The root of America’s problem is its evolutionary worldview

America has been taken over by ideologues of the radical left that very much identify with socialist Communism or Fascism. They can also be defined as statists. They believe that big government controlled by elite “more evolved” individuals with a secular humanist socialistic worldview is the only hope for humanity to have any hope for survival as a species. They would be correct if there were no God, however, there is a God, and He is fully in control of human destiny. The evolutionary worldview is the root of the problems in America.

These secular humanist socialists are practicable atheists. They might give lip service to God but they are always found in opposition to His teachings. You name it, their views will always conflict with the clear teachings of the Bible. Creation, abortion, marriage, morality, sin, even the way of salvation will be disputed by the radical left.

How convenient, that these “liberals” also do not believe that the Bible is God’s infallible word. With that error, they have no moral foundation to stand on, so their religion is secular and it is humanism. Secular humanism is a religion that attempts to make the reason of human beings the real god.

Some of these may claim a God, but their God is not involved in His creation. Their God is unknowable or is a God of man’s own design or imagination. They limit God to the thoughts of fallen men. This is the real god of all world religions on earth except for true Christianity.

They deny that man is sinful and fallen, rather, they believe that man evolved over time and chance and the more highly evolved of them are the only beings qualified to know the truth. (Now you know why you should never argue with a theological “liberal” they will talk but never listen.)

Many of these ideologues believe that the more spiritually evolved elite among them will lead the world to some idealistic utopia. The alternative for them is that man will destroy himself and some other species like apes would then evolve to take over our role. (Now you know their endless fascination for movies like the Planet of the Apes.) Therefore, secular humanist socialists see no problem in eliminating most of the Human Race if they believe doing so will help evolve the Human Race to become the masters of the universe. (Their world is just an endless comic book fantasy.)

This worldview is not limited to politics. It is the worldview of our education system and most in positions of power in this world. It is also the view of mainstream religions. This erroneous view that man must evolve to control the earth is the very reason why these radicals will not tolerate true Christians. We Christians teach that life is created by the ever existent God for His own sovereign purpose. Time and chance and evolution has nothing to do with life at all in this temporal existence or in eternity. They choose not to believe that and find our faith in God dangerous.

These secular humanists speak doctrines of demons out of their mouth, but then they will deny that demons even exist. In their human mind, good and evil is relative and is only what the more evolved humans determine it to be. There are no absolutes and there is no moral law given by God in the minds of evolutionists.

In their mind, Man’s ability to reason came about as the result of evolutionary genetics and one’s environmental programing, especially while being raised. That is why left-wing radicals want a secular humanist state to control the upbringing of all children. It is also why they claim that there are no evil people, there are only misguided people. They would say that society needs to reprogram the misguided and that is how psychology and correctional institutions tie into their mindset.

Children raised under secular humanism and socialistic relativism have no moral compass. They never learned good from evil. They are taught what negatively impacts their own lives is the only evil they need to change. Those raised that way, answer to no one but their own warped minds. The Secular Humanist Religion has created millions of people who have no real God, no morals, and no conscience. They raise narcissists and sociopaths.

Christians who believe that man sinned and fell from grace, are the enemies of those with this godless evolutionary worldview. We Christians actually think that God is sovereign in the affairs of man. The Bible teaches that those being saved by God were predestined to be saved before the foundation of the world. That threatens the evolutionary worldview where time and chance and man determines his own meaningless fate.

Evolution proponents want to believe that man evolved from nothing by time and chance but the Bible says otherwise. Even theistic evolutionists think that if God had any role in creation at all, it was just to open up His evolutionary bag of tricks. That is not what the Bible teaches.

If mankind came about through time and chance, he does not need to be saved from anything. He just exists to evolve wherever time and chance takes him. Evolutionists believe the more evolved among them must save mankind from making a fatal mistake. Otherwise, the human species may be destroyed before man learns how to evolve to become immortal in the ever evolving universe. (Now you know the driving force behind Oprah, Pelosi, Al Gore, Glen Beck and ilk.)

