The revived Roman Empire Beast emerges with Fascist Socialism

With the events going on in Europe and the Middle East I have to wonder if we might be seeing the foundations of the revived Roman Empire being lain before our eyes.

The debt crises in Europe means that the EU countries will either have to withdraw from the EU and go back to being independent nations or that there will be a further consolidation of power in Europe. I think the latter will happen and a United States of Europe or new Roman Empire will emerge with a central government that will take away national sovereignty. I am betting that Europe will become more centralized and much more Fascist as Fabian Socialism causes many nations in Europe to go broke.

The old Roman Empire also included much of the Arab nations of the Middle East and North Africa. So, what we see going on with the Arab Spring uprisings could also fit in the big picture for a revived Roman Empire.

I do not think Western Europe will federalize and then ignore the North African countries and the Middle East. I look for a merger of Western Europe and the Mediterranean States to happen once the old dictators are overthrown and the Muslim states of the Middle East and North Africa are taken over by those more willing to be part of a new rising world power, where religion is less radical and statist socialism prevails. At least I think that is now the plan of the globalist elite running Europe.

If it does not happen by peaceful revolution, I think in Libya we saw the pilot project of how it will be achieved by military force. Next will be Syria. The European powers will use NATO under the cover of the UN Responsibility to Protest doctrine (R2P) to achieve the revived Roman Empire goal.

With the Arab Spring uprisings backed by the socialist West, the old Arab dictators and ruling families are now falling like dominoes. What will replace these ruling families is open for discussion. Some think the Muslim brotherhood will take over the whole area. Others think Iran will. But, I am inclined to think  that in the long run, they will all be incorporated into a new Roman Beast that will have the land area of the last Roman Empire.

This is not going to all happen overnight and the path to get there is going to be full of minefields. The latest being Syria and stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons.

I think Russia understands the strategic long-term importance of what is happening in the Middle East and that is the reason for their naval show of force off the coast of Syria. They are even sending their only aircraft carrier into the area. Russia greatly fears a centralized Europe influencing the shaping of the Middle East. Syria is an ally of Russia and Syria has strategic value to Russia and so does Iran.

I think the show of force by Russia is to discourage Western intervention in Syria but I do not think Russia is in any position to actually confront NATO. Russia just raised the stakes in the Middle East poker game and Russia hopes that NATO will fold rather than see the bet. Any Russia war with the West could quickly go nuclear because Russia does not have much of a conventional force. Therefore, Russia has been letting NATO know that if necessary they would not hesitate to use  their nuclear forces against superior conventional forces.

Even so, I do not think Russia is going to risk everything over Syria. I do not think the Russian presence there is going to change whatever NATO intends to do in the area either. The Russians just may want to be able to get their people out of Syria if they are at risk.

As Europe centralizes in the near future, the paranoid Russians led by Putin will create a new Soviet Union called the Eurasian Union. Russia and a couple of nations already have plans to see this Eurasian Union in place within the next three years. I am sure other Eastern Europeans nations and nations southeast of Russia will also join, and others will be blackmailed to join. I suppose this union will evolve into a centralized power that is once again controlled by Russia.

Then presto, the world will be right back in the cold war era. The Eurasian Union will become the enemy of the revived Roman Empire and this Eurasian block will set the stage for the later Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 war when a great host of nations comes down from the north and east against Israel. I do not mention the United States because I am not sure we will be in the picture much longer.

Getting back to what is happening right now. Turkey intends to establish a safe zone within Syria for the Free Syrian Army that is rebelling against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. That of course is the start of increasing civil war in Syria with Turkey backing the Syrian resistance to overthrow Assad and his military dictatorship. Turkey is probably only waiting for the okay from the Arab league to implement the military action. Syria just ignored the proposals and the dead-line given to Syria by the Arab league to comply. The dead-line expired yesterday and the Arab league will be meeting this weekend to decide a course of action.

