Petrus Romanus: an exercise in finding the future in the demonic

In 2009 Tom Horn gave us his theory in his book “Apollyon Rising 2012” that the Antichrist would make himself known between the year 2009 and 2012. Three years later Horn has followed up with a book that has the False Prophet coming to power in late 2012. This book seems designed to complete his theory based on many private mystical and pagan prophecies that the Great Tribulation starts near the end of 2012 and ends in 2016.

Last month I gave a review on Apollyon rising 2012. In brief, I thought that Tom Horn assumes that unregenerate man has power over the spirits that humans do not have, and that Tom Horn gives demonic pagan prophets way to much credit to be able to foretell the future.

This book,”Petrus Romanus”, was co-written by Cris Putnam. By what was said in the introduction, I assume that Cris Putnam did most of the research and Tom Horn wrote most of the commentary. The book is long (about 500 pages) but it is interesting all the way through. It also gets into an area of end time speculation that is sure to make it a top seller in 2012. The book is broken down into 4 main sections.


Section one gives arguments for the coming of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman), based mostly on the St. Malachy prophecy. You will also find rationale in this section for the focus on 2012 A.D.

The book opens with a long history of St. Malachy of the 12th century. St Malachy is believed by some to have written the prophecy that identifies all of the popes until the end time judgment and that is why his name is associated with it.

According to the prophecy, Rome will be destroyed in the time of the 112th pope and then the world will be judged. The 112th pope is identified as Petrus Romanus and that is the reason for the title in this book. We have the 111th pope ruling as I write, so the next pope is the key figure of the book.

Within this first section the authors makes the case that St. Malachy never wrote the prophecy. The authors suggest on more than one occasion that Nostradamus may have been the real author. Many have come to the conclusion that the first part of the prophecy is so accurate because it was history when it was written in the late 1500’s. There is much agreement on that point in academia.

The authors believe that the passages about the last 35 or 40 popes were written by a later prophet. These last 35 or so popes are identified with just a few Latin words for each pope. One quickly should be able to discern how subjective such a short indirect description like this really is. The obscure wording and short passage makes it easy for people to believe that a pope fits the prophecy. Obviously in history, some passages fit certain popes better than others.

Even so, apparently a segment of the voting Cardinals believe that this is a valid prophecy, so there is reason to believe that certain candidates have been promoted in the past because the candidate seemed to fit the prophecy. In other words, there is some self-fulfilling prophecy going on here. This is even more likely to be the case for the next and last pope on the list. I think the later part of the book abundantly makes that case.

There are enough Cardinals that believe the Malachy prophecy, that they will have some influence over the selection of the next pope. Logically, if this prophecy comes to pass as written, it means that Satan has been in control of the leadership of the Roman Church from its beginning until its end in the Great tribulation. That seems to contradict the scripture that teaches that the Son of Perdition cannot come until he that hinders is taken out of the way (2Th 2:7). Can Satan really determine and control the timing of the appearing of these Day of the Lord figures when God is in total control of the timing of the Day of the Lord?

That does not mean that there is no demonic plan in these prophecies. There have been many demonically inspired plans since Jesus departed. There are demonically inspired plans in existence today, but they will fail or be used for deception because the timings of events on earth are under the control of the Father. God simply does not reveal His plans for the future to the prophets of the Devil and if they get some apparent prophecy, it is most likely a deception.

The authors seem to believe that finding supporting mystical prophecies to the Malachy prophecy makes the prophecies supernaturally given and true. Supernatural demonic forces might be involved, but that does not mean that there is any truth in it. The comparison in the book of the different accounts in the four gospels to different mystical prophecies describing the same events about this conjecture is simply absurd.

