America’s get two-minute warning its goose is about to be cooked

Coach Dave Daubenmire gives the nation the appropriate two minute warning in this article and Dave claims to be an optimist. I am more a realist, and like Dave I also think America’s goose is about to be cooked because of America’s amorality and materialistic excesses. Also because we are sitting ducks for terrorists.

I do not think most of those you seen in store on the news on Black Friday spending money like drunken sailors have any intention of paying off what they charged. They are simply looting with credit cards that they will never pay off before the unlawful looting really starts. The credit card companies are still allowing this because they probably think the government will come in and bail them out when all these people default on their loans.  Perhaps they will, with their newly printed monopoly dollars.

Dave Daubenmire — Sitting Ducks

America has changed her stripes. In one generation we have gone from a nation of eagles to a gaggle of geese. The Bible calls it “lambs to the slaughter.” We have no idea what is about to befall us. It is as if we were disconnected from reality…nothing more than the latest episode of “24”…oblivious to the tsunami building on the horizon.

Do you remember watching the videos of the tsunami that struck Thailand a few years ago? Vacationers stood on the beach as a massive wave swallowed them up.

And how about Katrina? By the thousands the geese stayed despite the clear warnings of impending danger confident to the end that they were immune to the wrath of nature and of Nature’s God. “It can’t happen here.”

Well, there is another storm rolling in over the horizon and this time we are not lambs and we are not geese. Although we are just as blissful in our ignorance we are a bird of a different feather.

We are sitting ducks.

I look at what is going on in America and I feel like a seismologist in Thailand. “What is wrong with those people? Don’t they have any common sense? Can’t they see what is coming down the pike?”

America is bankrupt. I can’t believe people can’t see it. The “government” is bailing out banks. Is it just me, or shouldn’t it be the other way around? Take time to ask your friends where the government gets the money to bailout the banks. You will be shocked at how ignorant they are. But what the hey…I’m sure they spend money they don’t have as well. It’s the American way. Storm Wal-Mart as the storm clouds build.

I am the eternal optimist by nature. I always see the glass half-full. As a coach I always told our guys that we didn’t lose…we just ran out of time. I think that statement is appropriate here. We’re about to strike midnight. The two-minute warning has sounded.

Please understand, I am not predicting the return of Jesus, although that could certainly be near. No my friends, I’m talking about the end of America as we know it. For some, the end of the world might be less painful.

The Bible is replete with examples where God judged nations. We are not safe from His wrath, no matter how special we think we are in the eyes of God. God is not mocked. We have not defended unborn babies, we have not protected the sanctity of marriage, we have given His children over to Caesar, and we have allowed his Name to be removed from this nation. “God shed His grace on” us and to whom much is given, much is required. We will pay a harsh price for squandering what He endowed to us.

Like it or not folks our American economic system is on the verge of collapse. Our dollar is worthless, our factories have moved oversees, our banks are out of money, and our enemies hold our debt. We can’t “produce” our way out of this one.

We’re sitting ducks.

Imagine as few as 10 terrorists in 10 different American cities, armed with dirty bombs, an arsenal of weapons, and a desire to kill. From school houses to shopping malls, churches to basketball arenas, movie theatres to mass transit, the targets are unlimited. The carnage would make Katrina look like a Spring shower.

Do you find the scenario hard to believe? Are you counting on Jesus to save you from the horror? I wonder if any of the victims of Mumbai expected to die so soon.

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12 thoughts on “America’s get two-minute warning its goose is about to be cooked

  1. Greetings all,

    A sobering article to be sure. And while we may dodge the economic bullet temporarily, the handwriting is clearly on the wall. The party’s over, we spent ourselves into obliviion, and it’s almost time to pay the check.

    Learn to be self-sufficent. Garden, can food, get out of debt, do what you can do to protect your family and live the way our grandparents did…simply and within their means.

    Scary times….be prepared.


  2. Guys, I think this article/post regarding everything crashing down won’t pan out.

    We’re always hearing how something like is going to happen and it never really does. For instance, with Hurrican Katarina, many of the corrupt politicians and other riff raff weren’t really wiped out so to speak. Much of that riff raff was simply spread out across the country in quaint little neighborhoods where they’ve gone on to cause trouble there.

