Disbanding of the United States of America now grows inevitable

I do not want to promote disbanding the United States of America, nevertheless the increasing division within this union of states probably makes some sort of disbanding in the near future quite inevitable. Most think it can’t happen here but historically all powerful empires ended. Even in recent times, few expected the huge USSR to disband, but it did.

Today there are two major ideologies fighting for control in the United States and neither can tolerate the other. The newer ideology or worldview is mostly based on Marxist or Fabian socialism with its practical atheism and humanistic collectivism. The older ideology that still prevails in much of America believes that people are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The American union of states with its Constitution was founded on the individual inalienable rights and liberties worldview, as were the constitutions of most states in the union. This worldview is incompatible with the statist socialist collective ant-farm worldview, so when socialists gain control they redefine or ignore the Constitution that was founded on those principles.

Socialists often disguise themselves as liberals or progressives. By dominating the educational system and media in America the  socialists have now indoctrinated and brainwashed much of this nation to accept Communism. Brainwashed people vote, and the end result is what we see in Washington today.

Even if the liberty loving constitutionalists could take over America again, there will be violent resistance from the Marxists that have gained control over much of the working class and almost all of the dependent class. On the other hand, if the Marxists continue to rule, individual liberties and wealth will be taken away by the state collective and there will be civil disobedience and resistance from the middle class. Much of the upper class will just leave the country with their money and job producing businesses.

With the increasing police powers in this nation, all this could spiral into a civil war, especially if the economy gets worse and that is a certainty under socialism.

Therefore, it becomes more likely than not, that the time will arrive when the respective states will have to agree to dissolve our union or else there will be a civil war. Most of our states have more economic clout and population than most other nations in the world, so there is no overwhelming reason that our sovereign states have to remain united. How can the United States be united when the states are so divided on ideology? Like oil and water, lovers of individual liberties and statist collective communists will separate. I think the violence that is soon coming will lay to rest any idea of some compromise between the two opposing ideologies in this nation.

Could disbanding the union be the peaceful solution to our national dilemma?

Economic agreements and security agreements between the different American sovereign nation states or new unions would be done by treaty. There still could be a common defense treaty for North America. Just getting rid of that extra layer of centralized government with all its regulations, bureaucracy and expense will bring tremendous economic expansion in the states or unions that choose to have a free enterprise system.

Dissolving the United States union would end federal government control over the states through back door blackmail where the federal government threatens to cut off funds of states not complying with their orders.

The federal government now controls a large amount of land in Western States. If states became sovereign nations all federal land would revert back to the states to manage as the citizens of that state see fit.

The people in each sovereign state would run their state the way the people of that state want. Some states that are too big, too politically divided, or too small, might choose to divide into smaller nations or combine into larger nations. State lines could even be redrawn by common agreement.

I would think that there should be about a twenty-year period where people would be totally free to travel across state lines. After that each state or union would have and enforce their own border and immigration laws.

Each state could develop its own energy resources and economic programs. The money that is now sent to the federal government would stay in the respective states and be used to fund social welfare programs as the taxpayers in each state sees fit. Each state would tax and collect revenue as the people of that state determine.

What about our national debt? National debt owed to ourselves could be prorated between the individual states and converted to state bonds. The Soviet Union broke up and they did not pay their national debt to other nations. Argentina and Iceland have defaulted on their national debt. Many nations did not pay their debts after World War II.  Many nations of the world have had their debts forgiven or brokered in recent times. Yet, nations continue trading with the peoples that were involved in the defaults. If the US broke up and defaulted on its foreign debt, nations would still trade with the individual respective states or unions if the states offered something to trade that is vital to them.

Some might think that breaking up large nations is regressive. They think that nations should only get bigger and that we should eventually have a one world government, but the best way to prevent world tyranny until the Lord comes is to have a world where nations do not become overwhelmingly powerful. I also think that if our founding founders saw what has happened to their union of states, they would be the first ones to vote to disband the union.

The trend in the world today is the creation of more nations not less. Nations are not getting bigger they are getting smaller, because as population increases nations are dividing on cultural and ideological lines to maintain peace. Small nations are far less a threat to other nations but they can be protected from predators by treaties and alliances.

Disbanding the union would end the federal police state that is rapidly developing in America that is sure to get out of control. It would stop federal controlled Marxist bureaucrats, legislators, courts, media, educators, etc., from dictating their insanity to everyone else in North America. They can have their collectivist insanity if that is what the people in their state want, but don’t force it on the rest of us.

It would get most states out of most foreign wars. The American nations would become more competitive. There would be less regulation, many more things would be made and grown on this continent that would be available to people living on this continent.

There would be much energy development on what is now federal land and it would solve the energy related problem in the world.

People would not be forced to live in a nation and abide by rules that are contrary to their understanding of how people should live in a free and decent society.

Each state would be free to join the United Nations or not join. One thing is certain, if dozens of separate nations from North America joined the UN, those living on this continent would have much more say about what goes on in the world.

There will be no unity in this country if the slide into socialism continues, we will have hyperinflation and mass disobedience. We also will not have unity if the political right-wing takes over. They will defund many of the social programs and that will just bring riots in the cities. In either case, there will be civil upheaval and civil war between the two ideologies. With the increasing division within the United States the only peaceful solution is to admit that the United States experiment has run its course. One third of the people in this nation already believe most everything that communists teach and another third can be talked into wanting it. So there is no going back to the nation that you knew fifty years ago.

Over time the federal government took over our constitutional system of government where states were to retain their sovereignty. It is time to realize that the United States no longer exists as it was founded to be. There is a tyrannical federal government controlling the once sovereign states through federal funding, federal courts, and federal politicians that pass unconstitutional laws because they are influenced by the money of special interest groups. How are liberal states like California and conservative states like Idaho ever going to come to agreement on important national issues? They will not. The division will continue to increase.

Europeans have a long history of trying to unite different nations under a single central government. All attempts ended in disaster. All they produced was tyrants and wars. You cannot force national boundaries on people who have cultural, tribal, religious or different psychological worldviews without having divisions within and civil wars. Just look at the Middle East and Asia  for more proof. The fallen human nature cannot abide such diversity. Europe is about to experience the error of that thinking once again. America should not think that it is immune to strife from within either. All historical large powerful nations become tyrannical and then fell.

People in the United States have already had one civil war. This nation was involved in a world war and other wars to keep it free of socialist Fascism and Communism, and to what avail? The nation is more divided than at any time since the Civil War and it is looking more socialist and fascist all the time. Another civil war does not have to happen here, but it will if the division within continues. Perhaps the best time to dissolve the United States of America is sometime before it self destructs?

You might find this article that I just ran across about socialism and our nation interesting.

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One thought on “Disbanding of the United States of America now grows inevitable

  1. I’m a little late on commenting on this, but I firmly believe that Obama is put in place to be the “Divider-in-Chief”. If the Revived Roman Empire is to rise up, America must decline.

    What is stopping us from true global governance, is our constitution, so that must be done away with or legislated to the point of irrelevance. (that is well on it’s way)

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