Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, Feb 2011

I have been somewhat under the weather so this monthly perspective will be fairly short. You see a slightly different look on this blog because I am trying to integrate it more with the main website. People coming to this blog often do not know that this blog is only part of a larger website. “The Prophetic Years” is the name of my website so you should now see that named displayed in the middle of the banner along with the blog title above it. If your not seeing that, you will have to clear your browser cache and then do a refresh.

The header information is the same as the information on the sidebar under pages. It now includes links to the sub-directories of my website give them a click and you will get the picture.


Egypt is the big news this month. It seems rather strange to me that after 30 years of rule by Mubarak who is now a 82 year old man and ready to die, that the people in Egypt would revolt against him. This thing looks like it was planned and orchestrated by leftist socialists and Islamic extremists. It looks to me like the West intends to not give Mubarak any choice but to resign and go into exile. If he was so bad why wait 30 years to tell him to get out, or is it now really all about appeasement of the Left and the radical Muslim Brotherhood?

I guess nothing has changed in 30 years. The global elite never learn. Do they actually think that they can make Egypt a democracy when they only have the facade of a democracy left in their own nations? There are zero democracies in the Arab world and it will remain that way. Iraq does not qualify because it is occupied and once U.S troops are out it will revert back to rule by a strongman.

Jimmy Carter threw the Shaw of Iran under the bus and look how Iran has progressed. Egypt will have a similar fate once Mubarak is gone. Then there will either be civil war between the military and the Islamics or they will  go through the facade of elections and the Muslim Brotherhood will take over the country.

Mubarak has a peace treaty with Israel, the Muslim Brotherhood wants war. The foolishness of Obama and the West is going to lead to the Psalm 83 war and the Arab nations around Israel will be crushed with or without the help of the U.S.


The new unemployment figures are quite misleading. Gallop poll is saying that unemployment is almost 10 percent and the government is saying it is 9 percent. They also say that only 36,000 jobs were created last month. However, it takes many more times that amount of jobs just to accommodate normal population growth. That number of jobs does not reduce unemployment. So how could the unemployment rate fall last month? Apparently many people are just no longer being counted because they reportedly are no longer looking for a job. Another explanation could be that people without jobs and homes cannot afford a phone so they do not get polled and counted, or perhaps they do not want to answer their phones because of creditors, or they so distrust government surveys that they just hang up.

To put the latest job growth figures in proper perspective, Canada added twice as many jobs to the labor force than we did last month and Canada has about one tenth of our population. Therefore, Canada’s job growth was about twenty times higher than ours was last month. What are they doing right that our administration is doing wrong?

Soon almost every state in the union will be making large budget cuts. On average probably ten percent or more of all state workers will be added to the unemployment roles in the next year. The same can be said about local government employees.


If the lights and heat are going out in your neck of the woods because of the power and gas shortage you can thank Obama and the democrats for that. They have made it about impossible for any new energy development. This is only going to get worse in the future and if Obama gets reelected you can be sure that rolling blackouts will be one way they will force everyone to use less energy. Also, keep in mind that energy prices will double or even triple if Obama gets his way. People had better wake up. Its not all about one or two issues. Obama is leading this country to ruin, yet his poll numbers are going back up? What hope is there for a nation where the majority has become brain dead or immoral or apathetic or government dependents? If conservatives and libertarians expect to get someone elected in 2012 they better learn how to first wake up the dead.

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33 thoughts on “Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, Feb 2011

  1. “If conservatives and libertarians expect to get someone elected in 2012 they better learn how to first wake up the dead.”

    That’s the problem with America. There are too many “dead” that blindly follow a demagogue like Obama. There is literally nothing you can do with them since most of them have rejected Christ as a “myth”.

  2. i’m already seeing riots in america 5 years from now just like in egypt..btw belive it or not i actually got a job as a security guard here in jersey and im starting on monday..took me months to land it but it paid off, and belive me there are no other jobs here right now except stock boy in retail stores and security guards.. THATS IT………

  3. I’m not American, and leaving outside. I can tell that people here was looking for Him to win the election more even then Americans democrats did. They were surprised when I said that he is brought to presidency by the leftist media and is a “hype product”, nothing more. They were surprised that i had that opinion about him. And they still justify him, no matter where america is heading.
    Republicans are lukewarm and democates are catastrophic. Reborn Christian has not the best choice. However, lukewarm atleast is better then catastrophic.

  4. Watching USA under Obama is like watching the twin towers on fire. Your just waiting for the inevitable implosion and collapse.

  5. Me too, Brett. It’s like waiting for the other shoe to drop. Don, the dead are beyond waking. When riots hit the streets, as in Egypt, the properly-conditioned-government-school-brainwashed masses will simply do what the authorities tell them to do, good citizens that they are. You see it happening even now. When TSA tell them to bend over, the sheeple response is, “How far?” Can you in your wildest imaginings envision Davy Crockett, Dan’l Boone or Patrick Henry putting up with this Homeland Security travesty? And the whole point of it is not about security, it’s about control and conditioning. Yes indeed, the dead are beyond waking.

