GOP must develop workable agenda to restore the American Republic

Americans now have about 8 months left to turn the direction of this country around or there will be economic collapse, depression and civil war in this country. Those that think business like usual from the GOP will save this Republic from the destructive agenda from those on the hard Left are dead wrong. The hard Left wants to make America conform to world socialism. Americans need to understand what is at stake if the hard Left stays in power. Liberty loving people can either get active in the political war playing out right now or they will experience a real civil war later.

Yeah, the situation is that grave. Those that want to take away the American sovereignty expressed best in our Declaration of Independence, those that want to take away individual liberties guaranteed by our Constitution, those that want to take God and guns out of heartland America and replace them with collectivist UN world mandates, those that want a statist federal government that will control every aspect of everyone’s lives, have about as much of a chance of accomplishing their agenda peacefully in heartland America as an invasion of alien body snatchers.

Those in the GOP  that think they can win this street fight using Marquess of Queensberry rules are not understanding the gravity of the problem. Nothing less than the American Republic is at stake. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country to prevent the globalists from making the American Republic subservient to a ruling world oligarchy.

If you ever took an oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, it is time to stand up and do so, because America has domestic enemies that want to do away with our Constitution and make us conform to the EU prototype and UN agenda for global sustainable development. The hard Left in power in the U.S. are not really obeying much of our Constitution already. They must be removed.


The politicians that are now in office took this same oath to support and defend the Constitution when they were sworn into political office, but instead of obeying their oath some are deliberately trying to subvert the Constitution or are ignoring it. If most politicians took their oath seriously, impeachment and criminal charges would already be brought against the perpetrators, but nothing happens.

I also have to wonder where the military is. They also swore to defend and support the Constitution from domestic enemies but that defense is not occurring. I guess the careers of the generals are more important than the oath they took or American liberty. Our forefathers and all veterans that served,  fought, or died for America would be ashamed of the crop of politically correct generals that now run our military. What is it about government takeovers of private corporations and government deciding which corporations live and which fail that they do not understand? What is it about the removal of free religious expression and morality from America and the forcing of immorality on others that they do not understand?

When did godless statist fascism become acceptable in a Republic founded on God-given inalienable rights, individual liberty and justice for all? There are many examples that make it clear that none of the branches of our government are abiding by the Constitution of our land and something really should be done about that. If our military cannot recognize domestic enemies of our Constitution when they are staring them in the face, or if they chose not to do anything about it, why even take an oath to defend the Constitution?

Why Is the Supreme Court dragging their heels on obvious unconstitutional actions by the Executive Branch of government? They also took the oath to defend the Constitution, but they won’t even look at evidence that the President himself does not even meet the constitutional requirements to be President of the United States.

Those requirements were put there for a reason. Now we have a President that has more loyalty to the global agenda than to America. He has chosen not to enforce certain laws as he swore to do and he enforces decrees that are beyond his constitutional powers. He took over whole private corporations without a peep from the Judicial Branch. Unconstitutional actions are occurring every day and nobody does anything.


The destruction of America is at hand, but Republicans want to run against those that intend to destroy America like it was just another election for Dog Catcher. If Republicans do not win this election they can pack their bags and American pie and catch the last plane for the coast of New Zealand and take the Father Son and Holy Ghost with them because they will not be allowed in hard Left America.

I get so irritated with Christian leaders that will not take a position against obvious evil within political platforms or political figures. After all, America’s leaders must come from the political system that we have. Church leaders hide behind possibly offending someone in their congregation, or they hide behind IRS tax laws so they can ignore and not speak about the greatest political evil this generation of Americans will ever know. I have to wonder what church leaders are good for if they obey the state but disobey God by not even informing those that they are responsible for, about the evil that is rising in America coming from the hard Left that has control. Church leaders remain silent because it might offend someone who obviously is already blinded or remains blinded because these religious “leaders” have said nothing in the past and they will say nothing in the future.

What are they in Christian leadership for? Have you ever considered that it is your responsibility to lead your flock to make sound decisions so they can continue to live in peace in America and so that Christians in America can be free to spread the gospel to others? Are you just going to let your sheep vote to walk off a cliff because you’re a shepherd that is afraid to tell them about the danger of blindly following satanic agents?

You think you should not take a political position against obvious evil from the pulpit because it is political? I have news. The world we live in is political! Hitler was political! Our freedom to worship in this country is a political decision! Or is it that you are really more concerned about your present membership numbers or protecting your position than protecting the true flock? I have more news. Those that will take a stand to protect their sheep will have large numbers of healthy loyal sheep. Those that will not protect the flock put under their charge will eventually lose sheep to all sorts of predators and thieves and they might not be leading God’s sheep much longer.


Just for the record, it is unconstitutional for government to tell you what to preach and to tell you that you cannot identify evil by its political name. The first amendment to the Constitution with free speech and free expression of religion did not end at the church front door.  The IRS will not dare take away the tax exemption of an established church over a free speech issue, and even if they did, so what? There are free Christian legal advocates that have said they will represent your church in court if that happens, and they will do it without cost to your church. They would love to challenge this unconstitutional IRS decree but Christian church leaders would rather be obedient lemmings to an IRS decree rather than stand up for their constitutional rights. They just love being wusses for Jesus!

You evangelical pastors cannot tell me that you cannot see the difference between good and evil in the two political parties in this country. One party is for moral law; the other is for doing away with all morals. One is pro individual liberty; the other is pro government control over everyone. One is pro life in the womb; the other is pro death in the womb. One is pro father led traditional families; the other is pro government raising families. One thinks parents are to be examples to children; the other thinks that sex perversion is the example for children. One wants to teach people to make a living; the other enables people to become long-term government dependents. One is for strong national defense to hinder tyrants that want to kill us and the innocent; the other wants appeasement toward tyrants so they can continue to kill Christians and Jews all over the world. One wants God in country; the other wants no expression of God in country. Must I go on? You really see no difference between the two parties??


What is it about evil that these Christian leaders do not understand? Anywhere the hard Left has taken power the end result has been poverty, suffering, tyranny and persecution of Christians. And if you are aware that the hard Left is a demoniacally inspired Marxist evil, then why are you silent about this rising evil in America from behind your pulpits? You say you do not take political positions? Why is that? Hitler came to power and millions died because pastors just like you turned a blind eye to the demonic Nazi Party. Most of the church leaders even helped the Nazi Party carry out their evil agenda while quoting Romans 13 to their congregations.

There are no excuses for the silence. And don’t quote some scripture ripped out of context and think that a popular Christian cliché is going to resolve the problems in America. Pastors love quoting 2 Ch 7:14 to put the responsibility about what is taking place in America on Christians but they take this passage totally out of context. Unbelieving Americans are not God’s people and the land restoration this passage was talking about was Israel, not America. I wrote on this 2 Ch 7:14  false teaching already, so I won’t repeat it here.

Let me just say that most Christians in America do not even have a clue what humbling themselves and praying actually entails anyway. It is not attending a weekly whatever ails the congregation prayer gathering. Even If 2 Ch 7:14 was written to Christians in America they certainly are not going to do it, and you pastors all know it. It is a convenient cop-out so that church leaders do not need to address the national evils and address them by name. So just call a revival to get the choir to repent again and continue to not deal with the real moral issues and the anti-God hard Left in our land and see what that brings you in 2013 and beyond. It will be a little late to speak about politics then.

