens you have faceless bureaucrats that know nothing about medicine and individual situations controlling peoples lives and deciding life and death issues. That may be constitutional in China but it is not here.

    Everyone pays different rates on auto insurance through different companies and according to risk, so auto insurance is hardly a single payer system and it is not a fitting example of one unless you are talking about the high cost risk pool.

    Check out the health care system in England because that is what you will end up with if you get your way.

    The hospitals are nearly empty in some rural areas because few people live there and the insurance companies dictate who gets in the hospitals and how long they can stay. Hospitals are going broke because insurance companies can dictate prices and they often lose money on Medicaid and Medicare patients. Add government to that and we will be have in-and-out burger type surgeries in urgent care clinics and no small rural hospitals at all. Like the VA system they will truck you to the nearest big city for any major operation.

    Here is a better way to solve the health care problem in America.

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