Christian leaders need lesson from Jonah and Nineveh about America

There is no political solution to America’s problem because it is a sin problem. Americans are choosing evil. A nation would not go down the path that America is going down if moral people were in control. In a democratic republic evil leaders can only rule if the majority of voters want them in office. There is evil taking place all over this land because the majority of people in America are either partaking in those evils, tolerating those evils, accommodating those evils, or they are doing nothing about those evils that prevail.

Some have said that the only way to turn America around is to convert unbelievers to Christianity.… continue reading

GOP must develop workable agenda to restore the American Republic

Americans now have about 8 months left to turn the direction of this country around or there will be economic collapse, depression and civil war in this country. Those that think business like usual from the GOP will save this Republic from the destructive agenda from those on the hard Left are dead wrong. The hard Left wants to make America conform to world socialism. Americans need to understand what is at stake if the hard Left stays in power. Liberty loving people can either get active in the political war playing out right now or they will experience a real civil war later.… continue reading

The real Christmas story is about God’s righteousness to save man

Its Christmas time but I am sure that most people in the world do not understand why Christians celebrate this time of the year or what happened over 2000-years ago. Most people in world religions think that their eternal future depends on their own performance or in sojourning over and over again until they get it right and their soul reaches perfection through their own efforts.

However, It is not possible that imperfection can ever achieve perfection no matter how many attempts are made to get it right. Throughout human history the elite of the world have led people down deadly dead ends, or else they are sitting around contemplating themselves while taking handouts from the poor and doing nothing at all to help the human condition.… continue reading

2012: year that started events on earth many will desire to forget

The year 2012 will probably prove to be the most important year in the recent history of the world. It will be the year that started events on earth that many will desire to forget. I do not believe 2012 will be the start of the last seven years of Bible prophecy; yet, many believers might start to think that the tribulation is upon us. It could get that bad.

I am sure Israel would like to put off a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities hoping that the Obama administration will be replaced in 2013, but I do not think they believe that they can wait that long.… continue reading

Christians and Constitutional Conservatives already lost America

I think there is a fundamental error in thinking among Constitutional Conservative Christians in America. Some Conservatives and Bible believing Christians in America think that they can just elect someone and make America back into the basically Christian Constitutional Republic that it once was. Nothing could be further from the truth. A nation gets the leader that God determines that they need or deserve. Constitutional Conservatives and Bible believing Christians have already lost the American Republic. There will have to be nothing short of a moral revolution to get it back and I can prove why.

The American Public School system has become little more than a humanist communist government indoctrination system.… continue reading

Afro-Americans that refuse racism show whites their own integrity

As a youth growing up in the 1950’s and 1960’s in a blue collar neighborhood on the east side of Buffalo N.Y., that was turning increasingly Afro-American, I know first hand what racism is. I grew up in racism and it was abundantly coming from both sides.

Blacks were not a big problem in the high school that I went to. My big difficultly with blacks in those days was not in school it was walking to and from school. I walked three miles through a black section of Buffalo to get to school and to get home. In my first and second year it was not a problem because I could walk with my two older brothers who happened to have the two biggest guys in the whole school as friends that also walked with us through the black section.… continue reading

Christians need to take a biblical stand, for Christ’s sake!

First let me point out that Christ Jesus does not need us, so when I say in the title that Christians need to take a biblical stand for Christ’s sake, I am referring to the mission of the spiritual Body of Christ called the Church. Our Savior created the universe and He is perfect in spite of the Laodicean and aberrant Christianity that is largely following the world system and the ways of Satan.

Christ Jesus offers us a gift of salvation and a role in eternity with Him but what you do with that free gift is up to you.… continue reading

Communists intend to create a domestic crisis in America in 2012.

If you are an American Libertarian or supporter of the Tea Party or even just a frustrated American of some other political spectrum don’t be deceived by the radical movement that is about to rear its ugly head against capitalism starting tomorrow on September 17th, in New York City and several other cities. The people pushing these mob action “days of rage” are some of the most radical Communists and America haters and Jew haters on this planet.

There will be leaders of unions involved and race baiters and radical environmentalists and anyone else that thinks they can use covetousness, hate, class war, and mobs actions to their own advantage.… continue reading

The spirit of darkness blinds Americans from seeing the true Light

I hope you do realize that just changing the President in this country is not going to change the direction of this country for the better in any significant way. Political leaders of democratic republics pretty much reflects the inclination of the people that they represent. The latest presidents that we elected in America are just the symptom of the spiritual darkness that is engulfing most of the nation.

There has been increasing spiritual darkness in America for quite some time; this darkness can also be called the spirit of antichrist. I am not saying that the majority in this country now embrace the spirit of antichrist but this spirit of darkness is definitely taking over our land.… continue reading

Deception is epidemic in America.

Have you noticed that deception has become an epidemic in America? Deception is the rule of the day and most people buy into the deception because they can no longer discern truth from lies or they actually want to believer liars. For example the rhetoric that most whites are racists but blacks are not while black gangs beat white people in many cities in this nation. Or the lie that everyone wealthy got their money at the expense of others.