There is a war against all that is right in America and if American Church leaders will not stand up and be counted, by after the 2012 election you probably will have helped liberty in America to be lost. Do you then think your Christian forefathers will be proud of you when many of them died so that their descendents (like you) could have a free nation?

All members of churches need to put their pastors on notice. Are the pastors going to stand against evil from their pulpit or enable it by saying nothing? Are you pastors going to preach Christian happy messages and self-help and prosperity messages while this nation goes over an economic and moral cliff? There are hundreds of thousands of Christian leaders in this country. If Christian leaders took a moral stand and preached about the danger of this hard Left evil to their congregations, the immoral hard Left would crawl back in their holes. The Bible says my people perish because of lack of knowledge. A wise man once said, “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”


Conservatives have allowed the hard Left media to control all the rules of engagement. It is time to put a stop to that.  I think it is time for a congressional investigation along with other independently funded investigations to find out who is pulling the strings on some of the media mouths on the hard Left. There are crony corporations and billionaires behind the media spin. It is time we trace the money and expose the agenda of the powers behind mainstream media.

The hard Left candidates need to be truly vetted by conservatives before the 2012 election. We all know that Obama and the people around him are hiding things about their past but only a fringe few are doing any real investigative work to find out what that is. Why? Can’t the Republican party even pay for private investigators? Where are all the wealthy people who stand to lose when they get scapegoated by an Obama administration supporting class warfare? Let’s see if the cockroaches can stand a little public exposure about all the activities that they have been involved in.

If I were running the GOP I would have a new major revelation coming out every week about the illegal and immoral activities of the hard Left power brokers. With all the investigative techniques that are now available why is it that we cannot find what has been hidden about Obama? The Clintons also got a big cover-up by the media that also should be exposed because if Obama falters Hillary is their ace in the hole.

Most of the rest of the hard Left leadership is corrupt. Thugs that are dressed in lawyer suits are still thugs. I am sure there is enough shady information about the democratic leadership to force most of them to resign.  However, if conservatives are going to give them a pass why would anything change?

Why do conservatives think the hard Left will abide by the Constitution in the future, when nobody does anything about it when the Obama administration willfully disregards this law of the land now?


All military veteran organizations should demand to know why the executive and legislative branches of government have decided to take a path that will soon lead to the bankruptcy and disarmament of this nation. Five trillion dollars have been borrowed in just the last three years (one-third of our entire national debt). They will also be borrowing more than another trillion dollars each year for the foreseeable future under the best of economic scenarios.

Few have a clue about what is going to hit the American economy when the tax increases go in effect at the end of this year and the full cost of Obamacare hits in 2014 and beyond. If those in power then continue to create more money we will be in a hyper-inflationary depression in the blink of an eye and if they don’t we will be in a deflationary depression spiral. In either case, most Americans will lose everything except the cronies with insider information and offshore investments and accounts. They will do just fine.

Obama intends to  destroy the greatest military in the world and just make America another mediocre power. If he gets us down to the 300 or so nukes that he proposes we will have no nuclear deterrence. Obama has already announced cuts that will not allow us to fight two wars at the same time. Now he wants to get rid of our nuclear deterrence? When that happens one enemy can hit us and absorb the few nukes that survived their first strike and another ally of theirs would be free to take over their area of the world. What does anyone really think 300 nukes would do against a country the size of Russia anyway?

Our nukes are designed and fitted for specific military targets. They were not designed to destroy cities. Russia and China have huge underground complexes to take shelter in. If we were down to 300 nukes Russia or China could EMP us, nuke and sink our 300 ship navy and just leave Americans to starve and fight against each other for the necessities to survive. We would be finished as any type of world power. We could not deliver any worthwhile military retaliation at all. The Obama administration disarmament policy is suicidal. But you see, the globalist hard Left wants to eliminate the American superpower. Bible Prophecy will be fulfilled, who could make war with the world government Beast? (Rev 13:4). The answer is nobody, because America will be finished.

You might say Obama would not make America that defenseless because it would one day bring destruction on his own head. Don’t be so sure that this even crosses his mind. He and his family will be the first ones to abandon this country when he is out of power here. He has no special love for the United States. His mission is to bankrupt and disarm this country so world government will rise to power.


The attack on our hard Left enemies during this election campaign has to be brutally honest. However, we also have to have a message of hope for Americans and especially the American underclass. We cannot just tell people that we are going to take away their entitlements. You can’t win an election that way and it would be immoral. The fact is that many in America have already become government dependents. Even if you did pull off a win, when you tried to make the budget and entitlement cuts in one shot like some have suggested, there would be massive riots. What is happening in Greece would be nothing compared to what would happen here.

Anyone that lived through the riots of the late 60’s knows how ugly it can get when race baiters are given a cause and a platform. It is far worse now, because most in the inner city do not have any employable skills. Half the people in the inner cities do not have jobs and these areas of the cities are controlled by organized drug gangs. Terrorists are also infiltrating the gangs. We have to keep this situation under control and give government dependents hope for the near and long-term future. Otherwise, we conservatives might find ourselves not only with burned out cities, but on the wrong end of the UN R2P doctrine. In other words, a hard-handed conservative government could prove to be very short-lived.

The only way to get out of this economic crisis is through expanded economic growth. We can make some large budget cuts but cuts alone are not going to solve our debt and entitlement problem. Greece is making cuts and that has put them into a full-fledged depression with the EU demanding more cuts each year because tax revenues also fall during a depression. Greece already has 25 percent unemployment and 25 percent of businesses have already failed but the EU bureaucrats think the Greeks must tolerate more cuts. They will not. The Greeks will riot and the government will have to change to conform to the will of the people, rather than EU or banker decrees. Of course, that means debt default for Greece, but we are on a path that will bring even worse conditions here before the end of this decade. Nobody will even attempt to bail us out.

Here are some things I think the GOP should campaign on or do. Most of these things should be accomplished during the first term of a Republican administration.