    A few years back, Houston got hit with terrible flooding and a stalwart Christian man in or connected with City Council was rebuking everyone for their pro-gay position. This preacher believed the flooding was a form of judgement and yet in the end he ended up looking sort of dumb, the flooding destroyed part of his home or something.

    Look at the Clintons and their henchmen, they’re soon to be in the White House. Where was the judgement against them? Look at all the terrible things Ayers has done and Soros has done, these guys are still prodding along influencing society. Look at the producers in Hollywood who promote filth, they’re still influencing society. Look at many of the crooked CEO’s, they’re still filthy rich. Etc.

    The only people I think who are going to be hurting are the regular Joes. The people who don’t have the money, cunning and connections to protect themselves. (Or heavy prayer cover.)

    I believe that the media and eggheads in DC believe that the first African American President must not fail and must succeed at all costs despite any incompetence or wrong-doings. Thus no matter how bad the economy or scandals, the media and new prez will make it look great. They’ll make everything look great and people will believe them or at least half the country will. And because perception is reality, and because Bush has been working on the problem for the past few months things will look better and the economy might do better because people won’t be as afraid to spend money since the media tells them it’s getting better. Remember, sales were up 7% on Black Friday!

    All of this gloom and doom and hopes that the bad guys will get theres, didn’t happen during Clinton’s 8 years in office. They’re still perceived as rockstars. The ones who made the economy good and everyone’s standard of living rise.

    The real problem in this nation, I don’t care what anyone says, is the media and the teachers in academia. Why? It’s because they’re pumping out non-stop leftist/decadent propaganda 24/7 throughout the course of your life. If we could get a handle on that, then we wouldn’t be dealing with electing people like the Clintons or Obamas. We wouldn’t be dealing with the open-mindedness towards homosexuality, promiscuity, other religions, entitlement to have an affair, entitlement to violence, theft, etc..

    By the way, two memes that have effectively destroyed America as a Christian nation is Multi-culturalism and diversity. In case you haven’t connected the dots, these two memes are what’s given us Obama, 9/11, ramadan celebration in the White House, etc.

    As time goes on, the US will basicly become Northern Brazil. Your grand-father if he were alive 10 years from now wouldn’t recognize this country. The big luxury in life will be to live in enclaves where you feel safe and not like you’re in a foreign country. Street gangs will be stronger than ever, extracting protection money from businesses, like the mafia. Violence will increase as will theft and immorality.

    Eventually prime time TV will probably start showing nudity on the main channels and it’ll be the norm just as in France. The US will be more like the socialist state of France and police state of England.

    There probably won’t be another conservative President elected again due to demographic changes which gave Obama New Mexico, Nevada and Virginia. Texas will flip in 2 more cycles too to the liberals because of demographic changes. There will be talk of succession amongst mostly white middle class as they’re the cash cows for the Government. But the Government won’t let them succede as they want those tax dollars.

    I predict many of these people will eventually emigrate out of the country to Europe their ancestral homeland hence Europe will start receiving an influx of skilled workers that’ll add to the EU’s economy. Already as I understand it, this is a topic that a lot of people in this group are discussing openly. Recently a newspaper article mentioned 40 million Americans may be eligible for EU citizenship. I know we’re strongly considering moving too because it doesn’t feel safe in the US and any small, quaint town you find will eventually in 5-10 years be overrun with foreigners. Why should I be a productive citizen in a country that sees me as a milk cow?

    Because of social justice and the war against the middle class in the US and due to demographic changes, America won’t be able to compete against the EU, Asia, India and Russia. This is what’ll happen. Christianity will start to spread in Europe as millions of Americans flee back to Europe. By 2020 civil unrest and massive violence as seen in South America will be quite common in the US.

  3. Open your eyes

    You made some good observations. I do not know if the government is going to be able to stop the present fall into a depression or not but it is obvious that they are putting everything on on the line to halt the downward spiral. The fix they are using creates a greater problem shortly thereafter. It will destroy the dollar down the line which would bring us into an inflationary depression. The way I see it is a full scale depression in two years or hyper-inflation in four. Either way our goose is cooked.

