Modern infrastructure without security is the top threat to America

As I have expressed many times on this Blog, I think the end times spoken about in Bible prophecy are still about twenty years in the future. Nevertheless, don’t be under the false delusion that troubles in America are anyway near that far off. This very year could be the end of your world as you have known it. In any case, the survival of America as a world power will not likely extend into the next decade. The economic situation is a major problem that people rightly should also focus on but America’s dependence on its modern infrastructure is probably what will do us in first.

If America has an Achilles heel, it is its high-tech modern infrastructure. We have become totally dependent on modern infrastructure even through there still is almost no security from the external threats that can bring it all crashing down in a flash. America’s infrastructure is totally dependent on electronics and electricity but America never built-in the proper security safeguards to protect our vital electrical and electronic systems.

Many top experts warned about our infrastructure vulnerability shortly after the 9/11 attack. A decade later still nothing has been done to protect America’s infrastructure.

The top experts were not exaggerating when they told Congress that an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) over the United States could kill two-thirds of the American population within the first year after the attack. Yet, who in America even seems to care? The Lame Stream media acts like being prepared is Chicken Little stuff; they will not consider anything that threatens their faith in humanity’s ever evolving goodness. Most Americans that did hear about the EMP danger just changed the channel to watch what they think is more pleasing “reality”.

Most Americans do not seem to care but they might as well have inserted a self destruct button into all their modern infrastructure because an enemy can now push one button and destroy it all.

It is naive to assume that Russia or China would not resort to an EMP if we crossed their red line. It is also naive to assume that North Korea and Iran do not already have the capability to carry out an EMP over the United States. Both nations have the missiles and I believe both nations have the atomic bomb, even if our government thinks otherwise about Iran, or wants you to think otherwise.

American government intelligence has a dismal record on the nuclear bomb development of other nations so why would we believe what is leaked for public consumption now? America built a bomb in just a couple of years when hardly anything was even known about nuclear physics. We also accomplished that using 1940’s technology. How long did it take Russia, China, France, Great Britain, Israel, South Africa, India, Pakistan and North Korea to develop atomic bomb capability once they started on their nuclear weapons program? Iran has worked on developing atomic weapons since the Iraq-Iran war of the 1980’s. Do we think Iranians are uniquely stupid people compared to the nuclear nations above? I think we are being bamboozled just like the North Koreans bamboozled the so-called experts that thought she would not build atomic bombs.

Iran has worked on this atomic weapons program with modern information and modern technology for twenty-five years while also getting assistance from N. Korea, Pakistan, Russia and China and we still think that they do not have a bomb? Some that really should know what they are talking about say that Iran acquired two Russian tactical nukes on the black market after the USSR fell. Perhaps those tactical nukes would not suit Iran’s EMP purpose as tactical nuke, but Iran would have obtained enough weapons grade material to make at least one bomb that would suit its purpose. Not to mention that Iran could have received additional weapon grade nuclear material from North Korea or Pakistan, or on the black market, or Iran could be making weapons grade material in their secret facilities.

Does anyone really know what Iran is doing in its underground complexes? By the way, with computer simulation nuclear weapons do not need to be tested anymore. When a nation now tests nukes they are probably either sending other nations a message or developing a less known high-tech nuclear weapon. The North Korean atomic bomb tests were very low yield because they probably were developing a nuclear bomb for maximum gamma rays to obtain maximum EMP effect. It is more than likely that the information acquired in those tests was also shared with the Iranians. Read this article for more information on the super EMP nuke and the N. Korean tests.

Sure, there is a good chance that Iran or N. Korea do not yet have the ability to deliver an EMP over America but I would not want to bet 200 million American lives on that premise and just do nothing about our infrastructure vulnerabilities. You need to tell your congressional representatives to get moving on the proposed Shield Act. If passed, the Shield Act would finally start an infrastructure protection program. Even so, once it got started it would still take years to protect our electrical grid and other major infrastructures.

All it would take is one small nuke on one medium range missile fired from a freighter off our coast to put America back into the 19th century. Chances are we could not even determine who did it and that possibility makes it even more tempting to any of the nations with that capability. Russia, China, N. Korea and Iran have practiced the EMP scenarios and we know from their own documents that they are quite aware of our vulnerability to an EMP attack. We also can not rule out Pakistan weapons getting into terrorist hands. With at least four hostile nations in the world having EMP capabilities perhaps using terrorist proxies and a generic SCUD we might never know which nation was behind it.