  • At least ten million new private sector jobs need to be promised to be created in the next four years through new economic growth and energy development. The Republicans should promise to make our country as attractive for new businesses as Hong Kong.
  • The Republican administration should promise to go all out to develop all energy resources. The way to do that is to make energy development a matter of national security that supersedes environmental laws until we become energy self-sufficient. Most federal land must be opened up to energy development. The goal would be to free America from energy dependence outside of North America within 4 years and to be a net exporter of energy products by the end of the decade. This would create millions of new jobs and royalties for states and for land owners. It would also break the back of OPEC and gas prices would fall to $2 a gallon. Lower energy prices would tremendously stimulate the economy aside from tax cuts and we would not have the yearly trade deficit.
  • We will have a simple point of sales tax. The IRS would be eliminated saving hundreds of billions in enforcement and compliance. Since corporations would no longer pay taxes on profits, or have to hire accountants to comply with tax laws, the retail price of products would fall and that would offset most of the sales tax increase.
  • Corporate taxes would be eliminated. The cost is just passed down to those that are buying the products anyway.
  • Federal grants could be obtained to rebuild and make inner cites desirable places to live, one neighborhood at a time.
  • We will allow unlimited numbers of wealthy foreign people to move and retire here.
  • The U.S. would pull out of the United Nations and have it moved off of our soil. The UN will not dictate our foreign or domestic policy again.
  • We will form an alliance with like-minded liberty loving nations as an alternative to the socialist and Islamic controlled UN.
  • We will dissolve many of the oppressive government agencies with their regulations and allow individual states to manage their own affairs.
  • Repeal Obamacare. Get rid of all but catastrophic health insurance. Providers could then cut the cost of  most routine medical procedures by at least 40 percent. There would be a catastrophic coverage policy available at fairly low cost. Medical care for millions of poor people could come through a government run health care system. This public system would be set up and be available at a sliding scale fee based on means testing. It could be somewhat like the VA health system is today for veterans that have medical problems but are not service connected problems.
  • A strong national defense. We will stay the world superpower but we will quit being the UN policeman. Make non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse weapons and defenses a high priority. No tolerance for obvious terrorist training camps anywhere in the world. Greatly expand the number of rapid strike special forces in the military.
  • Strong support for Israel and zero tolerance for Muslim nuclear weapons programs. Islam is an evil ideology. Form strong alliance with India.
  • Have strong congressional oversight over the Department of Homeland security to protect the rights of Americans.
  • Impeach judges that legislate from the bench and ignore the law of the land.
  • Strong border enforcement with double fence on Mexican Border. Stop illegals from getting jobs and services.
  • Clean out gangs in inner cities. Death penalty for major drug trafficking.
  • Find a way to get states to replace at least half the prisons with work farms for non violent offenders. They can do the work the illegal immigrants have been doing and also pay restitution.
  • Hard drug users go to detox centers, repeat offenders spend time on work farms to earn their keep.
  • Decriminalize federal laws against marijuana and similar natural weeds and mushrooms. This is a war we cannot afford or win and marijuana use is a state issue.
  • English will be the language of our land used in all public places.
  • We will support our allies but we will be pulling most of our ground troops out of most of the world. Europe can pay for its own defense and so can South Korea and Japan. We will sell them needed weapons if necessary.
  • No federally subsidized unemployment benefits. States can do what they want. There would be federal assistance available for those that qualify for long-term training programs.
  • Get rid of Head Start programs and government subsidized pre-school programs. It has been proven that they do not give kids any advantage over children that stay home until school age. It is nothing more than a government jobs program, toddler feeding service, and baby sitting service.
  • Expanded adoption and infant support program rather than an abortion program.
  • Free special education programs for those that went through our government indoctrination systems but still did not learn to read or write.
  • Get back to the basics in schools, take out the socialistic indoctrination classes. Eliminate the socialist infiltrated Department of Education. Allow optional religious education classes within public schools. Put God back in our country.
  • Eliminate the Energy Department. Eliminate the Department of Agriculture. Eliminate the EPA and turn environmental protection over to the states. End federal farm subsidies.
  • Marriage is between one man and one woman. No civilized society would think otherwise
  • Pass a balanced budget amendment that will fully take effect before 2020. Pay off three percent on the principal of the national debt each year thereafter until the debt is gone.
  • Abolish the Federal Reserve and give the responsibility for the creation of money back to Congress.
  • Send a copy of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution with its Bill of Rights to every address in America. Edit in red where government has abandoned the system of government set up by the founders and where the amendments to the Constitution have been violated by lawmakers and judges. Make it clear that we will be going back under constitutional government in a Republican administration.
  • Send graphics that explain the national debt and entitlement crisis to every address in America. (Send graphics because many Democrat dependents cannot comprehend what they read even if they do read.) Graphically show the path we need to take in the future to prevent default on our debt.
  • Mass advertising has to be top priority to win this election. If mainstream media TV will not run the ads because they are not politically correct, drop flyers from airplanes if necessary or hand out educational materials at church doors and places of business.
  • The Democrat plan in 2012 will be to blame the rich for all the national problems. They will use class warfare. Republicans need to fight their lies by exposing them as liars and giving the truth. List the richest people in this nation, the corporation heads, media stars, foundations etc., and show where their wealth is invested, the taxes they pay, and what they support with their money. The facts will make it clear that the wealthiest people in this nation that find ways not to not pay their fair share of taxes are actually mostly Democrats.
  • Democratic leaders are post modern pragmatists that see things in shades of gray. Unlike moral people who know good from evil and black from white they can lie about the truth without blinking an eye. They deliberately spin the truth and they must be exposed for the liars that they are. Trying to be politically correct and tap dance around the fact that our government is run by a den of liars is not informing voters about the problem and is not wise. Yes, it is also time to tell the American people that Obama is a deliberate liar. He has proven that over and over and there is plenty of evidence available to prove that point.
  • Set up a Internet network and task force that will counter the Internet attack army that Obama will use.
  • Demand that states require people to show photo ID’s to vote in national elections, otherwise voting fraud will be rampant. Have all polling places under bipartisan observation.
  • Promise to have all new bills in Congress pass the Constitution test before attempting to make it law.
  • All this will cost a lot of money so people will have to contribute to the GOP like most never have before.

Those are just some of the issues the Republicans will need to address if they are to beat Obama.  If conservatives understood  that the American Republic is at stake, they might put together an agenda much like this to take over the administration and save the Republic. If they continue to play defense with the entrenched godless socialists, they are already on a slow boat to China.

Do I think the GOP will win in 2012? The answer is no, because most of what I suggested will not be done. The chief reason why Obama will win is that there will be nothing but silence coming from the pulpits. The pastors are cowed by political correctness, the IRS, and church boards with a corporate mentality. If something is found on Obama and he goes down, Hillary will pop up and finish the job. So more than just exposing the Democrat poster child has to be accomplished before the election. The Republicans will have to have a well planned and workable agenda to win in 2012.

If Obama wins and the GOP retains the House and takes the Senate, you are going to see rule by veto and presidential decree. Obama will bankrupt this country and rule this country through Obamacare, EPA and Homeland Security mandates. If Obama wins and the Democrats hold the majority in the House and Senate, conservatives should be asking themselves where they put that map of Western Montana.

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48 thoughts on “GOP must develop workable agenda to restore the American Republic

  1. Yes there are answers to our problems and these are very good ones but I’m afraid Americans have been conditioned for too long to prefer the lie over the truth, if I’m dumb tell me I’m smart, if I’m ugly tell me I’m pretty, lying is kind, the truth is mean, now they call the truth hate speech.

  2. Don,

    It’s OVER! Ain’t nothing of what you wrote Don going to happen WITHOUT violent conflict. Including if any State attempts to secede. You already know that all the fema logistics are in place for such a scenario. Unless a sizable portion of the U.S. military (along with much weaponry) joins up with what would essentially be a defending Revolutionary Christian Army, there is no chance of overcoming the multitude and their firepower. Let’s just look at a microcosm of such a possible scenario (excluding the circumstances – Cult) …Remember Waco? How long do you think that folks would be able to wait out any siege? The Pampered people of Post WWII America would cry uncle within a few months.

    You are also well aware that whatever True conservative Christian leadership we have left, is little and fragmented – I don’t see any coalescing around any formidable leadership group. One that would and could bare the burdens of such a great responsibility. In fact I don’t see any true and faithful Christian leader trumpeting a call to arms. I will trust my God to be my defender. He will lead me to where it is safe.

    We have but one option. Trust in God only. Be as the early Christians were during the roman empire era. Be as the Jew was in Babylon. Wait upon the Lord for our individual protection and for counsel on what to do and where to go. The Lord can protect us against ANY fire. He is with us in this fiery furnace that we know as planet earth in 2012 … and He will shield us and bring us forth un-singed and smelling like the wild roses in late bloom.

    The culture war is heating up and the two sides will decimate each other. Sword against sword. The socialists and the capitalists. Both debauched and reprobate – as they deny the truth (and ways) of God. Uttering his name yet always denying the power there-of. Saying they are doing HIS will when in fact they do their own will. Let me be CLEAR, that certainly there are exceptions (true Christians) within these two adversarial factions . I could go through some characterizations for the two factions but in fact they are BOTH the SAME. The exception being that one side has money and the other feels they have a right to some of that money.