Supposedly, NATO will not get involved in direct military action against Syria, but I think that claim is just for public consumption. Turkey is a NATO member and NATO will certainly be backing Turkey. If Syria then attacks the homeland of Turkey in any way, NATO becomes obligated by treaty to militarily assist Turkey against Syria.

Turkey has a population of about 70 million and that is about equal to the population of Iran. Turkey has the six largest army in the world. With NATO backing, Turkey could control much of the region.

If Assad was taken out of the picture, the primary focus would be a revolution in Iran (before, during or after an airstrike on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard). Make no mistake, 90 percent of the Iranian people hate the Islamic regime controlling Iran. If this is done right, a protracted war with Iran can be avoided.

Then with the Saudis and Iraqis aligning with the Turks and Egypt, we can see that there might be temporary peace in the Middle East with Israel and the West.

It’s hard to say exactly what Israel’s role would be in all this. Perhaps her mission will be to clean out the terrorist organizations in Lebanon, Gaza and Jordan.

When then does the Psalm 83 war happen?  It probably cannot happen at this time because Arab nations have too much internal turmoil. However, it could take Israel years to clean up the terrorist entities around them. It is possible that their actions in doing so, will make the Arabs go ballistic. Then possibly led by Egypt they will get the Arab league to agree to cut off Israel from being a nation. Turkey is not Arab. It is not mentioned in Psalm 83. Turkey does not come against Israel until the Ezekiel 38-39 war.

There are going to be a lot of twists and turns in the Middle East, so anyone who thinks they have this all figured out is just blowing smoke. That Arab Psalm 83 invasion is not going to happen once Israel become part of the new Roman Empire.  So if my theory is correct, this war somehow fits in before all the Mediterranean states merge with this revived Beast.

The war itself might bring the compromise to end these Middle East wars and create a climate for prosperity. This brokered peace could be why the Prince of the Roman Empire mentioned by Daniel, confirms a peace covenant with the many (nations) within the empire for seven years.

The Psalm 83 war could happen very rapidly and even require Israel to go nuclear and then the war will end very quickly with the rising European superpower brokering an end to the conflict and enforcing a toning down of radical Islam.

Those within the new Roman Empire will have the forces of NATO (or whatever they change the name of their military arm to). Here is an addition thought. If the United States goes down the tubes because of an EMP or internal strife, much of their military equipment might be turned over to NATO. With NATO enforcing the R2P doctrine of the UN you might see why people on earth are saying who can war against the Beast (Rev 13:4)?

The reason why Israel is living in security at the time of the Gog war could be because Israel takes over and controls much of the land that is now occupied by the Arabs, or it could be because the revived Roman Empire is already in place and all these Arab nations have become member states. In fact, the whole Roman Empire could govern by regions or through ten zones (already proposed).

It is very difficult to picture an Israeli nation of several million occupying and controlling what is now Arab land and still living in peace. But it is not impossible to picture all these nations being states in the same federalized Roman Union in the aftermath of a great war.

If Jesus would have been accepted by Israel as Messiah, what would have happened? True, it could not have happened in God’s foreknowledge. But, I think we still have to assume the possibility for that to happen would have to exist, or the heavenly watchers and human race would have had scripted events ( if the Jews could not have believed). Therefore, I would think that under the false Messiah, Israel and the whole area will be much like it was in the days of Jesus, and Israel will once again be a state within the Roman Empire.

Some might say the Muslims in the Middle East will not make peace with Israel. Perhaps, but people get tired of war and a non aggressive form of Islam can emerge. After all, the real goal is world socialism. Islam is a form of theocratic socialism. While European Fabian socialism is run by a secular elite in partnership with the theology coming from the Vatican. Much of the rest of the world is either under some form of Marxist/Leninist socialism or Fascist socialism and both of them are rooted in spiritualism and the occult. So statist government and harlot religion work toward the same socialist end.

If anyone wants to deny that the world has been taken over by socialism, just read the UN charter. Read agenda 21, it is the sustainable development plan for the world which almost all governments are now implementing.  America has been one of the few nations that still believes in individual liberty instead of collective thinking, but that is rapidly changing. After all, central government in the United States now just about controls everyone and everything. The sheeple just elected a known Fabian socialist to be President and to redistribute the wealth of the rich and middle class to the government plantation slaves.