Deception is so ingrained into our American society today that I hardly know where to begin to even talk about it.… continue reading

SBC and Evangelicals seekers shift toward mystical emergent church

“Christian” leaders that appeared on the church platforms of Saddleback, Willow Creek, Crystal Cathedral and other mega churches told us that a “big shift” was coming in Christianity and it has. This shift has been from following the written word of God to following mystical beliefs. This will eventually split the Evangelicals and their largest denomination.

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and other Evangelicals are slowly but surely being led by the seeker friendly gurus toward embracing the postmodern relativistic mystical concepts and leaders of the Emergent Church Movement.

This danger is greater than the division in the ranks of the SBC some years ago when liberals had unduly influenced the SBC leadership.… continue reading

Unless Americans reject evil, Obama will destroy this nation.

A country gets the leader the people deserve. Obama was obviously given for America’s destruction. I think the evidence of what he did thus far leaves little room for doubt.  After 2 1/2 years of Obama you would think Americans would have learned something, but that does not seem to be the case. Unless Americans suddenly turn from their evil ways Obama will finish the job given to him.

We are less than 18 months from the next presidential election and as of right now Obama has a 50+ percent approval rating in the polls and not one potential Republican candidate matches up with Obama in the polls. … continue reading

50 ways Americans have cooked their own goose.

America has cooked its own goose and here are fifty ways how she accomplished it. I am sure you could come up with many more of your own. It seems to me that about the only thing left is to stick a fork in us because America is about done as a nation. Its probably too late to save the golden goose once the meat is already falling off the bones.

  • The Bible directs parent to train up their children in the way they should go. Parents did not, they allowed secular humanist Marxists in schools and media to train up their children in the way they shouldn’t go.
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Fourth turning suggests over two decades of world chaos.

I do not totally buy into the “fourth turning” time cycles although the four turnings spoken about in that book do seem to occur about once in a human lifespan. I as well, see a bitter winter coming to our nation and the world in the near future. I think we are about two years away from at least two decades of unparalleled world chaos.

The validity of the fourth turning cycle theory really does not matter because by our own observations we can see the rise of evil all over the world and know that it will bring us a time of war and chaos.… continue reading

Chuck Baldwin Draws the line in the sand (or snow) of Montana.

I think this article by Chuck Baldwin draws the line in the sand (or should I say the snows) of Montana that the government need not attempt to cross. These items should be non negotiable to any real American patriot. I am posting this because I just happen to agree with all the lines in the sand that Baldwin has drawn in his article. I am sure I could add some more, but I think what he has here is a fine start.

Here is an except from his article it gives the opening statement for his non negotiables.

I would argue that we, like our patriot forebears, have also endured “patient sufferance.”

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Troubled days ahead for the Middle East and America

There are troubled days ahead for the Middle East and America. It is not like this nation really deserves anything less. The Marxists could never have taken over our educational system, the media, our government and even many of our churches if those that call themselves Christians in this nation really believed, lived a Christian lifestyle and kept a Christian worldview.

Believe it or not, with all the talk of a take over by the conservative Right it still looks like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed and John McCain will all get reelected and stay in power. With that information in mind, how much do Americans really care that they have allowed socialist idealists to reshape America into their ideal of America being a secondary colony on the world collective ant farm?… continue reading

The truth about the sorry state of our American Union

Here is the truth about the sorry state of our American Union.

  • There have been 50 million abortions since Roe v Wade in 1973.
  • 1 in every 15 people in the United States will actually do prison time. Many more are convicted of felonies but it is a first offense and they only get probation. Many more than that committed a felony but plea bargain to a lessor crime. Also, most crimes are never reported and/or the criminal either does not get caught or is not prosecuted for various reasons.
  • Well over half of all American adults have used Illegal drugs at least once.
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The near death of Christian discernment in these last days

Discernment between good and evil hardly exists in the world in these last days where everyone does what is right in their own eyes. It is displayed by the choices the leaders in the world make nearly every day. For example, the condemning of Israel or Arizona for practicing self defense.

I guess these thing can be expected because we are told these things will happen in these last days. But, even in our churches the lack of spiritual discernment has become quite evident. One has to wonder how so many that claim to be born of the Spirit show no spiritual discernment about anything?continue reading

Americans rejecting civil law and natural laws of God doom our nation

I wish I could tell people want they want to hear but that would make me just another liar. The truth is that it will not be long before American cities start burning and we wake up in a police state. The economy of America will go into further decline and before long the United States will no longer be united.

Some think this will happen because Americans have rejected God. That may be the reason why God will remove the special hedge of protection we have had but all nations on earth have rejected the true God and most remain as viable nations.… continue reading

A terminally insane world suggests realistic Christian expectations.

For two-hundred-thirty-four years the American people had largely been living in a bubble of sanity in a world that is terminally insane. Those that are still sane in America tend to think the world should want the Christian ethics and morality that America was founded on. The foundational truths of Christianity made America the most sane and prosperous nation on earth. But, even in the history of America we see times when the sanity bubble collapsed and insanity reigned in those living according to the flesh. It now looks like we have entered the terminal period of insanity for our nation, all world empires do, when they no longer fear God and people are allowed to prey on the innocent.… continue reading