    In the middle you have the largest faction of them all. The true worker bees. The middle classes. But they are inept as a power players in this. Why? Because they like there remotes too much. They like their cars, their pornography (when no one is watching) , their dream homes, the casino, the Pro-Sports and concerts. Booze and parties. Video games (lots and lots of violent video games) They love their “American Idols” and they even “think they can dance” like them …They are amusing themselves to DEATH. …and they don’t care for more than the time that it takes for a 60 second ad to end. Heck they even enjoy the ad. These folks are major players in ONE THING though… empowering the “celebrities” of this culture… through throwing away hard earned money at these carnival acts. Sean Penn, Oprah, Madonna, The Pitts, Fonda, countless celebrities from every entertainment medium you can think of. Ah but their college degrees hang on the wall and are dusted regularly, and they are proud of their “knowledge”. Meanwhile their Bible sits in a drawer or on a table collecting dust – if they have one at all. Continually they’ll argue against the Godly truth given to us through God’s Holy Scriptures. Did God really say that? they say. Just as Satan did to Eve. But now Satan can just put his feet up. They’ll do his biding all on their own. They’ll beguile themselves…. Lovers of pleasure they are. Its okay to allow the free liberty of homosexual sex, or have an abortion… they reason. Lets bring it into schools and let the teachers explain that in this new world certain ideals need to be allowed and tolerated, and even accepted. Let’s smoke some grass, its a natural God given weed after all. Have some crack while your at it.

    More amazingly is that many in this faction go to church and know some of Gods true word. Ahh but then they get to their cars in the parking ,and quickly revert to culture of the times. Off to the mall or kick back with some friends and watch the big game. What’s junior doing? Oh he’s at his friends house. Hmmmmmmmm. Smoking weed and watching pornography!

    “peoples hearts must change (turn to God) before a kingdom can change”

    This Kingdom is over!

    I believe we are but a few years away from the End.

    Come Lord of Lord’s… King of Kings… Come quickly!


  3. Don,

    What you said about “Where is the military” is the way I see it. The military enforcing any agenda the taskmasters set forth, I think, is the reality, not a military that is going to take a stand against a tyrannical government.

    I do not see a “removal of free religious expression” in this country, I only see a removal of Yeshua, Jesus Christ out of this country, the powers that be are fighting hard to justify the rights of Allah and any other apostate that comes along.

    “”I get so irritated with Christian leaders that will not take a position against obvious evil within political platforms or political figures””
    You and me both Don, and herein lies a big part of the problem.

  4. Al,

    On your previous garbling problem. I think it is happening because you are writing your comment on a word processor and then cutting and pasting it in the comment box formatting and all. If you want to use a word processor then cut and past it into something like notebook that will strip the formatting out and than cut and paste it again in the comment box.

    Another way to do it that will keep the formatting would be to save the file in HTML format and then use that file to cut and paste from.

  5. Thanks Don.

    Just to clarify… “of what you wrote” …meaning the things you’d like to see happen.
    And “capitalists” meaning those who have greater wealth and elitists both Conservative and Lib.

  6. Al,

    I think we need to keep in mind that the whole key to keeping the American Republic is based on keeping liberty for law abiding citizens. Without liberty you dwell under tyranny in any world system.

  7. Don, I just want to touch on the capitalist standpoint a little more. I feel that things just got way out of hand. Over the years as God was/is being systematically removed from the nation… and the people sit back and wave bye bye… It’s only natural that the capitalism of yesteryear filled with many enterprising, yet ethically sound men & women and many of those Christians who believed in, and employed, fair and balanced scales… versus the gouging voracious type . The gougers of greed were the exceptions…but now they are the rule of thumb…the norm.
    War profiteers were looked down on in times gone bye… Now they are fortune 500 companies with everyone looking to invest in one. Well maybe not now with Obama in office.

    Don, Where I live there are many franchise pizzerias and a mom & pop shop. I order 2 med pizza with three toppings . The franchise pizza cost me $20 and the mom & pop $18. But hang on… I don’t just save $2 bucks. No I get more. The quality and quantity (of and on) my mom & pop Pizza is superior. I know they are Christians Greek orthodox I think. So here we have capitalism at play. But one guy uses fair scales and the others gouge. How does help a nation? Let’s use the Walmart example for a bigger picture. How many trillions in debt are we in? check out the Forbes 500 and guess what the Walton family’ combined worth is – I think there are 5 5 of them. ALMOST 1 trillion. Ya that’s right a trillion dollars worth of cheap made in china junk. So the small businesses are forced to close, production moves to china and the WALTON’S pocket a trillion dollars. 1 TRILLION Don. They are worth a large piece of the deficit – one family! Add Bill Gates. And wham. I’m not saying these folks don’t have aright to make some good money, but when is enough enough. Its stolen money in the end. They have OBVIOUSLY overpriced the product or service and then underpaid the employees. How else does one make that kind of CASH? Enough to erase the deficit.

    I’m absolutely not a socialist BUT I also NO LONGER believe in capitalism… NOT in nation without God …that uses bad scales and leaves nothing for the peasant to glean.

    I don’t see a workabale solution to this problem.

  8. Wow, fantastic post Don. Don’t think I can add anything else I think you bout said except maybe DON FOR PRESIDENT! Haha I’m serious though. Maybe u can start as governor first of your state so people can learn who you are. I think once people see what the far left has done to them there will be a very strong demand for a Christian conservative leadership who can discern the times we are in and get down to the real problems we are facing. It might take another Obama term or a world war but once the people (even liberals) see just how badly our country is destroyed they will be begging for a leader to return us to the country our founders planned.

  9. Al,

    What you art talking about is predatory and crony capitalism. We were supposed to have anti trust laws to prevent the predatory kind. The crony kind has popped up as our system has become more and more fascist. You are wrong that it is not occurring under Obama. What do you think all the bail outs and stimulus and political paybacks are all about? Obama is the biggest Crony Capitalist supporter this country has ever known.

    By the way, nobody makes Americans shop at WalMart. Everyone knew they would put mom and pop stores out of business but Americans did not care, they wanted lower prices. The solution always comes back to you and me. We can change the system overnight if we were willing to pay the price.

    Now Dollars Stores are putting a dent in WalMart sales so there is some free enterprise if you can do it cheaper. Unfortunately for general stores that means finding countries that sell the junk that Americans want at slave labor rates.

    What we really need to do is to limit the size of Corporations. Make them split when they get too powerful and support products that are make right here even if it costs more. At least it is less likely to be junk and it probably will pay for itself in product life.


    I could not win dog catcher around here. Unless you grew up around here and have a lot of friends and family to support you in this area you cannot get elected to office.

  10. Al,

    I really like what you write and have much respect for your point of view, however…

    “”He will shield us and bring us forth un-singed and smelling like the wild roses in late bloom.””

    Al, I don’t believe this is correct. There are many strong believers who have and will stand by Jesus and be heavily persecuted. Being a strong Christ loving person does not necessarily give us divine protection.

    I do agree, however, that regardless of how good or bad one’s life is…we must trust in God regardless…then yes, we will be “smelling like the wild roses in late bloom” if we are willing to even lay down our life for our faith in Christ if/when it comes to that.


