Slave ship planet earth.

This is a very good article that compares past slavery with the enslavement that people now choose when they submit to being slaves of Big Brother socialism.

We can have a free nation or we can have a slave nation. We cannot have both. All who take the path to socialism always end up being slaves of elitists and control freaks in the state.

This article also points out that those who choose a slave nation cannot coexist with freemen. America is now dividing on this issue and it will continue to divide on this issue until the nation is either free or enslaved. This is the greatest issue that divides this nation. It really is a constitutional issue. Will we follow the Constitution given for freemen or give it up for collectivism and slavery?

Since we freemen know we are never going to freely choose to be slaves of the global socialist elite there is a civil war brewing as there was in the days of Abraham Lincoln unless many more people stop following those that intend to lead everyone to slave ship planet earth.

Can America Continue as a Nation, Half-Slave and Half-Free?

Three years later in 1858, Lincoln slightly reformulated this question with a view of what the end result in America must be, during his House Divided speech.

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. ”

The idea Lincoln put forward here, was similar to the ideas that Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan would put forward during the Cold War. That states of free men and slaves could not co-exist for long. Sooner or later either the free men will become slaves, or the slaves will become free.

In the Communist era that meant that either free countries would become Communist, or Communist countries would become free. So too with Islam, the same balance exists. Either free nations will become Muslim, or Muslim nations will become free. We can see the consequences of that playing out now in Europe, where nations of free men are becoming slaves. In reverse we see the possibility in Iraq of slaves becoming free men.

Lincoln however was not speaking globally but locally– and it is the local that concerns us now.

Today 150 years later America is once again half-slave and half-free. Slavery no longer means cotton plantations and slave markets. Instead slavery today exists in a more insidious form of bureaucracies and social service agencies. Pages after pages of regulations and forms to fill out. Advisory committees that become authorities and taxation that quickly mutates into confiscation.

The bottom line though is very clear. Slavery represents a fairly simple social contract that says, “Give me your freedom and I will see that you’re taken care of.” The simplest way to describe modern slavery in the United States today is with another “S” word. Socialism.

Socialism is modern slavery. It is slavery disguised by high minded ideals, but so was the original slavery. American Liberals, like the Slaveholders of the Pre-Civil War era, presume that minorities are unfit to take care of themselves without someone to take care of them and tell them what to do and how to live. That of course is why socialism’s thrust is so focused on minorities in the first place. But it isn’t limited to minorities.

Like Slavery, Socialism deprives people of the benefits of their labor… under the argument that they aren’t wise or competent enough to use it to their own benefit, or to look after themselves. Socialism also creates a class of Masters, to oversee the general populace, look after their needs and tell them what to do.

Those deprived of their labor through taxation are helping to underfund the Socialist Masters, to create their jobs, maintain their power and expand their organizations. And since slaveholding systems have no real room for anyone who isn’t a Master or a Slave, anyone trying to remain independent, particularly small businessmen will be squeezed out, until they’re in one category or the other.

Like Slavery, Socialism needs to expand into free states. Like a Ponzi Scheme, Socialism constantly needs new territories and people in order to fund its own operations, which are always taking place at a loss.

Socialism, the modern day slavery

A Slaveholding economy or a Socialist economy cannot co-exist for long with a free system. They must naturally consume and expand to survive. And Socialism, the modern day slavery, is quickly expanding across America. And we cannot long survive as a mix of free states and slave states.

Obama’s election is a decisive wake up call in that regard. A statement that America is to be a slave nation, its population taxed into poverty, its corporations turned into corrupt government fiefdoms, its freedoms tightly regulated and curtailed. The contest for the future depends on making clear the choice between Freedom and Slavery, between Individualism and Socialism. The fate of America and the future depends on it.

We can either have a nation of free men, or a slaveholding nanny state. We cannot have both. The time when we could choose is quickly passing, and the chains and collars are nearing our throats.

In 2010 and 2012, the battle will be joined and the ultimate question must be this one, “Are we to be a nation of slaves governed by masters, or a nation of free men and women? Are we a nation of slaves or free citizens? Do we need to be taken care of, told what to do all the time, deprived of the rightful benefits of our work and our freedoms– or are we best suited to care for ourselves and our families, employ our money and our Constitutional rights as we see fit ?”

That is what it will all come down to. If we can communicate that question to enough people, set it as the agenda for the party and the core slogan that defines our values– we can win. And set America on a path to being a free nation again. If we lose, the chains of slavery are already forged and waiting for us.

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