Secular humanist evolutionists will not tolerate any truth that would make them accountable to a Holy God that already provided salvation to all that believe Him. They wish to believe that man will become like God through some evolutionary force, or he will simply cease to exist as a species. They have no problem getting rid of humans that they believe hinder the evolution of the human species. (Now you know the reason for Hitler and the end time persecution of followers of Jesus.)

Alternatively, others in this camp believe that mankind is collectively and spiritually already equal to anything called God because their God evolves through the collective conscientiousness of creation and mankind can tap into God conscientiousness or what they call Christ conscientiousness.

I said all that so that Christians in Americans can understand what the radical left coup that took over America  really believe. The secular humanist evolutionary worldview shapes their actions in America and abroad. It really is not just a political issue. Those that took over America actually have a demonic worldview. These people now completely control the national Democratic Party and they also negatively influence many in the Republican Party. They are the majority in the Supreme Court and in most federal courts. They control media, education, corporations, and most religious institutions in America and they also control most state and local governments and their police forces.

You are not going to change anything by just getting rid of the man on the top. Americans in general must return to a Christian worldview before the downward spiral can be halted. For example, If it were even possible to remove Obama, you would then get Joe Biden who has the same views. And you still would have a demonically control Senate and the Federal Judges that they approved. This is not something that is going to be changed by a national election.

Here is the way I see it. One third of America is already completely convinced that the evolutionary worldview is correct. Another third, believes it most likely is true, and they will believe it until someone proves otherwise. And the final third, believes the Biblical Christian Worldview, but most will not even admit to it for fear of being ridiculed and persecuted by the godless evolutionists that are now controlling this nation.

The root problem in America is not Obama. He is just the most observable symptom of the national disease. The disease is the godless secular humanist evolutionary worldview that took over America and allowed godless men like Obama to rise to power. If the government is changed, the “progressive” Left with their evolutionary worldviews, still will remain well established, and they still will control America. America must return to the biblical worldview of its founders or it has no hope of change for the better.

How is that done without a general national Christian awaking? In spite of all the rhetoric by the Christian dominionists, I simply do not see it happening. Bible prophecy suggests that as well. Those in power wish to bring America down. The world focus will soon return toward its historical roots where most people in the world dwell. America’s mission in the world is about over. The scary part is just how fast nations fall once God removes the protective hedge.

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21 thoughts on “The root of America’s problem is its evolutionary worldview

  1. Very interesting thoughts as it would seem the concept of the evolution of man possibly plays a key role in the coming of the beast. Someone who claims to be the next phase of human evolution. People of the world will buy into hook, line and sinker.

    There is a current movie in Hollywood, “Lucy”, which gives indication of the next phase of human evolution (transhumanism or the singularity). Two lies from Genesis are portrayed in the movie: 1. Mankind can become gods 2. Mankind never truly dies and can achieve immortality. Satan hasn’t stopped trying to deceive mankind with the same lies he tempted our parents. I’m sure you know much about it but here is a website explaining the concepts that many hope to achieve immortality by 2045 A quote from the section on immortality explains their view of world religion and how it will tolerate or I should say eliminate it:

    ” On the subject of religious fundamentalism, with innovations such as immortality and the creation of god-like artificial intelligence, perhaps religions will become more open minded about the potential for science to explain the truth of our creation, acting to dilute religion and increase multiculturalization, secularisation and cooperation.”

    Another interesting site that talks much about the next phase of human evolution is from the Lucas Trust. A Satanic organization with influence in the U.N. and with many of the rich in the world. Look what they are looking for – a quote from their website and their e-pamphlet “the hierarchy of light”:

    “The Masters work with deliberation, free from any sense of speed, toward their objectives but they do have a time limit based on the law of cycles. There are periods of major opportunity of which the Hierarchy takes advantage and this present period is one of major opportunity. In the coming decades members of the Hierarchy will begin the process of externalisation, moving outward onto the physical plane. They will again walk among humanity to help usher in the new age and prepare human consciousness for the reappearance of the World Teacher.”