    In my lifetime, I have rarely seen a franchise (of anything) better a smaller, personalized “mom & pop” caliber place of business.

    The In-N-Out Burger Corporation that insists on steady quality above all else is one of those rarity’s.

    Typically, in a franchise or large business, an employee is nothing more than a statistic and an employee number to the greedy bean counters that make the big corporate decisions. Those bean counters could give a hoot about customer quality unless it adversely effects the bottom line…so, yes, the whole large corp. wheel is geared towards the bottom line, hence, quality is VERY secondary…and how can the employee care about quality, when keeping their job is centered around fulfilling the strictly enforced corporate standard.

    I experienced this personally from working at the phone company and in the trucking industry.

  11. Don & ~David… You both misunderstood me on a couple of points.

    Don – my “ Obama “ comment refers to his military cuts/proposals that will divert investments from those companies. In context to what I was speaking to in that paragraph.
    I detest Obama and socialism… but capitalism left unchecked and filled with ungodly greedy and generally immoral business persons is also a BIG problem. I agree with the rest of what you said in your reply Don. Although i don’t belive that the dollar store wil have much impact on Walmart sales/profits… they will though add to killing off more smaller businesses.

    ~David – I agree… hence my comment also includes having to live like the Christians during the Roman empire era. Some died for their belief some where protected by God and lived , to do his will (including have children and raise a family) – if none had lived we wouldn’t know HIS truth. The enemy would have won.

  12. Al,

    Under our system we do have regulations so that capitalism is not left unchecked. However, if the regulations are selectively enforced and favor one’s cronies then we have crony capitalism. World trade agreements have also cooked the books toward offshore global corporations and now we have the too big to fails. In some respects we no longer have a free enterprise system (true capitalism). The whole world is moving toward elite or state controlled crony capitalism also known as Fascism. Obama, Romney and Newt Gingrich have shown by example that they have no problem with that.

  13. What good is liberty if its liberty in HELL.

    Tyranny not only comes from government but also from powerful individuals and many groups of reprobate, violent , ungodly and evil persons that are also at liberty, to “ legally “ harass the law abiding citizen (I prefer the godly law abiding Christians) through cultural intimidation, coercion through fear, pressure to conform, civil suits, incessant propaganda, indoctrination of our youth, conditioning thorough audio and video mediums… just having to tolerate gross evil daily , etc, etc.

    Here is just a short list… recognize some of these names?

    Gay Straight Alliance Network International (GSANI)
    International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA)
    International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC)
    International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organisation (IGLYO)
    International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex Law Association (ILGLaw)
    Global Respect In Education (GRIN) hahahaha.
    Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
    African-American Women for Reproductive Freedom
    Ayn Rand Institute
    Catholics for Choice
    Choice USA
    EMILY’s List
    I’m Not
    NARAL Pro-Choice America
    National Abortion Federation
    National Coalition of Abortion Providers
    National Organization for Women
    Planned Parenthood
    Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
    Republicans for Choice
    Al Franken
    Al Gore
    Al Sharpton
    Alec Baldwin
    Ali Abunimah (Anti-Israeli Activist & Obama Ccomrade)
    America Coming Together (ACT) (Organized by Leftwing Government Union Bosses)
    American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
    American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
    American Public Policy Committee (APPC)
    Americans United For Change (AUFC)
    Amnesty International (AI)
    Arab American Action Network (AAAN)
    Arianna Huffington
    Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)
    Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
    Barney Frank (D-MA)
    Barry Lynn (Executive Directer of Americans United)
    Berkeley (UCB)
    Bill Clinton (D)
    Bill Mahr
    Bill Moyers (PBS)
    Bill Press
    Black Liberation Theology (Obama’s Christianity)
    Center for American Progress (CAP)
    Center for Media and Democracy (CMD)
    Change America Now (CAN)
    Chris Dodd (D-CT)
    Chris Mathews (MSNBC)
    Christiane Amanpour (A So-Called Journalist)
    Chuck Schumer (D-NY) (Corrupt Authoritarian Hack)
    Code Pink
    Columbia University
    Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)
    Cornel West (Marxist)
    Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
    Dan Rather
    David Axelrod (Obama’s Chief Pollitical Advisor)
    Democracy Now! (DN)
    Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
    Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)
    Developing Communities Project (DCP)
    Diane Watson (D-CA – Castro Supporter)
    Donald Berwick (Obama’s Marxist Nominee to Head of CMS)
    Ed Asner (Member of Democratic Socialists of America)
    Ed Begley Jr. (Hollywood Enviro-Marxist)
    Ed Schultz (MSNBC Commentator – Radio Talk Show Host)
    Elena Kagan (Activist Obama Supreme Court Nominee)
    Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)
    Ford Foundation
    Gamaliel Foundation (GF)
    George Clooney
    George Soros (Marxist)
    Gerry Hudson (SEIU)
    Goethe International Charter School (GICS) of Los Angeles, California
    Green Party (GP)
    Green Peace
    Harry Belafonte (Marxist)
    Helen Thomas (Journalist – W.H. Press Corps)
    Henry Waxman (D-CA)
    Hillary Clinton (D) (Self Proclaimed Progressive)
    Hollywood Celebrities
    Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF)
    The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS)
    International Action Center (IAC)
    International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)
    Janeane Garofalo (Race Baiting White Chick)
    Jane Fonda (Treasonous Communist)
    Jesse Jackson
    Jimmy Carter (Failed President – Marxist – Anti-Semite – Jihad Enabler)
    Joe Biden (D – 36 Years as Senator from Delaware – Obama’s VP)
    John Cusack (Anti-Capitalist Activist – Actor)
    Jon Stewart
    J Street (Leftist Anti-Israel Lobby Group)
    JUDICIAL ACTIVISM (A Progressive Strategy Used to Imposing Their Will On Us)
    Katie Couric
    Keith Olbermann (MSNBC)
    Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour (Radical Muslim – Black Liberation Theology – Obama Comrade)
    Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (LCCR)
    Los Angeles Times
    Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam)
    Marcy Winograd (D – Anti-Israel – Marxist)
    Marxist Churches (Using Christianity as Cover)
    Maureen Dowd (New York Times Op-Ed Columnist) (George Soros)
    Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)
    Michael Bloomberg (NYC Mayor)
    Mike Farrell
    Mike Malloy (Left-Wing Radio Host) (George Soros)
    Muhammad al-Asi (Islamic Radical and Guest Speaker at MSA and MSU Events)
    Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
    Muslim Students Association (MSA)
    Muslim Student Union (MSU)
    Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
    Naomi Klein (Anti-Capitalist Activist)
    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
    National Council of La Raza (NCLR)
    National Education Association (NEA)
    Nation of Islam (NOI)
    Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
    New York Times
    NEWSWEEK (Leftist Rag)
    Noam Chomsky (Marxist)
    Open Society Institute (OSI) (George Soros Foundation – Assets: $858,935,162) Organizing for America (OFA)
    Peace Action Network (PAN)
    Peace and Freedom Party (PFP)
    Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG)
    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
    Presbyterian Church (USA)
    Project Vote
    Rachel Carson (Founder of the Modern Environmental Movement)
    Rachel Maddow
    Rainbow/PUSH Coalition (R/PC)
    Rainforest Action Network (RAN)
    Revolutionary Communist Party USA (RCP)
    Robert Redford (Enviro-Marxist)
    Rosie O’donnell
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Activist Supreme Court Judge)
    Sean Penn ( A-List Jack-Ass, Actor, and Marxist)
    Schumann Center for Media and Democracy (SCMD)
    Sierra Club (SC)
    SOCIAL JUSTICE (code word for Marxism)
    Spike Lee (Race Hustler – Anti-Semite – Ant-American – Film Maker)
    Steven Spielberg
    Susan Sarandon
    Teaching for Change (Howard Zinn)
    Ted Turner (Founder of CNN)
    Tim Robbins
    Tom Hanks
    Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)
    United Nations (UN)
    United Trinity Church (Jeremiah Wright – Marxism – Black Liberation Theology)
    Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW)
    Young Communists League (TCL)

  14. Al,

    There is no liberty in Hell!