American socialism controls the media, the education systems, the Protestant Left, most multinational corporations and most foundations. Nobody comes out of universities like Harvard or seminaries without being brainwashed by world socialism dressed in many disguises such as “social justice”, “climate change” or “religious pluralism”.

Some might argue that capitalism proves that we are not under socialism. However, true capitalism is free enterprise and normal economics without undue government intervention. It hardly exists anymore, and what remains of capitalistic free enterprise is under attack. When government bureaucrats decide which private corporations live and die, and how they live and die, you are under state controlled crony capitalism or Fascism.

Unless there is radical change in the United States, true capitalism in the future will only be very limited and localized and even that will be so over regulated and taxed that most private businesses will fold. Only state allowed and regulated corporations with a socialized peon working class will exist when Fascist socialism takes total control of a nation.

How many in the United States even know that 1/4 of the House of Representatives are true socialists and they control most of the important committees? We ought to call a spade a spade. The truth is that those on the Left are socialists, Those that call themselves liberals or progressives in this country are most often socialists and most people in labor unions or the Democratic Party have bought into socialism. Even many Republicans are socialists. They are enemies of our Constitution, inalienable rights given by God and the American dream.

Most of the entitlement programs that bankrupted this nation are products of socialism. The socialists set up a progressive tax system that will rob from those that create wealth and give the money to government plantation slaves. The end result will be that nobody will want to create wealth anymore and the only jobs will be government jobs or jobs in the crony too-big-to-fail multinational corporations.

The national debt and the fractional banking system are in place to create inflation so that money loses 95 percent of its value over 50 years. That is to keep anyone from saving for the future. Under this demonic economic system it is better to go into debt, because in the future you can pay back the debt in dollars that are worth far less.

Socialist Keynesian economics’ real purpose is to destroy capitalism. It is a great way to rob the wealth of people without them even catching on that the government has been robbing them through inflation. The socialists sell the population on social security and medical trust funds but then they just rob the trust funds and tax others to pay the entitlement funds that they robbed. Then to ice the cake they purposely understate inflation so people receiving the entitlements will get shorted on cost of living adjustments.

The Federal Reserve creates money out of nothing whenever they wish to purposely create more inflation. They answer to no one. They then buy up government debt to keep interest rates under the true inflation rate so those living on a nest egg get almost no interest on their savings and lose buying power each month. So people on fixed incomes continually get poorer while the government says that we are in an economic recovery?

The biggest holder of our national debt is the Federal Reserve but if their holdings fall even 2 percent in value taxpayers will have to bail them out. Now they are talking about printing even more money to buy even more of our debt. Is this just insanity, or really the planned destruction of the dollar?

People want to blame the bankers, and sure, some of them are part of this deceptive system, but it’s not the bankers, it’s the socialists that are running the bankers. Socialism wants to have one class where all are equal (except for the more evolved socialist elite running the world). The real goal of socialism is to destroy the rich and middle class and have a worker class and privileged class.

I am just pointing out that the world has for the most part already been taken over by the socialists. Their goal is a socialist world government run by the “more evolved” elite. The power struggles coming in the future is what brand of socialism will control the socialist world government? Remember we already did that power struggle once in World War II with the Fabians and Marxists fighting against the Fascists.

There are four major branches of socialism in the world:

There are the Fabian socialists of Europe and elsewhere that think world socialism needs to come about gradually by peace, persuasion and deception. They have had the upper hand in the West since world War II.

There are the Marxist/Leninist socialists that think that world socialism is best accomplished through violent revolution and war. They think the working class should take the world by force. They had the upper hand in much of the world in the cold war era and they killed about 100 million people in the 20th century trying to bring in their utopian form of socialism. They were almost defeated but they are now making a comeback in some countries.

