America chooses between Marxist and cult leader in 2012 election

I think the proof that President Obama is a Communist and a fraudulent phony is overwhelming but America has left itself with only one other choice in the 2012 presidential election. We can either have four more years of Obama, or we can trust our fate to a Mormon cult leader named Mitt Romney. That is one hell of a choice that Americans have in 2012 (pun intended).

When I was living in the 1950’s such choices for President in America’s future would be labeled science fiction. Nothing like this could really happen in America. After all, Marxism was the deadly enemy of America and Mormons were believed by all Orthodox Christian denominations to be an antichrist cultist religion.… continue reading

True and pseudo Christians living in post constitutional America

Most within Christianity in America today continue to live in blissful ignorance. They have become like the Laodicean Church found in Revelation chapter 3 that was living high on a hill with a false sense of security. On the other hand, astute Christians and some true patriots are aware that we are now living in a post Christian influenced America and a post constitutional America.

If these astute Christian and patriots are correct – and I believe they are – how will the American Church have to change its focus to be effectual salt and light within a nation that will be reaping the consequences of its own evil ways?… continue reading

Supreme Court rules lawless federal government can tax liberty

It should be clear that the U. S. Supreme Court no longer makes decisions based on the interpretation of our Constitution. They make decisions based on their feelings instead of law. Almost all court decisions now break down according to the judge’s ideology and not on any honest interpretation of the Constitution.

The Executive Branch and the Democrat controlled Congress at the time the health bill was passed denied that this Health Care mandate in the bill, was a tax. The Executive Branch was arguing for the mandate in the law before the Supreme Court based on the Constitution Commerce Cause.… continue reading

America is on life support – flying flag upside down now seems approprate

Memorial day is a day of remembrance for those fallen in battle in the service of this nation. It is also a good time to give a national warning to those that think freedom is free. The American nation that our forefathers died for already is on life support and if we do not fight to keep our liberty and freedom we will lose it.

Perhaps the time has come for patriotic Americans to fly their flags upside down because the nation is in great distress. If nothing is done to turn America around we will be judged by God. Soon we could no longer be a great or a free nation.… continue reading

Pink Slime Is spreading Across America Like The Blob And You’re Lunch

Remember the 1958 move where the Blob came from outer space? At first the police in that rural area just dismissed the accounts of those that encountered the Blob. Only after the Blob consumed a lot of people and continued to grow bigger did local authorities start to take notice. That was science fiction but today in 2012 we have real Pink Slime (control freak Communists) rolling across urban areas in America like the Blob, and few in most rural areas even acknowledge the danger.

The Pink Slime beings are humans but they are godless, the demonic underworld has them under their control.… continue reading

25 symptoms that argue that America has a fatal disease

I think America has gone past the point of no return. I see no political solutions to the problems because the problems are really a result of the immorality of the people. Just changing some of the government overseers for a slightly different set of government overseers will just bring upon us a different set of problems. It will not cure the fatal disease of mortal rot that is now so evidently being displayed throughout our society.

Here are 25 symptoms that argue that America has a fatal disease:

1. Race and class hatred is rising dramatically in America because many people covet what others have and believe that those living today owe them something for what happened to their ancestors.… continue reading

If Bible prophecy will be fulfilled, why expect worldly solutions?

American Christians who are aware of Bible prophecy should not be surprised or unduly concerned by the lawlessness and insanity that we are seeing in our nation and the world. If we believe Bible prophecy will be fulfilled in our generation why would we now expect America or the world to come up with solutions for a world that will prove to be doomed without Jesus?

Why should we expect the prophecies about what would happen in the last days, to not happen, if we are indeed in the last days? If these things were not already happening before our eyes, I would have to question my own presumption that the prophetic scriptures about the end of the age will be totally fulfilled within a couple of decades.… continue reading

GOP must develop workable agenda to restore the American Republic

Americans now have about 8 months left to turn the direction of this country around or there will be economic collapse, depression and civil war in this country. Those that think business like usual from the GOP will save this Republic from the destructive agenda from those on the hard Left are dead wrong. The hard Left wants to make America conform to world socialism. Americans need to understand what is at stake if the hard Left stays in power. Liberty loving people can either get active in the political war playing out right now or they will experience a real civil war later.… continue reading

Christians of America accept demonic choice for President in 2012?

America claims to have over 80 percent Christians but yet most of them will accept Obama, Romney or Gingrich as their choice for President in 2012? The leaders that Americans are choosing reflects the nation and that is a very sad statement for America. It seems that most Christian conservatives in America talk about electing a Christian conservative but then promote and vote for people under control of the Devil. On the other hand, most of the liberal Christians in America just vote for whoever promises them the most material comforts even if he is the Devil.

At this point in the 2012 election, Americans have the choice between an obvious globalist Marxist, a progressive Mormon cult Bishop, or a manic narcissistic – possibly psychopathic – Third Wave – CFR – statist – globalist – wind bag that changes directions with the breeze.… continue reading

The foundations are lain for a police state in America.

Whether you know it or not, all the pieces are now in place for a police state in America. Some of it is already implemented and the rest is just waiting the command.

Obama has now signed the National Defense Authorization Act and it was Obama that insisted that it included the right for the military to incarcerate Americans without charge or legal recourse. The military can now hold American citizens for unlimited time in America without any charges being brought against them. I see no difference between this and what tyrannical nations do under a military dictatorship.