    You are using a play on the world liberty by saying these people and organization are at “liberty” to persecute liberty lovers. These people and organizations are the enemies of liberty.

    Like the Bible says, “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” where Satan’s spirit rules there is no liberty. Give me liberty or give me death.

  15. Congratulations to all the pastors that are now retiring – I see your names in the local paper. You sure have looked forward to this day haven’t you. Now all you have to do is get through the “Judgement”.

  16. Hello Don and others,

    A very powerful post, and challenging thoughts to consider. Evil has certainly become unleashed in American culture. Sure reminds me of the Roman empire.

    Rod in Oregon

  17. Don,
    I like you brother. You’re a good guy… and a good teacher.
    Your right there is no liberty in Hell. But you also understand what I meant by that.
    Sometimes I am just so angry at this world… I hate it!

  18. Al,

    I think most red blooded Americans can spit nails over what they see happening in this country and in the world. You have made some very good points. By the way, I love the list, its time for Christians to expose the cockroaches.

  19. Al,

    The All-Star list of America Liberty Haters had some surprises for me.

    I don’t know anything negative about Steven Spielberg except his movies from long ago and on the IGLYO, I thought “Queer” was still an unfavorable word, I guess not anymore.

  20. Several years ago I had a meeting with the pastor of the church I was attending. I asked him specifically why he never brought up the serious problems that are occurring in our society. His answer was that he didn’t want to lose the tax exemption. I no longer attend that church, and that was one of the reasons why. So much for him standing up for Jesus Christ. I think a whole lot of churches are the same way though. They talk a lot, but say nothing.

  21. Hi ~DAvid.

    Just a litte on Spielberg.

    Spielberg usually supports U.S. Democratic Party candidates. He has donated over $800,000 for the Democratic party and its nominees. He has been a close friend of former President Bill Clinton. On February 20, 2007, Spielberg, Katzenberg, and David Geffen invited Democrats to a fundraiser for Barack Obama. However, on June 14, 2007, Spielberg endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) for President. While Geffen and Katzenberg supported Obama, Spielberg was always a supporter of Hillary Clinton. However Spielberg directed a video for Obama at the DNC in August 2008 and attended Obama’s inauguration. In September 2008, Spielberg and his wife offered their support to same-sex marriage, by issuing a statement following their donation of $100,000 to the “No on Proposition 8” campaign fund, a figure equal to the amount of money Brad Pitt donated to the same campaign less than a week prior.

  22. About the only thing I can throw in here is a comment about 2CH7:14 beibg abused. I wholeheartedly agree. Just like when 10 rightous men couldn’t be found in Sodom, I honestly believe that, in comparison, there is nowhere near enough rightous people on this PLANET to be able to cry out loudly enough for the Lord to stay His hand from delivering the just rewards this world has collectively earned. Reason number 148 why I keep looking up.

  23. As I read the posts, I cannot disagree with alot of what is happening here in America, and some parts of the world. But these realities ignore the reports of tremendous revivals going on in China, Iran, South America and Africa. Reports of real conversions that demonstrate the Holy Spirit is moving. So while it is easy to see the warts and blemishes… There are also thousands of real Christians being born in other parts of the world.

    Rod in Oregon

  24. Rod I am not questing your sincerity in believing these reports, but I myself personally (and probably you as well) have no way of REALLY knowing if these reports are truthful. Have there been any contrary reports? This usually is an indicator of honesty, because do you Rod believe that everything is going well… in regards to no rejection of the word? Even Jesus shook the dust from his sandals and cursed the unbelieving and rejecting people of an area. So if Jesus himself conveyed such rejections in the gospel, do you not find it disturbing that mere human beings report of no such rejections to the gospel? How many towns have chased the evangelists away? So what is really happening in these countries?
    Any independently “confirmed” martyrdom occurring? You see you can point me to a whole whack of articles (most by the same organizations) but in the end China & Iran are hostile nations to western civilization and Christianity. In south America you know as well as I do that close to all are ALREADY catholic and have known the good news since there nations inceptions. Apart from maybe Peru (Japan) all those other central & S.A nations are of Spanish or French origins – Christian (Catholic) nations. I am not doubting there is good work being done, I just will no longer accept a blank statement from (most Likely) the same organizations (or affiliations ) that are asking for money to do this work. I used to give and contribute to such things and in time learned that (and saw) it was for the most part a scam. Sure some poor people got “SOME” goods, but administration sucked up much of the rest and some of the cash… who knows where it went. In some of the churches I attended over the years migrants who had come to our country came to the church for assistance (they supposedly converted and became born again) but I think many really were just feigning it, and wanted nothing more than the assistance. Like I said I have personally seen this happen in some of the churches I attended. Just one case and point. We had a man who came form Columbia (had a wife and 2 children) the church supported him and his family financially and otherwise. The man had a part time job. He was supposedly a professional drummer and drummed on our worship team. But he never could commit to practices, He never even listed to the songs. Because he never played them right – had no idea of the changes and timings. He had a mini-van and a I-phone though. I don’t have an I-phone! Don’t want one either. This man appeared to have no commitment to our church other than to come and collect some goodies. I even fed him some cash on the side (anonymously)
    At one time he mentioned to me that he attended another church (some evenings) . this information came out because at one time we needed a place to practice and he said he “would look into it for us” Maybe he attend many churches and collected more stuff there. I don’t know.

  25. Hello Al,

    Thanks for the post. All very true statements. I was talking with my wife about this very issue. We live in an incredible era of technology, with the ability to share information worldwide in an instant, and at the same time, we live in an era where we cannot even come close to being assured of the accuracy of the information.

    So agreed, we certainly cannot blindly trust any information. There are just to many greedy people profiting off of the naivete’ of people. I too am very reluctant to give to any organization. The last church where I tithed faithfully ended when it became public that the pastor was going on “road trips” including motel rooms… While leaving his wife and six kids at home. Not an A-typical story, but a painful lesson about trust.

    Things are certainly not going “well”. I think there are wonderful stories mixed in with horrible abuses. Reminds me of the wheat and the tares.. I am not sure that the Republican party has the ability to consider a candidate that will begin to fix the ails we are experiencing. They have sold out to big business, and the love of money.

    I think I may have wandered off topic a bit… My apologies if I took the thread off topic. It seems we are to continue to pray, vote for the best candidate possible, and focus on the daily blessings.

    Thanks for ths blog Don! You and all the rest provide me with an opportunity to stretch my thinking.

    🙂 Rod in Oregon

  26. For sure Rod… we both, most likely have many similar stories ( in this regard ) to share. Such disapointing revelations do so discourage a man… and encourage cynicism in that man . In fact my cynicism is pushing me forward unto criticality. I now tend to be more aggressive in seeking the truth in matters, than what I used to be prior. I do always seek for the truth…. God’s absolute truth in every matter. Nonetheless I do love my fellow man, and am quick to soften my heart… without abandoning truth of course. I would ‘t want you to mischaracterize me as a bitter and calculating individual, absent of love… mercy, grace and forgiveness. I am (and try so to be) these more than the former. Yet everything is getting harder to take out there.