The authors quote the false prophet promoter John Hogue several times. Hogue claims that the Malachy prophecy of the popes have been about 80 percent accurate. Hogue suggests the prophecies get more accurate over time. So I might ask, at what point will Cardinals that believe this “prophecy” make it a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Despite the increasingly accurate claims by Hogue, if you just look at the last ten popes and the Latin words describing them, the fulfillment of the prophecy is still in the eye of the beholder. For example, Pope Leo XIII was described with Latin words meaning “light in the sky” so believers say he filled this prophecy because his coat of arms contained a shooting star.

In the last part of this first section, the authors use various numerology that add up to 2012, but what else should I expect from those trying to find the future in the demonic?

Another major nonsense in the book is the idea that Lucifer was enthroned within the Roman Catholic Citadel on June 29, 1963. This concept came from the book “Windswept House” written by the late Catholic priest named Malachi Martin. I know that Malachi Martin claimed that Lucifer and Satan were different beings but Revelation 12:9 teaches otherwise.

I believe the authors premise is, that from the date Lucifer was enthroned in the Vatican his followers through masonic connections bring in the last pope and the New World Order Antichrist on schedule. Even Rosemary’s baby was brought into the demonic plot. What Horn can shoehorn in a book is an amazing feat.

The rest of the first section of the book is a rehash of the U.S. masonic conspiracy that is more fully developed in “Apollyon Rising 2012”.


Section two of the book gives history on the Papacy.

Section two is very good and along with section three, it has the best information I have read on the Papacy since Dave Hunt’s “A Woman rides the Beast”. I suspect that much of this section and the next section came from the teaching of John MacArthur since the authors thank MacArthur in their Acknowledgements Page for his excellent teaching series on Roman Catholicism.

Even though this section on Roman Catholic history probably mostly comes from MacArthur teaching, I would bet my boots that John MacArthur will not be endorsing this book. They also mention Dave Hunt’s book within this section, but I would bet the farm that Dave Hunt will not be supporting this book either.

The second and third sections has 220 pages of material. Those sections alone are equal to most books and what is written there make the book worth buying. The main problem I have in this second section is the implication that the post millennial historicist view can also be a correct method of Bible prophecy interpretation. Should we actually believe that using the day=year theory, we can know the date of the end? Continually throughout history the historicist view with its day=year conjectures are proven wrong. It seems to me that the authors will use anything if it lends any support at all to their thesis.


Section three is about the occult supernaturalism within the Vatican.

Section three is excellent. It builds a very strong case that the Roman Catholic system is an occultist system being led by Satan. The authors are spot on when they say that the Vatican wants control over the holy sites. The Vatican is very likely to get control over the holy sites in some U.N. or European brokered peace deal. This has been the plan in the Vatican for decades.

If that should take place, the idea that a Papal figure will be the False Prophet becomes a likelihood, especially if Marian deceptions coming from the Queen of Heaven Demon, are part of the signs and wonders that we are told the False Prophet will display.


Section four is about the next Papal Conclave and end time timings

This section gives theories and speculations and much gossip about Vatican power players, and it comes up with several candidates for Petrus Romanus.

There is also quite a bit of conjecture here on the third Fatima prophecy. What it all boils down to is that we still do not know what that “prophecy” actually said.

We also need to keep in mind that the Fatima prophecies did not come from God, so why do the authors act as if these messages did? The Marian apparitions are obvious demonic deceptions. They have a false message and a false gospel so why would anyone look for truth about the future in the demonic?

Throughout the two books that I have read by Tom Horn, he conveys the idea that if it is supernatural, or if it is a prophecy about the future, that he believes it, or perhaps he is trying to convince us to believe it.

There is a strange conflict in this book that cannot be logically resolved in my mind. The authors use half the book outlining why the Roman Papal System is Satanic but in this last section they want us to believe that a Satanic system recently infiltrated this already Satanic system? I should believe that the evil Papal System they spent 220 pages describing before Vatican II was less demonic than the post Vatican II reformers? In the earlier sections, they make a compelling case that Satan controlled the Vatican since its creation and then in this last section they argue that Lucifer became enthroned in the Roman Church in 1963?

