Moderate Muslims have the same end as the radicals or they are not Muslims

Moderate Muslims are those who talk the talk but won’t walk the walk of Islam. They are something like liberal “Christians”. Don’t expect moderate Muslims to take a stand against Muslims who use violence. They cannot oppose them, they have no scriptural foundation to stand on. They might not believe in violence as the means to the end or they might not want to do any violence themselves but they do believe in the same end and they are not going to take a stand against those working toward that end.

They often fear what the radicals might bring on their own heads but that is not the same as opposing their actions. Since moderates will not use violence to bring about what they believe they are certainly not going to use any violence to oppose those that are doing what their scriptures teaches.

The only truly moderate Muslims identified as Muslims are not Muslims at all, anymore than a “Christian” who does not believe teachings in biblical scriptures is a Christian. These moderates are those who grew up in Islam but who have not totally embraced it. These pick and choose from the Quran or pretty much ignore the Quran. Don’t expect much more than lip service from them unless they can be guaranteed earthy security. They know if they oppose the radical teachings of Islam they will be killed.

If we do not understand that Islam teaches conquest by force and total submission to Shariah law and that we must oppose it with truth and justice we are just whistling past the graveyard. Yes, justice means using military force when necessary.

Islam is a fascist cult more dangerous than the cult of Hitler or Stalin and as those cults led to hot and cold wars so certainly will Islam.

WorldNetDaily: Moderate Muslims: Afraid and irrelevant
So here is the thing. I have also met a handful of perfectly civil Muslims. They are happy to live in the West. They have familiarized themselves with all the accoutrements of our society. They look the part and they speak the language. Some of them even practice law and have run for political office.
But these same people have told me in very plain terms:

Suicide bombers are not terrorists, but martyrs for Allah;

Everyone in the world should submit to Shariah law;

Israel has no right to exist; and

America has been a force of evil in the Islamic world.

None of these individuals would support the use of violence on a personal level – they said it is “not within them” to be violent (reassuring, no?). But they also said violence is “understandable” – given all that America has done!

“With talk like that, the notion of “moderates” verses “extremists”– even at a summit of this caliber – begins to sounded a lot more like political correctness than honest to goodness truth.
I took the opportunity to raise this issue with the panel. “What,” I asked, “is a ‘moderate Muslim’ exactly?”

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2 thoughts on “Moderate Muslims have the same end as the radicals or they are not Muslims

  1. “Gradually–painfully gradually–people are beginning to see that islam is the enemy. Period.”
    The above quote is one of the milder examples of how many Westerners view Islam these days. This quote is a part of the comment to the article titled “Why We Cannot Rely on Moderate Muslims.” posted on the Gates of Vienna blog. The article talks about radical Muslims in the West claiming to be moderates. It also brings up very interesting points. “[T]he government and media are avid to find moderate Muslims — and as their desperation has increased, their standards have lowered.”, “The situation is complicated by many factors, including, taqiyya and kitman”, and “How can we ever trust assurances from self-proclaimed moderate Muslims when deception of non-Muslims is so widespread, and lying to infidels is an accepted and established way of hiding Islamic goals? The answer, with all its difficult implications, is: We can’t.”

    But that’s where the Gates of Vienna is wrong. The main problem is that the term ‘Moderate Muslim’ is poorly defined. There is a clear distinction between a ‘Moderate Muslim’ and an ‘Islamist’ and the distinction is in the ultimate goal. An Islamist believes in Islamic Supremacy. Islamist terrorists and their supporters want to achieve it by waging Jihad. Non-violent Islamists want to achieve it by peaceful and democratic means. The means are different, but the goals are the same: Islamic World Domination. Moderate Muslims do not believe in Islamic Supremacy. For someone not very familiar with the subject, the distinction may be subtle. But in reality, it is the most important, because everything that Democracies hold dear is based on this distinction. This is the Koran vs. the Constitution, Islamic State vs. Secular State, and ultimately, Dhimmitude (Subjugation to Islam) vs. Freedom. I cannot stress enough how important this distinction is!

    Now, comes an uneasy task of weeding out false moderates. Hopefully, with a clear definition of a ‘Moderate Muslim’ that task could be a lot easier. Coming back to the title of this post. Muslim community as a whole is not the enemy. Part of it is. A large part. But not all of it. The next time you ask yourself a question “How can we ever trust assurances from self-proclaimed moderate Muslims?” don’t trust their assurances; look at their record. No matter how well false-moderate Muslims such as CAIR or MPAC polished their facades, they have a record. Whether it is their support of terrorism or advocating Islamic supremacy, any Islamist group or figure who’s been around long enough, at one time or another has shown its/his/her true face. Just because some government official or some talking head declares someone to be a moderate Muslim, it doesn’t make it so. There are several counter-terrorism and Islam experts who keep track of Islamists. Most of these experts happen to be non-Muslim, but there is also a list of moderate Muslims who could be used as trusted sources for these inquiries. The list of those prominent Muslims is posted at the upper right corner of our blog. So now, my non-Muslim friends, when you have the tools to identify REAL moderate Muslims, you can no longer use your ignorance as an excuse to declare that Islam is the enemy.


  2. Anyone who reads the Quran know what it says. Jews and Christians are your enemy because we will never submit to Islam and you know what your holy book says about that.

    You can say the majority of Muslims want to achieve world conquest through peaceful means. However, that is not possible and you know it. You do not even have peace in the countries where Islam prevails. You oppress, persecute and kill those who will not convert to Islam and those that violate your religious laws.

    Some time I would like all you truly moderate Muslims to rise up against those who are radical and put an end to violence and hate. When is that revolution going to come?

    Until that day comes the truth is that Islam is controlled by the radicals and we have to deal with that reality

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