    On a related front: I once had a pastor who drove a bright shiny mini-cooper…very expensive I hear. Heck… maybe he had it donated to him. But what kind statement does it make to the congregation. Donated or not, I believe it was a poor decision to own such a vehicle.

  27. Hi Al,

    It is hard to avoid being very cynical when we see our political “leaders” without any real apparent moral fiber or ethics… Much less, within our church “leadership”. A pretty sorry state of affairs.

    Within the church, I think the train left the tracks when it became often profitable to be a pastor. But I digress… 🙂

  28. Don,

    I would like Santorim to focus more on Liberty and less on being a Social Conservatism. I think the best way to destroy Liberalism is to push for States rights. (because the Liberal platform can’t work, if the Federal Gov’t stops paying for bad behavior)

    If the abortion issue were left up to individual states for instance, wouldn’t that be the first step in over-turning Roe v. Wade? Everybody already knows Santorim is a Conservative, so he doesn’t need to defend his record.

    What I would rather see him focus on, is individual freedom and recognize that Bernanke’s inflationary monetary system is killing small businesses and creating Industrial Consolidation, which is why the Dow Jones has been able to rally, while doing minimal hiring making inflation invisible.

    The Occupy Wall Street movement don’t even understand why they are protesting, but then most in Washington don’t understand economics either.

    Who appointed Bernanke and the Keynesians on the Federal Reserve Board, Bush #2 and Obama. America will always vote with their wallet in a bad economy. Santorim should be critisizing Obama’s policies of slow growth, because he wants Obama’s job. (not Romney’s job)

  29. “Trust, but verify.” ? Ronald Reagan

    “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one” – C.S Lewis 😀

  30. So why is Rick then surging in the polls ,when speaking to those social Issues?
    I ain’t worried about the bank account being bankrupt… I am more worried about the nations morality being bankrupt. Fix that and all else will follow.

  31. Al,

    Romney may be a little to intellectual for ordinary voters to understand what he really stands for or actual solutions. Gingrich has had a rough time with his personal life and may have had too many chili dogs.

    That leaves Ron Paul and Santorim, both of which embrace personal liberties. Santorim doesn’t need to defend his Social Conservative views or even his intention how he plans to defeat Liberalism, he just needs to provide a balanced view on what matters to most Americans.

    If he focused on States Rights, Civil Liberties, Pro-Growth Economics and a Stable monetary policy, then the Liberal machine loses it ability fund “bad behavior” out of Washington. (States like California will either change or lose Major Corporations, who will move to other more Conservative and tax friendly States)

    Santorim has surged, partly because of his Conservative views, but I think most of all his energy, passion and charm is something the other Candidates seem to lack.

    But in the General Election it will be Fiscal Politics that will decide the Election not Social Politics.

    McCain focused on Social Politics and lost it in 2008, because Americans voted with their wallet. Obama focused on Social Politics in 2010, but Americans voted with their wallet, defeating many Democrats in Congress.
    (McCain needed to point out that Washington was controlled by a Democratic Senate and House’s bad energy policy that caused Oil to hit 150.00 barrel and he would’ve won)

    Right now Obama realized that focusing on Social Politics in 2010 was a mistake and he his strictly focused on a “recovering economy”. (which in reality has failed to grow the economy like it should in an ordinary recovery, but the Liberal Media is bragging on his fiscal genious and nobody is questioning including Fox)

  32. Hi David Adams. Fine last name BTW! Am a big fan of your ancestor John Adams 🙂

    You wrote… “Romney may be a little to intellectual for ordinary voters to understand what he really stands for or actual solutions”

    If I read between the lines correctly – inclusive within that quote, is the obvious and logical necessitation that you of course consider yourself an intellectual; and in order to be capable of recognizing another’s intellect this must be true. – one might then consider that to some degree you may have been (or still are) in support of a Romney win. Although you do not expand on what those ”actual solutions” ordinary voters are finding to far above their minds to grasp are. Now if that is truly the case, I would then suggest that the problems is not a lack of intellect on the part of the ordinary voters, but rather a lack of articulation on the part of Romney. Point being if Romney truly had a high intellect, he must have the capabilities to communicate his solutions to all voters. However, if he is unable to recognize this error and address it… then how can he be of high intellect?

    As far as Gingrich goes I agree with you. Ron Paul… well that’s a whole other story. He’s not in the running anyway.

    Personally I don’t see where Santorum is pressing forward ONLY on the social issues. If he appears to be in a defensive posture in that regard, that IS because he is being constrained by the press/media to continually address (clarify) those positions. Is it a plan of the left wing media to make Rick appear to be solely a candidate of social issues. SURE. But what else can Rick do when the press/media misquotes him on those issues… Let it stand? No of course not… he’ll keep clarifying. (playing the game) I love how he handled the Women in Combat topic, when reproached by the left wing feminist press.

    I myself have heard and viewed articles where Rick addresses fiscal issues, foreign policy, healthcare, etc… so I don’t quite understand why you perceive Rick to solely (or chiefly) be addressing social policies alone.

    You also say that… “ Santorum has surged, partly because of his Conservative views, but I think most of all his energy, passion and charm…”

    You have a right to believe this, as I have a right to not.

    I believe that Santorum has surged, MAINLY because of his Conservative views. As far as the superficial characterizations, Rick began his campaign with just as much energy, passion and charm as he demonstrates to this very day. I hope that continues as well.
    For me… it’s all of his message that folks are responding to.

    David I respect your opinion. As I hope you do mine.

    For me it is as I said before.

    I ain’t worried about the bank account being bankrupt… I am more worried about the nations morality being bankrupt. Fix that and all else will follow.



  33. I wish you guys would quit asking me to make corrections to your typos on the comments sections of this blog. If the errors are significant use your own follow-up comment or email me and I will see if it is worth correcting. When you send a comment out asking for a typo correction it goes to everyone that signed up.

  34. Al,
    It certainly seems to me that Santorum is pressing forward only on the social issues (prenatal testing, same-sex marriage, abortion/contraception, women in combat, etc.) because these are the areas where the mainstream media continues to try to trip him up. He needs to STOP midstream in all the questioning from the interviewers (CBS especially and FOX too) and DIRECT the interviewer to political/economic issues. Just because he is asked a question, he doesn’t have to answer it. Dodge it like BHO has always done it. Continuing to focus on and answer these social issue questions only digs for him a deeper grave. The liberal media KNOW that a social issues-focused campaign will turn away a lot of independents who really are the ones that will decide this election.

  35. Hi JerryB,

    Well maybe Rick’s campaign handlers will suggest such a tactic. (dodging) Maybe they already have discussed it and decided to not go that route – Seems like that.
    Maybe that tactic worked for Obama because the animals on the left didn’t really care what he had to say (or not say – dodge) in the end. Many just voted for this unknown entity because of his skin color and because a large majority are deep-seated democrats who vote D no matter what.

    Personally I (and many others) hated it when Barack (or anybody) dodges questions.

    BTW: Have a look at what they’ve cooked up for Rick today… discourtesy of Matt drudge providing the links. It’s going down just like we thought it would Don.