There is a knock on the door in the middle of the night and citizens just disappear (more likely they will break the door down).… continue reading

A unified conspiracy theory fit for Halloween

Halloween is a good day for demonic conspiracy stories so I will present a unified conspiracy theory for your reading that explains most other conspiracy theories. This conspiracy itself may or may not have been conspired on a Halloween night in 1960. Finding real proof of the existence of this unified conspiracy theory will probably prove impossible because I cannot even find proof for well known conspiracy theories that will be interwoven within this unified conspiracy theory. In other words, if real proof of popular conspiracy theories cannot be documented don’t expect me to come up with any solid evidence for my unified conspiracy theory either.… continue reading

Communists intend to create a domestic crisis in America in 2012.

If you are an American Libertarian or supporter of the Tea Party or even just a frustrated American of some other political spectrum don’t be deceived by the radical movement that is about to rear its ugly head against capitalism starting tomorrow on September 17th, in New York City and several other cities. The people pushing these mob action “days of rage” are some of the most radical Communists and America haters and Jew haters on this planet.

There will be leaders of unions involved and race baiters and radical environmentalists and anyone else that thinks they can use covetousness, hate, class war, and mobs actions to their own advantage.… continue reading

American Christians should expect troubles in this world

It is very naive and shortsighted to think that you will escape the type of troubles that have been common to all that lived in the history of the world just because your a Christian living in America. Americans tend to think that the future in America will continue much the same as they have experienced it over their short lives. They tend to think that no great troubles will impact their own generation. Nothing could be further from the truth.

There is nothing new under the sun, events on earth run in cycles. There is a time for everything. Americans just went through a time of relative peace and prosperity at home and now, very likely, we will go through a time of war, civil strife and economic hard times.… continue reading

Veterans and retired people are held hostage to Washington criminals

I think It is time for war veterans and retired people in America to draw a line in the sand and tell those in the Executive Branch in Washington that we will not be held hostage to you criminals.

Today President Obama said Social Security, veterans and federal retirement checks might not go out next month if the debt limit is not raised. Congress will certainly pass and send Obama a bill that will increase the debt limit to pay the appropriations and If Obama vetoes the bill just because there are no tax increases in the bill, it will be Obama alone that will be responsible for screwing veterans and retired people.continue reading

Americans need to get out of pending war zones while there is time

Are Americans fed up yet? If not, I think many Americans will soon have had it with our government and our dependent class. I think it might be wise for some of you to get out of pending American war zones while there is still time left for you to do that.

Why should anyone think that a President given to America to bring judgment on America would now not bring judgment on America? The only question left in my mind, is will America learn its lesson and restore conservative constitutional sanity to this nation or will Obama get Americans permission to finish the job of cutting their own throats?… continue reading

Making observations while traveling across America

I just drove out east to Buffalo and back; the whole trip was about 2000 miles and took 34 hours. I spent most of that time listening to conservative talk radio. I found it to be a real disappointment. Almost everything was about Anthony Weiner. Conservatives are not going to win back this country by talking about the sex life of a democratic House member that represents a liberal New York district. They better start talking about important issues and real solutions if they expect conservatives to take back this country in 2013.

One example of good conservative programing was an interview with Ann Coulter.… continue reading

Just some more bumps in the road for Obama and America

Obama seems to think that every negative report is just a bump in the road on the path to his next hole. He may think he is on course but for Obama life is his recreation, it is all a golf course. The reality of it all is that Obama and this nation are going to hit bumps in the road or the remainder of his term and they are going to make for a very bumpy ride. If he even gets around the “bumps” and gets to the next hole he had better learn to master his sand wedge or the hazards on this real course of leadership will make him look like a rank amateur.… continue reading

Win the 2012 presidential election through the Sarah Palin model

Sarah Palin has a Christian concept of God, and a personal moral agenda, and now, pleasing the mainstream media and the entrenched political establishment in America is obviously not in her political playbook. Palin is one of the few people who might run for President that has a campaign model needed to win against the Democrats in 2012.  No Conservative will win the 2012 presidential election by trying to please the radical left that have almost total control over the mainstream media. These leftists hate everything we Christians and conservatives stand for.

Palin stands for a Christian concept of God, moral conservative principles based on the Bible, and a literal interpretation of our Constitution; she believes in individualism and in keeping the federal government out of our lives as much as possible by limiting the size of federal government.… continue reading

Unless Americans reject evil, Obama will destroy this nation.

A country gets the leader the people deserve. Obama was obviously given for America’s destruction. I think the evidence of what he did thus far leaves little room for doubt.  After 2 1/2 years of Obama you would think Americans would have learned something, but that does not seem to be the case. Unless Americans suddenly turn from their evil ways Obama will finish the job given to him.

We are less than 18 months from the next presidential election and as of right now Obama has a 50+ percent approval rating in the polls and not one potential Republican candidate matches up with Obama in the polls. … continue reading

America can have riots and civil war or a temporary benevolent dictator.

It is clear to me that this country is now hopelessly divided and there will be no solution if we do not find a very strong leader that can shock Americans into reality by telling them the unvarnished truth about where the nation is heading and making it clear that the only alternative to his own radical proposals will be social breakdown with riots and even a civil war. We need someone with the communication skills and likability of Ronald Regan and Glenn Beck and the independent resources of someone like Ross Perot. Maybe It could be someone with outstanding social networking skills that can bypass the lame-stream media that will certainly gather their liberal forces against him.… continue reading