Jim Wallis: Delusions from the Left

Jim Wallis has delusions of grandeur as he sees himself leading a “Great Awaking” of us blind evangelicals into his pathways to a socialist secular utopia.

Yeah sure Jim, are you taking your medicine?

FrontPage Magazine

Sojourners chief Jim Wallis is leading a new “Great Awakening” in America, according to his new book by the same name.America’s first Great Awakening was in the mid-18th century, when revivalist preachers like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield preached a Christian revival that won thousands of converts. Later great awakenings in the19th century likewise strove to win lost souls for Heaven.

As the Religious Left’s modern “prophet,” Wallis is interested not so much in Heaven but in expanding the welfare state, restricting the free market, reducing American influence around the world, and apologizing for the Islamist tyrants and Marxist dictators who are ostensibly victims of American imperial overreach.

In his new book, Wallis envisions a new “Great Awakening” in which America’s religious believers, especially its evangelicals, abandon their conservative beliefs in favor of his own proposed pathways to a secular utopia.

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