The real stupidity is that we put ourselves in this vulnerable position and then we do nothing about it. For the cost of one aircraft carrier we could adequately protect all of our major infrastructures. For the cost of a cup of coffee for each American we could protect our irreplaceable high voltage transformers. American procrastination makes it seem almost like America has an embedded death wish. An EMP is the most likely reason that America will be removed from the world scene in a flash.

Many think nothing can happen to Christians in America before the Rapture. They likely will be proven dead wrong. Christians can go all the way back to the Roman Empire and the Crusades and see that Christian die when nations wage war. In the American Civil War millions of Christians were killing other Christians in the name of the Confederacy or the Union and even God. In world War II many millions of Christians died. Whole cities in Europe were almost wiped off the face of the earth in carpet bombings and there were also Christians living among them. Joseph Stalin killed 60 million people in the USSR after the Second World War and many of those people were Christians. If there was an infrastructure collapse in America I assure you that many so-called Christians would again be killing other Christians and totally justifying their killing in the name of self-preservation or their own concept of Christianity.

Frankly, I don’t see how Bible prophecy can even be fulfilled while the US military still dominates the world. I think God will deal with the US before the final seven years even begins. Many are thinking the end of the world or the start of the tribulation will come around 2012 or in this decade. They most likely will be proven wrong. Things might get bad enough in 2012 that some might think it is the end of the world and it actually will be the end of the world for those that die. However, what is likely to happen in this decade will be the end of America as a world super power. That will allow a rapid rise of Europe, Russia and China and the ecumenical world Harlot religious system led by the Vatican. Shortly thereafter persecution and Bible prophecy will play out.

The second major danger to our modern infrastructure is a state sponsored cyber attack. All major infrastructures are vulnerable and we cannot possibly stop a coordinated determined attack. Microsoft has patched its software for decades and hackers still insert viruses, so let’s get real. There simply is no way to keep determined hackers out of our modern computer controlled infrastructures. Top notch hackers are always a few steps ahead of the computer security people. Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are training thousands of their most intelligent people to carry out a cyber attack against America. They are not doing it for nothing.

We should have never interlinked our infrastructures through the Internet before we learned how to protect them. We should have made small local independent grids instead of large national grids where everything is interlinked to everything else. Perhaps that would not be as efficient, so for a small gain in efficiency and just-in-time inventory, we put the nation under tremendous risk from cyber attacks that can destroy our infrastructure and our people.

If you think a full cyber attack would not have much of an impact, just consider this one scenario. Hackers take down part of the financial system and the markets panic. The whole financial system then either shuts down for an extended period or the entire system collapses. People can no longer get their money out of banks so they start to loot stores and riot. That is just one way of hundreds that hackers could bring our whole system to a halt and cause national panic and mass riots.

Those in charge of homeland security say the threat of a cyber attack is the number one immediate danger to the United States. Top security experts say they are very concerned and even petrified. One expert said that a major cyber attack on America is certain to happen within two or three years. This is probably the real reason for all the preparation by Homeland Security. If any major part of our infrastructure comes down riots will follow like night follows day.

The third danger to our infrastructure is a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the sun that could cause electrical generation in our land lines that would fry our high voltage transformers. There is only about a ten percent chance of that happening in the next two years during the current solar maximum that is now underway, so apparently it is not a cause of concern? We apparently will risk a couple of trillion dollars in damage to save the few hundred million that it would cost to build the ultra high voltage transformer safeguards. It seems our diehard government gamblers are willing to play Russian Roulette with the sun but it is our heads that are being offered as the target!

I think if you combine the three dangers, the danger of a major infrastructure collapse this decade approaches 100 percent certainty. There really is no reason to concern yourself about the future Antichrist that is coming if you’re one of those that died during the fall of America. It is time for people to get their priorities straight and deal with the real immediate dangers that we face as a nation instead of following someones conjectures about the timing of the Antichrist or how Christians will establish dominion on earth and take the world for Christ. If you are not preparing for the rather obvious infrastructure collapse that is coming why would God bail you out when you have already chosen to place all your faith in modern infrastructure and modern computers to provide for your just-in-time needs?

Not enough people are warning America about this grave threat to our modern infrastructure system and few are taking this danger seriously. That could prove to be America’s as well as your own fatal mistake.

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