There are the Fascist socialists that tried to take over the world in the 1930’s and 40’s. They were defeated by the Marxists and the Fabians but Fascist socialism with its crony capitalism and statist control over everything and everyone is also making a big comeback in Northern Europe, Russia, and in North America. China is also now morphing from Marxism to Fascism.

The Islamic socialists have 64 nations, 1/4 of the world. Even so, the socialist elite in the other socialisms cannot endure a made up religion with many crazy laws controlling even their own lives. So Islam is not ever going to take over the world. Islam will be put down by force if necessary.

If I had to bet which form of socialism takes over the world and which one the Antichrist rises in, I would have to bet on Fascism. After all, it is not far-fetched to think that the Antichrist will be like Hitler taken to another level. As Fabian socialism fails, as one nation after another goes bankrupt, the leaders will turn toward Fascism.

Anyway, my point is that we are now seeing a realignment of many nations and at some point all this turmoil and shape-shifting among the nations will produce the revived Roman Empire. I even read that one leader in Europe has said that Europe needs a revived Roman Empire. Perhaps by sometime in the next decade we will see ten zones in this new empire with ten regional leaders. Then we know the end is about upon us.

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45 thoughts on “The revived Roman Empire Beast emerges with Fascist Socialism

  1. Hi Don, Things have been quiet but this article certainly makes up for it. Great stuff.

    Your analysis on the world being under socialism is, to my mind, spot on. And the Biblical description of Anti-Christ is certainly Fascist in flavour.

    I have thought in the past that although the ‘elite’ seem to be using Islam as a weapon of fear, would they be able to control the insanity that is Islam without a destructive and bloody guerilla war against them.

    Perhaps the Israelis will start the disintegration of Islam in the Psalm 83 scenario and God will put the finishing touches in the Gog destruction on the hills of Judea and beyond. I realise there are many more Muslims in Asia but the heart will be ripped out of Islam with these two destructive events proving the impotency of allah.

    Whatever way it pans out, the known Biblical facts give believers a solid framework upon which to hang their own particular views. It is an interesting exercise and one that though ever-shifting, is still identifiable as heading towards the biblical end of the Gentile age.

  2. Hi Brian,

    People in the world in any religion right now, are either going to have to come to the realization that YHWH the God of Israel is God, or some man claiming to be God is God.

  3. I tend to agree with Brian. Moslems feel Jerusalem (under Jewish control) is an insult to Allah, which they need to remedy. After the Israelis pound them one more time – Psalm 83 seems to indicate a pretty sound pounding – many Islamists will lose faith (IMHO).

    Darwinism and secularist thinkers are losing credibility and there are few options left for God deniers. Where can they go? I guess the Church of Oprah is still an option.

    Mormons appear ready to try and fill the gap.

    Question: Does there seem to be any movement toward bringing the Mormons and Vatican together?

  4. I think the Mormons are going to have to give it up before long. The religion has no foundation the only thing it has in common with the Catholics and Liberals is paganism

  5. To Bob From Texas:
    Here is a clip of Glen Beck describing his visit to the Vatican. Interesting, eh?

    Well, we will watch and see…..and I bet your current blog will be the stuff of future headlines!
    They’ve been working towards this for a long time.

  6. After years of wrestling with unfulfilled prophecies, I am beginning to come down on the side that there will definately be an Ezekiel 38-39 war before the anti-Christ makes his appearance on earth. This war certainly fills the role of the Muslims and their attempt at making their brand of socialism supreme (which I agree with Don that they are the least likely to succeed – especially since God says they lose the war!).

    However, I no longer see the Psalm 83 war you speak of as actually occuring. Too much to quote here – but go ahead and reread Psalm 83. It really sounds more like a discovered conspiracy to destroy Israel between the various Muslim groups in and around Israel. Once discovered, it sounds like Israel is praying for them to be destroyed like their enemies in the distant past – but it never speaks of the actual destruction by God. This is very much unlike the actual destruction shown in the Ezekiel 38-39 war. So it could well be that we only see that one hot war (Psalm 83 could be considered a cold war) before the anti-Christ is revealed.

