Would Christian repentance in America heal the land or would national repentance be required?

This article really should be two articles but since the topics relate to the same problem of repentance in America I will try to integrate them. The question is, would Christian repentance in America heal the land or will national repentance be required to heal the land? Too often I hear teachers and preachers say that if Christians will humble themselves and pray God will heal our nation. Is that really true? We will look at this presumption later but first I want to deal with a related issue.

Often you will hear the slogan that “We must take America back” It sounds good but who do “we” take America back from and to whom do we give America to?… continue reading

Views from Christians that lack a Christian worldview

One of the problems I encounter in the comments on my blogs and in emails are views from Christians that lack a Christian worldview. Often their views originate from world philosophies, ideologies, theologies or human taught sociocultural suppositions rather than the clear teachings of the scriptures. That leads me to believe that these Christians do not know or understand the Christian scriptures and that they are more likely influenced by the world than influencing the world for Christ.

Barma Group – a respected Christian research firm, asked certain questions in a survey to determine how many Americans had Christian worldviews.  They asked the following questions:

  • Do absolute moral truths exist?
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Audacity to commit high crimes and misdemeanors through unconstitutional actions!

This administration has the audacity to blatantly commit high crimes and misdemeanors as if they are above the constitutional law of our land. They think that the American people are too stupid or too apathetic to do anything about it. They are in for a rude awaking when the inevitable backlash comes.

When enough people in this country catch on that criminals have been running this nation for quite some time there will be real change. The Tea Party is just the start of this “fed up with government” movement.  The latest batch of criminals in Washington seem hell bent on destroying this nation as fast as they can.… continue reading

Islam and the Far Left have fascism and hatred of Jews and Christians in common

Many in Islam and the Far left have fascism and hatred of Jews and Christians in common. You might wonder how that might be, since some of the top leaders of the Far Left are Jews.  Ever heard of Judas? There seems to be a  Judas tribe among the Jews. I think this was foretold in a Bible prophecy about the tribe of Dan.

Gen 49:17  Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

I am not saying that all self hating Jews are all physical descendants of Dan but I may be saying that Dan represents a segment of Jews that led Israel to reject their own God given heritage as a called out nation.continue reading

Onward de-sissified Christians soldiers marching off to war singing Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the far left radicals have to go.

After You read this article you will simply know why I had to post it. I did not want to steal all of Coach Dave Daubenmire’s words here so you will have to read the full article to get the full impact of the new offensive line that he proposes. Too bad my home team, the Buffalo Bills, don’t get it, or most sissified Christians for that matter. Its time for Christians to march on all the left leaning houses in the land singing Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the far left radicals have to go!

  • De-sissified Christians should be more like a Fox when it comes to presenting the good news.
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The New American National Pastime: Telling and Believing Lies.

Not too long ago the American pastime was baseball and more recently football but it seems to me that the real American pastime today has become telling and believing lies. lying is a national movement contaminating all sectors of our society. Telling and believing lies is the infallible rule for living in national politics, the scientific community, our educational system, national media, business, and even in religion. It seems most everyone either wants to believe lies or they are deceptive themselves. There seems to be a codependency between liars and their receptive enablers in America.

Our government representatives peddle lies one after another.… continue reading

If you do not follow these ten societal principles you reap the consequences

Here is an Article on God’s ten societal principles that says it all.

The Ten Leading Societal Principles

Dr. David M. Berman www.wakeupandsmellthetruth.com

What has happened to our great country can be traced directly to ten leading principles. There is no way around the fact that these ten indicators tell the story of our nation’s prosperity or impoverishment. When I speak of prosperity and impoverishment, I am not simply speaking of financial status. I am speaking in the broader sense concerning conditions of life, culture, relationships, community, crime, moral values, and finances. These ten indicators express the narrative of our present condition.

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Pastors, if you enable tyranny, after the second American Revolution you may be found guilty of treason, even if you use Romans 13 as your excuse.

If you are one of those pastors who willfully allow yourself to be used as an agent by some hypothetical tyrannical government to enable an illegal government to carry out their tyranny against the American people you will be guilty of treason. If you take part in the subversion of the rights guaranteed to Americans under the second Amendment to our Constitution or any of the other rights guaranteed by our Constitution given to us for the protection of “We the People” of the United States of America from such tyranny, you might rightfully be tried for treason during or after the second American Revolution.continue reading

Freely honoring our men of valor on this Memorial Day

Did our men of valor die for a people who would freely allow our nation to fall into total moral decay? Did those we honor today die so we would freely become slaves to our own federal government bureaucrats? Or did they die so that you and I could have the freedoms expressed in our Constitution? Did our fallen heroes die defending the United States and its Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic? Or did these good men die in vain because the people of America freely choose to elect politicians that subvert our Constitution, rob those who work, tell our enemies how wrong America has been and lie to us by saying people that hate America really want peace while they continue to plan for our destruction?… continue reading

The negative influence on America from the social and economic perversions of John Maynard Keynes

The hard left that has hijacked America with flattering lips and lies is now following the economic ideas and even the social beliefs taught by the atheist pervert named John Maynard Keynes. So you really ought to know something about what Keynes taught and believed and where those following Keynesism will take America.

Keynes opposed the free economic system and his views helped form the ideas of the Nazi and Marxist socialist systems. His views today are held by Fabian socialists that now control the Democratic Party of our nation. People who believe in Fabian socialist Keynesism control many of our universities, national media, foundations, and government bureaucracies.… continue reading

Slave ship planet earth.

This is a very good article that compares past slavery with the enslavement that people now choose when they submit to being slaves of Big Brother socialism.