  6. If the GOP don’t unite and get on board with the TEA party it is game over. What we will have is 1 GOP candidate, 1 TEA candidate, and Obama. The faction will push Obama to be the winner. It happened with Ross Perot and Clinton. Also if the GOP don’t nominate a charismatic personality like Mitt R. then its game over as well. I believe it was purposeful that McCain was the chosen candidate. A zombie could have won against that man. Why wasn’t someone else with more credentials nominated. I believe the powers that be wanted it that way, Obama was elected so the USA would be brought to her knees.

    Don and anyone else….what % chance do you think Obama gets re-elected?

  7. But Brett, that is just wishful thinking. Its not going to happen. There are many things coming down in this nation and the world that will take us down roads we would really rather not travel. Moving on suggests that after a brief period of pain we will then have a end to the turmoil. That is not likely to happen. I see great turmoil between now and the Rapture and then even greater turmoil from the Rapture to the end of the age.

    From the latest articles that I have read, Obama and his Far Left friends orchestrated this uprising in Egypt and elsewhere. We have radicals in high positions of power in our own nation working against our own national interests. People better wake up or they will find themselves in World War III.

  8. Mitt Romney is anything but a conservative he was not even a conservative in his own liberal state. He has no major points to run on. Neither will any George Bush type get the nation on the right tract. I would rather have Donald Trump then the old Republican establishment.

    Right now I would say that there is a 75 percent chance that Obama will be reelected. People are incredibly ignorant in this country. If he looks like he cannot win the Left will just throw him under the bus and run Hillary and there is a 90 percent chance that she will win.

    Who wins the Republican primaries will tell the story and like you said if the Tea Party don’t like the choice it is all over.

  9. Don, I’ve read that there are a handful of States quietly passing election laws requiring a long-form birth certificate for a candidate to get on their ballot. If even 2 or 3 of these States get this passed into law, and Obama still refuses to open his records, I wonder if he can win? He will lose legitimacy in the eyes of the electorate — even those who are incredibly ignorant — if States refuse him a place on their ballot. Have you heard about this?

    Hope you feeling better.

  10. I am doing OK today, thanks.

    I know about the birth certificate requirements that are being set up in some states but state actions against a sitting president probably will not go like people think. I am sure he will find a way around it. One way is that some Obama appointed federal judge will rule that these states have to allow a sitting president on the ballot. Would any state even then go to the expense of appealing the ruling? Even if they did, by the time it gets appealed all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court Obama will be reelected and have the Supreme court stacked. They will not even hear the case.

    If that turns out not to be the case then like I said, they will just run Hillary and exchange one Marxist in a empty suit for one in a pants suit.

  11. Mitt would have been 1000% better than the idiot we have in office right now. I do agree with you on his
    Quasi conservative stands but he would have been better,lesser o 2evils
    I guess. Trump is even better

  12. trump warned that americans should prepare themselves for $25 loaf of bread in the near future.

  13. Yes, Don, I *do* agree with you.

    Of course, I have two meanings for “moving on,” as you can guess.

    From a worldly perspective, I would prefer that we get moving through the next stages of (the Nine Stages of) civilization, but that could take decades, and one way or another, I’ll be in eternity before things calm down! But what of our children? No, there is not hope in this world for them either – our closeness to the Tribulation makes obvious what has always been true in our fallen world: there is no hope in this world apart from God, and it’s in Him we need to place our faith.

    It’s a bit disturbing to me when I read so many conservatives, and even Christians, who are expecting that we will go through a bad time, but then things will get better here. Now, that’s true, but not in the “worldly” sense they seem to mean: it will require Christ returning and sitting upon the throne before we will see the peace and “good times” they desire (indeed, the millenium will be better beyond their dreams {though sadly, sin will still exist}).

    So, yes, I do hope the “other shoe will drop,” because I’m *very weary* of this fallen world and my own fallen state…

    **Nine Stages of Civilization: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacence to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependency back again into bondage. –Alexander Tytler

  14. don this might be off topic but i keep coming across this youtube video ‘fourth horseman [death] egyptian riots’ and everybody keeps saying its the pale horseman of revelation, the pale horse runs through the egypt crowd and i would like to know if its a hoax or not.. Everybody should watch the video on youtube and see it for yourselves.

  15. Its a totally ridiculous concept. The first three housemen have to ride first. People are always taking stuff from Revelation out of context because they do not have a clue about Bible prophecy and they do not have a clue about Bible prophecy because they have no understanding of the Bible and the prophetic scriptures.

  16. Re: Nine stages… interesting… I guess this “fallen world” is somewhere around “apathy to dependence”… I agree with you Brett, paraphrase: it does suck (sorry for the language). Appreciate your candor as well – we’re in this together.