    I also lean towards the Facist form of socialism as the one closest to the anti-Christ form of government. He will definately preach the story of how we need to seize necessary resources to take care of the least among us (he will add – since the Christians have failed so miserably at it). He will also be masquerading as a prince of peace so he won’t be able to choose the now reviving Marxist brand – they simply kill too many people to fit his false peace message. As for the Fabians – they take decades to make small progress – way too slow for what the anti-Christ needs to soon pull off in Europe.

    Facist socialism it will be…

  7. Fount,

    Many have your view of Psalm 83. I should have included that as a possibility. I did write that the Psalm 83 might not be a war but then I took it out because I lean toward it actually being a war. However, I did notice that no Psalm 83 war makes my revived Roman Empire integration of nations more plausible in the light of present realities. It took some careful wording on my part to get the revived Roman empire scenario and the Psalm 83 war both to be realities in this article.

  8. Psalm 83: Yes, this does read like a cold war.

    My “uneducation” showing up here: Psalm 83 also doesn’t quite read as a prophecy to me. It reads as if it is happening in Asaph’s time. Although, it also reads as if it’s apropos to the current day as well.

    Granted, many psalms leave me asking: “So, what happened?” In this case, I guess that makes psalm 83 prophetic?

    On an aside, BibleTime on Ubuntu operates way better than the On-Line bible running on windows.

  9. Fount
    Yes Psalm 83 is an imprecatory prayer for the destruction of a federation of enemy Arab peoples, but you will admit the present day reality includes those very peoples and the very words being used by them.

    I agree Psalm 83 does not state their destruction by Israel, but Obadiah vss 15-19 declares that when the day of Jehovah is near upon all the nations, the destruction of Esau (Edom) will occur at the hands of ‘Jacob a fire and Joseph a flame’. I cannot see this as a cold war.

    The same passage shows Gaza and the so called West bank being overrun by Israel.

  10. Don, i did not read this post yet but i’m glad that you have taken 10 days to write a new post. Yes i missed reading your every 3-4 day posts but waiting a little longer so you do not burn yourself out is worth it. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  11. It’s an interesting point that Islam is itself a form of socialism.

    I had for some time wondered about how the EU would pare-down to the ten nation confederation, but it does seem as though this monetary crisis could do exactly that.

    As for here in the US, I’m waiting for all the other sets of shoes to drop…sort of poised on the edge of the abyss, or eternity depending on your perspective!

  12. One of your best articles thanks. Also do you think another war could break out between the “old European nations” for instance at least for now Britain seems reluctant to give up their sovereignty

  13. Isiah 17:1 (Destruction of Damascus) seems to inch closer to fulfillment, daily.

    I often wonder if that will be the fuse that lights a succession of prophetic events in rapid order.

  14. Hi Bob From Texas,

    I don’t know what will light the fuse…but it sure does seem pretty sure to me that when the Middle East war does get underway, it is going to get very chaotic.

    Just yesterday, Iran threatening Turkey (because of NATO membership), Iran sending terrorists to Syria last week to threaten Israel, Russia involvements, Pakistan nukes, etc.

    If God did not tell us through his prophets of these things to come, I’d be very fearful for this world, but instead, I’m elated that we are seeing prophecy-eve as the True And Living God told us would happen.

  15. Frank,

    It is possible that the ten kings could be leaders of ten world zones. Both the ten zones in a revived Roman Empire and 10 regional world zones have been proposed, so perhaps they both can become a reality. The Beast then would come out of the revived Roman Empire zone.

  16. Don, I can’t remember if I’ve asked you this previously, and I know it doesn’t fit with your current thinking regarding the future of America, but is it possible that America, or even all of North America is part of the revived Roman Empire? I understand that geographically speaking it is not, however from an ancestral point of view most North Americans can trace their ancestry back to parts of Europe. What is a country apart from those who occupy it? Who is this anti-christ figure who subdues three horns? Could that be referring to the USA, Canada, Mexico?

