When will we believe acts of God are acts of God?

Is America now under judgment? When are acts of God acts of God? Has America done anything worthy of judgment? You be the judge.

  • So far this year we are involved in two foreign wars with another war being a distinct possibility.
  • We have had unprecedented numbers of tornadoes.
  • The Mid-West floods have been catastrophic.
  • More of California has burned this year then in any year in history and the fires are still burning with a fire season that still has a long way to go

On the Economic Front.

  • Falling Real estate values have caused the greatest financial crises since the great depression.
  • Tens of millions are losing equity in there homes, millions are losing their homes.
  • The stock market is down 20 percent and pension funds and insurance will also lose at least that much value.
  • Banks, brokerage firms and corporations are failing and need to be bailed out by the government.
  • The U.S. dollar is the weakest it has been in modern times.
  • Gasoline prices are four times what they were a few years ago.
  • Heating bills will be much higher this winter.
  • All electric bills are about to shoot up about twenty percent in one year.
  • Food prices are up 10 to 20 percent this year.
  • Inflation across the board is the worst in years and most of the costs have not even been passed through yet.
  • Services in the U.S. are becoming unreliable.
  • Unemployment is on the rise and it is going to get much higher.
  • Due to falling revenues state and local governments are going to run into major deficit problems

Crime and amorality

  • Gangs have taken over much of our inner cities.
  • Drug trafficking is epidemic.
  • Illegal drugs are used by a very large percentage of our population.
  • 2.2 million people are in prison in this nation. This is the highest incarceration rate in the world.
  • There are 10 to 20 million people in this country illegally.
  • One in four adults in the U.S. has a VD. Homosexual males have a ten year shorter life span, yet, the pushing of homosexuality and sexual promiscuity is all over the media and sexual perversion is taught in our schools as normal healthy lifestyles and this is forced on suggestible children.
  • Homosexual marriage is now legal in two states.
  • There have been 50 million abortions in the U.S. and taxpayers in one way or another are paying much of the cost. Much of the black population in the U.S. is being aborted but most black leaders keep promoting it.
  • Scams and rip-off schemes are epidemic especially on the Internet.


  • Congress has a nine percent approval rating.
  • Judges are legislating law from the bench contrary to the Constitution.
  • Special interest groups control almost all politicians and it is now almost impossible to get incumbents out of office.
  • Thanks to the voters we have two choices for the President that want more globalism and more socialism. Both will bring in a liberal supreme court. Both will pass hate speech laws that will negatively impact Christians.


  • A generation of seeker friendly services has watered down much of what is left of Evangelical Christianity.
  • The Emergent movement is redefining biblical truths and downplaying biblical doctrine.
  • Most claiming to be Christians are biblically illiterate not having read through the Bible even once in their lives, far less have understanding of the passages in context.
  • People flaunting their sins are put in church leadership roles.
  • Psychology theories originated from the occult have corrupted much Christian counseling and other programs.
  • New Age pagan thought is now all over the media and is being accepted by many claiming to be Christians.
  • Much of the youth is leaving Christianity for postmodern relativism

If God were to continue judging this nation what might our immediate future hold?

  • The economy would continue to decline.
  • Hyperinflation is a very real possibility.
  • Unemployment may become a very serious issue.
  • There could be much greater weather related storms, droughts and crop failures.
  • Major earthquakes would become likely.
  • Major volcanic activity is certainly possible.
  • Leadership in government could continue to get worse (even lower then scraping the bottom).
  • Terrorist attacks would become likely.
  • Hate speech laws will be passed and constitutional freedoms will be redefined by the courts. Government tyranny will become a major issue.
  • A nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack may happen. It would leave the nation helpless without electric for months or years. (This would be the ultimate judgment it would most likely bring the complete collapse of our society).
  • The complete collapse of our economic system is possible.
  • Collapse of our social system and declining into anarchy is possible.
  • The break up of the Union is possible.

The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Don’t you think it would be wise for people in this nation to fear the Lord instead of Him having to send correction because we will not do what is right?

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