Speak to the rain ye latter day heretics, gods and frauds

I don’t want to rain on anyone’s Easter parade so I will keep this post fairly dry, although it is expected to rain here so much over the next five days that all the rivers in south central Missouri will be flooding. It seems that Gaia and her husband Al Gore, have started a new green hell offensive against us occupiers of the Ozarks. Yesterday, Gaia sent out a tornado that hit and closed the St. Louis airport. She probably was thinking that we will now have no way of escape from the green hell, but I am prepared to stand my ground and fight against the green horde anyway.… continue reading

Donald Trumping up cold fusion so I can declare war on my green hell

I am not going to have much time this week to write new posts because there is one law of nature in the Ozarks that is an absolute. If you do not keep the creeping green hell here in check it will soon take over everything. Those that live in the white hell of a Buffalo winter can only begin to understand the green hell here. There you either keep up with the white hell or you have to wait until spring to find out where you parked your car. But, the green hell of the Ozarks is magnitudes worse. You can’t shovel the green hell out-of-the-way you have to cut it out with machetes, brush hogs, riding mowers, bulldozers or get goats.… continue reading

Government is lying to and oppressing people instead of serving them

The Japanese government was obviously lying to their own people about the nuclear radiation danger instead of serving them with the truth that some of them were in great danger. Even now if the winds shift toward populated areas many of our Japanese friends may soon glow in the dark. The government needs to put a lid on both problems ASAP. Why did governments approve the early nuclear plants on the ring of fire anyway? Who lied to the people about their safety in order to get these plants approved?

Obama and team are not serving America or the world because they do not have the qualities required for leadership.… continue reading

Committing treason for the greater good?

I have mixed feelings on the leaks of classified and sensitive information that is now being displayed to the public. My first response was that this is treason and it is. But WikiLeaks did not commit treason. After all they really exist to expose secrets that traitors send to them. If they did not do it someone else world. It really is those that are giving classified information to WikiLeaks that are committing treason. They are committing treason even if they are compromising state secrets for what they think is the greater good. In the real world a nation cannot have national security without secrets.… continue reading

Rule by we the people, or rule by a dictator and appointed judges?

A federal judge has now told the government that the Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell law for people serving in the military is unconstitutional after being in effect in this nation for 17 years. So now the military is suddenly told to allow open homosexuals to serve. However, before that DADT law was even passed, homosexuals were not allowed in the military for the whole prior history of this nation. So if this seventeen year old DADT law was stuck down it seems to me that the previous rule of law for the military should remain in effect. That law was that anyone found to be engaging in homosexual activity in the military would be disciplined and probably given a discharge.… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, Sept 2010

Another Jewish New Year has come and gone and there has been no Rapture like some have predicted. This false presumption by some has occurred on each Feast of Trumpets since at least 1988. Some date setters will now have to modify their websites once again. There will be a whole lot of people that will have to modify their websites and teachings come the Feast of Trumpets 2012.

People that emphatically claim that they believe Jesus will come on or before that date really should be giving their money to Christian ministries while their is still time since they will not be needing it in two years.… continue reading

Obama is acting out Christian Black Liberation theology on America

Some very misled Evangelicals are saying that Obama is a Christian that once was attending a Christian Black Liberation Theology church but they have it backwards. Christian Black Liberation Theology is attending the mind of Obama. Most everything Obama is doing to America reflects the beliefs of a person driven by “Christian” Black Liberation Theology.

Ann Coulter did a fine job coming to Obama’s defense about him not be a Muslim. She claims that Obama is really an atheist. That probably is true because he supports evil social concepts as if there is no God, but atheism is not the way Obama was religiously and culturally programed for most of his adult life.… continue reading

Its time Obama gets serious and takes military action against Iran.

Its time for Obama to get serious and take military action against Iran. Iran is on the verge of developing nuclear weapons and the systems to deliver them. Some say it will take Iran another year or two and others say they could develop a nuke in just a few months. Those projections are based on what we do know. However, there are many things that we do not know. Who knows what is going on in secret underground facilities in Iran? They could already have nukes and the public portion of this nuclear charade is for public consumption and just a smoke screen.… continue reading

Troubled days ahead for the Middle East and America

There are troubled days ahead for the Middle East and America. It is not like this nation really deserves anything less. The Marxists could never have taken over our educational system, the media, our government and even many of our churches if those that call themselves Christians in this nation really believed, lived a Christian lifestyle and kept a Christian worldview.

Believe it or not, with all the talk of a take over by the conservative Right it still looks like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed and John McCain will all get reelected and stay in power. With that information in mind, how much do Americans really care that they have allowed socialist idealists to reshape America into their ideal of America being a secondary colony on the world collective ant farm?… continue reading

Koenig’s perspectives on Bible prophecy and world issues, August 2010

Its already August and time for my second monthly perspectives article. In case you got here by a search engine with a keyword search these perspectives are posted on the World Trends and Bible Prophecy Blog of Don Koenig. There is a category on the side bar and a tag on the bottom of this post that will bring you to prior monthly perspectives.

It now looks like team Obama is about to turn on the simulation money printing machines again. We were told that the stimulus would soon end but it now is evident to even the Obamanable Far Left, that they did not get the high that they were expecting from their 3 trillion dollar stimulus.… continue reading

A home mortgage now makes sense as the ultimate hedge against inflation

A large mortgage on a property now only makes sense as the ultimate hedge against inflation because the government will be financing and subsidizing your tangible property for the duration of the loan.

