Don Koenig’s world trends forecast for 2010-2020 AD

Things are getting pretty crazy out there to say the least so I think I will give you my world trends forecast for 2010-2020 AD. I think the next decade will be the most violent decade since the days of Noah. The only decade that will exceed it in violence will be decade of Jacob’s trouble which will probably begin sometime in the 20’s. Here is a glimpse of some of the things I think we can expect in 2010-2020. I am not a prophet.  They certainly do not have to occur just because I think they might. They are not in any specific sequence.continue reading

Marxism and Fascism is coming to America

I was going to write an article about where the radical left is taking this nation but Paul Walter came out with this article that I quoted that says most of what I wanted to say. Paul Walter was in the Communism system so he knows what he is talking about. Marxism and Fascism is coming to America

Lets see what Obama and the demoncrates already achieved

In just the first 50 days the Obama’s administration has turned this nation into a socialist flunky of the elitist run United Nations.

Obama proposes unlimited abortion and supports taxpayer funding of abortion here and abroad and will now allow aborted babies to be used for stem cell research.… continue reading

Russia takes steps to begin liquidation of many religions, Christian denominations, and mission groups including World Vision and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

This is the kind of religious freedom you get in Russia under Putin’s fascism. The religions get liquidated if they do not file annual reports on activities and it seems that they still get liquidated if they do file annual reports of activity and the State and the Russian Orthodox church does not like the religious activities. Basically, this means that all religion outside of the Russian Orthodox Church will not be allowed to exist in Russia. Even if this is just a scare tactic as some imply, what makes anyone think this liquidation will not eventually take place under Putin?… continue reading

If you have read my posts and vote for Obama you have nobody but yourself to blame for the coming American nightmare

If you have been reading my posts do not ever tell me you had no idea the disaster that Obama would bring on this nation. You have been clearly told by myself and many other authors what Obama stands for.

  • If you vote for Obama tomorrow and vote in the far left path to poverty you have nobody but yourself to blame.
  • If you vote for Obama and you and your children become enslaved by programs of big brother social engineers you have nobody but yourself to blame.
  • If you vote for Obama and find yourself in a defenseless nation losing to terrorism and drug dealer because the democrats have decimated and handcuffed our military and border police you have nobody but yourself to blame.
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Three demonically inspired worldviews merge to oppose the Christian worldview

Brannon House gives a very good explanation of how three different demonically inspired worldviews have merged to create what he calls “One-World Spirituality”. After you read this article you will have a much better understanding of where Oprah, Obama, Al Gore,Tolle are leading the world via the lies from Media, Educational systems, Radical Environmentalism, Emergent Church, WCC, CFR, UN etc.

Over half of America now is under the influence of this new worldview and that includes most of those who call themselves Christians. All of the three worldviews are incompatible with Christianity and when combined they are not only hostile toward Bible believers they also have the power to carry out hostility and persecution on those who oppose them.… continue reading

The American Christian of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015AD under an Obama administration

The Focus on the Family Letter by the fictional Christian of 2012 AD if anything is understating what will actually happen in the U.S. and the world if the Far Left controls all three branches of government and the media. If the Far Left then hinders opposition and free speech and thus fixes the election of 2012AD as we know they will attempt to do, then by 2013 AD that fictional Christian will be living in a leftist fascist state that persecutes anyone expressing what is not politically correct and in 2014-2015AD if he survives the revolution and secession of 2014AD he will be living in the Confederation of Free Sovereign States of America (CFSSA).… continue reading

The Audacious Evil of the Far Left.

The Audacious Evil of the Far Left.
by Don Koenig 2008
The Far Left has already taken over the Democratic Party of the U.S. They also control the educational systems of America and they control the major media and most major multinational corporations. In addition, they control the dependents created by the welfare system.  During the next election they plan to get control of the few remaining areas in this nation that they do not already control. Those areas among others are the Presidency, the Supreme Court, the Internet, talk radio and the evangelical religious systems of America.
If they get the Presidency they also get the courts and when the President signs hate speech laws they get control over the evangelical religious systems, the internet and talk radio.
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America will become like Sodom and Gomorrah if Christians do nothing

What Janet says in this article and her book is going to come to pass if “Christians” do not stop the anti Christian hate speech agenda. Those who love their sins will criminalize anything in Christianity that offends them. If you help elect Obama with his support of hate speech and thought-crime agendas and his stand that is contrary to the Bible on many issues you will have brought it on yourself. Also, if you elect that Liberal to the house or the Senate you will have brought it on yourself.

You can say we are working class, blacks, Catholics etc and we always voted democrat but you had better wake up and realize that this is no longer the party of your daddy.… continue reading

Brazilian law would totally outlaw anyone saying homosexual acts are sinful, disordered or an illness.

If you think there is not a threat to Christianity coming in the U.S. look at the bill the Brazilian Senate is considering. It already passed their house without debate. The homosexual perverts not only spread diseases of the body they apparently spread disease of the mind. And here I thought this country was 73 percent Catholic. Does Catholicism have any real moral influence anywhere in the world or is the whole religious act of Catholics just a show?

Brazilian law would prohibit Christian teaching on homosexuality

Rio de Janeiro, Jul 15, 2008 / 01:36 pm (CNA).- The Brazilian Senate is considering a bill approved unanimously and without debate by the country’s House of Representatives that aims to promote homosexuality and prohibit Christian teaching on the issue, under the guise of combating discriminatio

he bill would also impose prison sentences on any kind of moral, ethical, philosophical or psychological expression that questions homosexual practices.

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Christianity progressing to enable postmodern inquisitions.