    In this link
    You can here the communist and evolutionary ideology in this quote:
    ““The next stage of humanity’s evolutionary growth is to face the crisis of freedom from material desire.” This remark was particularly relevant to Ambassdor Chowdhury’s talk, which focused on poverty in the least developed countries, in which he served as Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for the UN. Poverty, as the absence of needed money and resources for a decent human life, is the other side of the excessive concentration of resources that luxury goods and services represent.

    It is this imbalance between dearth and abundance that shows how distorted the Divine Circulatory Flow has become, and why there is such a need for humanity to free itself from material desire, so that the right circulation of money can re-allocate resources equitably. Indeed, according to Ambassador Chowdhury, the eradication of poverty, and global peace and security, are “two sides of the same coin”. He went on to note that there must be collective efforts and response from the international community to overcome and address the dire problem of the world’s poor.”

    To sum it all up: There are many looking for a coming “Teacher” who might possibly lead us to the next phase of human evolution promising to become god-like and achieve immortality. Preaching a gospel that appears like the light in redistributing the wealth to the needy. All the while denying the true God and never addressing mankind’s sinful rebellion and approaching damnation.

    Now you see why God denied Adam and Eve access to the tree of life. If they were given the chance to live eternally separated from God in a sinful state they would have chosen that. Although death is called “the last enemy”, I do believe that it was part of the grace program. Death is what can trigger someone to look for the only true hope of life, Jesus Christ.

    Also as a good friend of mine observed. The punishment at the tower of Babel, confusing the languages, was also a gracious gift by God. It tremendously slowed the advancement of technology, which allowed for coming atoning work of Christ. As we see the possibility of technology promising immortality, maybe what God said in Genesis11:6 was more literal than I originally thought “then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” If God had not intervened, who knows how fast man would have advanced to their godless dream of living forever in a sinful state.

    Thanks as always for continuing to preach the truth. It has been a real encouragement to me for the past 7 years.

  2. Don, again an insightful post. I do not think that I am veering off topic here, but as a retired engineer, I had to work with many people who had these beliefs. They seem to have a real blind spot when discussing evolution and I agree that it is their worldview. We are taught in science class from early school years what is called “natural” science based on essentially cause and effect. A foundation assumption is that there is no supernatural input. An event is the result of a series of previous events. In many cases this is a good approach. I noted, during my work career, that every engineering safety analysis is totally dependent upon the starting assumptions. Good assumptions generally result in good work, flawed assumptions result in error. Since this worldview eliminates the possibility of God in its starting assumptions, they must come up with some alternative explanation. Evolution is that answer. The folks, that I knew really scratched for answers when questioned how a chemical soup could cause even the simplest single cell organism which has a fairly complex structure. One biologist tried to convince me that the first life came from off planet. No shred of proof for anything. I won’t continue because the comment is too long already. Keep up the good work.

  3. You are so right when you say America’s mission in the world is about over. I may be misquoting but I believe Alexander De Toqueville said ” America is great because she is good and she will cease to be great, if she is not good”. It’s very sad to see how fast and far we are falling. There was an article in my local newspaper in regards to the bible and how various pastors and their churches are no longer taking the bible literally. They are reinterpreting it so people who don’t or won’t completely agree with it aren’t excluded. Kind of like a living constitution ,they will have their living bible. A flexible bible so to speak. I was really bothered when I read this and I almost felt like the newspaper was promoting this thinking. It actually sent a chill down my spine. Prophecy being fulfilled at lightning speed. People will surely walk into their church and not understand a word they are hearing. I don’t want to see the end, because I personally like life for the most part, but I don’t like what we’ve become. Because we have abandoned God, we have lost our moral compass and we are like a ship adrift with no direction, just wherever the wind may take us. We are dancing toward Armageddon.

