From 2010 until the Messianic Age Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua.

I certainly am not a prophet but I believe we are in the final decades just before the Messianic age and Millennial Kingdom of Yeshua. In fact, I think there will only be three more decades. Sometime before the end of that third decade I think Yeshua (Jesus) will have returned to earth to set up His Millennial kingdom.

I am writing this because I think many Christians today have been misled into thinking that everything must take place within this decade. I think it is much more likely that these events will play out over two to three decades.

The following is how I think the final decades will play out in the world.… continue reading

Iran: Imminent Revolution or Imminent Bombing?

Like many fellow Bible prophecy students, for a couple of years I took the position that Israel or the United States will bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities “any day now” The bombing in my mind was imminent. If you remember many thought that Bush would do it before the election primaries and then before the election and then before leaving office.  If anyone was going to bomb the Iranian nuclear facilities the best time to have done so was before Iran acquired the nuclear know how. However, that did not happen.

If anyone should bomb Iran today it would not achieve much since Iran already has the nuclear know how and they could rebuild their efforts in just a few years. … continue reading

Present indications are that Jesus will return 2030-2040 AD.

Over the last few weeks I have been going through and updating all my 25 world trends articles on my website and it still looks to me that present indications are that Jesus will  return 2030-2040 AD. I know that late date does not please the 2012-2019 second coming of Jesus crowd but they simply are wrong, so that is their problem. To find out why they are wrong you will have to read these 25 articles or read my previous blog on why Jesus is not coming between 2012-2019.

Now some of you need to quit whining about how long that is and do something for the Lord with the little time that you have left, because if you really think about it, there is not much time left to work.… continue reading

Fort Hood shootings exposes heroes, sitting ducks and Obama

I pray for the families of all who died as a result of the Fort Hood shootings may God comfort you in your time of great sorrow and loss. I also pray for the wounded. May God heal and and restore you.

I also want to honor all the heroes that were involved in saving others at great risk to themselves. I hope they will be formally honored by our nation as the heroes that they proved to be. You can read about the story of some of the heroic acts at the Fort Hood shooting here. It really does not surprise me that a  mass shooting at an Army base would bring out many heroes.… continue reading

Islam and the Far Left have fascism and hatred of Jews and Christians in common

Many in Islam and the Far left have fascism and hatred of Jews and Christians in common. You might wonder how that might be, since some of the top leaders of the Far Left are Jews.  Ever heard of Judas? There seems to be a  Judas tribe among the Jews. I think this was foretold in a Bible prophecy about the tribe of Dan.

Gen 49:17  Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

I am not saying that all self hating Jews are all physical descendants of Dan but I may be saying that Dan represents a segment of Jews that led Israel to reject their own God given heritage as a called out nation.continue reading

Is it a Islamic Antichrist, Western Antichrist or an Alien deception? The question might be solved in the big prophetic picture.

Many people are interested in things to come in these last days but some say it is a waste of time to teach on these things at all since interpretations of bible prophecy can be somewhat subjective. However, I assure you that if the Church does not teach on Bible prophecy people will go to the cults and those that give aberrant interpretations of Bible eschatology for wrong answers and spiritual bondage.

I see many different theories on how the end times events will all play out. Some think the end time prophecies in the Bible will be fulfilled when an Islamic Antichrist comes against Israel.… continue reading

Revolution in Iran may bring moderation and solve the nuclear issue for Israel

It is interesting times in Iran these days. When 1 in 6 of all Iranians take part in the demonstrations in the streets of Tehran in rage against the fraudulent election results you know things are a changing in Iran. The Iranian people are taking to the streets knowing that they will be in danger from the Islamofascists running the nation. Their Islamic taskmasters are even using foreign hired Arab thugs to put fear in the people. You can be sure when city streets are totally filled with people that things are soon likely to change.

It seems to me that the Islamofascists are rapidly losing control of Iran and that Iran is now ripe for a cultural revolution.… continue reading

Hearing the death rattles of radical Islam before the great awakening

Frontpage did a great interview with Fr. Zakaria Botros on the teachings of Muhammad. For those wondering why Islam will collapse and will not be the Beast of Revelation I think this article indirectly gives us part of the answer. The whole foundations of Islam are built on the babblings of a mentally ill demon possessed person. Sooner or later Muslims are going to come to know what their own scriptures say and see  that much of Muhammad said is contradictory and demented. The main reasons why Islam is spreading now and is a threat to the world is due to four factors:

1.… continue reading

Don Koenig’s world trends forecast for 2010-2020 AD

Things are getting pretty crazy out there to say the least so I think I will give you my world trends forecast for 2010-2020 AD. I think the next decade will be the most violent decade since the days of Noah. The only decade that will exceed it in violence will be decade of Jacob’s trouble which will probably begin sometime in the 20’s. Here is a glimpse of some of the things I think we can expect in 2010-2020. I am not a prophet.  They certainly do not have to occur just because I think they might. They are not in any specific sequence.continue reading

A world war is brewing next decade because of Islamic extremism expanding in Pakistan and elsewhere.

Pakistan is probably going to become the catalyst for the next world war and it will take place within the next decade. The leadership of Pakistan is corrupt and has little popular support. There is now no political remedy that will prevent Islamic radicals from taking over the nation. Islamic militants are now taking over more and more of the countryside and there will be no stopping them by the Pakistani military because the military is already infiltrated and also obsessed with India.