    The only reason sales were up on Black Friday was become of the sales hype. All I am hearing since black Friday is that Christmas sales will be the worst in decades. Also when stores have real sales their profit margins are reduced so it is not good for their bottom line. It is more an attempt to reduce inventory. Give me 50 percent off on the purchase price of a new car and I will be in the market also, but each car sold will be sold at a loss to the manufactures. Those kinds of sales will not help keep manufactures or stores in business it will just increase bankruptcy.

    The only chance of electing a Conservative president in the future is if there is a grass roots counter revolution back toward Constitutional limited Federal government. I can see that happening only in certain states with an increasing divide between states and regions resulting in the break up of the Union. As conditions deteriorate many will give up their faith in government in the rural areas while in the populated areas they will become total dependents of government and local thugs. Then the separation will be certain. You cannot mix oil and water.

    I do not see the emigration you are talking about back to. Europe. They have their own problems. Unemployment rates have constantly been higher than ours in Europe and they have their own immigration problem of Muslims. More likely I think there will be a migration of conservatives out of liberal states into conservative areas, that as I said, will eventual separate from the socialist Union.

    The next collapse will be commercial real estate when stores and services cannot make their payments on their leases. It has already started. The credit cards banks also will need a bail out a couple of months after the Christmas season when people start defaulting on what they owe.

    I agree that what destroyed this nation is the Leftist/decadent education system and media that have now brainwashed most of the people in this nation.

    You are also correct that there will be increased crime and polarization between the wealthy and the poorer areas that will be highly influenced and even controlled by drug gangs and thugs. People living in upscale neighborhoods will have to hire their own private police forces and live in gated enclaves like they do in second and third world nations.

    There will be increasing violence all over the earth due to Islam. America already cannot compete with other nations that are paying their citizens one tenth of the wages of Americans. That is why we have a 700 Billion a year trade deficit each year. The plan of globalism requires a level field for the common people of the world. The standards of living in the U.S. under their plans will come down to whatever the elite decides is the sustainable level. That does not mean the common people of the world will not have had enough with the elite one day and revolt against them. The bankers, the power elite and the politicians are playing a dangerous game. They ought to read up on the French revolution.

  4. “Open Your Eyes,” you might take your own advice.

    The examples you cite have this in common: they were exceptional events.

    What we see happening here is a systemic collapse. It has parallels with some of your examples, but because it involves the entire system, the system will be unable to cope.

    With Katrina or other major hurricanes, authorities and insurance companies were able to respond. But what if 10 or a 100 Katrinas hit in quick succession? The system would be overwhelmed and the nice “safety net” would be torn — even the authorities and insurance companies would be paralyzed and perhaps even destroyed.

    Another thing: exceptional events can generally be mitigated by addressing the problems. But a similar approach to solving a systemic problem (mitigating the symptoms) usually fails, and the more complex and varied the symtoms, the greater the likelihood of curing symptoms.

    People seem to have this idea that our civilization cannot really fall as we’ve been warning, yet they do not realize that, first, many civilizations have risen and fallen, and many fell quite suddenly. Second, our “civilization” is a pretty thin veneer over our raw sinful natures: to wit, the gas shortages this summer in the southeast US this late summer had people and businesses literally on the edge. If it got much worse, society would have started to break-down very quickly. Imagine what one or more nuclear devices going-off in one or more cities would do to this country.

    I’m afraid that most people will believe as you do “Open Your Eyes,” right up until they are overtaken by the tsunami; then they will likely complain to God that they didn’t really see what was coming (and so are not responsible for their lives).

  5. Oops!

    …and the more complex and varied the symptoms, the greater the likelihood of curing symptoms will fail.

  6. On a different note, I want to get your opinion on something I found. There’s this guy who’s an Internet publisher and he’s a real rags to riches story. Anyways, over the past few years, he’s gotten into the metaphysical stuff and he puts on seminars and writes books about it. You’ve heard about the movie, “The Secret”. It’s the idea that you can attract what you want into your life. Like a type of visualizeation or prayer.