The concept suggested in this book, is that a Satanic Cabal of Roman Cardinals that supported Vatican II are corrupting the already corrupted demonic Babylonian Papal system? The logic here really escapes me. I should believe that a Satanic controlled Papal System is now being corrupted by Satanic Vatican modernists with a New World Order Masonic  connection? Can the Satanic corrupt the Satanic? I guess the authors have to horn in the Masonic Antichrist somewhere in this theory.


Near the end of this last section, there is a summary that has fourteen brief statements that support why Petrus Romanus will come in 2012.

I will summarize them for you, so hang on to your seat:

Four of the reasons why the great tribulation will come in 2012 are based on interpretations of Mayan or other native American prophecies (They were Satanic they all worshiped the creation).

One is based on an interpretation of a passage in the mystical Kabbalah Zohar (The Zohar is Satanic)

One is because the Hindu Kali Yuga calendar ends the age in 2012. (All calendars do end and start over and Hinduism is Satanic)

One quotes Tom Horn’s own “Apollyon Rising 2012” book where Horn assigns dates to the steps on the Great Seal of the United States (The start date is a bit screwy if you ask me and Mason occultism is Satanic).

Another claim is that Jonathan Edwards tied the arrival of the Antichrist and Great Tribulation period to 2012. This is all based on a variation of the historicist day=year theory (and now you know why the authors want us to believe there is truth in the historicist view.) Edwards thought the Antichrist would come 1260 years from a temporal pope in 756 AD. Those with this method of Bible prophecy interpretation love to use the day=year theory and historically they are always proven wrong, By the way, this was supposed to have happened in May 2012, so what Jonathan Edwards claimed is already proven wrong.

They also use the belief of Reverend William J. Reid for a reason for their 2012 date. Read more than a hundred years ago, said that the tribulation would come in 2012 (he also was a historicist that just repeated Jonathan Edwards error or just repeated what Jonathan Edwards believed.) If anyone wants to find a historicist view to support any certain year for the coming Antichrist I am sure they can find some. Their day-year dating theories abounded since the late 1800’s and many of them end in different years because the years vary with their endless formulas.

A further reason given by the Authors is there is a Web Bot Project where the bot was analyzing search results but apparently took on a mind of its own and while tapping into the collective unconscious began making accurate predictions about the future (I kid you not). Among other things the robot is foretelling global devastation for late December 2012. (Do you see any circular reasoning here when everyone is talking about the end coming in 2012?)

Another reason given is that there is a Presidential election in 2012 in the United States. (So what does that prove?? There is an election every four years.)

A further reason given was that the UN will get a new leader in 2012. (Actually the same leader was reelected in the fall of 2011 and his term expires 31 December 2016).

And the last but least reason, Petrus Romanus is predicted to arrive in 2012 by this book?? 😆

That pretty well sums up the support in the book for the False prophet and Great Tribulation arriving in 2012. I think Christians should be able to see just how weak this 2012 argument is. Cherry picking Satanic pagan verses out of countless ancient documents within world databases proves nothing. Then data stuffing what was found with trivial information to make it seem more credible, just makes it less credible.


The theory might fly better if they left the dating predictions out because things might even eventually happen somewhat like Horn thinks. Some Cardinals will probably do their best to create a self-fulfilling prophecy and the Vatican most likely will be taking over the holy sites in the future as some solution to world peace. The idea that Marian deceptions will play a role makes sense if you consider that lying signs and wonders will accompany the False Prophet. I cannot think of any deception that would have more of an effect on people, other than a claimed alien landing. Perhaps one will even complement the other. Of course, if the book left out all the pagan speculations and date setting, it would be a history book and nobody would buy it.

The next pope could very well be the very last pope and he may even be the False prophet, but even if he is, that pope could reign for another 20 years before the real end time events occur.