Peter Jones has it right in this article. Pseudo Christianity will again be going to war again against those true Christians who actually believe the Bible. When the youth of those going to the churches of today grow up (many of them already have) will those four percent that still believe the Bible actually be tolerated by Christianity? Of course not. Pseudo Christianity has persecuted the Church before in history and it will do it again. Christianity is now progressing to enable the coming postmodern inquisitions.

The persecution at the fifth seal of Revelation comes from the religious Harlot not the Antichrist because at this point he has not even arrived on the scene.… continue reading

The government is already setting up informant networks that could enforce government tyranny

The government is already setting up informant networks that may enforce government tyranny. It all starts with the best of intentions but that is not the way it ends up. Soon your nation has become like Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s USSR. Where a small percent of informers are paid to keep watch on everyone else. Then the social engineers pass hate speech laws and the informers report people who espouse extremist beliefs like the second coming of Jesus Christ. They will become subversives, and all who quote certain parts of the Bible will become hate speech criminals. It is happening in China and North Korea.… continue reading

Colorado and California are a preview of a coming national agenda to censor Christians.

Just wait a couple of years until what they are doing in Colorado and California becomes national laws. Think not? Give Democrats complete control of all branches of government and I assure you national hate speak laws and school and corporate sex indoctrination laws will be passed and enforced.

Just look at the recent vote on the second amendment to the Constitution. Any idiot can read that it forbids the disarming of the people. Yet four of nine Supreme Court Judges did not see it that way. All of them were Liberals and these four always vote against any literal interpretation of our constitution.… continue reading

Colorado’s Criminalization of Christian speech

Yep, right here in the good old USA in once conservative Christian Colorado they have criminalized Christianity. I think it is time to get the tar and feathers ready. Some politicians and special interest groups in the U.S. are simply going to have to be dealt with or it will continue to spread across the land like the plague. If you want to know how serious this is just read the last sentence of this section in the law. If they do not even desire what you said you can be arrested.

Go ahead: Arrest me

Censorship. Book burning. The Criminalization of Christianity.

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Will George Bush also convert to Catholicism?

I do not doubt that Bush will convert to Catholicism. There is not a whole lot of difference between Episcopalian Theology and Catholic Theology anyway. Bush by his previous statements also makes it quite clear that he really thinks that all religions worship the same God. So, Bush really does not have understanding of the biblical statement that says that no one comes to the Father accept through Jesus.

I think Bible believing Christians need to realize that George Bush and most of those around him really have religion not biblical Christianity. George Bush believes in globalism and a pluralist world religion just like Tony Blair.… continue reading

Canadian Christian pastor fined and censored for speaking against sin.

What is now in Canada will be coming here during the next administration when the Left passes their hate speech laws. Pastors and Christians will be fined, and ministries and websites will be shut down just for taking biblical positions against blatant amorality.

So then it will come down to do we obey ungodly government laws ramrodded into law by the godless perverted far left or do we obey God and continue to teach the truth in love. If Christians obey God instead of man, persecution is coming to America much sooner then you might think and so will the civil backlash from those in America who believe in trying to maintain moral codes in their communities.… continue reading

Canada and Europe already have tribunals to prosecute Christians speech and it will be coming here soon thanks to you.

People are already being charged with hate crimes in Canada and Europe for just expressing their Christian beliefs and what the Bible says. In the next administration in the U.S. you can be sure they will pass similar hate crimes legislation here. You also can be sure that there will be many pervert groups and Islamic groups on witch hunts to find people to target under the new laws. Then many “Christians” in this nation can be so proud that they did nothing and ignorantly voted for politicians who will nullify the Bill of Rights.

Canada and Europe already have bureaucratic tribunals to prosecute Christian speech and it will soon be coming here thanks to many of you.… continue reading

Trends toward a tyrannical new world order

One of the main problems in the world today is that once the tyrants and control freaks get in power there is no way to get them out of power. They have all the weapons and they pay the police forces. So with that in mind, tyranny is going to increase on earth. The tyrants already rule over at least one third of the population of the earth and tyranny in most of the other two thirds is under development.

When you disarm a nation you also make its citizens defenseless against the tyrants in government that will eventually arise. We should learn that lesson well.… continue reading

Pastors need to stop being bullied by unconstitutional IRS censorship rules

Its about time that some national organization stood up against the unconstitutional decrees of the IRS. If the IRS wants to go to court on this issue lets go at it. The IRS will lose. The fact that no one has ever lost tax-exempt status for what they preached from the pulpit is evidence that they do not want a court fight. They would just rather bully everyone into compliance. It is time that this self censorship by Christians stopped and now you have a national organization that will defend you if the IRS revokes your tax-exempt status.

Pastors called to defy IRS censorship rules

Christian pastors should stop censoring themselves in fear of an “unconstitutional” 1954 provision in the IRS code that has threatened to eliminate their church tax-exempt status if they speak out against positions held by political candidates, urges a leading legal alliance.

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The New Age plan to kill Christians and Jews for the sake of the world community.

Make no mistake about it Oprah and Tolle are setting the foundation for the coming persecution of true believers in Jesus Christ and Jehovah. Their satanic religion promotes the removing of all those who will not become part of the One universal consciousness. They will intend to kill us for the sake of their satanically inspired community and think they will be doing us and the world community a favor by doing so.

This teaching is not new. It has always been the teaching of New Age for many decades. Tolle and Oprah have just used their influence to popularize it under a new cover.… continue reading

The FLDS yearning for.. government kidnapping

Vox Day speaks up on the kidnapping of the children at the YFZ ranch in Texas. I think what he says makes some good points that I have not brought up in my prior posts on this raid.

Kidnapped by government

How you raise your children is between you and God alone. It is not a matter for the state or anyone else; it never has been. As this mass kidnapping of FLDS children and incredible violation of due process will almost surely demonstrate over time, government is a ruthless and power-maddened institution that is the very last one capable of serving the interests of the children.

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