  4. It is clear that evolution is the only alternative to Divine creation or the ungodly would have come up with it by now. Yet for all their pontification one never hears from them of a sufficient first cause for this material (and complex) universe.

    These people acknowledge a belief in the law of cause and effect yet close down their minds when it comes to the First cause. Chance by any name (singularity) does not cut it; Chuck Missler who has a pretty good scientific background uses a tongue in cheek expression to describe evolutionary belief thus; “First there was nothing then it exploded”.

    Evolution is a result of a deliberate closing of the mind to the ‘spiritual’ evidence, to the divine power and Godhead seen within creation as Romans 1:20 so clearly states. Evolution has its cause in ego (selfishness and pride) and a subsequent rejection of accountability. The ungodly do not want to be held accountable, yet in the end will be held accountable nevertheless.

    Such deliberate blindness is difficult to understand, but as you point out Don, the results are becoming hideously evident in the world.

  5. I 2nd what Brian From Oz said.

    Also, I’d bet that those who so strongly choose to believe in nonsense rather than truth are possibly going to even veer off of the evolutionary path if/when alien life forms become more concrete in “scientific findings”, though most likely, they are nothing but another demonic deception as you’ve pointed out before (Don).

  6. Very well developed summary of the condition of our nation. The elite fascists also believe that they can create a “controlled chaos” thus a “controlled police-state” where society is a mess but the “government” is the savior. Thus creating a parasitic dependence even more so.

    What I am praying for is the our Mighty God will throw a wrench in their human machinations by utterly throwing this nation into complete (not partial) God-created chaos. I am praying that the Lord will literally “level the playing field” and everyone is in the same boat and on the same page. I know this will be ugly and horrible and we will be in desperate, desperate straits…but, I see no other platform for true revival in this country. If we are praying for a “national revival”, then, I think this must happen.

    I also do not see the USA in the end times/revelation scenarios AT ALL! So, we are either in chaos and trying to just survive or we somehow don’t exist at all! I know I sound really negative about the “level playing field”, but, I truly believe that the Lord will protect His remnant even in America during this time of chaos/hopefully revival.

  7. Hi Don, BRIAN FROM OZ

    I hope you are not a Chuck Missler fan, because he is a New Ager all the way,and teaches blasphemies. He has been caught plagiarizing Micheal Talbots book “The Holographic Universe” Read Herescope blog “without attribution” purlioning new age ideas. Missler is a very bad and dangerous false teacher.

  8. David L,

    Missler has a lot of good teaching but he also has conjectures that he pulls out of his butt. Missler likes to repeat the latest popular sensationalism and he is too quick to jump on latest band wagons like he did with the Bible Code and his adopting Muslim Antichrist theories and Horn’s crap. However, to say that Missler is a New Ager is way off the mark.

    Everything said on Herescope is not gospel truth either, although they also do have a lot correct. Even so, they think everyone that does not teach their own version of what a Christian should teach makes that person a false teacher. By the way, I believe the site is run by a woman. So how do we justify women teaching and correcting men teachers in the Church from what is said in the Bible?

  9. Hi Don,

    I am talking about his plagiarizing a new age author, and not women correcting him,ie. Missler. Go have a look at the evidence first before you discount what I said. Missler lifts whole paragraphs from Talbots book. Not just once but over and over again. The author of Herescope is just presenting the evidence.

    Now as far as women teaching,that’s another subject,but I certainly would hope that they are allowed to warn people?

  10. David,

    I am not discounting what you said, and I have looked into what happened. There is no excuse for Missler’s plagiarizing. He said so himself in an apology that is also quoted on Herescope. That does not make Missler “a new ager all the way”, as you said. I have heard many teachings by Missler and most of his teaching on the Bible is very good and he teaches against the New Age.