All this 2012 hype coming from pagan sources makes me wonder if we are in for some false deception at the end of 2012. Why are people trying to find the future in the demonic? They are asking to be deceived. A world war is not unlikely in 2012. In a few years demonic powers might just want people on earth to believe that the earth already went through the great tribulation and that the Antichrist and False prophet are past subjective history when in fact they will still be just around the bend.

Nothing else seems to explain all the 2012 hype about the end of the age that ignores biblical discernment and good exegesis in its madness to try to convince people that they will soon be fighting some Antichrist in name of God and country. We know things like this have happened in the past under time of world duress, but few learn from the past. Apparently religious people are always looking for prophecy to be fulfilled within their own generation.

This book is pretty good at hedging bets. It will claim to be right if the Roman Church is the Harlot, or produces the Antichrist, or the False Prophet. The problem is that the book does not tell us how the Roman Church could fulfill more than one entity. How can the Harlot also be the False prophet when according to Revelation the ten kings that support the Antichrist will hate and burn the Harlot?

Are we to believe that the 10 kings that give their power to the Beast and hate the Harlot enough to burn her with fire are also burning the people who follow the False Prophet to the Antichrist? It just does not add up, and other theories in the book do not add up either. At least they do not adequately explain how their theories jive with what the scriptures actually say. I guess it is possible that the last pope will depart and then lead the destruction of his own church.

There is much more that could be said about the contents of this book but I know readers are already getting eyestrain. The book is worthwhile to learn things about the history and the wretched practices of the Roman Catholic Church and the book has good information about the infighting within the Vatican and it should warn us that nothing but deception will be coming out of the Vatican system in the future. The book does give food for thought.

I can recommend the book for the few people left in our generation that can still think critically. I cannot recommend it for most Christians and I think non Christians could be misled by this book.

In general, there is little or nothing in this book that will help people find the Lord or to help Christians grow spiritually.  I am really concerned about Christian forums that are supporting and hosting people who base their end time views on pagan prophecies.

The Bible said this time would come. There is little sound doctrine to be found in this book. The scriptures that are quoted seem to be used to support concepts that the scripture quoted is not even addressing. In my opinion, much of this book is just an exercise of trying to find the future in the demonic.

2 Ti 4:2  Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
3  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4  And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

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13 thoughts on “Petrus Romanus: an exercise in finding the future in the demonic

  1. I appreciate your comments re Petrus Romanus. As with anything prophetic, it must be covered with prayer so that The Holy Spirit can lead us into all truth and will either confirm with Scripture or lead us away from the error.
    Regarding the Catholic Church, we know it is far from the true Church, it set up as Antichrist, meaning it draws people them rather than leading people to Christ. Your concern about demons giving prophesy, maybe we do need some insider information since so many are deceived!!

  2. If you would like to see a historical fiction account of the prophecy see my new book “The Malachy Prophecy” on Amazon, in either paperback or Kindle edition. What if the last Pope is not the anti-christ but something else? What would he be? Who might control him? Can he be stopped? The whole Malachy Prophecy is an interesting business. The man predicted the time and place of his own death!
    William Johnson

  3. William,

    What is a historical fiction account? It seems to me that if it is historical it is not fiction and if it is fiction it is not history.

    Since you asked, Nobody selling many books is saying that the next Pope is the Antichrist although some are saying that He is the False Prophet.

    What would he be if he does not fit that role? How about a transvestite queen that completes the role of the harlot of Revelation 17?

    Who might control him/her? Eunuchs that double as Vatican choir boys? Can he be stopped? Obviously, after all, he is supposed to be the last Pope.

    Anyone can predict the time and place of their own death if they had a part in making that death happen. Or it even could be that the prediction of his death was written by someone else in hindsight in order to make Malachy seem like a prophet. You are assuming that St Malachy wrote the prophecy that have been attributed to him but most researchers and historians say at least the prophecy of the popes was written centuries latter by someone else.

  4. All good points. Historical fiction is a well known genre of books. It combines real events with fictional story lines.

