Rule by we the people, or rule by a dictator and appointed judges?

A federal judge has now told the government that the Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell law for people serving in the military is unconstitutional after being in effect in this nation for 17 years. So now the military is suddenly told to allow open homosexuals to serve. However, before that DADT law was even passed, homosexuals were not allowed in the military for the whole prior history of this nation. So if this seventeen year old DADT law was stuck down it seems to me that the previous rule of law for the military should remain in effect. That law was that anyone found to be engaging in homosexual activity in the military would be disciplined and probably given a discharge.

In fact, sodomy was against the law in most places in America until recently. Judges throughout most of American history had no problem upholding various laws against sodomy until communists and socialists started pushing their anti Christian moral relativism brainwashing agenda on society.

This is just my opinion since I do not know the facts of this case but I think that this whole case was nothing but a setup by Obama and company to force homosexuality in the military. Let me explain my reasoning for thinking this.

We know that Obama and company were actively pushing the homosexual agenda ever since he took office but I think they ran into resistance in the Senate and the Military. They knew they were running out of time and that they would never get this Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell law repealed in the next Senate. So they are going to push DADT in the lame duck session and if somehow the Republicans block it, they now have this fallback plan to implement homosexuality in the military by judical decree.

I think Obama or some in his Executive Branch found a convenient case and a convenient judge that they knew would side for homosexuals against the government. I also do not rule out that there is a division in the administration and that they are working against each other.

I have no proof but I think some in the Executive Branch and homosexuals conspired up some straw man case in order to do an end run around any possible resistance. I read that the government presented a very weak case for the defense of the DADT law and obviously I believe they presented that weak case on purpose. I believe losing the case was a foregone conclusion.

They now know that it will be very difficult to stop what they have set up. The government probably will appeal it to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco to pretend that they are opposing this ruling but I think they know darn well that the 9th Circuit is the most liberal court of appeals in the nation and that the ruling will be upheld there.

It seems to me that the plan is that if they do not get the DADT repealed in the lame duck session of Congress the Obama administration will just drop the case or do their very best to lose the appeal and they will not appeal any decision against them. Therefore the DADT law would be overturned by the Judiciary instead of Congress. Either way the Obama administration can’t lose. They get what they want and that is open homosexually forced on the military.

By the way, when the DADT is overturned or repealed no Chaplin in the military will be able to preach that Homosexuality is a sin or that this practice is wrong. I also believe that no military member will be able to say such things to any other military member. Everyone will have to watch what they say and heterosexuals will be walking on egg shells when they talk about sex.

That is my view of this one issue, but what I am even more concerned about is that any one of the over one thousand federal judges have the authority to stop the implementation of any legislation that they do not like. I question if we the people can rule this nation under the system we now find ourselves under? If we the people can be ruled by a near dictatorship Executive Branch (as we are) and if we can be ruled by any whim of any one of the over one thousand federal judges then we no longer live in a representative democracy.

These federal judges can be used to do Executive Branch bidding to monkey wrench anything passed by Congress. Also, I am very concerned about rulings that actually come from the worldview of the judge rather than any reasonable interpretation of our Constitution.

If you recall, the will of the people of California on marriage was also overruled by just one homosexual judge. So what direction are we going here with this self serving judicial activism? Should just any low level federal judge be allowed to stop any law that Congress passes and that the President signs?

Sure, the ruling can be appealed but often by the time it gets up to the high courts the people have already been “socially engineered” (brainwashed) by the media and our government run education system. Those that are pushing their own national agendas are using, and they will continue to use, hand selected federal judges to make national policy.

Rather than Congress making laws, judges with their own agendas will only allow the laws they want. They will not just interpret the Constitution they will be using their own worldview to make public policy.

In other words, if this continues, appointed judges will be ruling this country instead of the people we elected to represent us.

I am saying that the whole system of checks and balances set up by our forefathers to protect the people from tyrannical government is out of whack.  We now not only have a President and Executive Branch with near dictatorial powers, we also have some in the Judiciary that work against the people to try to force the whole nation to follow their own liberal amoral agenda.

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8 thoughts on “Rule by we the people, or rule by a dictator and appointed judges?

  1. Yeah, America / USA is pretty much a foregone conclusion, with or without an EMP / CME; Frankly, a EMP / CME would possibly take the “power” back from the “out of wack” anti-constitutional fascist judicially appointed government; If they push the military too far, it’s pretty much over; The system needs a way to remove these anti-constitutional fascist judges, which is long overdue; I doubt the republicans will do anything but shrug it off; The USA was;

  2. Agreed. Well put. “Watch and Pray”… I’m sticking with that (ok, and there’s read [as in, King James Bible, that is]).

  3. For those that already read this article I made a few revisions based on new knowledge of the Obama administration intent to repeal DADT in the lame duck session of Congress.

  4. “you are so brave Don”
    A comment that I want to say on this blog is that I respect the people who make
    comments on this site. I usually understand what people are saying. Sometimes,
    my comments may be the frosting of the discussion. Personally, I support the active military very passionately. How far will the liberals push the homosexual envelope? Recently, I was out in public and two middle aged gay women were sitting together snuggling. They were sharing one blanket in a lovey dovey way.
    I was not offended by that. Should humans born male be alllowed to dress as a female and serve in the military? Should the military be forced to pay for their genital adjustment surgeries? I believe homosexuals who privately engage in homosexual activity should be respected. Last year, a female military commander testified that she has had a long term relationship with another female. She expressed her concerns that she could face discipline for maintaining this relationship. Homosexuals should be allowed to tell but not show their homosexuality while on duty or in uniform.

  5. I believe that the majority of Americans expect a handout. And until they start focusing on advancing their lives and the lives of others then NO candidate or political party can or will make a positive difference in American society.

    I think this goes along with 2 Thessalonians 3:10. ‘For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.”‘

  6. Actually, I think DADT is unconstituional myself because government should not be dictating free speech.

    There have been homosexuals in the military forever and there will continue to be homosexuals in the military. The real issue is should those that are found to be engaging in homosexuality activity be allowed to stay in the military?

    I personally don’t think a person should be discharged for sinful private sin choices unless it can be shown that what they do in private degrades the mission of the military. Bad conduct while on duty does impact the mission of the military but I think it is up to the military to define the rules.

    Obviously the military allows people to abuse alcohol while off duty but they have no tolerance for alcohol use while on duty or in restrictive settings. This should also be true for sexual activity. If we discharged all in the military that commit adultery, smoke marijuana, look at porn, abused alcohol etc, while off duty, we would have few people left in the military.

    Here is the crux of the issue for me. People are trying to make homosexuality a third gender with special rights as such. Homosexuality is not a gender it is a choice. I do not want people expecting me to pay the living expenses of their homosexual choice, and I do not want to pay to ship this choice overseas as if they were the husband or wife of a military member. That is what is going to happen under the Obama administration.

    My concern is making those choosing to live in sin a privileged third gender of untouchables and I am concerned about the restriction of free expression of Christian beliefs in the military.

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