The reason why long term interest rates are so ridiculously low is that people running our economic system fear deflation so they are spending money that we do not have to kick the can (the day of reckoning) down the road. I think it is now obvious that our government will not allow a deflationary depression. We are heading for a lot of inflation in the future. The government will just keep spending more than it has to try to stimulate the economy.… continue reading

The Americian tyranny of a conglomeration of minorities

When a Government serves and gives special rights to a conglomeration of minorities against the will of the American majority the nation is under a tyranny of the minorities. Apparently we are now under such a tyranny in America. There is a way this can be changed politically by electing a Republican super majority.

If we are a government of the people, the majority will have to stand united against this conglomeration of minorities that now controls American government, education, media and often religion. Of course, if the Republican revolution is successful we will then have to guard against a tyranny of the majority against minorities.… continue reading

1930’s socialists reincarnated to play in the 2010’s world war games.

There are many parallels to the 1930’s today. History does repeat itself. It seems the socialists of the 1930’s have been reincarnated to play in the upcoming 2010’s world war games.

In the 1930’s the world was heading into a decade of deep depression. All indicators are that in the 2010’s the world will see the same economic fate. In the 1930’s socialism was the big rising ideology. There were some differences between the various socialisms of the 1930’s but they all had many similarities as well, such as government having control over everyone and the redistributing wealth. There was the Hitler’s style, the Lenin/Stalin’s style, Mussolini’s Fascist style, Mao’s style and even FDR’s New Deal style.… continue reading

The Obama Midas touch turns U.S. government policy into fools gold

The Golden One and his handpicked apostles (Czars) apparently do not have the Midas touch after all. In fact, the Obama administration seems to be cursed. Everything touched by Obama and his administration turns into fools gold.

The oil has been gushing in the gulf for two months now. I am not blaming Obama for the oil well failure but some of the blame has to go to people like him that create environmental laws that force Oil Companies to drill fifty miles off-shore.  Also, the buck stops with Obama for poor government oversight of BP and for failure to come up with a solution to this problem and the bumbling with the clean-up .… continue reading

The world is rapidly going nuts

In order to stay informed, I average about four hours each day just reading articles. Here is a sample of the good news that I recall reading about just today. There were many other credible articles like why there will be no economic recovery and it will become worse than a depression and why Obama is making all the wrong decisions on just about everything. I even read one article that claims Obama will resign before 2012 (one can always hope )

Myanmar  is trying to develop nuclear weapons with the help of North Korea.

One article seems to think the flotilla battle might be the start of the ‘Gog and Magog’ war.… continue reading

America’s fifty-first state: The state of Denial.

America had 50 states in their union for quite some time now but even before the talk of admitting Puerto Rico America already admitted the state of Denial into the union as the fifty-first state. I think the state of Denial can be synonymous with The District of Columbia. The representatives in this 51st state reflects all the American people that continue to live in denial about many things in America.

When you get enough greedy people living in the state of Denial an economic crash becomes inevitable. Just a few years ago American blind optimists thought the real estate boom would never end and many were living beyond their means on real estate loans but they have now received a doze of economic reality.… continue reading

Earth in upheaval

I know Immanuel Velikovsky used the same title for one of his books but most of this generation would not be aware of that. Immanuel Velikovsky wrote several books about catastrophism in Earth’s geological past. His theory of planets in collision gives natural causes for the flood and the other judgments in the Bible. If you reject evolution you might read his books because there is a lot of truth in what he wrote, but even geniuses like Velokosvsky do not get everything right. He certainly did not acknowledge that God also works through supernatural means. His theory of “planets in collision” most likely has some validity especially since his theories were rejected by most of the scientific world.… continue reading

Americans rejecting civil law and natural laws of God doom our nation

I wish I could tell people want they want to hear but that would make me just another liar. The truth is that it will not be long before American cities start burning and we wake up in a police state. The economy of America will go into further decline and before long the United States will no longer be united.

Some think this will happen because Americans have rejected God. That may be the reason why God will remove the special hedge of protection we have had but all nations on earth have rejected the true God and most remain as viable nations.… continue reading

Obama may want Israel to attack Iran

After reading the latest news report on Fox News about Iran’s nuclear progress and the doubts that the Obama approach will stop Iran , I have come to the conclusion that Obama is not serious about sanctions. The facts are that Obama and his cronies continue to obstruct any meaningful sanctions on Iran. Obama may actually want Israel to attack Iran for reasons I will get into shortly.

There is no question in my mind that the United States could put a virtual end to the Iranian nuclear program with just a few days of air strikes. Obama knows that Iran intends to build nuclear weapons.… continue reading

The Obama administration recovery contains toxic bubbles

Talk about the Obama recovery makes me want to wear tall boots. The recovery seems to me to be designed to last until after the 2010 fall election. I think the Obama recovery has bubbles filled with toxic tax, toxic debt and toxic economic policies that will burst on America insuring there will be no meaningful recovery during this democratic administration. On the contrary, economic bottom is not even on the horizon.

Even most in government are blind to this because since the days when Vice President Al Gore was tasked to reinvent government, critical thinking among government employees has been frowned upon.… continue reading