    Also a good point on Saint Malachy. It may well be that he never wrote the prophecy. One can never say for sure that he authored the prophecy. I just wanted to write it so that it wasn’t the anti-christ but that there was still a villain in the piece. Certainly, his prophecy (or whoever’s it is) could have been talking about the gradual decline of the church. Not being a Catholic (although my ancestry is all Catholic back to 1668 in Maryland) I am not in a position to judge. However, if one if looking for moral decline the sexual abuse scandal within the Catholic church seems to meet that criteria. I meant no offense to Cathollcs, My cousin is a Priest. I just wanted to write a book that incorporated something about the prophecy and worked in my home state of Maryland and my family genealogy.

    Thanks for your constructive comments!
    Bill Johnson

  5. William,

    I now get what historical fiction is, it like the moves that we see today where they revise history to fit the message that the producer wants to sell. The latest example being the “Lincoln” movie.

    Actually some into this Catholic prophecy mysticism say there will be more than one person claiming to be the legitimate pope. That is not so far fetched, there were times in history where there was more than one claim to the throne. Soon there will be two popes in the Vatican and if the homosexual scandals are exposed it could get quite convoluted. Perhaps the black pope (head of the Jesuit order) will even take charge if it gets out of hand. Or maybe the election will be disputed. Who knows, but there could be several people being recognized at the only legitimate pope at the same time.

    Anyway, it could get interesting,

    Good luck with your book.

  6. I have a feeling this will get interesting. There is more there than meets the eye. Are you familiar with the story of the murder of Alois Estermann? If not google it. Interesting theories on what was going on within the Swiss Guards.
    Thanks for the good wishes.

    Bill Johnson

  7. Don,

    I think it was Hal Lindsay on his last show that said that, while he doesn’t put a lot of credence in the Malachy Pope Prophecy (vs The Holy Bible), it is odd that the Vatican denied the prophecy, yet had it housed and protected in the Vatican.

    And, according to Hal Lindsay, it was then “rediscovered” in 1590…so the pre-written authorship of the Pope’s could not have happened beyond 1590, making the (cryptic) prophecies valid at least since 1590.

    Personally, I have no idea what actually happened through history or who is telling the truth now.

    Nostradamus apparently nailed some future events also, but was obviously not a prophet.

    For me, like everything else, there is only one truly dependable writing in history, and that of course, is The Holy Bible.

  8. ~David,

    As I said, the cryptic prophecies of the popes are in the eyes of the beholder. Anyone that reads what was said critically can see that the prophecy really says nothing solid about any of the popes since 1600 except for the last one. If it were not for the fact that people counted the popes until the last pope this “prophecy” would not even be worth a mention today. Having said that, there are people that will try to use what people are expecting toward their own end.

    As for Nostradamus, I would dispute what you said, I have analyzed all the quatrains and there again the meaning is in the eyes of the language interpreter and the reader. I guess if I wrote over one thousand short quatrains about the future in Latin something would sound like a hit when someone biased interpreted it into English. Even so, I have never read one of Nostradamus quatrains that sounded like a direct hit.

    Keep in mind that the latest contemporary authors that interpret his writing interpret some of his quatrains to make him sound like a prophet and sound relevant or they would not be selling any books.