    Now I bring this up to you because I know that for a year or two, after hearing about “the attraction principle”/manifesting what you want, it kind of set me off course in my Christian walk. That’s because I’d see many people using these principles and seemingly attain success and financial independence, relationships, etc. But it seemed though I prayed persistently for financial issues, my competitors in business who used these “attraction/manifestation” principles seemed or appeared to do better than me in business! Now that confused me big time. I totally followed the idea of sowing seeds and confessing and praying yet my competitors were getting plum contracts and moving up past me though I worked hard and prayed hard.

    Anyways, just for reference, I’d like to know your thoughts on this stuff, this guy’s site is Again, this is not an attempt to spam. I need to figure this out. This guy claims there’s 23 studies that prove this stuff works and can actually lower crime when a group of people do these meditations and that the quality of life increases in their neighborhood. This site is basiclly like an intercessory prayer network, but it’s certainly not Bible based. I really don’t know what to make of it. I’ve seen too many stories like this to discount it.

    And to be honest, I’ve been tempted to buy a book or two on this topic, and I just feel a bit confused how to go about praying for God’s help. It seems the way prayer is done in the OT, vs, the Gospels and Acts in particular is so different. In Acts, they seem to declare God’s power into a situation, like, “Arise and walk!”

    By the way, I know that during the Presidential election, there were lots of people who “visualized/attracted/manifested” or their version of praying for Obama to win. It bugs me to think that these non-Christian people are elated that their prayers worked to get Obama to win, but the tens of thousands of Christians who fervently prayed and fasted can’t claim the same. I don’t know. I don’t want to say anything blasphemous, and I don’t want to discuss this with my wife for fear of planting seeds of doubt, but I’ve got to get this off my chest and ask a veteran’s view on this. What do you think?

  7. Oops, Don, that link in my previous post is live. You’ll want to knock that live link out.

  8. Open your eyes

    You seem to have your priorities mixed up. Living the Christian life is not about acquiring material worldly success. Those who try to gain wealth by some secret formula are into the occult.

    Those that were praying for Obama to win did not get their prayers answered by God. God does not hear the prayers of dead people. The nation actually got a curse from God because of the majority presumption that Obama would be the answer for this nation when Obama is in direct opposition to the clear teachings of Christianity.

    The type of mediation you are talking about is an Eastern method of opening yourself to possession and the suggestions of demonic Spirits. Christian are forbidden to do such things. We have direct access to the Father and seducing spirits is idolatry.

    The Secret is based on the occult. Is is the positive thinking heresy of Norman Vincent Peale who got it from sources that were in the occult and it is the Word Faith heresy mixed with pagan occultism all put in a shiny new wrapper and promoted by TV idols that have clearly rejected the Christian faith.

    This post should help explain.

    If you want to see God work supernaturally abide in Him through His Spirit. Every method man uses to try to dredge up power for himself over others is demonic. Christians should quit trying to find ways to get their wants through worldly methods. We can go directly to the Father anytime and He will give us what we ask for if that is what is best for us in the grand plan of God for eternity. If you try to get more then He is willing to entrust to you your certainly out of His will.

  9. Open Your Eyes, I concur with Don about this. You are dabbling in something quite dangerous.

    Timeless Perspective from Jesus:

    “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.
    But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
    Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
    Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
    If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
    (Matthew 6:19-34)

  10. Hello All,

    I’ve read the comments above and agree with a lot that is said. I actually talked to my parents about it today during our Christmas dinner.

    Two questions:
    1. If the dollar is going away (2-10 years?), what should we invest our money in?

    2. If America is going to be overrun with poverty and gangs, where should we go? Australia? Europe? The Caribbean?

    Obviously we should invest our hope in Jesus Christ, but God did give us a brain to use. I want to hear your thoughts, please.

    Merry Christmas,
    David Henley

  11. Merry Christmas David,

    1.Best to Invest in the Kingdom of Heaven. If you really think you need to invest for your future here on earth people will always need land to grow food for a growing population.

    2. Not likely to much better anywhere else. It might be better to network with Christians and Constitutionalists here.

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