  17. Rockets have arrived in Israel from the north…………IDF returned fire.

    What a powder keg.

    2012 is going to be amazing to behold as bible prophecy unfolds before our eyes; like the birth pangs of a woman in labor, faster and harder. Pray that we would be counted worthy to escape what is coming upon the world. Come quickly Lord Jesus

  18. Tim,

    That is really stretching conjecture. The little horn comes up among the ten horns and he removes three of them by the roots. He does not only subdue them.

  19. Ammi commented: “What a powder keg.”

    Yes!! And now Iran is pouring gasoline on it.

    Who will light the match?

    Time for Obama to hit the golf course, again.

  20. Bob From Texas ,
    So much of everything going on in THe Middle East involves Israel directly or indirectly. Since God has Israel’s back , not too worry. I know many don’t understand that God has a special destiny for Israel, but attacking Israel is just stupid , you are guaranteed to lose.

  21. Hi Don, I wrote you a few weeks back about the Mossad presence in Iran. Apparently mystery explosions have occurred since I wrote you. I am a big believer that our Great God works in mysterious ways. i have been told there are numerous Mossad as well as CIA people are at work behind the scenes. For that reason, I believe no attack on Iran will be forthcoming. Forgive me for my naive view point. I say let’s sit back and watch the show. We as Americans will not have a lot to do with this Godly exposition. I remember last years stuxnext worm which would have brought their own missiles back down on them after reaching the appropriate height to arm them selves. Let’s relax and watch the show. Respectfully,Robert

  22. Texas Wolfie,

    It is not reasonable to assume that subversion alone can stop a nuclear program scattered around 40 hardened sites in Iran. There simply is no reason to believe that we should sit back and relax and just watch the show. Its not all about Israel, you know, anyway. Real people in the US or Israel had to work to write the stuxnext worm code and Iran is going to be much more careful in the future.

    Within three years Iran will have ICBM’s that can reach the U.S. and even now we are in EMP danger if they actually have a nuke, and we cannot know for certain that they have not acquired one. In fact, Newt Gingrich said the EMP danger is the number one danger to the survival of this country. Everything is not about what we think we know or what has been released for public consumption either. Iran could have gotten weapons grade nuclear material after the collapse of the old Soviet Union or got it from N. Korea.

    Also, I am getting a little tired hearing about how God will protect Israel even before Israel acknowledges their offense. That is not exactly what Bible prophecy says. Israel accepts the Antichrist and that is why they are protected for the first 3 1/2 years and after some reject the Antichrist Only 1/3 will be refined through the fires of Jacob’s trouble in the mountains of Jordan. The only supernatural protection for Israel that might be prior to that time is from the Gog Magog invasion and nobody really knows for sure when that occurs. If that war is pre-trib, Israel is still deceived by the Antichrist. So let’s stop putting the cart before the horse and making Israel blessed when she really is still under the curse because of unbelief.

  23. Don

    Your post to Texas Wolfie is a great example of the reason so many follow you. Accurately using the facts of the Bible – you weave in real world scenarios that make reasonable sense. Israel will undoubtedly be shifted and refined before it is all done. For those who didn’t understand – your “only 1/3” quote means that is how many will live. Two thirds will die! Interestingly enough the 1/3 is currently in the neighborhood of how many truly devout Jews + the Messianic Jews that are living in Israel. There could be some type of spiritual protection over those groups that leaves them as the refined 1/3. Still – to lose 2 out of every 3 fellow citizens to death may not feel like divine protection at the time…

  24. Thanks Fount,

    I think Christian Zionists (and I am one), often buy into the Jewish belief that Israel will see no final 7 years of punishment when Israel is refined through the fires. They think they have already arrived. Or at least the rhetoric and programs of the Christian Zionists act like God has already restored Israel. They do not even try to convert them to Christ.

    The bulk in Israel today only see a progressive socialist Jewish state where their own military might followed by some Messiah spirit bring the world to peace and globalism.