    I try to share the blogs with family and friends and coworkers, who are not saved. They do disagree on various technicals, but the technicals are various levels of speculation anyway – so plenty of room to delve and discuss. But, as engaging as that is, what makes all of this different (significant) is the prophecy – and that’s the most important aspect. My various friends are dismissing the scriptural / spiritual, but a small prayer team continues to pray. Somehow, sometime, God has to get their attention.

    Question for Don… I think this has been discussed before… Ezekiel is mentioned above, but what about the destruction of Damascus (correct me if I’m wrong… I think that’s Isiah 17:1)?

  17. Isaiah 17:1 is correct, that is about The burden of Damascus, the city will be totally destroyed. This has never occurred in history so it is still future.

    I believe Damascus will be destroyed in the Psalm 83 war. I also can understand why it gets totally destroyed. Syria has thousands of missiles loaded with nerve gas and biological weapons. When the Syrian missile forces get the command to launch, Israel will probably intercept the communication and I think thier Hydrogen bombs will reach Syria before most of the Syrian missiles can even escape the blasts. Of course that is speculation.

    Israel will soon control the whole area. That is the only way they can get peace and security. That is why Syria does not come down with Gog in the Ezekiel 38 war and it is also why the believers in Israel are able to flee to Jordan when the Antichrist enters the Holy Place.

  18. wow damascus will be totally ruined, i know one day im gonna wake up, turn on the tv and see it with my own eyes in disbelief, and then i will say a prayer to god knowing fully that the end is truly near. what a day that will be.

  19. i agree it is turning upside down but the psalm 83 war is gonna shock the world for sure and every bible reader, but damascus has alot of people in it and what is gonna happen to the woman and children? is god gonna have mercy on them? are all those kids and woman really gonna be wiped away by a hydrogen bomb? those people have no idea whats coming to them in the near future.

  20. No. God is not going to have mercy on the woman and children of a people that sought to destroy Israel. Read what happened to Israel’s enemies in the OT. The women and children are going to die just like they did in every other city that was ever destroyed. Everyone dies in this world.

    Well over half the population of the world will be killed in the tribulation period. God is not going to supernaturally deliver the women and children of the heathen. Also don’t for a minute think that woman are innocent. They are as evil as the men. They often incite the men to evil and violence.

    If there are Christians there God will either deliver them or He will not, but in either case their souls are secure. Also, the Sodom deliverance of Lot does not apply here because this is not a judgment of God. People will die because of man’s own warfare.

  21. Don, Bill Salus states that Egypt is mentioned in Psalm 83 but I can find no real connection between the Hagarenes and Egypt except for Hagar. Is there something more concrete than this?

  22. You might ask Bill. I am no expert on the subject but Hagarenes implies they are of Hagar and the Bible says she was an Egyptian. I believe that those identified as Hagarenes did not live in Egypt in David’s time, but perhaps Bill is correlating some other prophetic scripture with Psalm 83 to specifically identify Egypt as one of the nations in Pslam 83.

    I really have no reason to believe Egypt will not be involved in Pslam 83. Some Bible prophecy experts say Psalm 83 has been an ongoing war since 1948. If that is the case we know that Egypt is involved. In any case, the Psalm 83 war is a confederacy of nations that say they will cut off Israel from being a nation. The Arab Confederacy fits that billing to a tee and Egypt is a member of the Arab Confederacy.

  23. Being a mature Christian lady, I understand what you are all saying on this topic.
    By not being trained as a theologian I am unable to quote things as fluidly as the rest of you. My strength is in the wisdom of a situation. The wisdom I have about the American culture is that there are many nasty rebelious people in this country. Young people sometimes show blatant nastiness in public places. If there momma and grandma cannot buy 25 dollar bread or 15 dollar gas they will be very difficult to manage. Yet, occasionally I will deal with young people acting silly and they say things like oh excuse us or we’re sorry we were just fooling around. They do not concern me too much. But the nasty young people were taught faulty values in a liberal school system led by the intential liberal leaders in the forefront and the background.

  24. Also, adding to the topic. There are many people who vote for liberal candidates. They will not listen to reason about anything conservative. If you were to try to tell them something factual about life or anything not lining up with their sheeple beliefs they look at you like you are addled. They will be very stunned when prophecy starts to unfold and they are not protected by the God who sent his son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Many are called and few are chosen. The people who bowed their knee to Jesus when the New Testament letters were written wished to be here in the end times. Now some of us will live through this prophetic time ahead. May no true believer be deceived into giving up their faith.

  25. re: wishing to be here in the end times (up to the rapture, of course): ahhh, the rub… I guess I am sort of infatuated with surviving as best as I can decipher [seemingly certain] threats like an EMP, if only to experience what is about to befall the world, yet at the same time things are so insane as to be thoroughly frustrating to endure.

    Watch and pray.

  26. Don, Where might I find your bio on line? I would liek to quote you, but would like document with more than your name. Thank you!

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