    The Santorum Satanic Suggestion

    I have considered whether this Satan story is a stratagem not from outsides the Santorum camp… but rather from within. Consider the possibility that an attack on Santorum’ CATHOLIC background would stir up that base as a whole. Demagoguery seldom fails. That’s a huge voting block!
    But then I thought… well Rick is leading in the polls, why would they attempt such a risky stratagem at this point in time. Is it risky or is it genius? A slick cover maybe… who would ever think otherwise?

    I’ll say it again and add… that I am not in blind allegiance to any man.

    I ain’t worried about the bank account being bankrupt… I am more worried about the nations morality being bankrupt. Fix that and all else will follow.

    I know many will say “Al your dreaming” That’s’ fine. I’ll dream with my principles in tact, assured and unshaken… and confident that I am doing His will and not mine.

    “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied”
    “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”



  36. Well, it’s a *good thing* Jesus has won this war already. As bad as all this is (and it’s BAD and will get worse), what we are experiencing the mopping-up operations…

    I’ve put a lot of thought and prayer into my contribution to evil lately. I suspect that most people at least try to think of themselves as “good,” and even fellow Christians who have not sensed the convicting of God’s Spirit on a given day, they think of themselves as “doing just fine.” But when you stop to really think about it, we don’t just sin, we literally can’t avoid it. Who can totally plumb the depths of their heart to truly discern their own motives? Many people think that they can, but I suspect that they are not looking deeply enough. Think of the culture we are embedded in, the things we take for granted, our attitudes, our daily choices, even the ones that seem value-free. Every culture on earth has it’s issues, its institutional evils, and every individual has their’s. It is true that there is no one who is good, not one. Only in Christ Jesus is there hope.

    It used to be that thoughts like that would paralyze me until I learned to believe God when He said He gives me the righteousness of Christ. I had to learn to accept the truth that I am *clean* because He says so. I have to abandon myself to that, every day I have to do that. I can’t make the sweeping changes to our culture that are needed, I can’t even make the sweeping changes to myself, but I can cooperate with His Spirit when He brings something to my attention, and I can work to try to keep my heart soft and ready to hear Him. BUT even this, He does for me, because I’m one of His sheep and I’ve learned to hear His voice, and I actively-trust that He will complete the good work in me that He’s started…

    What has this to do with the topic? Well, as I read the article and comments, to keep my perspective, I needed to pull my head and heart up out of the fray and realize that as important as all this stuff is, it’s tiny in significance to eternity. AND it’s not my job to save creation (thank HIM): it’s His job, and He’s done it. Realizing this helps me to rejoice even though the world is burning-down around me, when I don’t have money for “fire extinguishers,” and I have enough of my own issues that I also contribute to the heat. It all would be hopeless without our Great Hope, who is Jesus Christ, our Lord, our Love…

    People at all times are called to act in their age, to do what they will with what they have, with their strengths and their weaknesses, exercising their good, restraining their evil. “Work out our salvation in fear and trembling?” Indeed we do, because the reality is that we are saved through accepting Christ’s sacrifice, and the rest of our lives are the working-out of that. It’s like a nuclear explosion happens entirely in an instant, but the working-out of the destruction happens seconds, minutes, days, decades later. Christ is the nuclear detonation, and the destruction is that of our sin and its nature, and in the resulting firestorm, new, beautiful things about us are created, revealed and refined…

    It seems to me that we are called to be counted as individuals for God. We are called to do what it is in our power, yet events are too big for any one of us to completely overcome. Only a few of us are even “significant actors.” For us, here, now, in America, the tipping-point seems past, perhaps we could have done something before and didn’t; perhaps we did what we could to no avail. Regardless, we are here now, and we who are in Christ must stand, *can stand*, even as the world tries to consume us and finds that in the most real sense of the word, it cannot.

    Christ will work through our great weakness, to reveal Himself through the sheer power of His character. He is the middle of the fray, fighting with us, for us, suffering, and rejoicing, and when we look above ourselves to see the stars, so far removed from the conflict, seemingly immovable, we realize He is there too, and all this is temporary suffering, and will be made aright by the One who can do this, and who desires to do so…

    Fellow children of the King, look up! He is coming! Let His Spirit in us make us a firm, and rejoicing people!

  37. “For he that is entered into God’s rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his” (Hebrews 4:10)

    Thank you Brett

  38. I personally have a problem with Christians thinking voting Republican will save this country! they are now just as corrupt as any on the left; social issues are just ways to push buttons to get votes; if they take House and Senate, so you really think they will repeal Obamacare? the drones over US? Change fiscal policy?

    Naw. they just want their positions to make their own money and wield power. so in that case..

    What is a Christian and a US citizen to do? What is a pastor to do?

    If rational discussion of- a candidate’s ability to do their job, going over current issues, and continuing to ask that God’s people act in a holy manner-no matter WHAT politicians do…prayer to help with those decisions, and focusing on local/state issues, where a vote might actually make a difference isn;t enough…then I guess pastors need to ban political discussion of any kind and focus on keeping the church members on the right path. I’m not sure you can sit on the fence anymore- try to find a way to be a good citizen and vote, or withdraw from this aspect of society.I think where to draw the line in the sand is up to each pastor.

    They do need to speak up-but the answers will be different in each case.

  39. Faith,

    The Republican party is the only party where Christian Conservatives have a significant voice and it simply is not true that the two parties are the same. I point out the differences between the parties in the post article.

    Yeah, I do think if you get a true moral conservatives elected ObamaCare will be repealed, freedoms will retained and fiscal policy will be more responsible. However, you are not going to get a moral people elected if Americans are no longer a moral people.

    If Christians in America cannot take control of the GOP then we have no say in the government of this country and true Christians will soon be persecuted. I admit that the GOP has quite a bit of corruption but Christians in America are of significant numbers that Christians could clean house in the GOP if there were not so many Christian that are so fatalistic that they do nothing.

    Ultimately the pastor may draw the line in the sand where he is in leadership, but if he draws the line in the wrong place those under his leadership should do something about that. The Church had better hold their leaders accountable because history tells us what happens when church leaders become state appeasers.

  40. The Republican debate on Wednesday was another pathetic one. Not one word of a plan or a solution on anything that matters in this day of economic difficulty for most of Americans–just typical Republicans throwing out social issue commentary as if that is going to mount a huge backlash against the Democrats in November. Americans have tuned them out–just look at the small number of viewers who even cared to turn on CNN that night. Obama doesn’t need to find any soundbites in a race against any of these 4–these 4 have already provided him with more than enough ammunition in their attacks on each other. Clearly I cannot for the life of me think the word “leadership” in context to anyone of the 4 (of course, I have NEVER thought of that word in context to Obama either). If Christians are the key to the 2012 election, somebody, somewhere must come forward with the beginning elements of an action plan.

  41. JerryB,

    “If Christians are the key to the 2012 election, somebody, somewhere must come forward with the beginning elements of an action plan”

    I though I just did.

  42. Don,
    I understood your agenda as an action plan to undertake once Republicans get back in the White House. I was wondering who might have some sensible ideas as to elements for Christian participation in an organizational plan to “capture” the White House.

  43. JerryB,

    The bullet statements are what I feel the GOP needs to run on to win and take control of government. Should they win they would obviously have to follow through.

  44. It is incredibly disturbing how a few freaking men can scheme to smear a man and turn on it’s head a supposed democratic process. From the time that Matt drudge drew the nations attention to a Rick Santorum speech of over 4 years a go – as a private citizen I might add. Ever since then, Ricks numbers (which had reached a double digit national lead) are now completely reversed in favour of Mr Mormon.
    Are people this stupid? This manipulate-able?

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