    According to the Bible, chastisement of Israel is predetermined by God. The nations are judged because they went beyond being instruments of God’s chastisement and wanted to take the land that God gave to Israel and the place of His footstool for themselves.

  25. Hi Fount,
    Well said, I agree.

    I am one who also gets over zealous with my Israeli rhetoric.
    I know your right and should understand by now of what is coming to Israel in these last days.

    I think this might be why The Lord has you as a watchman, so you can quell the nonsense that we come up with 🙂

  26. Don ,
    IF I understand your perspective correctly , you have said many times you do not believe Europe in it’s present configuration of nations is the final version of a revived Roman Empire.
    AS we watch events unfold in Europe it seems you are being proven correct. Europe has no idea how to solve their current insolvency crisis and save the Eurozone. It seems to me the euro is cetain to fail as a viable currency. I think their are some who know what to do , but are afraid to take the steps to fix the problem , although a solution may be be beyond the point of no return. I belive your suggestion of some type of future Mediterran Union is looking more likely as that which becomes the Final Ten Nation Conferderacy from which Anti – Christ will arise. LIkewise , I believe America has passed the point of no return economically , we are too divided politically to fix anything. We Christians can pray, pray , and pray some more , but unless The Holy Spirit takes over no revival of any substance is possible. Is there really any reason why God should save America since most Americans have told Him to leave them alone.
    Most of the church goers in America are worse than the Pharisees and the Church of Laodecia.I personally make a distinction between Christians and church goers , they are 2 different groups of people. I see in the news today that Joel Osteen is getting his own reality tv show.
    Back to the world stage , I see Russia and China as acting solely in what they percieve to be their own self interests. The mystery I can’t quite figure out is what happens in order for Israel to be “DWELLING SECURELY ” which seems to be necessary prior to Ezekiel 38 and 39. Something has to change in the region and in Islam first.

  27. Don,

    How Israel is dwelling securely at the time of the Gog war is the big mystery. That is probably the major reason for believing in a prior Psalm 83 war but even that does not explain the peace. However, if Israel becomes part of the revived Roman Empire that very well could explain the security.

  28. The ‘dwelling securely’ has been a problem for me for years and I hoped the expanded borders and greater resources suggested in Bill Salus’ book Israelstine may have provided the answer. It does provide AN answer but not one of real conviction.

    Your suggestion of Israel’s membership in a revived Roman Empire has merit Don, for that ’empire’ must come into existence prior to the seven years covenant between Israel and the ‘prince that shall come’ (Daniel 9:26-27), and who knows how long before. With all that has to happen: Gog’s invasion, burning of his weapons, Anti-Christ rising to power – could be many years, certainly three and a half years and probably more.

    Also the reaction of Sheba, Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions in Ezekiel 38:13 suggests some sort of international agreement with Israel at the time. It seems to be a reaction of consternation.

  29. Following on from what I have just said;

    I still visualise the Psalm 83 war happening within the next few years and before the catching away of the Church. I also tend to think the West will turn out to be supportive of Israel in her defence against deadly WMD aggression. The revival of Rome may be tied in with this support

    But the fulfilment of Ezekiel 38 seems to be God’s dealing to protect Israel against Gog in a supernatural way, more in the way of the Old Testament than the church age, with the purpose of making Israel (and the world) know that he is God.

  30. Brian From Oz,

    Now what you just said in that last paragraph puts a big smile on my face…””making Israel (and the world) know that he is God””…I just think that is so incredibly awesome.

  31. Yes ~David, So it is written.

    Ezekiel 38:22-23 And I will plead against him (Gog) with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.

  32. “Putin’s third empire project also includes, crucially, a tightening of Moscow’s politicised grip on Europe’s strategic energy supplies.”

    This comment found within clarifies so much of what is prophecied regards to Russia’s actions and end.

    It seems to me from present events that Europe will not become the powerhouse of end times until Russia meets her demise as stated in Ezekiel 38-39

    With the US out of the picture and with Russia decimated what centre of political power will remain? Europe in the west, China in the east and ?????