We can have a free nation or we can have a slave nation. We cannot have both. All who take the path to socialism always end up being slaves of elitists and control freaks in the state.

This article also points out that those who choose a slave nation cannot coexist with freemen. America is now dividing on this issue and it will continue to divide on this issue until the nation is either free or enslaved.… continue reading

The good ole Joe Sheriffs of Arizona: Sheriff Joe Richards and Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Some of the good ole Joe county sheriff’s of Arizona actually believe in carrying out their constitutional mandate. These sheriffs are not figureheads as they are in some states where law enforcement is mainly done by the cities and the State police. The counties of Arizona are some of the largest counties in the nations.

I actually personally knew the Sheriff of Coconino County Arizona for a short period of time. His name is Sheriff Joe Richards (recently retired).

I met Joe Richards when I attended a home church group that he led when I was going to college at NAU for a year.… continue reading

Runner-up to Miss USA vanity contest says God was testing her faith with gay marriage question?

I bring this runner-up Miss USA issue to your attention since it is the number one story on Fox news right now and it shows a strange mindset among Christians in the United States. I have to wonder about the Christian reasoning of Carrie Prejean. She thinks God was testing her faith by her being asked a question about gay marriage? First of all Miss Prejean, did you really pass the test of faith when you entered these vanity contests and paraded around in skimpy bathing suits for all the nation? Does the Bible imply that women should display themselves this way?… continue reading

Fallen Angels and Demons are behind Dan Brown’s book and Ron Howard’s occult movie.

Dan Brown, Christopher Hitchens and Ron Howard (of Happy Days are here again) have teamed up once again on their continuing agenda to attack Christianity through presenting demonic half truths and outright lies in their books and movies.

Angels and Demons” is a book and a movie designed to mislead our postmodern generation that is dumbed down on history and on Christianity.

Hitler and his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels basically said if big lies are told often enough people will come to believe them. Satan was a liar from the beginning and he continues to tell big lies through people who love his lying message.… continue reading

Marxism and Fascism is coming to America

I was going to write an article about where the radical left is taking this nation but Paul Walter came out with this article that I quoted that says most of what I wanted to say. Paul Walter was in the Communism system so he knows what he is talking about. Marxism and Fascism is coming to America

Lets see what Obama and the demoncrates already achieved

In just the first 50 days the Obama’s administration has turned this nation into a socialist flunky of the elitist run United Nations.

Obama proposes unlimited abortion and supports taxpayer funding of abortion here and abroad and will now allow aborted babies to be used for stem cell research.… continue reading

The Christian conservative counterrevolution to take back America from the radicals must start today

The article by Dave Daubenmire is full of truth and Christian people need to start paying attention. We have had a coup in America  and socialist communists are now in almost total control.

For decades the apathetic people of the United States allowed the educational system to become dominated by evolutionists, atheists, feminists, perverts and socialists. In other words, all who are in rebellion against the God of the Bible, and those who see the United States as the enemy of their idealist humanist global world order. The one thing that unites the Far Left and Islam is  hate against America

While most in America were sleeping over the decades they became well organized and promoted their own.… continue reading

Chuck Baldwin claims that Christians use Bible prophecy as an excuse to be lazy.

Boy do I have mixed feeling about this article by Chuck Baldwin because it is just chock full of truth spun with some of his usual crap. Please read the full article and not just what I clipped so you can follow what I am about to say about Baldwin’s views.

First, I do not like his title although there may be some in truth in it. However, my definition of a lazy Christians is not Chuck Baldwin’s definition. To me lazy Christians are those will will not read the word, take the time to fellowship with God, or with other Christians and do little if any work for Christ on earth.… continue reading

Blacks can be Christians but Christians cannot be black hypocrites.

Many “black Christians” have chosen their Obamanation. I read that 97 percent of blacks voted for this abortionist.

We voted for him because the world is full of poor children who need food, they say! While the wolf enacts executive orders to kill off their next generation.

I have news for these “black Christians”. There is no skin color in the Body of Christ. Choose this day whom you will serve. Will you serve God or people with a tan that display the spirit of anti-Christ in their policies? Blacks can be Christians but Christians cannot be black hypocrites.

Dave Daubenmire — More Black Than Christian

The history of black Americans is one of deep abiding faith and perseverance through generations of oppression.

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Day one and already the obama-nation begins

On day one of his presidency the White house announces their demented agenda for destruction of the family, the moral foundation of our nation, the end of free religious expression, the devastation of our military, and supporting a culture of disease and early death.

They certainly are not wasting any time pushing their godless agenda to turn America into Sodom and Gomorrah. I simply do not understand how some Christians actually think that the God of the Bible will work good through the evils of an Obama administration.

Obama Administration Has Hate Crime Agenda on Website Within Hours of President Obama Taking Oath

# Expand Hate Crimes Statutes:

# Fight Workplace Discrimination: President Obama supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and believes that our anti-discrimination employment laws should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

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Obeying evil rulers may not be obeying God

If the democrats go through with much of their national agenda they will undoubtedly be the most evil administration in the history of this nation. So should we Christians say God appoints rulers and therefore not fight against the evils of this administration? God forbid! Obeying evil rulers may not be obeying God.

Joe Farah explains the wrong headed thinking of those who blindly follow the leader in this article. The Bible does not tell us to obey evil rulers in spite of what some Christians teach. Also check out this other article on another possible meaning of Romans 13

Pray Obama fails

Many a coward has been bolstered in his conviction against challenging tyranny by not reading too deeply into the Scriptures.

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