    His problem these days is like many others on the Bible prophecy talk circuit. He thinks writings from any sources validates his latest end time conjectures. It does not. Only what the Bible says on these issues is reliable. I would say the same thing about over half the people that claim to be Bible prophecy experts today, including the top teacher on TV named Jack Van Impe.

    Another problem, is that these teachers are now feeding on the errors of other teachers that they hang with. Why? who knows! They probably want to fit in with the rest, or they reap part of the profit made from the groupies and attendees with itching ears and wallets.

  11. David LV

    I am a fan of Missler, and many other teachers whose fundamentals are firmly established on God’s word. This blog for instance is a daily read, and even though I do not agree with all Don’s eschatalogical thoughts I am mightily blessed in having his views on it and in reading his other articles.

    My experience of Missler has been the same and his teaching is very much against New Age heresies as Don has said. I have found him to be Biblically accurate, and in his eschatology both informative and at worst, thought provoking. To say he teaches blasphemy is incorrect (I will refrain from using stronger language) and any such criticism is against all that I have heard and experienced from his ministry.

    I will spend some time looking into Herescope for I have already read some strong criticism of Gaylene Goodroad and would prefer to have that authenticated from the mouths of more than one witness.

    Don I trust you will allow this defence.

  12. Missler himself knows he likes to explore the edges, hence his fall-back verse, Acts 17:11. He stimulates ideas, and some of those may be questionable, but I have learned more sound Bible from him than most teachers I can recall off the top of my head (Oops. He’s not a teacher because he read once what James had to say about teachers — he makes that very clear). Speculation is not heresy. That said, these last few years he seems to be more and more endorsing questionable theories. The stuff I listen to; his “Exposition on 47 books of the Bible” was recorded a long time ago. He brings much background research to what he “teaches”, much more than most teacher I’ve heard. In fact, his rabbit trails are often more interesting than the subject he’s speaking on. As with all things — Herescope included — you must weigh what humans say against the truth found in God’s word, but to paint Missler as a new-ager is unfair.

  13. Concerning Obama and the real problem I find this quote most thoughtful:

    1. “The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.”

  14. I also like chuck missler. He is not heretical but like someone said he puts ideas out there to make you think. I have learned alot from him.

  15. I agree with about 85-90% of what Chuck Missler teaches on, which is a pretty high agreement rate with me. I don’t agree with everybody about everything Christian except Jesus. That being said, the Nepellim/E.T. correlations he teach are right on the top of my list of agreements. All of the memes fostered by movies, t.v and sci-fi writers reek of the same stink the Great Delusion taught in Scripture. I believe the Nephellim deception throughtout the centuries have kept in lockstep with the degrees of technicalogical(sp?) advances mankind has obtained. Most of the planet will disagree/disregard anything from scriptures, but new messages from our “true creators”?…no problem. I mean, God forbid we might be on the only inhabited planet in this or any other galaxy. Gee, that would be the height of arrogance and narcissism on our part. Yeah, right.

  16. Hi Michael,

    I don’t know for sure but I think the Nephillim/E.T. connection is probably what Missler plagiarized to help support what he wrote. Since many do not believe the theory, some assume that Missler believes New Age concepts. Actually, Missler does not believe in New Age Pantheism or Polytheism. He just thinks that visible supernatural demonic beings (fallen angels) will help set up the end time deception that occurs during the tribulation.

    Many of the critics do not even believe in the literal Genesis account. Nor do they believe in a tribulation or an Antichrist figure, so who is really missing the mark here?

  17. Don
    What you have just written (7:32 pm) is precisely my conclusion after reading Missler’s critics.
    Well put.

  18. Don
    Thank you, as always, for your article. I just recently found the link and wondered if you had ever looked over any of their articles. I ask because I had read an article on the problems with the theory of evolution and thought it was very interesting.

  19. Jon,

    I know most of the arguments against evolution and agree with them. Yes, I have been to the site a number of times.

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