  33. He has always been a mystery for me Don, I believe it to be Egypt but that doesn’t seem to gel with their supposed involvement in the Psalm 83 war and subjugation by Israel. Have you written anything on this King?

  34. Hi Brian,

    I think in end time fulfillment it will probably be the nations within the African Union. I have not written anything about it. It would be nothing but conjecture on my part to suggest what nations will be involved.

    Actually, we do not know if Egypt is mentioned in Psalm 83 or not. The Hagarenes Mentioned, may have descended from people in Egypt but they were an Arabian clan living East of Israel. They were in charge of King Davids flocks in his day.

  35. James,

    I do not think Scotland or Ireland were part of the Roman Empire but I do not think the borders of the revised Roman empire have to be exactly the same either.

  36. Sir you mention that Roma that great city which was begun via the 7 hills cia 750 BCE will rise again? Doesn’t your prophet Daniel mention that after the Macedonian Empire another power rose up like Iron and then later in his vision the image feet and toes were like clay, via iron but they did not mix remember. The regional aspects and polictal jarcan you expound on is interesting but your man of sin and that developing confederacy with those nations will be revealed when the whole of Europe under one banner. They will desire national unity to counter the growing threat in the far far east. These times are far off because raw materials have not come into play.

  37. Arctourus

    The prophet Daniel describes the four kingdoms and the last was the Roman Empire. In the image, the feet and toes are included in the Roman Empire. The ten toes of iron and clay mean that part of it will be strong and part of it will be broken (brittle).

    He is not my man of sin, he is the man of sin for all those that reject Jesus Christ as savior and Lord.

    I agree that the man of sin will come out of Europe and probably out of the Grecian area, but I think the government headquarters is likely to be in Rome. I also agree that Europe will be united in some kind of confederacy, but I think that union will also include the Mediterranean states of the old Roman Empire. That has already been proposed by the President of France. It seems obvious that because of huge debt the present EU will morph into a new creature. This could lead to war and nations might not even have the same borders after all is said and done.

    Other than economic collapse, I think the threat to this area is Islam trying to force sharia law and bringing terrorism to Europe. The backlash by the natives of Europe against that threat will help shape the revived Roman Empire.

    The events are not far off because end time prophecy is related to Israel. Israel did not exist as a state from the days of the Diaspora until 1948. I think all these prophecies will be fulfilled within a couple of decades.

  38. If the wars between the king of the North (Seleucid) and king of the South (Ptolemy). And Rome’s intervention that we read about in Daniel 11 are a foreshadow of what is happening today. We could be seeing a Western military confrontation with Syria quite soon.

    Historically, Rome made an alliance with the king of the South. But it went to war with Antiochus III (king of the North). The current alliance between the West and Sunni Islam in the South, and the West’s opposition to the Shiite (Iranian) influence in the North, might be a fulfilment of what we see foreshadowed in Daniel 11.

  39. Hi Don,

    What do you think of the role of the UK. After all the Bible refers to an Empire that united a “multitude of ethnicities”. No empire did this better than Britain.

    I also think it says that said Empire will oppose the Revied Roman Empire and Britain currently is the most vocal EU nation to oppose further integration.

    Also, what about the idea Brits and Americans are decescents of the 12 lost tribes of Israel. Ten of which are Christian and two being Jewish (which have now returned to Israel).

    It seems to me the UK and USA will have a lot to play in the upcoming return of Jesus Christ.

  40. James,

    The Bible says the merchants of Tarshish and her young lions will question the Gog invasion. It does not say they will do anything. Many think the young lions could be English speaking nations. This war mentioned in Ezekiel 38 and 39 comes out of the utter most north from Israel. It is Russia, Turkey, Iran, and others, this is not the Beast. The Beast comes out of revived Roman Empire.

    British Israelism is just rubbish that will not die. Christianity comes through believing and confessing Jesus as Lord. It comes through Spirit led Conversation and being born into the body of Christ by belief and confession. It does not come through DNA.

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