  9. Cryptic Prophecies…. Pope Benedict 16 “Glory of the Olive”, John Paul the II- “From the Labor of the Son”, Benedict 15 “Religion Depopulated”… These don’t seem so cryptic to me. At least Tom Horn has the guts to dive into prophecy research, it seems to me that Christians, as a group, are petrified of The Book of Revelation and barely have a grasp on the Book of Daniel. I can tell you this, It isn’t preferred reading during Church service now is it. You almost write your review like Tom Horn is the False Prohpet himself, I mean there is no doubting your position on the author. Giving most of the credit, when you do, of the book to John MacArthur.
    However I digress, but I would say doesn’t the book of Revelation and the book of Daniel have set in it times or a frame of time when this will all happen. Well I don’t know if you noticed but Israel is a Country and has been one since 1948. Biblical Prophecy is being fulfilled at a pretty alarming rate and the world seems to age 40 years in 5 now. I mean I wouldn’t be so quick to say that you won’t be hear when the games begin, maybe you won’t, but I or my children might and I thank Tom Horn, Chris Putnam and their Ghostwriter John MacArthur, Mr. Crackers and Grape Juice himself should be applauded for shedding light on some ancient prophecies and beliefs that may be beholden to the people running this world (or do you disagree that we are heading for a world order, world religion, and world currency?). I think total dismissal of books and authors in this genre because they have taken sources from the occult or kaballah is undermining the Christian community. Tom Horn doesn’t tout the occult, but attempts to EXPOSE these ancient writings and pophecies and put them into public view (isn’t that the duty of a Christian). The next book will touch on UFO’s and ET’s and what the RCC is preparing for… WHAT are they preparing for and why do they have a telescope on MT Grahm named LUCIFER?? Or because its the RCC and they lose in the end the book isn’t worth the paper it is printed on? Personally I want to know what the RCC is hiding and any peep hole into that arena is worth the look. The Bible says that a strong deception will fool the masses and with the conditioning on TV, movies, music etc… I can see people falling for something like this. As a Christian reading his OR ANY OTHER commentary including your’s, I believe discernment is key. Oh and while it was mentioned in the book briefly the idea that nostradamus was the author of the prophecies doesn’t fit his style and he has a quatrain already about a young black red leading the papacy in times of tribulatio I believe if I am not mistaken and we know that Peter Turkson isn’t pope 112.

  10. Daniel,

    Believe me, Horn’s books have very little on Revelation or Daniel except when it serves the author’s purpose. It certainly is not a commentary on those books. If pastors were to teach Tom Horn’s conjectures from the pulpit they would not be pastors much longer.

    It was the book authors that said the history of the Roman Catholic Church came from John Mac Arthur’s teachings. Seems to me that the history was about a third of the book and that part is accurate because it is based on historical fact and not on pagan writings.

    If you read a bit of this website you would know that I teach that we are very near the end times. However, Tom Horn already has us in the tribulation. That is not possible.

    Frankly, I look forward to reading his next book because he does good research and some of what he says is good information to know if you are dealing with this topic. I think I can sort out fact from conjecture. However, Horn’s timing is off because he thinks Satan sets the timing or knows the timing, that is why he uses satanic verses to set dates. Scripture is clear that the timing is in the Father’s authority alone.

    Can you imagine if new Christians were believing everything Tom Horn said in His prior books and bought into all the 2012 Mayan and other pagan prophecies that Horn threw in to prove Apollonian was rising in 2012? Well, it did not happen. Besides that, what good will it do Christians to know pagan conjectures about the future. Tom Horn does not even have a clear salvation message in his books, if I recall correctly.

    Horn might be a good researcher and get some general themes correct but for ungrounded or suggestible Christians throwing a few scriptures in with a lot of pagan stuff will just lead them astray.

    When this stuff does not pan out in Horn’s timing there will be many more that will give up on Bible prophecy. What they do not know is that Horn, for the most part, is not teaching Bible prophecy. He is teaching conjectures founded on Satanic verses.

  11. Everyone is missing the elephant in the room. Just look at what the Catholic Church teaches:- worship Mary, queen of heaven, Mary mother of God = Ishtar old pagan stuff.
    Pope wears the diadem on his head and is infallable
    Idols everywhere, pray to “saints”
    Jesus is the only mediator between God & man!
    Trans-substansiation. Its all so wrapped up in mysticism, pagan gods & pagan thinking
    Who cares if this is the false prophet, I know I wont be following him anyway.
    I left the Catholic Church, as any true Christian would, once I started reading the Scriptures
    Check out Rob Sciba on facebook it will give you more to muse on!

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