India today is being attacked by Islamic terrorists supported by Pakistan and is probably only one or two more major terrorist attacks away from taking military action against Pakistan.… continue reading

Muslim Antichrist proponents totally miss Islamic moral law

Dr. David Reagan has been receiving attacks on the Internet for his article in Lamplighter that debunked the concept of a Muslim Antichrist. One of the misconceptions of Muslim Antichrist proponents is that Islam is looking for a Mahdi that all Muslims will unite behind. They believe this Mahdi will be the Antichrist and will lead Muslims to fight against Israel and the “Christian” West. Never mind that there really is no Christian West, there is only a pseudo Christian West. There are more true Christians in Communist China than there are in today’s humanistic Europe.

I frankly do not know why Christians believe Muslim eschatology as if the lies of Islam can give Christians prophetic truth? … continue reading

Dr. David Reagan presents a series on the truth about Islam

Dr. David Reagan did a series on Islam on Wordview Weekend that was removed by them for some reason. Wordview Weekend breaks a lot of links to what they post and that is very aggravating. I went to Dr. Reagan’s website and found an article about the truth about Islam. This is probably the same information that was in the series that I partly quote below.

What Reagan says should do away with the misconceptions and false statements about Islam coming from our political leaders and even many who call themselves Christians. The God of Islam is not the God  of Christianity nor is Allah the God of the Bible.… continue reading

Debunking the local Islamic Antichrist malarky because scripture actually indicates the Antichrist is Global

I am liking the teaching of Nathan Jones. He gives very good answers to those who expect a local Muslim Antichrist. Besides this article he also had a very good article the other day on the Divided States of America.  I wrote on this topic myself and like me, Jones also see the possibility of a break up of the United States because of deep moral divisions.

Having said that, lets go to this new article about the rational for a Global or Local Antichrist.

The Muslim Antichrist proponents see the Beast and its Antichrist fighting a regional war against Israel.… continue reading

Netherlands court says Geert Wilders should be prosecuted for inciting hate.

I think the Quran would be more accurately described as a satanically inspired book rather than a fascist book although Muslim nations are fascist. Anyway, so much for free speech in the Netherlands. I think the best thing for Mr Wilders is that they dare to prosecute him and give people a hero and national leader to vent there frustrations against Muslims.  Geert Wilders will then build a huge following of people who are fed up with Muslims subverting their nation and their way of life and then a European fascist backlash will begin against Muslims. What will make this backlash even more likely is the inevitable future terrorist attacks against the West.… continue reading

Bible Prophecy wars over an Antichrist out of Islam

There is a rather heated controversy stirring between traditional Bible prophecy authors who think the Antichrist will be a western figure and more recent authors who think the Antichrist will come out of Islam.

I wrote on this in July and gave some of my thoughts why the Antichrist would not be a Muslim and his Beast Kingdom would not be Islam.

In the last Jan/Feb issue of Lamplighter magazine Dr. Reagan critiques four books that make the claim that the Antichrist is out of Islam and Dr. Reagan gives his views why this is not the case and is sloppy exegesis.… continue reading

Debunking a Muslim Beast Antichrist

Lately there has been a whole lot of teachers getting on the Antichrist will come from Islam and that Islam is the Beast world system bandwagon.

Apparently painting Antichrist horns on the obvious evil system of our time sells books but is is good theology? I posted a article why I do not believe the Beast will emerge from Islam or why the Beast will be Muslim.

Will the Antichrist and his Beast government come from Islam

Dr Reagan has written a very scholarly work why the Antichrist will not be a Muslim.

Bill Salus in the article that I quote below gives more good reasons why the Antichrist will not come from Islam.continue reading

The dangerous games the world allows terrorists to play

Hal Lindsay points out the scenario that time and time again plays out against Israel. The U.S. has once again been bullied by world opinion and the press into not voting in the UN security council. Now a 14 – 0 vote calls for an Israeli cease fire. Time and time again this game is played out in favor of the terrorists so Israel can never destroy their enemies. Thus, you can be sure that it will be played out again but next time under the new U.S. administration the U.S. will side with the enemies of Israel.   Then Israel will have to either commit suicide or ignore the U.N.… continue reading

Will the West offer up Israel as their sacrificial lamb on the altar of Baal for world peace?

Today things are again heating up in the Middle East because Israel is now taking action against Hamas terrorists in Gaza that have been firing rockets into Israel.  This action by Israel may not lead to a wider war but who really knows?

With that in mind perhaps it is time to look at this very interesting prospective of the deadly game being played out in the Middle East between the Jews, Iran, Islam and the West.

The following summery in that article raises a likely question. Will the West believe they can force Israel to give in to all demands when Israel already knows that Iran and Islam cannot be appeased?… continue reading

Babylon the Great is about to rise.

This article probably has plenty of Bible prophecy significance. Iraq is trying to set up a group of nations like the EU in the Middle East. Many who study Bible prophecy have been saying that Iraq will rise again as a great world center of prosperity in the last days and fulfill the prophecies of Babylon and Babylon the Great. This most likely is the first major step in building the foundation for that entity.

Also notice that other regions on earth are doing the same thing as this EU pilot project prototype. All generally are following the Club of Rome’s plan for ten regional governments under a central world government.… continue reading

There is a time for war and a time for peace. Islamic fascists have brought us to a time for war.

It is time that the world woke up and realized that most in Islam insist that the world convert to Islam so we become as much the miserable slaves to their theocratic fascist religion as they are. Many in Islam want us dead and most Muslims in one way or another support those who want us dead. Even if the world converted to Islam today that would not stop the violence because then the Islamic fascists would be fighting each other over various theological differences.

A world religion led by those who breed hate cannot become a religion of peace. Those in the world that are now appeasing Islam for peace will become their future victims at a time when they are even more powerful a force in the world then they are today.… continue reading